Dragon Wars Book 1 Pt. 01


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He went out to look when a red dragon strafed the street, set the shop on fire, and killed him! I got the children and left! Brandir Surefoot had the shop across from us for the vegetables. It was burning too. I have only ever seen a Silver Dragon, only once. Never a thousand chromatics or more."

The King cried for his lost son and then pulled it together and looked at her, "This is very bad. War is likely coming. If chromatics are doing this, Metallics will respond. Who knows what is going on."

He pulled a crystal to the halfling 'King', King Inussan Surefoot, "You heard from your family in Avlora?"

King Surefoot responded, " My son teleported them out using a scroll. Said the streets went up in flames. Did not know what was going on except all the windows broke a moment before."

King Glitterwand recounted what he knew, including his son being dead and his daughter-in-law and children were safe.

King Surefoot sighed, "Gods help us. I am sorry about your son. My daughter has a half-copper dragon son. Some smooth talking halfling turned out to be a copper dragon, did a disappearing act in the middle of the night."

King Glitterwand sighed, "Same with my sister. Smooth talker she said. Bet it was the same dragon. We got dragons breeding with our people and now we got an attack on Avlora."

He checked his crystal to the King of Avlora, "The crystal I have to Avlora is broken."

King Surefoot checked, "Mine is too. They must have roasted that town, but good. They have over a million people in the city and surrounding Kingdom, some said 2 million."

King Surefoot contacted the dwarven King Fire Axe who grumbled, "Had not heard about it. My crystal to the King in Avlora is broken too. I will let you know if I hear anything. This is not a good sign. Wait a second."

He talked with someone who entered the throne room, "Got word from a merchant, the entire port is on fire as is the Palace. They said the King is likely dead. The Queen issued a proclamation declaring martial law and getting people to help with fire, frost, and acid damage.

They got poisonous gas reported as well. Someone reported seeing a 5 headed dragon leading the group. If that is the case, we are talking Tiamat. A Chromatic dragon horde. Get your people to shelters. I have my guards securing the entrances to the Kingdom.

I have no relations with Queen Golden Crown. If it was her city, then she might be dead as well. I contacted my elven ambassador in Moon Elf lands and he said Gold Elf refugees were coming in from everywhere. Reports are they are showing at most major Moon Elf cities.

They had 12 of those flying cities. I got my Defense Minister handing me a note. King Heart Stone informed him he had a crystal to Queen Golden Crown. Said it was in a thousand pieces. Sounds like the beginning of something big. Get secure. We are doing that. We have no relations with any dragons at the moment but have gold dragons breeding with our people. I will see about asking questions."

King Surefoot sighed, "We have had a Copper Dragon traveling through doing one-night stands with our female population. Something is going on with the dragons. This likely has something to do with the southern continent we were warned about in our dreams. I assume it is the same with you?"

King Fire Axe grumbled a bit, "Yes, we got that word from our Gods. Sounds like the Gods are shaking up the world. We are caught in the middle of something bigger."

The Kings ended all communication and got secure. The Gold Dragons had been told nothing, except to wait in place. Only the Elven Ambassador to King Fire Axe explained things.

The loss of the 12 Gold Elf cities, the Avariel, the attack on the port, and it was Tiamat who headed up the charge with the chromatic Dragons. The Queen of Avlora ruled the city now. It looked like a possible Dragon War.


The human Queen, Queen Selma Quaranna, stared out from her balcony at the still-burning ship in her harbor almost 2 months later. The others had been put out and the docks were working on repairs and crafting replacement ships.

The one was the grave of her husband and carried a massive amount of oil on it that kept it burning. She ordered them, "Leave it to burn out. I do not want the people to forget too soon what has happened here." In fact, she wanted him and his whores to burn forever in his little lust raft.

She was older, no longer fertile and her 4 children were safe, for now. Thousands died in the tidal surges from the Elven city exploding and then the Chromatic Dragons strafing her city. She looked into the eyes of Tiamat.

Up until her guards pulled her out of the room as it got hit with 5 breath weapons in the fly-by attack that tried to kill her. They had been focused on the Elven flying city. The High Elves, when it was suddenly destroyed. The damage was catastrophic.

She had no means of protecting her people if the dragons returned. She would need strong allies. She knew they were Chromatic dragons that attacked. A silver Dragon living in the city checked on her the day after the attack. He told her, "They were targeting the Elves and the Metallics are putting together forces to battle them. They knew of the attack, but only afterward."


Corellon and his wife Sehanine Moon Bow appeared side-by-side in the Moon Elf City of Brantinoria as members of the local Moon Elves, 4 Major aligned houses of this city, including Moon Bow, the house from which Sehanine ascended hundreds of Millenia before to become a goddess.

Also, the major houses of Moon Blade, Crescent Moon, and Silvertree had an alliance over the running of the city until they could bring peace and select a new ruling family. 27 minor Moon Elf houses were also present. Years of civil war had kept that from happening.

They debated upon how to deal with the refugees when the 2 Gods entered the large Academy where the refugees had taken shelter in student dormitories. The Lady of Dreams and Corellon walked in arm-in-arm as they entered the room together and walked through the archways from outside for a change and everyone kneeled quickly.

The Lady of Dreams spoke first, "These internal civil wars must end now. The attacks over the last 400 years and in the last 2 months have taken a great toll. I have been busy dealing with all of the dead.

The Avariel who have been working the migration from the southern continent to here are all but extinct. The few who remain are infertile as their species will die after the Chromatic Dragon attacks. We require a united front."

Corellon looked across, "There will be one King and his 3 Queens for the elven people, The heirs following his first wife alone. He dies and she will rule as she is the one with royal elven blood to bring legitimacy to this effort. The others are to find other husbands in other houses, not house Goldeagle when that occurs.

Silver Crown was destroyed, you have no rightful rulers in the Moon Elf community. One of Golden Crown still survives, though she is the first wife and has taken the name of House Goldeagle.

As such, House Goldeagle will become the ruling house for the elves and those born from her alone will be heirs to the throne going forward. Peace needs to take place, starting with Moon Elves, Gold Elves, and Wood Elves. An Alliance eventually with many.

We do not expect the Deep Sea Elves to be a part of this coalition, but treaties will need to be in place to work to protect them. They are being informed. Their environment makes them unique.

The Wood Elves lost 7 of their 'Kings' in the attacks and the Wild Elves numbers have been cut in half with only 19 clans remaining, the largest ones but they had casualties as well when the Dragon horde led by Tiamat strafed their lands.

They will not likely bend a knee to this new arrangement, this is permitted for the Wild Elves, Sea Elves, and the Snow Elves for now. I see the Snow Elves changing some down the road. Isolated but a part of the greater whole.

You will have to work at reaching an agreement with these isolated factions to ask for support when needed as they are on the front lines of what is to come. The loss of these elves is of great concern to us all. This city is the new Capital. King Uniralis Goldeagle will rule the Elven people you build into this coalition, for now."

Corellon manifested crowns on the new King and his 3 wives, starting with the first Queen and hers being more ornate than the others to signify where the power truly laid.

"You have an Alliance to forge as well with the Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings, Centaurs, the other Fay people, and especially amongst the Metallic Dragons. They will send representatives here a year from tomorrow to give you time to consolidate your power and to recover from this downturn. Individual dragons may contact you as soon as tomorrow.

The humans as well, but they will be tougher to do and are not an immediate need. Some will seek this out though because of the attacks that occurred by the chromatic dragons. The Neutral Dragons might also make an appearance, but we cannot count upon that, yet they lost many to this same horde.

You are all aware of the dragons mating with Elves. They are doing this with other races including the humans, dwarves, gnomes, and halflings. We can assume the same is occurring with the Drow and the Chromatic dragons or others that are evil-aligned, but I have no confirmation as those would be unwilling participants most likely.

Finding a human Kingdom or Kingdoms willing to work with us will be challenging, except for the first. All Moon Elf houses will become hereditary Barons, the elder of each house if you will, or as designated by their own House Laws. Just like Gold Elf houses in their former kingdom. King Goldeagle, you have no experience in diplomacy and you will require the Moon Elf Houses to aid you in these endeavors.

You will need a Diplomatic Service and they have one already. Including spies in this Kingdom and those outside your Kingdom to report back to your Diplomatic Service. Generals, Admirals, and 1 Field Marshal for your armies who will become a Duke or Duchesses in your court, As will all of your generals, regardless of race for this upcoming war.

Commodores for your navy would fall under Counts in your court as well as the head of your academies. You are down to 22 Academies. Work to expand those numbers as you had 41 before this battle and they were being targeted and will be again!

Many Moon Elf lines were destroyed as well, over 200 Million elven people across species have died in the last 400 years of conflict, and nearly 200,000 of those died in this latest attack by chromatic dragons. Get your people in order. We expect that number will go much higher under your rule and many of your predecessors that follow.

You are to slow the hemorrhaging and to shore up borders, you will never stop it and neither will those that replace you for at least 10,000 years. Fail and I will strike you down. The time for petty grievances and the air of superiority are over. We are looking at potentially millennia of constant warfare 10,000 years or more.

The opening salvo just occurred and it was devastating, to say the least, as your 'High Elves' were ill-prepared for the attention they drew by flaunting your magical talent that way! You dealt with ancient dragons.

Lead by Tiamat's Avatar who is now off the field because Bahumut and Sartior both brought avatars on the field to deal with what they now call the Dragon's Waste.

850+ dragons died in that bloody battle alone with 2 Avatars falling. Bahamut went off alone and took out more Chromatic Dragon strongholds on this world, hundreds of them from what I have been told to make them pay before his Avatar was brought down. They are not currently a united force but we expect that to change in the future.

Accept the Half-Dragons you have and that you get, they are bringing more arcane talent and fertility into the Elven people. No disowning Half-Dragons or their parents. They are not to be ignored or shunned but embraced as they serve multiple purposes.

Some will become generals, like Tallion Silvertree, a Bronze Half-Dragon, who is a sitting general and excellent Field Marshal. There are others, but I have given you your Field Marshal. Take that as divine direction!

They should be sought-after mates, to bring in more magical talent and increase our numbers of strong dragon-blooded sorcerers and mages. Your naval assets along the Deep Sea will aid in curtailing the number of humans, Dragonborn, Orcs, Ogres, and such who attempt to reach this continent.

Let alone the chromatic dragons that will reappear to likely aid them to gain foot soldiers and more breeding stock for their Half-Dragons. They will have numbers on us, we have to have the arcane advantages. Tallion you have a question?"

Tallion looked up, "We have neutral Half-Dragons as well. We should be cultivating them as well, especially for your Diplomatic Service and for breeding. Psionic talents are an asset we cannot avoid. Also for fertility. Do you stand for them as well, Corellon?"

Corellon sighed, "Elves have never had many psionic people. Yet their talents should not be ignored. Especially to cultivate additional good spies who can get into the minds of our enemies. Those crowns on the head of the royal family will protect you from mental compulsion and intrusion.

They will let you know if attempts are made against you, giving you a general direction. My orders are for all Half-Dragons, metallics, and neutrals only. All dragons have psionic abilities, including some Metallic Half-Dragon, but there are few metallic Half-Dragons with those talents.

True seeing will be needed in abundance in eyewear for gear, do not ignore that statement. Start formulating plans for relics. Create the ones you can now. What you will need, and what you will need to create them upon in the future.

A time will come when relics will need to be mass-produced. You are in a state of war and until the dragons, within this new Alliance come about, reach a peace agreement with the Chromatics. An agreement to remove them from our conflicts. Until then, you cannot hold back.

You must press forward with trade agreements to generate revenue to keep the perpetual war that is coming at bay and funded. The King and his Queens may stand, the others may raise their heads. Ask me your Questions King Goldeagle."

King Goldeagle looked across, "Psionics in abundance here? Are you sure about that?"

The Lady of Dreams spoke, "He did not stutter! Half-Dragons also help with fertility, to help increase our numbers as Tallion mentioned. Stamina and strength, intelligence, and wisdom. Our chances for psionic elves are extremely small.

The need for higher fertility is now a primary goal of Aerdrie Faenya. She has been delegated that domain and tenant for all elves as her people have suffered the most in this world. She who just lost her Avariel in this attack and she is also worshiped by the Snow Elves. Higher fertility rates across all elves are now a priority to her.

This will draw worshipers to her from all of the Elven people. This will help to keep her strong after such a devastating blow. Not just to the people but your Gods who help to oversee these things. Champions will come within the next century if not sooner.

They will likely make themselves known to you eventually. Knight them as champions into your court only when they present themselves, do not seek them out, and make them targets. We do not care if they are Wild, Wood, Snow, Moon, or Gold Elf. For that matter that includes anything in-between.

Keep these things in mind. As long as we have loyal worshipers, we can have more champions in the field. That falls to you to stop or slow the hemorrhaging. To keep the faithful loyal to you and us, and not through fear and intimidation. We are not asking you to perform miracles.

We are asking for you to work in a spirit of cooperation, get your head out of the clouds, and realize the 'High Elves' of the past are gone. I know you will continue to use that derogatory term, and it will likely become more popular in the years that follow the 5th age of dragons, the millennia of wars in this 5th age will bring incalculable losses.

The 5th age is less than a century away from starting and will be nothing but war. You are gearing up for wars your children, grandchildren, and generations from now your great-great-great-great-great grandchildren will still be fighting! The losses will be staggering!"

King Goldeagle looked over at the weight of what just occurred now crushed him, "Then we should work to reclaim the lands that have been damaged."

Corellon shook his head, "No! Work to shore up your current borders, build your alliances and agreements, amass and train your armies, and send in those to search for survivors. Attempts to reclaim those battle-scarred lands right now is a wasted effort if they have ground troops in the area loyal to those chromatic dragons.

Rebuild your Academies and get every age-worthy and talented elf and Half-Dragon available for training. They will find marriages young, start families, and move off to war. Their lives will be hell for centuries. Reward the brave and daring who are heroic. Remove those who are incapable, Gold Elf, or not.

You cannot rely on Gold Elf houses alone to lead this effort, it would fail miserably. Get that thought out of your head; before I remove your head. All will be in this fight, no age is too old. Failure to do so will have me finding your replacement in service that much sooner. Ranks should be based on skills, not family names or species of the elf.

All fertile females should be married off when they come of age, it is the only way we will survive. Those who are not fertile should join the fighting. All should be trained regardless as cities will fall and more land will likely be lost as you have fewer assets to support the attacks on multiple fronts. These mothers will be fighting for their homes and their children. This also includes Half-Elves from humans if they have the talent."

King Goldealge nodded, "Understood."

King Goldeagle bowed to the Gods before they disappeared. He looked back up at the Moon Elves who had been trying to figure out where to relocate all of these Gold Elves just moments before.

Ginaf'Via Moon Bow bowed to King Goldeagle, "We have a lot of work to do, Your Majesty. This city has a palace. Not as 'grand' as the Floating Crystal Palaces you had in the sky, but solid, ornate, and the home to King Silver Crown before you. Before others attempted to usurp him and then succeeded in assassinating him.

Those here who saw and heard will know of the Gods' wishes. I would work with Field Marshal Silvertree first to deal with the outstanding conflicts we can address immediately. I recommend items to protect you from spells and poison, for you and your family.

An assassin got in with a potent poisoned blade and killed King Silver Crown. He did not get out and was killed by Royal Guards. We had no identity on him, he was hired and a human with a ring of improved invisibility and that accursed blade which was destroyed, Your Majesty."

Tallion stepped forward and bent a knee before the King, "You should get an oath of loyalty from the houses who are present, Moon Bow, Silvertree, Cresent Moon, and Moon Blade, our best weaponsmithing family.

The other 27 minor houses of the city, and all of the Elders for the Gold Elf houses who are here. Consolidate your hold over the city first. Then assigning me as your Field Marshal as directed by Corellon.

With orders and a proclamation to go and deal with the 16 current battlefronts, we are facing to bring this civil war to an end. We have 3 Half-Dragon Field Generals, 9 Moon Elf Field Generals, and 4 Wood Elf Field Generals who are battle-hardened.