Dream Cottage Ch. 01


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Jack came across, and said, "It's my guess you've never had a real orgasm before."

I was embarrassed about what I'd just let them do to me, to say the least. But more than that, there was a feeling that I didn't want to admit to this stranger, that he and his sons could pleasure my body in a way my own husband couldn't. So stupidly, I tried to make out that my little performances were nothing new. "Well that's all you know. My Jim makes me cum like that every weekend he comes home."

"Does he by god, well then, I guess that's why you're so randy; being as he hasn't been home in six weeks."

I was angry to think he knew anything about Jim, and the fact he'd not been home, "How on earth do you know that?"

"They were talking about you down the pub. They say you and him have had a bust up. So I'm guessing you fucking my boys is your way of getting your own back at him."

"For a start, we haven't had anything of the sort. And nobody down at the pub or anywhere else has any right to talk about me that way."

"Sorry lass. Don't get all shirty with me. I'm only telling you what I was told. I couldn't care less one way or the other whether hubby and you fuck ten times a day. All I'm interested in is me and my lads getting a piece of the action."

Don't get me wrong, I was still woozy with the drink, but his tone and attitude was now riling me something awful.

"Well I've done what you asked, and not only have I pandered to the wants of your boys, you also helped yourself; which wasn't part of the deal. So I think it's about time you all got dressed and left."

"Don't be silly lass. The night is yet young. You get yourself dressed, and then go and make us all a nice supper."

"Supper! If you think I'm feeding you, you've got another think coming."

"Now lass, there's no need for all this hostility. After all, you aren't going to pretend you didn't enjoy that little session."

Yes, he was right, the things I'd experienced were way beyond anything I could ever have imagined, but now I was out of the spell I'd been under, I felt so ashamed of the way I'd given in to their demands. "That's as maybe. But the fact is, the storm is now bating, and I want you all to leave."

"If that's what you want, I'm willing to try. And I'm of course grateful for what you've already done for us. But I can't guarantee Kenneth and Tom will actually do what you want."

"I don't see why not, they've obeyed you to the letter all evening."

"Yes, but that was when they could see it was to their advantage. I'll tell them we need to get dressed and go as soon as they come back. I guess I might as well start getting myself dressed. My clothes will still be wet; they're still in your spin dryer."

He was right; and the boy's clothes were in a soggy crumpled heap, where he'd dropped them when Kenneth had attacked him. And knowing they would all still be wet, I began to feel guilty about throwing them out. But as he went out to the kitchen to get his clothes, I reasoned, I had no real choice open to me. And then just as he came back into the room and started to dress, as if to make me feel even worse, the rain re-started, and not just gently.

Just then, the boys opened the door, and Tom said, "What are you doing dad? Don't you want another fuck of the lady?"

I thought, Lady, he was talking like he was a little boy, and yet he must be a good five years older than me. And anyway, someone who behaves the way I'd just done with three strangers can hardly be called a Lady.

Jack said calmly, "It's time for us to leave now boys, just pickup your clothes and get yourselves."

He didn't get chance to finish his sentence, before Kenneth said, "I'm not leaving, you can if you want."

"Come on lad, the lady's been good to you, but it's time for us to go."

Kenneth shook his head, "We're not going out there, it's still raining."

Tom spoke next, "We're staying the night."

"But boys, the lady says we have to go."

Tom answered, "Well she's unlucky then, cos we're staying here."

Jack looked at me, and shrugged his shoulders, and I knew there was nothing I could say, or for that matter do; that could persuade them to leave. "Ok, I'll go upstairs and get myself some clothes on, and then I'll make you something to eat. But you'll have to take pot luck, I haven't got much in the way of a selection of food in, I wasn't expecting guests."

Kenneth said, "Don't get dressed, I like seeing you naked."

Jack said, "Ignore him lass, you go and get some clothes on. And you pair can start putting this room back to how it was when we arrived. I want to see everything neat and tidy."

And to my surprise, there was no tantrum from Kenneth, and both of them just went around moving the furniture as they'd been told to. So off I went and got myself dressed.

So I was once again persuaded to comply with their demands, and after getting myself dressed, I made them a supper, and we all sat in the snug eating it. And then Jack told the boys to go into the kitchen and wash-up for me, and to my surprise they just did as he'd told them.

As soon as they were out of the room, he said, "Look I know this has been a bit of an imposition, us descending on you, and making ourselves at home, but I am a victim of circumstance, as much as you are. I only have a limited control over them, and it was fate that brought our paths to cross."

"I guess so. But you have to see it from my point of view. I'm a married woman, if my husband ever found out."

"He won't, we'll stay the night here with you, I'll take one of the spare bedrooms, and the boys will no doubt want to sleep with you. Not that you'll get much sleep. But in the morning we'll be gone, and nobody will ever know we've been here."

I hadn't thought as far ahead as sleeping arrangements, and as soon as he'd mentioned his boys wanting to sleep with me, I could see there'd be no way out of that happening. So I resigned myself to my fate, "Ok, but you'll make sure they go first thing tomorrow morning?"

"You have my word. I mean, they will want breakfast, and probably a last fuck, but as soon as they've both finished fucking you, we'll be on our way."

"You make it sound like I'm just here for them to relieve themselves with."

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to. But as far as they are concerned, that was the way their mother let them use her. So now they've tasted your treats, so to speak, they'll just expect to be able to use you the same way. But once we leave, it'll all be a thing of the past. And be honest, it will leave you with some very pleasant memories. I mean, you've never had cock like that before. And the fanny licking, you said your hubby never does that for you. I mean, when we go up to bed, if you want me to, I don't mind giving you another good licking before I turn in."

"No thank you. I'm sure I'll manage without."

Just then the door opened, Tom spoke, "All done, dried and put away. Do you want to take your stuff off again dad, and I'll put it on the rack with Kenneth's and mine. That way it'll be dry by morning."

"Good idea lad."

And with that, Jack began to strip off naked, without a concern for me being in the room. And as he handed his clothes to Tom, and he turned to see me looking at him, his cock began to lift. "Well bugger me. I've had more fanny tonight, than I've had this last ten years, and the old cock still looks like it wants more."

I didn't reply, but just got to my feet, and said, "Well I'm going up to my room; I'll see you in the morning."

"I think I'll come up with you, and give you that licking. I mean, you've done us proud tonight, so I think you deserve another little treat. And anyway, I'll maybe give my cock another little dip in your fanny; it's hard, but I doubt it'll make much spunk."

Again I didn't reply, but as I passed him to leave the room, his arm came around my shoulder as he followed me out. As we passed the kitchen, he said, "Take your time lads, I'm gonna have another little fuck before I turn in. I'll leave her nice'n wet for you."

So up to my bedroom we went, and once I was naked, he was down in between my legs, with his tongue driving me wild again. As much as I didn't want him or the other two to re-commence their abuse, it only took a minute of Jack's tongue, before I was heaving myself up and once again a keen participant. Jack might have been old, but he knew how to please my pussy, and not only with the use of his tongue. His cock, as I've said before, might not be bigger than my Jim's, but he seemed able to get it to reach parts of me, that Jim never did. And his slow determined pumping also seemed to stir up a much greater sensation. Although he'd said he probably wouldn't have much spunk, and I can't vouch for the quantity, all I do know is, when his cock stiffened to shoot what it had available, it triggered yet another spasmic orgasm. He lay with me for a minute or so, and then with a goodnight kiss, he got up and went to one of the spare rooms to sleep.

Almost as soon as he'd left the room, in came the two boys, both naked, and both with massive erections. They got into bed, one either side, and as Tom began with kissing, Kenneth was back to sucking on my breasts. Tom and I kissed with deep tongues for maybe ten of fifteen minutes. In fact, I was beginning to think he wasn't going to go any further, and that we might all end up going to sleep without further sex. But no, just as I was mellowing with that thought, I felt Tom's fingers as he began to probe into my pussy. I just let my legs fall open as they instinctively wanted to, and he mounted me. How many times they both fucked me before I eventually dropped off to sleep, I have no idea. I do know it was more than three times each, but it could have been double that.

I also know that when I awoke, it was with Kenneth in front of me as I lay on my side, and he was nestled up in a ball under the covers, his mouth suckling one of my breasts. But as I was also in a curled up ball, this meant my bottom was in an accessible position for Tom who was behind me. And I awoke to the feeling of his big cock gently driving in and out of my pussy. I guess I should have been annoyed, shocked, angry, or all three. But in all honesty, I can only once in my life remember waking up with such a wonderful feeling. And that was waking up on the first day of my married life, and feeling Jim's arms wrapped around me. Ironically, with us both lying in a very similar manner to what Tom and I were doing now. But my Jim hadn't been fucking me at the time, just holding me in a warm cuddle.

So I awoke, and my situation instantly came back to me, and again, it is amazing to say, but even knowing I was in this situation, it wasn't an unpleasant or daunting feeling. Yes, I was irked by the fact I wasn't in control, but somewhere in my sub-conscious, was the knowledge, that this experience was something I'd look back on in times to come, and not with regret. And as it had been something I'd not entered willingly, it wasn't as if I need bear any blame for my conduct. Well before we left the bedroom, they'd both had me three more times; including the one I woke up to with Tom that is. Then I took a bath, dressed, and went back down to make breakfast. We all ate heartily, even me, and I confess, I was in good spirits, and I didn't feel any animosity to Jack or his boys. After breakfast, the boys again washed and dried the breakfast crockery, while Jack and I sat in the snug and talked.

He was again thanking me and apologising, and for my part, I said, "It's ok. It's not your fault, and I can't blame your boys. I guess it is just like you said last night, fate, and once you all leave, it will just be a memory."

"Well I'm glad you don't bear me any hard feelings, and I do really think you were an angel to take us in last night."

"You'd have done the same if the roles had been reversed."

"Maybe. Are it sounds like the boys are done."

The door had just opened, and in came Kenneth, "Is it all cleaned up and put away?"

"Yes dad."

"Ok, you can take Jill upstairs for one farewell fuck, but don't take all day about it; I want to be home by dinner time."

Kenneth took hold of my hand, and almost dragged me out of the chair, and I just meekly got to my feet, and without protest, let him lead me up to my bedroom. While Tom and him got undressed, so did I, and soon we were all naked, and in bed. It only took a minute or two before Tom's fingers told him I was wet enough to mount, and then we were back into a rhythm. They took it in turns like they'd done before and Tom had had two fucks.

And Kenneth was on his second, when I heard Jack's voice, but not calling up the stairs, he was in the bedroom at the foot of the bed. "Kenneth lad, if you can't get it to cum right now, then you'd better just pull out, and have another go later. It looks like the lady has got visitors."

Kenneth began to ram violently, and within seconds he was pumping his spunk. But although he was instantly back on his feet, I was still very much under the influence, and I don't mean of alcohol. They stood me up, and as Tom held me there, Kenneth was wiping me down in between my legs, and Jack was lifting a dress up and over my head. And then with just a dress, no knickers or bra, I was being helped down the stairs. As I got to the bottom step, there was a knock on the door. Both Jack and Tom who'd helped me down the stairs, both stood there out of site of the front door, I assume to listen to what I said. I was now coming out of my trance-like state, but still not what you'd call with-it.

I opened the door, and there was the vicar, and stood behind him were two men, I recognised them as local odd-job men. I'd seen them doing various jobs around the village, and they were also grave diggers for the church. I looked at the vicar all bemused, and he must have seen the confusion in my look. "You don't remember, do you? We arranged for me to bring you a hive."

The penny dropped, it was Tuesday, and he'd said he'd get one of his hives out to me. "Ah yes. I'm sorry, I forgot. Come in. No I mean can you go and wait by the back gate. I'll just put my shoes on and let you in to the garden, its going in the orchard. But I haven't prepared anywhere for you to put it."

"No problem my dear. Don't you remember, I said I'd bring a concrete slab, and that's what we've done? I'll get Garry and Len to carry the hive around to your side gate, and we'll wait there for you to unlock it."

So as the vicar turned and went back to the two men; who were lifting the hive from the back of the pick-up truck, I went back in, to find my shoes, and I'd thought, to get myself a pair of knickers.

But as I approached the stairs, Jack asked, "Where are you going?"

"To get some knickers, I can't go out there without any on."

Both him and Tom blocked my path, and Jack said, "Don't be silly. Nobody will know. And you haven't got time."

I was sure I could have rushed upstairs, and been down without any trouble, but with them barring my path, one thing I didn't have time for was an argument with them. So I dashed through my kitchen, putting on a pair of shoes on the way, and then out into my garden, where I opened the side gate.

The vicar and I led the way along my garden path, past the lawn, and into the orchard, with the two men carrying the hive following on behind us. And all the time I was walking, I could feel the juices gradually seeping their way out from my pussy, and making their way down my inner thighs. Two things made this more worrying than normal, not that this situation is in any way normal for me. But first, I wasn't wearing any knickers, so there wasn't even a first line of defence, that is nothing to soak up the juices, and delay their progress. But second, and something that in my state I'd not realised until I'd got to the gate to let them into my garden.

The dress Jack had provided and slipped over my head, was not a day wear style. It was a party dress from about three years earlier, very pretty, but not something I'd wear unless going to a club or late night party. It was one of those dresses that looked to all intents and purposes, like it was made for a girl in her early teens, but was being worn by an older and more well developed grownup. So with the bodice, now being filled with adult breasts, it lifted what should have been the waist-line to directly under the breasts, and hence the hem of the fully flared skirt portion, was now well above normal stocking-top height. Meaning this dress definitely required the wearing of tights (Panty hose), and respectable panties. Neither of which I was wearing.

So as I'm walking, I can imagine the eyes of the two men who are following, to be scanning not only for the telltale glistening streaks down my legs, but also, to get a glimpse of anything that the flapping hem of my dress might reveal. But as I can't think how to do anything about the situation, I carry on down through the orchard to the place where the hive is to be sited.

Once the men put it down, the vicar then says, "Thank you. Now if you can just go and collect the slab for the base, then we can set it in place."

As they both turn around, and begin to walk back out to the truck, I take my opportunity to get back to the house, thinking I'd not only be able to give myself a quick wipe down, but also find some knickers, "Excuse me a second reverend. I think I've left something on the range, I won't be a minute."

So off I went, and as soon as I was inside the diner, I grabbed a box of tissues, and with my foot propped up on one of the chairs, I began to wipe my inner thighs clean. I guess I should give a little description of the layout of this part of my house. As you approach the house from the back garden, you enter the new extension. This room you enter the house by is the one we use as our kitchen diner, and the door has a frosted glass panel. It joins onto the end of the kitchen on the opposite side to the new bathroom which I described earlier.

The reason I've just told you the layout, is so you'll understand the next series of events. So I'm in the diner wiping my inner thighs, but what I didn't know was, that once Len had helped Garry to lift the slab down from the truck, they'd put it onto a sack-barrow. So now it only needed one of them to wheel it.

And as they'd come in through the gate, Len said to Garry, "You take that up to the orchard, I need a piss. I'll go and see if I can use their toilet."

So I'm stood on one leg, with my back towards the door, and I didn't hear him open it. The first thing I know is a hand is under my pussy, and another one is around my mouth.

"Right little lady. Let me tell you how this is going to go. First, I know all about you and your husband splitting up. And I know he's looking for evidence of you playing around, that way it'll cut-down on the divorce settlement. I also know about the three men who you spent the night with. And I know they're still here in the house. So when I let go of your mouth, if you scream or make a sound, I'll call Garry and the vicar, and we'll root out those horny bastards who've been fucking you all night, and make sure your husband gets all the evidence he needs."

He turned me so he could see my facial reaction, "So are you going to keep quiet?"

My head was spinning, and I had no idea how he knew so much about me; even if some of it wasn't true. But the part that was (the three men being here overnight), was enough to make me not want to call for help. So I meekly nodded agreement.

He slowly released my mouth. "Ok, get over that table."

And as he said it, he was manoeuvring me into the position he wanted me into, and before I knew what was going on, I felt his cock entering me. He fucked hard and quick and I just lay there, arms spread out across the table.