Dream City Ch. 10

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A boy. A girl. A city of dreams.
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Part 10 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/03/2018
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I stopped over at Rosie's Diner, finally getting a quick bite to eat to satisfy the pain in my ass known as my stomach. Along with his hot looking waitress, Annie, Rosie was the best fry cook in town. Rumor has it he could flip three burgers at the same time with his eyes closed. I have yet to see that trick. I showed them both the holo disc of Prudence; to no surprise I received the same response.

"Rough day, Johnny?" Annie asked, noticing my recent battle scars.

"Rough doesn't quite cover it," I said.

"I keep telling you to quit your job."

"And do what, cage fighting?"

"No, I was thinking of the circus. You know, make people laugh and show them a good time."

"Sorry, but kicking ass is all I know how to do. My life is a circus and the city is already filled with clowns and freaks for me to handle."

"That's such a shame."

"Why's that?"

"You would have looked adorable as a clown."

"I don't do adorable. Rosie can do adorable, ain't that right?"

"Hell, no," he said. "Adorable is for sissies."

"You boys need to get out more," said Annie.

"I go out every day and night," I said, "isn't that enough?"

"Whatever you say."

Good looks and a nice tight ass; Annie was too beautiful to be working as a waitress. I always pictured her as a super model or an actress. Rosie, on the other hand, had the perfect physique to step into the wrestling ring or enter those world's strongest man contests. He was in his mid fifties but I bet he could bench press three hundred pounds or more at any given time.

"She may be right," said Rosie. "It's getting crazier out there."

"You, too?" I said. "We all know it's a zoo out there. That's nothing new and nothing I can't handle."

"Listen, you may enjoy all the work but it can also get you killed. I bet you nearly got killed more than once already today."

"Who's counting anyway?"

"I know how exciting it could be. Going after the bad guys, busting doors, busting heads, and collecting that big reward. Feeling that energy and rush, chasing after some punk or maniac. The weather is even more challenging. In the heat you have to worry about dehydration and in the freezing cold it's hypothermia.You go out there catching the culprits, never once thinking about your own well being. All that matters is the payday."

"Holdup. You were a bounty hunter?"

"That's right. Feast your eyes on this."

I've known Rosie for awhile, and I'd never known that part of his life. He pulled out his phone, showing me an old clipping from thirty plus years ago on an assignment he took on.

"Son of a bitch," I said, noticing how young he was.

The headline read, "Hunter Hunts The Triplets." The triplets were really one guy and a couple of clones he paid some scientist to create. He did it to be in one place while his clones did all the work such as robbery and murder. The bastard fooled everyone for a whole year, until his scientist friend got busted creating highly addicted drugs and selling them over the internet. To avoid prison he made a deal with the cops by snitching on the guy.

Once the word got out, the triplets attempted to leave town. Rosie managed to catch up to them before crossing the Canadian border, and ended the day collecting a big reward that was too juicy to pass up. Rosie was somewhat of a celebrity after making the headlines, but he turned down any offer that came his way. He turned down interviews, movie offers, book offers, etc. Rosie wanted nothing to do with show business.

"Yeah," he said, "fun times. I did it for fifteen years. After that I jumped right into retirement."

"Why's that?" I asked.

"I was tired of it. It got to a point where it was breaking me down. The jobs got tougher and more difficult each day, until I woke up one day and said, 'what am I doing?' I needed to rethink my life. Change my choice of career and start over with something that would keep me going without carrying a weapon all the time."

"So you chose to run the diner?"

"Yeah. This I can deal with everyday. It felt right just to be here. You should do the same."

"What, run a diner?"

"No. Don't you ever think about the future?"

"Thinking about the future is scary. I'd rather deal with what I have now."

"Yeah, but what about when it's over? When you get older and can't do it anymore? What would you do when it's time to call it quits? Aches and pains start building up or your heart starts slowing you down. I seriously doubt you can continue when you're old and grey, and there ain't no retirement benefits for bounty hunters. Think about it, Johnny. Don't let the future pass you by."

Rosie had a way with words; most of the time he was right. Retirement was the last thing on my mind and I'll continue doing this line of work until I drop. If I somehow manage to reach the point of becoming a grumpy old man, I shouldn't complain or should I? I never pictured myself living a long life or even a happy one at that. My happiness died a long time ago and all I know how to do is fight.

"So, Johnny," said Annie, "I'm curious, who is this girl you're looking for? Is she in some kind of trouble?"

"Her name," I said, "is Prudence Hill. She's been missing for some time and I'd been hired to find her. If I succeed, I got a big reward coming my way."

"Hill? Hill. By any chance is she related to Sadie Hill?"

"Yeah, they're sisters."

"Oh, shit, are you kidding me?"

"You asked."

"Sadie Hill hired you to find her sister? That's awesome."

"Not really."

"Are you kidding? Sadie Hill is the best, and her band, ooh, what I wouldn't give to bag those guys."

That's all I needed right now; an obsessed fan who worships the ground Sadie walks on. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole city loved her.

"How well do you know her?" She asked. "Is she nice? What is she like up close?"

"Hold on," I said. "I'm not her manager. I don't even know what her favorite food is. I know she likes herbal brew tea, doesn't take shit from anyone, and she seems nice when she's in the right mood."

"What about her eye patch? Is it really for show?"

"You're asking a bit much, aren't you?"

"I'm sorry. I'm just excited that you know her personally. You realize how much I envy you right now?"

"Sorry you feel that way."

"You think I can get an autograph from the band?"

I had never seen Annie act like this before. Who knows? Maybe she was part of the crowd, replicating Sadie's moves on those previous nights.

"I'll see what I can do," I said. "I can't promise you anything."

"Thanks, Johnny," said Annie, "I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart."

"My pleasure."

I was just about done with breakfast when someone happened to catch my eye. At the front window some idiot was looking into the diner, pacing back and forth like he needed to take a shit or something.

"So, Johnny," said Rosie, "you're dating a rock star?"

"I'm not dating anyone," I said.

"That's not what I heard."

"Well, you heard wrong."

"What do you got to lose?"

"I don't know, my pride? My relationships haven't exactly been spot on."

"I told you not to date those downtown hookers."

"Very funny. What do you care about my love life anyway? I rather stay single, thank you very much."

"It's your prerogative."

"I'm so glad you understand."

That's what I love about Rosie; always managing to slip one single detail into my last nerve. He means well, but the only advice I follow is my own. Out of curiosity, I looked towards the front window, once again seeing that very same guy doing the same thing. He was young, thin, and by the looks of it high as a kite. He was distracting the other customers and I had a good mind to go out and scare his scrawny ass off. Hopefully, he'll grow tired and leave.

"So," said Annie, "are you and Sadie...close?"

"What?" I said, frustrated over her obsession with Sadie.

"Too personal? I'm sorry. I'm just curious."

"Let's just say It's business, not pleasure."

It certainly wasn't about business after the other night. I didn't know if it was good for her than it was for me. I'm sure Annie wanted to know every juicy detail if I had told her what happened in the bedroom.

"Annie," said Rosie, "leave the poor boy alone, and you're scaring the customers away."

"Sir, yes, sir," Annie responded with a mocking salute.

"What is he doing?"

Rosie pointed out the idiot outside. He started looking towards me and I didn't like that. It was almost like he was calling me out.

"Who the hell is that?" I asked.

"Otto," said Rosie, grabbing my full attention. "He was a customer until one day I threw him out for being stoned out of his mind."


"Otto Mays. He must be high on some shit right now."

The man of the hour right there in front of me. Finally, I would get the chance to interrogate his ass and put an end to this fucking charade. That's right, Otto, you just stay right there until uncle Johnny gives you the spanking of your life.

"Rosie," I said, before taking my leave, "thanks for the meal. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to have a word with our guest out there."

"He's an addict. What's the worse he can do?"

"I'll know when I talk to him."

"Come on, Johnny, he's not even worth it."

It looked like my luck would change for the better, but as I was about to get things started, the unexpected came my way. Otto stopped pacing, only to pull out an Uzi, fully loaded and set to cause some serious damage. Motherfucker.

"Get down!" I alerted everyone.

The front window shattered, showering and cutting those who sat so close. The combination of screams and gunfire filled up the diner. Water filled glasses shattered, giving me a cool bath I didn't need. The firing had ceased and Otto made his escape. I pulled out my shotgun, going right after him. Turns out he had a ride waiting on him and it was the very same vehicle that chased me the other night.

They sped off and I gave chase, firing my shotgun, shattering one taillight and cracking the back window. I wanted to go after them but I had to check if anyone inside needed help. So far there were no casualties, but a few were hurt from broken glass. Rosie, on the other hand, managed to catch a bullet to the shoulder. Annie grew excited discovering him laying on the floor, bleeding up a storm.

"Keep pressure on it," I told him, "you're gonna be fine. Annie, call nine one one."

Annie was shaking in her boots, not listening to a word I said. She was scared shitless, but she needed to get over herself and focus.

"Annie," I said. "Annie, look at me. Annie! Listen to me, you watch over Rosie. Help is on the way, all right?"

The poor girl gave me a nod and I called nine one one. No doubt the cops would be here asking me questions and I wasn't about to stick around for that. I didn't give a shit about leaving the crime scene. I'm very pleased to meet you, Otto. The next time you pull a weapon on me you better use it and use it good.

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chytownchytown3 months ago

*****Thanks for sharing.

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