Dr. White's Code of Sluts Ch. 02 Pt. 04


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Kendall spent the rest of the week in town, stealing every free moment she could from the married man. She wanted him to start getting used to them spending time together. Of course, that meant a lot of fucking... lots and lots of fucking... but also more normal things. Nights on the town, going out to dinner, things that would make them feel like a real couple. And they were becoming just that. They caught some stares, not only because of their 20-year age difference, but because she was quite attention grabbing, often wearing very short skirts that left her very long legs bare, and tops that were exceedingly low-cut, showing off her massive round fake tits without shame. In the office, she held herself back in front of others, but here she was her true self. Her slutty, hot-bodied self. People looked at Jake judgmentally, like a man only into a certain kind of woman, but he was too distracted by Kendall to care. She was teaching him an important lesson by making him take her out to all these fancy dinners, namely that sluts should get treated better than wives. And he was doing just that, spoiling Kendall in a way he'd never done with Nancy, not only with meals but with gifts, treating her like a goddess.

If their first encounter had started the addiction to her, he was only getting further under her spell. He'd told himself he'd done it with her a second time only to give him more time to figure out how to end things... after fucking a few times, ending this affair was the last thing on his mind. He'd fucked himself into full-out addiction to her hot body, and he couldn't stop himself from indulging in it as often as he could. By the time she flew home, they were officially a couple, and neither could deny it.

They met as often as they could. She'd fly down to him as often as possible. Stacy was happy to allow it, arranging it under the guise of meeting a client so the company would foot the bill. He'd sometimes fly up to meet her, spending a weekend at her place. But mostly, it was her going downstate to meet him. Mostly at the hotel, sometimes at his house, sometimes in other places.

They really did become a couple, going out together in public, always being around each other, him even bringing her to the beach to meet his surfing friends. They gave her slightly weary looks for obvious reasons, nervous about this outsider, this 'friend' of their married buddy who was clearly hooking up with him. But Kendall could be pretty charming, slowly winning them over. All but Kailani, who clearly burned with jealousy, knowing that Kendall had taken what she wanted. But these feelings were quickly cooled as even Kailani was slowly won over by the charismatic slut. Since both Jake and his wife worked on their anniversary, Kendall cooked him up a special anniversary present, a spicy three-way with him, her and Kailani in her hotel room, his wife not involved in the slightest with this anniversary encounter, which just felt proper. After that, Kailani and Kendall were on very good terms, with the young surfer looking up to her new friend almost as an older sister.

It wasn't long before where people Jake knew saw him and Kendall in public. She'd often visit him at work. The rumor had indeed gotten out about them in the office, and just as she predicted, his employees gave him a strange look of pride that this chronic rule-follower had finally given in to the same desires everyone had. And hooking up with the sexual harassment presenter... that was a damn impressive pull, for sure.

A few months in, word eventually got to his wife. And when she went home to confront him, she caught her husband and Kendall in the act, going at it like crazy, a sweaty tangle of limbs, the sight of which officially put a stake through the heart of their marriage, a relationship that had existed since they were in high school. The sight of Jake's hands on the brunette slut's massive wobbling tits was a sight that would stay in the gifted surgeon's mind for the rest of her life. But by this point, Jake was too far gone in the throes of addiction to his new drug to slow down, that drug being Kendall's hot body. Kendall was fun and lively and exciting... Nancy was simply old and boring. Before Jake noticed his wife watching, Kendall made him say just that, and much more, knowing it would leave his accomplished wife an empty husk. In that moment, Kendall wanted Nancy to know that even with all that success, all that talent, all that work she did saving lives and making the world a better place, she was still a loser at the end of the day. None of that mattered because she was old and boring and ugly had a flat chest. Those years of love and marriage didn't really end up mattering compared to what Kendall could offer him. Nancy had been replaced, and there was no chance of winning her now former husband back.

A man as good with money as Jake was never losing the divorce. Even though both him and his wife had extremely well-paying jobs, he won more than his fair share in the end of marriage litigation. From there, him and Kendall were off to the races, married within weeks, living together within a month. Kendall was long pregnant by this point, pregnant with Jake's first son, conceived in their very first encounter, so all this was a matter of time once the ball started rolling. But still, once everything was official, Kendall had to pinch herself. It didn't feel real. It didn't seem possible. But her dreams had all come true. She had landed the man of her dreams, and he was hers for good.

And it was unquestionably all thanks to Dr. White.


Kendall and Dr. White had been in lockstep throughout this whole process. The Kendall case truly was one of the foundational cases of her career, and even in the moment she could sense this, giving it as much of her focus and attention as possible, even as she managed all her other work. Not only did this case provide good additions to the Code, namely emphasizing the importance of timing, location, and patience in the art of seduction, but it provided a blueprint to follow for how to go about matching up two people. The Kendall case, intertwined with the Stacy and Lizzy project that preceded it... it all combined to become one of her most pivotal projects in terms of comparing what came before and what came after.

But what came after was a story for another time.

Kendall probably didn't realize that she was being analyzed by the doctor throughout this whole process, or if she did, she didn't particularly care. Dr. White kept extensive notes on Kendall herself, observing her throughout this journey, keeping a file on her. Kendall might not have been particularly pumped about this fact, as throughout the months they worked together, they became really good friends, and one friend keeping a file of detailed notes about the other might seem like an invasion. But Dr. White was a scientist, and very detailed notes were necessary. And it wasn't just Kendall, she had notes on Stacy, and Gina, and all the other women who'd benefitted from her interference. It was nothing particularly bad. Mostly just case notes and observations. But Kendall probably thought the job was done when she married Jake, and that was not the case.

Dr. White had observed the change in Kendall's demeanor throughout this whole process, from before the seduction to after, to when she married Jake and beyond. At first, Kendall was icy and somewhat distant, as if her thoughts were elsewhere even as she paid complete attention to the job at hand. And plus, especially at the very start, she was very skeptical of what Dr. White could do. But as this went on, and her and Jake finally started hooking up, she was... effervescent. Full of life. Happy. Dr. White was pleased to give that happiness to her. Enabling a woman to land her dream man should certainly improve her mood, and that was certainly the case here. They had become very good friends as this whole thing went on, Kendall being the first woman to fully understand what Dr. White was doing behind closed doors. She'd proven herself to be a sister-in-arms to the doctor, and she became effusive in her praise of Dr. White as her plans kept paying off like gangbusters. It was to the point that by the time the job was done, and Kendall was paired off with Jake, Kendall happily doubled the total fee she was paying the doctor as a thank you. Dr. White appreciated the gesture, even if she knew this additional money was no doubt coming from Jake's bank account, which her statuesque new friend now had access too.

Jake was a very rich man, which meant that with Kendall and him married, she didn't really need to work anymore. She eagerly left her job and took her place on his arm, a true trophy wife, opting to waste her high-end education and true talent in finance in order to be her new husband's full-time slut. Stacy had had Kendall earmarked to take her place as the head of the local office of Harper Finance were she to get promoted, which had indeed happened about a month ago, Stacy joining the board and getting a huge pay increase. So, in lieu of Kendall getting Stacy's old job, they ended up giving Stacy's job to Ellen, the older woman who'd been there for years. The one who Stacy had humiliated and verbally abused into outright, unflinching loyalty. Ellen was cautiously happy to hear this, but that didn't last long, as not only would she still answer to Stacy and have to deal with her brutal treatment all the time, but Marley was promoted to be her number two over far more qualified candidates. Stacy put in the good word to the board that Marley was a star in the making, championing her. And while she was too inexperienced to get the head job, Stacy convinced the board that she was someone to invest in, even to the degree of Marley getting paid more than Ellen for a lesser job. And Marley had taken to Stacy's lessons like a fish to water, the once sweet young woman quickly gaining confidence and experience and slowly becoming a mini tyrant in Stacy's mold. This meant that the supposed boss Ellen would be dealing with these two confident domineering women on a daily basis, meaning this promotion of hers was only sending her to a cage of constant bullying and bratty, rough treatment. Stacy and Kendall both knew that was the proper way to motivate Ellen, which is why both knew the branch would keep up their record numbers even once Stacy and Kendall left.

Dr. White was a bit sad to see her move down state, but it was for the best. And besides, she wasn't that far away, and they still talked all the time. And plus... Dr. White had her ways to keep her eye on Kendall, namely social media.

Kendall wasn't shy about flaunting her new life, showing off the intense wealth and luxury she now lived in, posting pictures of her and Jake without shame. She knew there was no point to holding anything back, since most of the people who'd be seeing these pictures were well aware of the nature of their relationship, and that Jake had been recently married. But judging by the comments on these posts, people didn't seem to be terribly offended at seeing this handsome older man, this former paragon of virtue, paired off with a much younger woman with massive fake tits. It certainly didn't hurt that most of these pictures showed off this final fact very well. And that they were so undeniably perfect that no one could really hold it against him. Even as she got more and more noticeably pregnant, and she still posted photos showing A LOT of skin, the response was universally positive. It may be wrong, but with how good Kendall looked, no one was blaming him for leaving his wife for her.

Most interestingly of all, not even his daughters seemed to mind having a hot young stepmom. Kendall always said that she got along well with Jake's daughters. And she was proven accurate... as both Deandra and Porsche seemed unbothered by this new development, and if anything, slightly excited about it. The girls still appeared to have a good enough relationship with their mom after this whole thing, even as Nancy moved out of the area, judging by some photos they posted. But frankly, photos of them with their mom were scant, as it seemed both of the girls had taken their father's side of the divorce. While that seemed like a somewhat shocking choice to make given the circumstances, it seemed like if any woman would break up their parents' marriage, they were glad it was Kendall. The beautiful young women were in a lot of pictures Kendall posted, as they seemed to quickly resume their friendship in a whole new way, with Kendall acting both as a stepmom and a pseudo-older sister.

This was fully evidenced by one specific picture Kendall posted, of her, Jake, and his two daughters, taken after some event, with them all dressed up nice... the two young women following their new stepmom's lead in wearing very low-cut, cleavage showcasing tops. And in the photo, Kendall captioned it... "Jake and three women who call him 'Daddy' for VERY different reasons..." And if the girls were offended by this joke, they didn't show it, liking the comment and commenting with laughter.

It was clear Kendall and the two young women had gotten very close. What pictures the two young women did have with their mom came across very formal and conservative and reserved, with the girls smiling politely. With their new step-mom, you could tell they savored the opportunity to really cut loose and follow in Kendall's footsteps, often showing far more skin and being way more excited about it than anything they could do with their actual mother. It was as if these two young women needed a cool, hot step-mom with massive boobs to mentor them so that they could reach their full potential. As if a switch was flipped, you could just sense a shift from Jake's daughters now that they Kendall back in their lives instead of Nancy. While before, they were so intensely beautiful that it would be hard for these two to avoid being filled to the brim with self-confidence, having Kendall's added guidance put it over the top, gaining an added level of confidence that would spur them on to really make the world their own, to be like Kendall and get everything they ever wanted no matter what.

One other picture stood out to Dr. White that really illustrated this fact. The three women, Kendall and her two new step-daughters, Deandra and Porsche, standing together poolside at their dad's house, posing together in a photo. On the left, Deandra, wearing a skimpy blue bikini that she could only rarely get away with wearing with Nancy around, now unashamedly posing for the camera, her round firm tits barely contained by the skimpy top. On the right, Porsche, the blonde wearing a neon yellow bikini that was just as skimpy as her younger sisters', showing off her equally impressive body. And in the middle, Kendall, standing taller than the both of them, her stacked body on display in a black thong bikini that was even skimpier than what the young women were wearing. She had her arms around her new step-daughters, and in that moment, standing in the blazing sun, every exposed bit of skin shiny with moisture from the pool, she looked more like these girls' mom than their actual mother ever did.

Dr. White wondered if Kendall would ever put the pieces together as to what the true root cause of Jake's downfall was, the kernel of desire buried deep inside him that manifested in him finally cheating on his wife with a much younger, much bustier woman after spending so many years being nothing but loyal. Why he responded so profoundly to being called 'Daddy'... and why suddenly very large breasts appealed to him. Perhaps she'd figure it out someday. But Dr. White held that fact back from her, not knowing what her taste would be to that level of wickedness. And Jake probably didn't even fully understand it himself, and would no doubt reject even the suggestion of anything like that, which is why Dr. White held back from sharing that secret. It would only get in the way. She'd surmised it during her trip down to observe him, and while she couldn't say for certain she was right, she certainly suspected she was.

It would certainly make sense. Dr. White suspected that, even if Kendall had her massive, perfect fake tits back then when she first tried to make a play for Jake, she still would have failed to seduce him. He was at work, in professional mode, and would have his guard up. Plus, and most importantly, he just wasn't in the right headspace to cheat on his wife. Not yet. It was only in the intervening years, as the older man had to endure being in very close proximity to some very large perfect breasts every single day of his life, that he got worn down. It was in those intervening years that his defenses got worn down and the seed of desire got planted, and that, combined with a love-filled but increasingly passionless marriage, is what left him vulnerable to seduction. Vulnerable in a way he'd never been before. By the time Kendall sauntered back into his life sporting a pair of massive fake tits, that seed of desire finally bloomed, finally leading him to the arms of another woman.

This case was so complex, with so many different layers to it, that even thought the 'official' case was completed, the aftermath could really be fascinating to study. If she could prove that she was right, if she could glean the information she needed to confirm her hypothesis... that could really open the door for some really fun directions to explore in her study.

And that alone warranted further observation.

More specifically, Deandra, Jake's youngest daughter, a freshman in college, the one who bore a striking resemblance to his new bride, which certainly played NO part in her father's eventual downfall... Kendall mentioned to Dr. White that she was looking to become a therapist, a fact which stuck in the doctor's mind even as the brunt of the case was behind her. This could be the way to gain further knowledge about the dynamics at play, but there was more to it than that. So much more. She remembered the confidence and worldliness the young woman showed when she was observing her... And based on her reactions to her father's affair, she was certainly more on the Kendall side of the equation than her mother's. And as this arm of Dr. White's job grew, more cases like this, cases that would require observation and travel, would come up. Cases that required a certain kind of special wicked mind to crack. If her work grew in the way she expected, there would very quickly be too much on Dr. White's plate to shoulder it all. So... perhaps this was an opportunity.

Maybe Dr. White should offer Deandra an internship?


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AmbulAmbul7 months ago

I too would love to read about Jake's daughters Deandra and Porsche and their "daddy."

AmbulAmbul7 months ago

Awesome and incredibly erotic. It is the best big-tit story I have read, where huge tits really are on center stage all the time. Brilliantly written.

clutterbuck52clutterbuck5211 months ago

Like everything I've read from this author, the Dr. White saga is an incredibly hot story! Loved that all the cases were so different.

And will there be more chapters? At least one about Jake's daughters, and his reaction to the word "daddy" ...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

As per a few comments there is an editing error. On page 7, when Kendall meets Jake in his office a second time, he is referred to in error as Ryan on one occasion:

His eyes went straight to that smooth cleavage between her massive full orbs, letting his gaze stay there far beyond what could be considered proper. Ryan shook his head clear as he shut the door behind him.

Brilliant story and ending

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

one place you mention ryan in placecof jake

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