Dragon Clans Bk. 01 Pt. 15


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"No, you have all the particulars, just be sure you grab her in a deserted spot, we wouldn't want any...undue attention," Nicholas said smiling as Dimitri left the room.

'Undue attention,' Dimitri thought, 'fuck, would have preferred the locals as opposed to Dragon.'

It had started out an easy job, two teams, loose tail, close in. She had to get brave, flip the car, oh well still not a big deal, then the other two showed up. Dimitri had left quickly, no need to get caught up in the dirty work. He stopped about a kilometer away, watching the scene unfold.

"FUCK!" he spat as he watched three of his team drop to the ground; it wasn't supposed to go this way. Then his remaining men opened fire and it went down hill from there. There was a glimmer of hope when he saw Vasily move into position behind the three, he watched as he gunned down the man and then his heart dropped. A black lynx with the red dragon logo of Dragon Security crested the rise and Vasily dropped to the ground. Dimitri got back in his car and headed for London.

"You should have mentioned that Dragon Security was involved in this you fucker!" Dimitri yelled into the phone.

"Calm down Dimitri, I don't know what you mean, now tell me what happened," Nicholas said, not happy with the way the conversation was starting out.

"What happened, what happened, I'll tell you what happened, six of my men are dead. Almost at the moment we try to grab the girl two people show up and my men start dying, just when I think the situation may be salvageable a fucking Dragon Security helicopter pops up over the hill and kills my last man, what the fuck have you gotten myself...and Mr. Maykov involved in Nicholas?" Dimitri asked as he pressed the accelerator of the big Mercedes a bit harder.

Nicholas was quiet for a moment, it was suppose to be simple, yes he had intended to hurt Ian by taking Valerie, but...being caught in the act was...something different.

"Was anyone...hurt," Nicholas asked tentatively.

"The man who showed up on the motorcycle just after the crash, Vasily sprayed him with his machine pistol before he was taken out, I doubt he lived." Dimitri told him.

"Get out of town as quickly as you can Dimitri, if the man who was killed is whom I think it was, it is going to get messy very quickly." Nicholas said and then abruptly hung up.

Dimitri went up to the middle of the plane, flopping down in one of the oversized chairs, looking around he wondered where the stewardess was, he needed a drink.

The plane started to roll and Dimitri closed his eyes, 'yes, good to get home,' he thought.


Ian and his team landed at Heathrow about twenty minutes before Dimitri. Ian had monitored the phone call between Dimitri and Nicholas and was, as you would expect, not pleased.

The crew of the Russian transport plane had been quietly "detained"; replaced with a flight crew from Dragon Security. Ian and the rest of the team were now in the cargo hold, waiting for the go signal from the pilots.

As the plane started to slowly move down the runway the call came "Alpha you are green," came the quick message through the headset. Ian and the others moved to the access panels and readied themselves.

The plane moved slowly away from the diplomatic hangars at Heathrow, Dimitri was lost in thought, about to get up and go looking for the stewardess, he needed a drink.

"Move, and you'll die just that much quicker," the deadly whisper sounded in his ear as he felt cold steel bite into his neck.

Dimitri's eyes snapped open, there were three men, one behind two in front, 'I can get out of this,' he thought fleetingly until the two men standing in front of him parted slightly and Ian came into view.

'I'm dead,' he thought as his life began to flash before his slowly closing eyes.

"Bravo this is alpha, we have the package, initiate next phase." Sims said into the microphone at his cheek.

The plane slowed to a stop before reaching the runway.

"Tower this flight RD223, we have a warning light on number two engine, we are going to taxi over to the maintenance hangars, over" the pilot said.

The response came quickly.

"Roger 223, you are clear to taxi to maintenance hangar 6, keep us updated, out," the controller said.

'It's not too outside of S.O.P.,' Cliff thought as he closed the mic and took RD223 off the big board in Heathrow's control tower. Anyway, Maggie would really appreciate the bigger diamond engagement ring he could buy with the extra 2k this one little job provided him.

Outside the hangar a maintenance crew drove up and 7 men got out and made their way to the plane, swiftly entering as the door came down.

Ian and the rest of the tactical team switched clothes with the maintenance team, taking the now drugged Dimitri out of the plane and driving off in the van.

Several hours after dark the other team quietly slipped into the shadows as flight RD223 finally taxied away from the hangar, getting clearance and taking off into the night.

The next morning's headline read, "Russian Diplomatic Flight Crashed in Inclement Weather, The search for survivors continues.


"Nicholas didn't tell me Ian, I swear, I didn't know, we never would have taken the contract had we known," Dimitri said.

He was currently tied to a chair in a hangar at Heathrow owned by one of Ian's numerous companies.

"Never the less, you did take the job, on English soil, without so much as a by your leave from either yourself or Mr. Maykov," Ian said through his tightly closed jaw.

The phone on the desk rang and Ian moved over to it, picking up the receiver, a few brief yes's and no's later he pushed a button on the phone and returned the handset to the cradle.

"Boris, Dimitri can hear you, please go ahead," Ian said, surprised that Dimitri could get any paler than he already was.

"Did Nicholas tell you that the target was...attached to Mr. Smyth?" the deeply accented and obviously angry voice said.

"NO SIR, I swear, he never said, but he knew, how could he not, and he was evasive as to where she was staying, had I known I never would have...you have to believe me!" Dimitri yelled towards the phone on the desk.

"And did you contact Dragon Security to tell them you were doing an operation in ENGLAND AS IS OUR WAY!" Boris screamed over the phone line.

"No sir...I didn't," Dimitri said, becoming a bit smaller in the chair after saying it, understanding that this was the last conversation he was likely to ever have.

"Ian," Boris started, a bit calmer but still with a noticeable tension in his voice, "please accept my apology for this fools...slight against you, Nicholas asked for a favor, he did not specify what...or...whom that favor involved. While we are not...friends...Ian, we have always followed those loose rules our kind live by. We would accept any request...within reason...you may have that would...balance the account between us." Boris finished, seething at Dimitri's foolishness and Nicholas' obvious lack of care for his family.

"We can talk about that another time Boris, as you say, we are not friends and don't agree on...well most things, but I will accept that while you were doing a...favor...for Nicholas your family did not wish to directly harm mine. I am sure we can come up with some satisfactory compensation..." Ian paused for a moment, casting a dark stare at Dimitri who immediately averted his eyes. Ian continued, "...of course that does not include Dimitri's life which of course is now...forfeit."

There was a long pause, Dimitri was a distant "cousin" of Maykov's, and his loss would cause issues, but not issues as consequential as Ian deciding that a war with Maykov would be a good idea.

"Of course. Dimitri was a valuable member of my family, but stupidity can not be tolerated, I give you his life and await your further request...good day Ian." Boris said quickly and closed the line.

Ian picked up his own phone and moved off to a corner away from the others, dialing Nigel's number.

"What is the status on Michael," Ian asked when Nigel picked up.

"He is holding on, his vitals have stabilized, his wounds are healing...well...incredibly rapidly, but he is still in a coma, the doctors are not exactly sure why, he lost a lot of blood." Nigel responded, it was hard hearing the pain in his oldest friends voice and he could not help but blame himself for some of that pain.

"And Nicholas?' Ian's voice turned to a hiss as he asked, "Where is he?"

Still at the Grovneors, though he has been out all day, our team has him heading to northern England, though most of his things are still at the Grovnors, we believe he will be back there, late tonight or tomorrow." Nigel answered.

Have two teams meet me at the Grovneors, we are on our way now,' Ian finished and closed the connection.

Turning towards Dimitri Ian's shadowed countenance was one that those in attendance would never forget, he walked from the shadows with a look of power and death that caused Dimitri to break into the wracking sobs of a person who knows that their doom...approaches.


The cavern slowly came back into view, Michael was once again lying on the cool soft moss of the little island, there was a difference in the light, it was brighter, looking around he saw that up high in the ceiling, was an opening that let in sunlight.

Sitting up he looked around again, still alone.

"Aoife, are you here," he asked as his voice echoed off the walls.

"Yes, I am here, your time is almost up Michael, we have done everything we can, your wounds were...grave," she said, her deep voice was sensual with a good bit of sorrow thrown in for good measure.

"It is fine Aoife, I made the choice, I couldn't let anything happen to them if it was in my power," Michael said, lying back down looking at the piece of sky far above.

Aoife almost laughed but didn't. It is rare that a human, even one as...unique...as Michael faced his own demise with such an easy attitude, she decided it was time to let him off the hook.

"Michael, your not going to die, it was a close thing but your body is almost healed, you will be back...where you are suppose to be soon," she said.

Michael laid there calmly, watching the sky, it took a few moments before he answered her, "I am glad Aoife, I look forward to actually meeting you and, I need to have a talk with Tera and Valerie...I don't know how I am going to choose, I don't want either of them hurt," he finished as the cavern began to gray again, only this time he seemed to be rising, gently floating up towards the bright sky above.

"I am sure everything will be...just as it is suppose to be Michael, get some rest you have had a very long day," Aoife said as he felt her consciousness slip from his and his world fell into a warm comforting darkness.


"Please don't cry anymore," Michael said. His eyes had opened a moment ago, 'another hospital room, seeing too many of these lately,' he thought.

Looking around he saw Valerie curled up on the bed next to his, could hear her soft sobbing, the sound broke his heart.

Valerie heard something, it sounded familiar but she was so far away. "Valerie, please stop crying, I'm...ok," the voice said, it sounded like...Michael.

She turned her head, peaking out from behind the waterfall of hair covering her eyes, he was looking at her, his color was back, he was smiling, his eyes held need, pain, desire...love?

She bolted upright and moved to his bedside, he took her hand, pulling it to his lips he kissed it, in the soft flesh of her palm, his lips were dry, rough but oh the heat, the heat from them was something she never dreamed could exist.

"I thought, I thought....," she stuttered and then he pulled her down to him, his lips finding hers they shared this tender moment, this joining filled her heart, to know that he was here and he was...her's.

She pulled back from him, looking him over, he seemed healthy, his eyes sparkled as his hand moved the hair from her eyes and caressed her cheek. "I love you," he said, the tone and tenor of his voice, the meaning within it, struck her and she felt dizzy with it's impact.

"I...," Valerie faltered, Tera played through her mind, her courage wavered, but then rose to the challenge, ".... I love you too Michael," she said breathlessly, dropping her lips to his once more.

Tera walked into the room, expecting to find Valerie still lying on the bed crying, Michael still unconscious, it was not this scene that she found.

'He is alright,' was her first thought

"Kissing her, loves her, should have known, need to leave, should have known, damn it." As these thoughts came front and center the strength she had been keeping up both for her and for Valerie faltered and fell away.

A gasp escaped her lips, her hand rose to try and keep the wailing scream that threatened to follow.

Valerie stood up upon hearing the gasp, Michael looked over towards the door just as Tera moved to open it.

"Stop!" he said, the force behind his statement froze Tera for a moment.

"Tera," he said in a softer tone, holding his hand towards her.

Valerie stepped back from the bed but did not release Michael's hand; she would never release Michael willingly...again.

Tera moved slowly over to the bed, her eyes not meeting Michael's or Valerie's. She wanted to escape, to bury her feelings and move on, try to...cope.

Michael's other hand moved to hers, his fingertips caressing her wrist as his palm met hers.

"I love you Tera," he said, his statement filled with want and need, but given mater of factly, as if it was a simple, for gone conclusion.

Tera was stunned, "What about Valerie, it's not fair, I can't," the words came out of her mouth quickly with feeling and sorrow and need so powerful that Valerie found she was putting her other hand on Tera's shoulder, trying to give her some of the comfort she had been trying to give her since they arrived at the hospital.

Michael smiled at her, his hand slipping within the sling, resting lightly on her broken wrist, "I love Valerie too Tera," he said, feeling the heat build in his hand and then move from his skin...into hers.

Tera caught her breath; she looked down at him, searching for...what, confirmation, the core of a lie, the...truth. She found it in his eyes; he looked at her with passion, desire, power and love. And as his eyes moved from hers to Valerie's' she saw the same things, knew that Valerie was seeing and feeling the same thing as she was. He loved them both, what the hell did that mean....

Tera's hand flashed out and slapped him hard across the face; she stood there, as...or more shocked than Michael and Valerie were.

And then she was kissing him, her lips were pressed hard against his, their tongues moved together, there was a fiery passion that, a moment before, was a simple warm ember now roared forth with a power and fury that would not be contained.

The kiss was powerful but did not last long, she pulled back, noticing that Valerie's hand was still on her shoulder, she looked at the other woman, seeing the knowing smile in her eyes. Tera looked back at Michael, she almost became lost in his dark eyes and then shook herself, taking his hand in hers once again and stating in a tone no one who heard it would ever argue with. "I love you Michael"


There had been no word from Dimitri or Maykov, Nicholas was a bit relieved, but not surprised, Ian had always been such a weak fool, Nicholas gave himself a mental kick for even allowing a bit of worry to enter his consciousness over this meaningless little thing with Valerie.

'Maybe...next time,' Nicholas thought and chuckled to himself as he stepped out of the elevator into the suite, visions of making Valerie scream in his head.

Those visions fell away quickly as he turned on the light in the main room of the suite.

He stood there, transfixed for almost five minutes, not moving, barely breathing as he took in every detail, taking the time to immediately revise his impression of Ian and his thoughts of how dangerous he was to Nicholas's plans.

Dimitri's open, unseeing eyes stared back at Nicholas from atop the baby grand piano, the black lacquered surface shimmered under the small halogen spotlight above, giving the impression of a mirror like onyx pool, it's unseen depths holding unknowable terrors.

The blood pooled on the keys from the exposed, gaping neck lying upon them. Nicholas could see the blood dripping from deep gashes running from wrist to elbow on both arms.

Finally moving a bit closer there was bloodstained sheet music on the piano...it was Mozart's Requiem, opened to Sequence, part 1 Dies Irae. Nicholas's eyes played across the words, translating them in his head,

'Day of wrath, day of anger
will dissolve the world in ashes,
as foretold by David and the Sibyl.
Great trembling there will be
when the Judge descends from heaven
to examine all things closely.'

Finally shaking himself out of his stupor, pulling his eyes away from the sheet music Nicholas stepped slowly backwards fumbling for the elevator button.

Ian had been...thorough...in dispatching Dimitri, there was nothing but rage in the act, but a rage tempered by hatred so deep, its bottom could not be found.

By dealing with Dimitri in Nicholas's suite, Ian had sent a strong message.

Woe be tide those who venture into my garden...uninvited.

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superfeluously_esuperfeluously_eover 9 years ago
Outstanding Story!!!

Thanks for posting!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

You have been making marked improvement and at this point I am hooked to your every word. Keep up the good work

mechmanasmechmanasover 15 years ago
wow i want more

I love y0ur writing please continue this is a good story

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Sincere Compliments

The last two -- possibly three but definitely two -- installments reflect a MARKED improvement in the grammar and so forth issues which many readers noted. In fact, my enjoyment of the last two installments was never interrupted by any picky grammar issues. Instead, the prose flowed. Congratulations!

Terrific story!

tearztearzover 15 years ago

This story has so many elements that move me. The characters are amazingly developed, the scenes are vivid and the interactions between characters are engaging. Please continue....very soon!

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