Dream City Ch. 02

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A boy. A girl. A city of dreams.
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Part 2 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/03/2018
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Saturn's Moon was the place to be to get away from all the shit this city had to offer. Every weekend the place was packed and tonight was no different. Besides all the drinking, dancing, and whatever came next, it was the place for many acts to come perform, hoping to be discovered and become big stars.

Once Saturn's Moon got big, acts from around the world came by to set foot on that bright stage. Many of them got signed to record deals; others not so lucky. Still, this was the place to unwind and forget all the bullshit around you.

While many come here to be entertained, I come here for the beer and I love my beer; in a tall glass and ice cold. I approached the bar, getting a little wave from Juanita who was both bartender and co-owner of this joint. With her braided hair, smooth brown skin, and a bright smile she could make guys fall to her feet.

"Sup, Johnny", she said. "The usual?"

"As always", I said, waiting for that tall glass to fill up and take my sip.

"How you doing, Johnny? Still hunting for bad guys?"

"Still. I just recently earned my pay."

"Lucky you."

"Yeah, but not so lucky getting the right ones. The guys I chase are not much of a challenge and it makes my job a bit boring."

"Maybe you should quit."

"And do what, go on stage and sing? I can't sing for shit."

"Poor Johnny. Are you telling me you're getting too old for this shit?"

"Old? I still have my teeth and I ain't in no wheel chair. I'll keep doing this until I drop if I have to."

"Let's hope it doesn't come down to that. I wouldn't want to lose my best customer."

"I didn't know you cared."

"Finish your beer", Juanita said, with a smile.

I was half way done with my beer when the first act on stage had ended their chaotic performance. The next band was being introduced by some guy who looked all feminine with his make up and hair, gone only by the name of Max. I already knew who was coming next and so did the crowd. This very band was the highlight of the evening, and everyone kept on coming just to see them, expecting greatness out of their performance.

"Ladies and gentleman", said Max, "the moment you've all been waiting for. They are here, and ready to please you. Please welcome, Acid...Rain."

The crowd screamed as loud as they could, getting themselves pumped up for an experience they would never forget. The lights dimmed and the stage was surrounded in a thick fog thanks to the fog machines below the stage. Once the guitars and drums did their thing the fog was vacuumed into the vents, giving us a clear view of the band.

The three guys wore leather pants and no shirts, getting the female fans excited. Left handed lead guitarist was Bobby X; bald, black man, nearly six feet tall. He was gifted, talented, and played those electric cords like a man possessed. Some have called him the epitome of Jimi Hendrix. Bass guitarist Lee Sting; lean, muscular Asian kid, with his ability to add intense, beefy cords to a song and make it great overnight. Frankie Fear; the drummer and lone white boy in the band, who had that talent of beating his drums like his life depended on it, getting the crowd into it as he could.

The remaining member of the band was their front woman and most certainly the show stopper. While the boys played, she stood with her back to the crowd, snapping her fingers and waiting for her cue to do her thing. The minute she turned around, the crowd went wild as ever and paid every attention to every lyric that came out of her mouth. A song about a woman hating her jilted lover with revenge on her mind.

Her name was Sadie Hill; head owner of Saturn's Moon with the beauty and talent to command a crowd from a mile away. The fiery red head was all in red sequins tonight. Her dress, her go go boots, and the patch over her left eye were covered with the same material. There had been rumors on how she lost her eye but I never believed them. One says she lost it from an abusive boyfriend who pounded on her face, leaving her eye danging. Others say she pulled out her own eye over a bet. Sadie would never let a man use her body for a punching bag and she wasn't crazy enough to disfigure her own pretty face.

Whether she actually lost her eye or the patch is just for show made no difference. Everybody practically worshiped her like a goddess. Sadie was the kind of woman girls wanted to be and guys wanted to be with.

What always got my attention was the crowd itself. When they watch Sadie perform they looked as if they were hypnotized. Whenever Sadie moved her hands, they moved theirs. She moved her shoulders, they moved theirs. She moved her head or touches her chest, they would do the same as if the entire act was choreographed. The things the crowd couldn't imitate was Sadie spinning around or twirling her sawed off mic stand.

Once the song ended, together she and the boys took a bow that lasted over a minute, receiving a loud ovation from the crowd. After the band stood up straight, Sadie spoke on her mic and greeted the crowd with open arms.

"Welcome, everyone", she spoke in her English accent. "Good evening my obedient servants. How the hell are ya?" The crowd gave her their usual response. "I love to see a big crowd tonight. All of you know who I am, but if you're a newcomer allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sadie Hill, and I'll be your hostess for the evening. Me and these fine gentlemen are going to take a breather and we'll be right back and rock some more. How's that sound?"

The cheers continued on while Sadie and the boys headed back stage. I was about done with my beer and ready to call it a night.

"She's hot, isn't she?", Juanita asked.

"Yeah", I said. "She handles herself pretty well."

"That's not what I meant."


"Come on, Johnny. You've been eyeing her every time you come out here."

"So does everyone else. Besides, she's not my type."

"Oh, then what is your type?"

"I don't know. You?"

"Still the flatterer. Honey, you couldn't handle me on your best night."

"Is that a challenge?"

"Hell no. You keep dreaming."

"I'll do my best. Be seeing you."

I was ready to take my leave when this three hundred pound Samoan came towards me, practically blocking my way out. The only thing I knew about this guy was he was one of the bouncers of this place. These days there haven't been too many incidents of people getting carried away and thrown out. Still, it wouldn't hurt to have backup. I didn't like the way he was looking at me, like he was ready to start a fight.

"Miss Hill wants to see you", he spoke in his Samoan accent.

"Wait", I said, thinking I misheard wrong. "Say again?"

"She wants to see you. Now."

I didn't know what was going on or why Sadie, of all people, wanted to see me. I thought this was a joke but the big man was very insistent.

"Must be your lucky night", said Juanita.

"Yeah", I said, "I'm on a hot streak."

I followed the big man all the way back stage towards Sadie's dressing room. He knocked on her door and came in, letting her know I was here and got the word to let me in. I stepped inside and the big man closed the door behind me.

"Do make yourself comfortable, Mister Octane", said Sadie. "I'll be with you in a moment."

"Don't rush on my account", I said, looking around her dressing room, filled with flowers and the smell of incense.

As I looked further I spotted a dressing screen, getting a view of Sadie undressing and getting into her next getup for her continued performance. I turned around and stopped staring; even if i wanted to I didn't want to show any disrespect.

"It's quite all right", she said.

"Excuse me?" I asked, confused.

"You were looking at me. I have nothing to hide-nor ashamed of my body. Are you ashamed of the human body, Mister Octane?"

"It's Johnny, and no I'm not ashamed. I'm just being a gentleman."

"A gentleman. If only we had more like you in this city."

"There aren't enough like me in this city."

"That I fully agree."

"Okay, let's get down to business. Why am I here?"

"I have need of your services."

"Call the cops."

"Now you and I both know they can not be trusted."

Not only beautiful but smart.

"So why me?" I asked.

"You have your skills, soldier boy."

"How do you know I was a soldier?"

"That scar on your neck. I've seen many men and women with the exact same thing. A tattoo, right? An eagle, if I'm not mistaken."

She was right about that. I was a part of a rather special squadron called the eagle forces. We were highly trained and highly skilled, and always followed orders without question. We'd done combat missions and rescue missions no matter where we were. We were taught never to fear or show remorse to our enemies. Once I came out here I had the tattoo removed, leaving me the very scar she mentioned. I never realized others like me have come by this city. I'd probably ran into some of them without even realizing it.

"Yeah, you are correct", I said.

""Have you killed?" Sadie asked.

"I'm not proud of it."

"Then why do it?"

"I thought it was a good idea at the time. Can we get to the point here?"

"Of course. The point, Johnny, is I'm offering you a job."

"I already have a job."

"Ah, yes, bounty hunting. I've read many of your rather exciting exploits. Doing the job the police are afraid to."

"I wouldn't call it exciting. Just one mission accomplished after another."

Sadie came from behind the screen all dressed up, wearing sequins once again only this time in blue, including her eye patch.

"Now, let's talk business", she said. "I have a sister and she's been missing for days. She didn't run away, I can assure you."

In her hand, Sadie had a holographic disc that lit up, showing me the face of a young girl, with brown hair, at around nineteen or twenty.

"Her name is Prudence", Sadie continued. "I need you to find her. Alive, if possible."

"Hold up", I said. "You brought me here so you could hire me to play detective? This is insane. You're asking the wrong man for this kind of job. "

"You're exactly the right man for the job."

"Lady, I hunt criminals, not search for missing persons. You need a professional."

"I don't have time to find a professional, and neither does she. Please, if it's money, you will be paid."

"It's not that. I'm not qualified for this particular assignment. Look, I don't know what you heard about me, but whatever it is it's all bullshit. I'm not that guy and I'm no hero."

"Thirty thousand."

That offer quickly grabbed my attention before I even touched the doorknob. The girl had to be desperate.

"Thirty thousand dollars?" I asked. "In cash?"

"Yes", said Sadie. "In cash. It's all yours, and I'll...even let you have me as a bonus."

I couldn't believe what she was offering. The reward was great, but I wasn't the kind of guy to take advantage on a woman, even if the bonus was rather tempting.

"No", I said, "that won't be necessary. The cash will do just fine."

"Are you accepting my offer?" She asked.

"Yeah, I guess I am."

"Thank you. I knew I could count on you."

"Don't get excited. My mission hasn't even begun yet."

"You do what you have to", she said, handing me the disc. "Bring her back. Please."

"Right. I'll give you my full report, asap. Have a good night."

I thought she was going to break down, but she managed to keep her cool. She needed to once she got back on that stage, acting as if everything was all right. As for me, this assignment wasn't going to be as easy as I thought.

It was too late to start my search, so I waited until the following morning to get a fresh start. I only hoped that this assignment wasn't a bad decision on my part.

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chytownchytown3 months ago

*****Thanks for sharing it's getting very interesting.

GrimmerGrimmeralmost 5 years ago
Nice continuation

Great part 2 of this series.

Seriously good potential. Like the grittiness of the main.

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