Dream Vacation Pt. 09


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I decided I was going to give those beautiful bosoms the best tongue bath they'd ever had. I started with the underside, lifting each sweet, firm breast to lick and suck at that sensitive place. She moaned with delight and rocked her hips on my cock to show how much she appreciated it, and did some more when I dove into her deep cleavage and licked with long, smooth strokes all the way up to her neck.

Of course, I hadn't forgotten about her tender nipples, and with moistened lips I teased them up to full hardness. Her breath began to come in short gasps as she lost control, and then without warning she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me so close and tight to her body that I felt her racing heart pounding on my chest. Her face burrowed into my neck and muffled her cries as she became the seventh woman in a row to fuck her way to intense, orgasmic pleasure on my manhood.

* * * * *

Julie held me close to her for a long time, and when she was finally able to let me go, I found that we were alone on the deck. I wondered if perhaps Trina had assumed that I wouldn't be taking her on this last night, as she had been my nearly constant companion for the whole week thus far. I hoped that wasn't the case, as I really felt that one last time with her would be a splendid way to finish.

"The other girls are in your cabin," Julie said once she could find her voice. "We'll finish the party in there, so we can just go to sleep when we're finally done for the night. I'm so glad I got to fuck you one last time."

"I still think you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," I told her sincerely. "I can't believe I've actually had the pleasure of making love to you."

She smiled and even blushed a little. "It was good for me too, lover," she replied. "I hope that next time I can be your main girl. I'd love to do you every night for a week."

"How much is that Amazon outfit you wanted?" I asked.

"Three hundred dollars, plus another fifty to customize it."

"Consider it my gift to you, then. Tell me where I can order it for you, give me all the measurements they'll need, and you'll have it for the next time I come down."

Her eyes went wide. "You really mean it?" she said. "Oh, thank you! You're the best, Xavier, you really are! Now youhaveto come back, so I can be your Amazon Queen, and order my minions to make you ready to please me... oh God, it's going to be such ahotfantasy!"

"Trust me," I said, "I'll be back."

I kissed Julie one more time, tenderly and deeply, before she finally lifted herself off my well-fucked cock, which had by now gone half-soft and was almost dripping wet with the natural lube of seven women.

Julie took me by the hand and we made our way over to the stairs that led to my cabin on the upper level. We paused at the doorway for one last kiss between the two of us alone, and then opened the door and slipped inside.

The room was dimly lit, and soft music played in the air. Staci and Susie lay on one of the large pillows whispering quietly together and touching each other's bodies with soft, tender strokes. Evelyn sat up on the edge of the hot tub, while Akimi and Nikki relaxed inside, facing each other and massaging each other's shoulders. Kiko sat by the open door that led out to the deck, sipping champagne and idly stroking herself between her spread legs.

Trina lay on the bed, on her side, one leg raised straight up in the air. One hand held that leg up and stroked her own thigh, the other caressed her breasts. Her hair was down and her lips were shining red. She wore nothing but a diamond necklace.

"One more time, Stallion," she said. "Any way you want. Alone or with all these women, in my pussy or between my tits or in my mouth. Tie me up or let me pin you down. I'll be your bitch, your lover, your whore, or your wife. Please, I just want us to come together... one more time."

Her eyes weren't those of a paid escort with another client to satisfy, they were of a woman with a desperate need. It was those eyes alone, that look of yearning, that she countered my exhaustion and brought my manhood to full attention.

I approached the bed and lay down on top of her, her yielding body sliding easily into position beneath me. "Just like this," I said. "No fancy positions, no roles to play. I just want to fuck you."

"Then fuck me deep," she whispered, spreading her legs around me.

I slid my cock inside of her, pressed my body against her tits, and accepted her tongue in my mouth. For one last time, I joined with my shameless whore, my eager slut, my hot bitch, my beautiful lover, my fantasy woman. We stayed in that one position, our hands roaming around each other's bodies, our lips kissing and sucking, our hips rocking together to slide me in and out of her sweet sex, building us both up to that moment of blissful release...

She shivered, her pussy tightened, and she moaned hotly through our kiss.

I kept on, still thrusting, tiring but building up to a long-awaited climax of my own.

Trina slid her head to one side, gasped for breath, and I felt her pussy squeeze me once again. She had reached her climax and surpassed it, I knew, and as long as I could fuck her she would come again and again, overwhelmed with lust and desire and sensual pleasure, fucking me forever and ever.

Her back arched high, her head rolled back and she seemed to cry out soundlessly with sheer ecstasy. I felt the rush coming, held it for as long as I could, and then... at long last, I let myself go, my cream filling her pussy deep inside. Trina's arms and legs wrapped around me and she kissed me with all the fervor of a woman totally overcome with sexual rapture.

It may have been a minute or an hour later that I rolled off her body to one side. We were both totally exhausted, and unable even to speak to each other. The lights in the room went out, the music faded away, and the last sensation I knew was that of all my women joining us on the bed, their bodies surrounding the two of us, hands and lips and breasts on all sides... and there was no more.

===== DAY NINE =====

===== (the final moments) =====

I stood at the rail of the ship, watching the land draw nearer, and with it the end of a truly extraordinary week. That morning I had awakened among eight beautiful, naked women, all of them still asleep, and I had quietly pulled on a pair of shorts and a shirt and left them alone. I needed a moment to think.

Eight days of pure hedonism, I had just lived through - eight days of the most gratuitous self-indulgence I could ever imagine, fueled by overwhelming sexual stimulation and limitless lust, not to mention stamina far beyond anything I had ever known myself to possess even in my horniest days in college. It hadn't been the perfect fantasy, not quite; there had been the battles with guilt over cheating on my wife, the embarrassing moment in the strip club with Desiree, and of course the obscene amount of money I'd spent on it all. All in all, though, it seemed to me that these were minimal problems that were each easily solved, and in fact these minor difficulties really only enhanced the overall pleasure.

"Are you finished?" asked Michelle, joining me at the rail.

I turned, and there was my wife, dressed in her simple one-piece swimsuit and a white wrap over her shoulders. I nodded, knowing that it only made sense that she would be there. "I guess I must be," I said with a shrug.

"When did you figure it out?" she asked.

"You mean, when did I know it wasn't real? I wasn't completely sure until this moment, but I started putting it together after something you said during the wedding night fantasy."

"SomethingIsaid?" Michelle asked, laying a hand on her chest and raising an eyebrow.

"Something Trina said, whatever. You are all of them. Every woman I've seen, touched, kissed... they've all been you. I know that now."

"Only half right," Michelle nodded. "But go on."

"She said something about the situation being too good to be true. That's when it hit me – it'sallbeen too good to be true, everything about it. The winning lotto ticket, your trip out of town at precisely the right time, the idea that these women would be so willing and open to exactly what I want, the fact that they all happen to resemble my favorite pornstars... things like this just don't happen in real life. It's a fantasy."

"Seems to me that you had all the evidence right then," Michelle said. "Why did it take you so long to really be sure?"

"Because I didn't want to be sure," I said. "Because I figured it would end as soon as I really knew, and it felt too good to let it end. But I suppose it has to sometime."

"Yes, it does," she smiled.

"So, I have just one more question," I said. "Who exactly are you, and why are you doing this to me?"

Michelle blinked. "I guess you aren't really sure, then. Some part of you still needs to reason it out."

"I don't follow," I said.

"Look, Xavier – I suppose we might as well maintain the fiction of your alias – as hard as it is to believe that this sexual fantasy world is real, isn't just as much of a stretch to think that someone would have any reason to make you think it is? Why would anyI mean, come on, it's not like you're a CIA operative or something. And even on a less dramatic level, you must understand that your wife, who truly loves you, would never mess with your head like this. No one has any reason to play these kinds of mind games with you.No one. Think about it."

I nodded, realization dawning. "That's why you said I was only half right," I said. "You are all of them... but you're notyou."

"That's right."


"And so am I," Trina said from behind me.

"And all of us," said a multitude of other voices. I turned, and they were all there, all of them, smiling at me. Trina and Susie and Candi, Katiana and Julie and Bianca. Akimi and Kiko. Evelyn and Charla. Delilah. Natalya. Danielle. Staci.

All of them were there, and my wife Michelle next to me.

"You understand everything now, right?" Michelle said.

"I think so," I replied, nodding. "But, I'd like to hear it out loud, even if I'm only talking to myself."

"Very well," Michelle said. "As you've finally understood, none of this is real, any more than the fantasies that inspired it. But you're not crazy, or delusional, or anything like that. You're dreaming, though it's not a normal dream. For the past week, or however long it's been in real time, you've been living two lives. One of them is real, and the other is here. When you fall asleep in one –"

"I awaken in the other," I whispered.

She nodded. "No consequences, no emotional fallout, no betrayals, no guilt involved... the perfect realization of a sexual fantasy."

"But Ididfeel guilt!" I insisted. "It wasn't perfect at all!"

"Blame your active imagination," Michelle shrugged. "Most people don't have the intensely vivid dreams that you do. It felt too real, and you started to react as though itwerereal. At the same time it wasn't real enough, and your mind started to rebel, until you came to the understanding that you've achieved now."

"And so it ends," I said with a sigh. "I can't maintain the illusion now that I've seen through it." I looked around again, and saw that the world around me had completely lost its reality; it was like a picture, or a movie set. I felt melancholy, though at the same time a little relieved...

No, make that alotrelieved! I suddenly realized that I hadnothing to feel guilty about. None of what I had done was real! I could go home to my wife – or wake up, it seemed – and I wouldn't have to tell her any lies, or live with the fact that I'd cheated on her six ways from Sunday, or worry about passing on some kind of STD or something. I wasoff the hook!

"Yes, you are," Samantha said – the only one not wearing some kind of sexy outfit, but a conservative sweater and slacks. I suddenly recognized her as the marriage counselor my wife and I had been seeing for the past month. I felt momentarily weird that I had written her into my fantasy, but consoled myself with the fact that I hadn't actually done anything the least bit sexual with her. "We discussed it in your last session," she continued, "and we came to the conclusion that the guilt would eventually destroy this outlet for you. We thought we might be able to save it by allowing your dream-self to realize the truth. It was getting harder and harder to keep this part of you from figuring it out anyway. There is the chance that you may find it less than fulfilling now that you know it isn't real, but perhaps you will still find this fantasy world sufficient."

"Sufficient to do what?" I asked, and at the same moment realized the answer to my own question.

I remembered everything now. I remembered how my wife and I had started counseling about our sexual incompatibility. I had told Samantha in a private session how I spent hours indulging in pornography and erotica, how my wife just didn't seem to have the same needs as I did, and how I feared it wouldn't be long before I gave in to temptation and sought out relief outside our marriage. Her solution, which we discussed with my wife, was to teach me how to use self-hypnosis to control my own dreams, to give me some kind of safe way to satisfy my needs when my wife could not. I smiled, recalling the 'wet dream' on the boat a few nights before, the result of an occasion that Michelle and I had actually had real sex.

There had been other times, other fantasies I had created. Strip clubs where the dancers had broken all the rules for my benefit, prostitutes who had behaved more like pornstars, even a wild night where I had assumed a woman's role and had lesbian sex, just as I told Trina I had always wanted to be able to do.

Anything else I wanted, any other fantasy I wanted to fulfill... suddenly I could do it all.

Or could I?

"Can I still dream this way, now that I know it's only a dream?" I asked. "I remember how you told me it would be more effective if I hid the truth from myself in this world. Does this mean it's over?"

"It might," Samantha said. "But it would have ended anyway. Your own guilt was blocking you. There is a chance, however, that with your vivid imagination and your tendency to lucid and intensely visual and visceral dreaming, that you may be able to enjoy the best of both worlds."

"Will I ever want to wake up?" I asked with a wry grin.

"The technique is self-limiting," Samantha assured me. "Eventually, you will have the need for regular, uncontrolled dreaming, and your mind will take that path instead. It's part of the reason why you've had some dreams within dreams this time around; you've been pushing the envelope a bit, trying to see how far you could go. And from the looks of things, I think that maybe you've gone just about far enough."

I considered the truth of that as I looked over all the women gathered around me, my fantasy lovers...

Candi, hot and blonde, who provided a simple and straightforward threesome for my first encounter. She had been something of a test case, I knew; I had wanted to see how real my mind could make the fantasy.

Sensuous and exotic Katiana was there, and I now knew for certain that her hypnotic suggestion that I could satisfy any woman's desires had been my rationale for my own unbelievable stamina.

Natalya, and the rest of the strip-club dancers, who I conjured as a major indulgence to see how far the fantasy could go.

Jean was there too, and I realized she was the first attempt at smoothing over the guilt. It had worked long enough for me to enjoy Bianca and Justine, who had satisfied my craving for a dangerous, passionate encounter. Perhaps I would be more willing to surrender control next time.

Monique, who helped me fight yet another battle against the constant enemy of guilt, and fulfilled a wild fantasy while she was at it.

Delilah, she of the beach-ball tits, an indulgence in my more juvenile desires.

Akimi and Kiko, who gave me the twin fantasy I had always felt wrong about because of the incestuous nature of it all, and who had allowed me to experience it without that little hangup.

Julie, my ultimate designer woman, the hot and sexy superstar of my dreams.

Nikita, the submissive, who gave herself freely to my desires.

Evelyn, the whore, who indulged in pure and anonymous lust.

Staci, the exciting combination of virgin and slut.

Susie Q, the cute little cheerleader I wanted in high school.

Danielle, Charla, Sandi, Victoria, the dozen or so women I hadn't had the chance to really enjoy... they were all there, an invitation to return one day and live other fantasies.

And, of course, there was Trina. Exquisitely beautiful, wildly sexual, totally honest and yet willing to play any part I wanted. A fantasy among fantasies, she was the woman I had created as my ultimate mistress and guide to my own sensuous indulgence. She stepped up close and kissed me...

...and her lips felt real.

Perhaps the fantasy wasn't broken! Perhaps I could still enjoy this world, this dreamscape, even though I knew it a fabrication. And if I truly had the level of control that I seemed to, I could even perhaps make myself forget the truth in the future, and let the fantasy become the reality again.

"Before you leave," Trina whispered, "do one last thing for me."

"Anything," I said.

She nodded in Michelle's direction. "Why don't you introduce me to yourlovelywife?"


...Except it's not quite the end yet. There's one more thing to say.

This, like all my other stories so far, is a work of pure fantasy. In reality, I'venever actually cheated on my wife. Creating these stories is how I deal with the very real frustration I describe due to our lack of a normal sexual relationship, but I have never acted upon my urge to seek satisfaction outside my marriage. I wish I knew how to have erotic dreams whenever I wanted, but unfortunately that's just another fantasy.

However, something has happened recently and she seems to be finally getting the idea that our relationship is suffering due to the lack of bedroom action. She's beginning to open up to the idea of having sex more often, more adventurously, and more willingly.

While I was writing the story, I felt very guilty because I knew that given the chance, I would actually do something like this. But that changed once I started getting the attention I needed at home; more importantly, when I began to see that my wifedidwant to have a sexual relationship with me and that shewaswilling to put forth the effort. The real-life need I had to explore sex outside my marriage faded, and as a result my real guilt went away. I wanted to reflect this somehow in the story, because I no longer felt like I had to apologize for the fantasy, and this is why I "cured" my character of his guilty feelings, and resolved the story as I did.

It's all something of a relief, really, because I always told myself that my longing to stray would evaporate if I could just get satisfaction at home. Now, I know it's true. Maybe I'll never go to a resort stocked with all the willing women I want, but as I said before, if I have the affection of the woman I love, I don't need more.

And so, both stories – the Fantasy and the Reality – end happily. For my readers, I wish the same.

Note: Safe sex is good. Using condoms when engaging in casual or for-hire sex is imperative. This is a fantasy, where no one has STDs or gets accidentally pregnant. The fact that there are no rubbers in my story does not mean I wouldn't use them in real life.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Dream Vacation series

This is the best story I have read on here in the 3 years. It has a story line that is well crafted, vibrant characters, and well written, classy sex scenes that were always erotic & never vulgar or coarse. The author put a lot of thought & effort into this series which really makes the whole series a joy to read. I gave it 5 stars & encourage everyone who has the time to read it right now!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Thank you

It has taken me over two years to read this story in full, page by page, late at night in between completing my degree falling in love and buying my first flat.

Thank you very much for the experience, you really have a talent. If all the stories on this website were a fraction as good as this one I might never find time to do anything again!

I will keep looking for other stories by you Xenolan hopefully you will keep writing now you are satisfied.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Dream of a story

Well Xenolan,

thank you for a wonderfull storie ... with a very interesting end. I read the whole series and loved every page of it.

Very sensual, very well told, very interesting characters and even the topic of guilt is very well covered.

Keep on writing .. and all the luck to you and your wife.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Absolutely Fabulous

Words fail me. It is a perfect gem.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

This was the best story I have read in this site, and the only one I have ever commented on. Well done.

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