Dragons Breath Ch. 03


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When she closed the door and pushed the walls back I could only stare, even in the soft moonlight coming in the windows she was mesmerizing. Little hard points in her t-shirt, the outline of some high cut panties, her folded shorts with a bra strap sticking out were laid carefully on the counter.

"Now where were we?" she said as she crawled over me. I grabbed her waist and rolled us over putting me almost on top of her.

"Somewhere about here," I said just before I attacked her lips and neck while my free hand went roaming. Caressing her thigh and grabbing her hip. Sliding it outside her t-shirt to her chest, cupping and caressing her little tit, feeling her hard nipple in my palm.

Cathleen gasped when I palmed her tit, then moaned when I got her nipple between my fingers. Pulling me down on top of her when I snaked my hand up inside her t-shirt to do it again.

I could feel her grinding her pussy against my thigh a bit, then she pushed me back a bit and snaked her hand down between us to get a nice grip on my hard cock. "If we don' stop I won' be able to."

"And that would be bad how?" giving her nipple a little squeeze.

"Damn Yanks," she said softly. "Too fast... too soon..." she said a bit louder.

I pulled my hand from inside her t-shirt even though I wanted to leave it there all night. I pulled her to me, her head beside mine. "Shhh, I understand." She sighed into me. "Not that I wouldn't like to see how many times I can make you scream before midnight."

Cathleen snorted, then rolled with her back against me drawing my arm around her. "Damn Yanks," she said softly again as she brought my hand back up to cup her tit as she wiggle her ass against my hard on settling it between her panty covered cheeks.

We cuddled a bit, just holding each other as we cooled off.

"You know, if it wasn't for all me inventory, I could see being in something like this."


"Well not something quite this small. Little bigger kitchen, definitely a bigger fridge, but not a lot more than that."

"Mmm, yeah. If I had to start from scratch I'd want a bigger water heater and water tanks for a longer shower. But for a heat and eat kind of guy it's almost perfect."

Cathleen snickered, "Like frozen pizza?"

"And ice cream," as I nuzzled her neck.

"Damn Yanks," she sighed settling in.

We and the RV had cooled off enough. I reached up and hit the remote switch to shut off the generator, pulling the light blanket over us. It was nice having someone to curl up with again...


I woke to Cathleen sliding out of bed. I watched her slip her shorts on and head out the door. Well so much for morning cuddling.

I managed to crawl out and take a piss when the door opened up behind me as I was pulling my boxers up. Cathleen just snickered.

"What's in the bag?"

"Breakfast," she grinned.

She pulled a bag of biscuits and set them on the counter, then a pan and some ingredients to make the gravy. "Maybel let's me make the biscuits and brown the sausage in her kitchen." She said when I raised an eyebrow. "So I do it up ahead of time."

"And since I used up my milk the last few days making some extra gravy," she grinned. "I'm going to use some of yours."

"Oh you are, are you?" I asked as I put my arms around her middle to draw her to me.

She gave me a quick kiss, "Yes I am, now sit and let a real cook get to work." I was pushed to the front seat and she started in. Before I knew it the gravy was done. A few seconds in the micro to warm the biscuits and I had quite the hot breakfast.

"So what do you do during the week?" I asked between bites.

"Depends. Do a little cleaning up in the shop if I need to. Make sure everything has the price tags on it. Take a delivery if I have one coming. But generally just hang out with the regulars. I need to run in to town and get my dresses dry cleaned this week, so I'll see who's going in and bum a ride if I can. Taxi if I can't."

"There's a dry cleaner close to the mall I work in. If you get a ride in I can give you a ride back later, maybe have a nice meal out if you want. Then again I could always kidnap you."

Cathleen just rolled her eyes. "So what are your plans?"

"Work eat sleep. I'll fill the water tank for next weekend, the propane is okay, dump tank barely used, stop at the grocery store and get some more ice cream."

"That's dirty pool."

"Na, dirty pool would be taking you out to Baskin Robbins if you come in."

I had a bug eyed woman pointing a fork at me. I just smiled and took the last bite of my biscuits and gravy.

I got a good hug after doing dishes, and an even better kiss. "Text me the address of your mall and I'll see if anybody is going that direction."

I was grinning so hard my face hurt.

"Damn Yank," I heard as she stepped out.

I did stop for groceries in the way back to the mall, but just frozen pizzas for now, not much room for more than that in the freezer. But there would be room for several pints of ice cream by Friday.

I did some drawing in the center court for a while before having to go clock in.

"Hey Carlos," waiving to him as he was making his rounds. I was surprised to see him on the day shift.

"Hey Taylor, you hear about Robert?"

"Just got back a little while ago, what's up?"

"Heart attack, Saturday."

"NO SHIT! How is he, I mean did he..." Carlos grinned, knowing he would get me, I just punched his shoulder a bit.

"He's in the hospital. They said it was mild but they are keeping him for a few days to run some tests."

"So who's running the show?"

"Depends on what they find. We're all covering a bit of the day shift to cover his for now."

"What do you need from me?"

"You mind clocking in early or staying a little long?"

"Not a problem during the week. I have commitments the next few weekends though."

He grinned, "Yeah, I heard. Doing your sketching out at the festival. Bet that is just so terrible drawing some of those babes out there?"

"Yeah, it's a hard job but someone has to do it."

We had a good laugh, "So you mind clocking in a bit early, I've been here since eleven last night."

"No problem, I'll run back out and get my uniform, be back in twenty, thirty minutes at the latest." Well so much for a relaxing morning doing sketches. I did at least remember to text Cathleen the address.

I had just clocked in when I got a text from her, would probably be Thursday or Friday before she could get a ride in. I gave her a call and told her I was scheduled for afternoon shift all week, but the boss was in the hospital and we were all coving bits and pieces of his shift until we knew more, so call me for details before she came in just in case.


It turned out that was to be my part of pitching in that week, clocking in early. So I was working twelve hour shifts, eleven am. to eleven pm., no time for sketching on that shift. I texted her that, and she said she'd make it Friday and we could come back out to the festival when I got off work.

All these long days of walking the mall was getting old, I was sooo looking forward to getting back out to the festival... to Cathleen.

It seemed like I had just gotten to sleep Thursday night when there was a knock on my door Friday morning. I pulled my jeans on and stumbled to the door.

There she was grinning at me, "Well don't ye look bloody dishy in the mornin'!"

I was pushed back into the RV and then accosted. "Mmmmm," I hummed into the kiss as my hands went to her ass and then up her back holding her to me. "What are you doing here so early?" I looked at the clock and it was just past ten am. "I've got a twelve hour shift ahead of me yet."

"I got a lift in this morning. Dropped my dresses off at the drycleaners so I can get them back this afternoon. Thought I might do a bit of shopping, maybe pick up some groceries for the week end. Maybe even refresh that spell a bit."

I pulled her back to me wanting to get her back to bed. "I've been thinking about you a lot this week."

"Me too," she snickered, "And I even brought breakfast!" she grabbed one of the bags she had dropped in the chair and handed it to me.

I opened it and laughed, "Donuts."

"Well according to all the shows that's what bobbies eat. And you're kinda one." She grinned, then couldn't hold it in laughing and brought out another bag. "But just in case I brought biscuits and gravy."

"ARGH!" and grabbed her squeezing her as best I could.

I got a quick kiss and she pulled them out and popped the gravy in the micro and set the biscuits on plates. A few extra seconds to warm the biscuits and I had my first hot breakfast since the festival.

But I did have to go to work. I got dressed, then showed her how to turn things off if need be, gave her the spare key in case she had to go somewhere, and the password to the WiFi if she wanted to get on the internet.

She looked at my tablet wide eyed, "Do you have Skype on this?"

"I think it's in there somewhere, why?"

"It's been a while since I talked to my folks. I could send them an email and let them know I'll be on today to talk to them. I have to do it in the middle of the day here to be about supper time over there."

I just chuckled, "Go right ahead. Oh, don't forget to roll up the drain hose and unplug if you have to go somewhere."

"Okay, let me know when you take a break and I'll come up."

"Will do," I got another kiss and groped her ass on the way out the door.

"Damn Yank."

I was in a really good mood knowing Cathleen was near by, and even in her street clothes she had this look about her that made me grin.

She came up all grins when I took my two o'clock break. She had a long conversation with her folks and one of her brothers and was just bubbling over, her accent taking over to the point I had to ask her to repeat herself when she slipped into Irish a few times.

And I thought she would faint when we stopped at Baskin Robbins, she sampled almost everything in there.

"So have you decided?" Carry asked.

I grinned and pointed to Cathleen, "You mean has she decided. I just want a pint or two of my chocolate chip. She has to narrow it down to what will fit in the RV freezer this weekend."

"How big is the freezer?"

"I don't know, about this big," holding up my hands for rough dimensions.

Carry looked at Cathleen and winked, "Typical male, doesn't know the real size of things."

Cathleen gasped and then laughed while I pointed a finger at Carry, "She doesn't need your help Carry!" I said. She just grinned and stuck her tongue out at me.

She turned and grabbed a small empty box off the shelf and handed it to Cathleen. "See how many of these would fit and come back up, we'll take care of it and just put it on his bill."

I groaned and then pulled Cathleen to me for a quick kiss, "I'm leaving while I still can."

I had just left her when my cell phone rang, "Hey Carlos, what's up."

"Hey guy, got good news and bad news."


"Well Robert is going to be okay."

"And the bad news?"

"He's still going to be out for a while, he has to have a valve replacement."

"That's not so bad."

"No the bad news is who's going to be replacing him in the mean time amigo."

"Oh, who?"

"Bitch named Marcia Mack."

"Never heard of her."

"Unfortunately I have. I have a brother-in-law that used to work with her. She's all smiley and roses on the outside and poison ivy on the inside."


"Yeah, she thinks any man with a spine should be hunted down to be put out of her misery. If they could invent a way to clone just women she'd volunteer to be on the hit squad."

"Damn man..."

"Yeah, I'm just making the calls to give you guys the heads up. Any paperwork you make copies and never hand her the originals. You go down to Radio Shack and get one of those little recorders and you keep it on you at all times. You see her walking toward you out in public you turn it on but keep it in your pocket. You cover your ass ten ways from Sunday or this bitch will cut you down like kindling."

"And she's still with the company?"

"Yup, she's got a girlfriend somewhere high in the company protecting her ass. So watch yours. Don't give her any chance or she will jump in your chili like it's a national sport. Make copies of your schedule or she will change it and say you got it wrong and write you up. She'll get you to sign paperwork and not have a copy for you to take. That's her style."

"Damn man, that's just screwed up. Someone like that in charge."

"Well I figure I owe you guys a heads up since I'm cutting bait."


"Yeah, me and two others are putting in for spots at other properties. If you do the same, you go to that property and apply, not through our HR, she'll squash it. Just tell them you're moving and its transfer or quit and it will go through smoothly. But like I said, don't give her an inch or she'll blow it up."

"Okay man, thanks for the heads up."

I walked my beat, but was almost on auto pilot thinking about what Carlos said. On the third round I had made my stop at Radio Shack for a recorder, and Best Buy for a portable scanner for my tablet, and I was all set. It wasn't something I would normally spend money on, but this job kept me fed! Worst case I had to have time to find something and not be out in the cold.

But around six all my doom and gloom was swept away, I was accosted by my Irish witch again. I held her tight, "You got all your shopping done?"

"Yeah, got all my dresses, loaded up on groceries, even got a few decent DVD's to watch." I just smiled, "Now the only thing missing is that Damn Yank and we'd be all set."

"Well I'm off at eleven so we can drive out as soon as I clock out. So what do I owe you for groceries?"

"How about a nice dinner?"

"I've only got a half an hour, you want to go to Applebee's?"


"Go get us a table, and order. Text me when you do and I'll make a round or two and be there when the food arrives."

"What should I order you?"

"Steak and baked potato of course."

I got a hug and a quick kiss and she was off. I actually got three rounds in before I got her text. One more and I headed to the restaurant, sitting down only five minutes before the food arrived.

I gave Cathleen an edited version of what Carlos told me, she just shook her head wide eyed, "Now that dyke is truly a wanker."

I almost spit my drink out at her grinning at that. We shared a dessert, she got the ice cream and hot fudge part, I ate the brownie part.

The rest of the evening was a lot of thinking and walking. I was glad I wasn't on the night shift driving the lot since I was virtually on auto pilot. How long would Robert be out? Would I have problems with this lady or was Carlos over reacting? What if he wasn't?

I let Cathleen drive out to the festival. I rummaged through the cabinets and found my copy of my approved days off for the festival weekend and smoothed most of the wrinkles out. The scanner set itself up with my tablet and I had it scanned in just in case. And just to be doubly safe I sent a copy to my phone. I had my carbon and two digital copies. I couldn't think of what more I could do.

I flipped the light on by the bed and stared, "Damn woman, who all are we feeding?"

Cathleen chuckled, "Most of that is Maybel's. I'm making a run for her as well."

"Is the bed still under there?"

She just laughed, "We can set it off into the back of my lorry 'til the mornin'."

She pulled up next to her truck, and we unloaded, then she grinned and moved the trash can and grill beside her truck and pulled my RV in next to her spot. "Got to make sure ye spell doesn' wear off now don' we?"

She parked and shut down, I pulled her to me as she stood up from the drivers seat. "Kinda dark to be setting up camp out there isn't it?"

"Mmmm, is it now? And what do ye suggest I do about that?" bringing her face within an inch of mine.

"Well it is nice and cool in here."

"Mmm hmmm," closing the gap, our lips almost touching.

"And there is a nice comfortable bed in here big enough..." that's as far as I got. I was silenced with a kiss, a look, and then another kiss. Holding her close, running my hands up and down her back as out tongues engaged in a long slow battle.

I began to get some nice squeezes going on her ass and was bringing my other hand up toward her chest when Cathleen pushed me away grinning. "Go take your shower."

I grabbed a fresh pair of boxers and pulled out the shower and opened the door to block most of the back off. I was just pulling my boxers off when I saw a reflection in the dark TV screen, I had to look.

I peaked around the edge of the door and there stood Cathleen, her back to me. She had just pulled her dress over her head. Tiny yellow panties well into the crack of her ass, bare back except for the thin bra strap, watching her reach back and unhook it and drop it on the bed in front of her. Mmmm watching her massage her tits a little before reaching over and lifting a short t-shirt over her head. Her chest small enough that even with a bit of turn I didn't get a hint of tit.

But even if I didn't see any tit, the bare back, only that little bit of panty in the crack of her ass had me steel hard. I turned the water on and stroked one off quick to the memory of that sight, and the memory of that tit in my hand under her t-shirt the other night and the anticipation of having it in my hand again tonight...

Unfortunately I didn't get that, but she did curl up under my arm, those small bumps pressed into my side and chest as she laid on me, her knee kicked out over my thigh. I laid there a bit enjoying the scent of her shampoo, her warm body against me as her breathing slowed. I reached over and killed the generator before I fell asleep and ran us out of gas. I'll have to check out how to switch it over to propane...


I woke to Cathleen crawling over me. Opening the bathroom door to block my view as she peed, but not pulling the walls out to be able to close the door. She grinned as she closed it, watching me watching her. The dark brown points a bit more visible in the morning sun than the top she wore the other night.

She was gathering up her clothes, leaning forward taking the wonderful sight of those hard nipples away, then holding her clothes to her chest. "You get dressed, I'll be along with breakfast in a jiffy."

I watched her turn and dash out the door, cheeks bobbing, quite a bit of those panties showing under the hem of that t-shirt and was thinking of something else I'd rather nibble on for breakfast.

I slipped my shirt and kilt on, grabbed my supplies and headed out. It was going to be a good weekend, not too hot, and pecan man didn't even make an attempt to snag the spot.

We sat and ate in the morning sunshine, not really saying anything for a while. When we finished the biscuits and gravy Cathleen just shifted the plates to one side and scooted next to me, turning her back just a bit and leaning back into my shoulder. I put my right arm around her pulling her back and kissing her temple.

"So are ye going to be okay at work?" She asked as she put her hand on the inside of my knee playing with my hair. I was rock hard in seconds again.

"Mmmm, don't know. I guess we'll see how it goes. I mean it's a gravy job, and I have a good place to park in the tunnel so it doesn't heat the RV up. Would definitely be a big change if it all goes to shit."

"How much trouble can she cause?"

"Well besides messing with my schedule and parking in the tunnel I'm not sure. But if she has protection from the corporate level she could do a lot without actually doing anything."

"And there's nothing ye can do about it?"

"Not much. I have a few friends in the corporate office, but if she really wants to push it hard, it's management vs. hourly, and you know how that will end up. It would be a matter of how much shit I want to tolerate until I found something else or transfer to another location."
