Drugged and Raped Ch. 07

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Chuck makes plans for his future.
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Part 7 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/01/2018
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The next morning he started a plan for the near future. He wanted to stay very close to his boys and not be in an apartment away from them. He contacted a realtor after outlining his housing goal with Thomas Wilkes. His intention was to purchase property near where his former residence was located but outside the 1000 foot barrier outlined in the protection order. He would make sure that Bev knew exactly how far away he was living and how she could avoid contact but the boys could easily come to him instead of needing their mother to drive them.

Luckily there was a house for sale in the right distance from Bev's house and was not in a spot to interfere with her driving to and from her house. Thomas, at Chuck's direction, put in a bid on the house and then the realtor and Thomas visited the owners of the houses on either side of the house for sale and backing it. Within a few extra days the offer had been made sweet enough that Chuck would buy two adjoining houses.

The money put a good dent in the first money that he had gotten from the sale of his patent but Thomas had been in conference with other brands and they were all very interested and already discussing dollar amounts so any money he invested in a house and the outbuildings he was thinking of would be recouped in a matter of months.

After purchasing the properties he went to an architect and started to design the dream home that he and Bev had discussed when they were still loving together. This house would be large enough for the boys to each have their own room. It would have live-in quarters for a number of staff if needed. The garage would be huge as Chuck wanted to have a modest car collection. There would also be a pool, thus explaining the extra real estate needed. Part of the house would cover a lot of the pool during the winter and inclement weather conditions. There would be indoor and outdoor basketball area along with a huge media room where movies and games could be experienced in decadent comfort.

It was truly a dream home. Since the pool was to be a spa, hot tub, water park, with a grotto and a waterfall it was expected to run into the millions for the whole project. He pushed to get the project started as quickly as possible.

A few short weeks later things seemed to be becoming routine. He would visit with his in-laws on Wednesday evenings for a short time while playing with the boys. Then he would take them to his apartment or to some kind of event, usually involving exercise of some kind. They loved laser tag so they went at least every other Wednesday night to the local laser tag venue and had hours of fun. They would eat a good meal and then be back at their grandparents by 9:00. Chuck usually didn't stay long then as Bev would come very soon and take the boys home.

William and Gayle had re-opened a line of communication with their dastardly daughter. While not forgiving what she had tried to pull on Chuck, they had at least put it behind them enough, especially on Gayle's part, to be able to allow her into their home again. William reported to his son-in-law that he still had a hard time talking with Bev but he usually only had to speak with her a few minutes on Wednesday night when she picked up the boys since he wasn't home when she dropped them off. He did tolerate her some on the weekends when she picked the boys up after they had been with Chuck but she usually would keep her head down and keep conversation to a minimum. She spoke with her mother on the phone occasionally.

William did get the information through Gayle that Darcy was now living with Bev. Somehow Darcy's parents had gotten wind of what had happened, Chuck denied ever talking to them, and had banished her from their home. Gayle related to Chuck that they had left her a way home if she would just denounce Bev and refuse to have any contact with her but that Darcy was too involved with Bev at the moment to see any sense in her parents' reasoning.

Chuck just nodded when told this. The boys had already let him know that Darcy was there all the time now and sleeping in the master bedroom with their mother. The boys were still pretty innocent and didn't know about any other activities. At least Bev was trying to keep her sexuality behind closed doors right now.

Chuck shrugged his shoulders. He figured the boys probably already knew other kids their age who had two same-sex parents so it was not going to be that big of a deal when they figured it out. Their immediate concern was still why he wasn't living at home so they could be with him every day.

Then came the surprise visit from Darcy to his office. Chuck had decided to continue working for the foreseeable future so that Bev couldn't claim that he had hidden income if a divorce was filed. He now was not under any stress caused by needing to punch a time clock every day. He was more relaxed and actually more productive for the company now that he didn't have to work.

Anyhow, one afternoon the receptionist paged him to the lobby for a visitor. He fully expected Bev to have violated the protection order since he had not spoken directly to her since that fateful weekend at her parents. He was surprised to see Darcy waiting nervously at the front desk.

Since he had no idea what she wanted from him Chuck decided to take her to a small conference room where all proceedings were routinely recorded both audibly and visually. The company had found that they had a lot less contract hassles when video could be shown that laid out exactly what had been negotiated.

The video equipment had also been used to enforce the moral clause in executive contracts after finding certain execs had used the conference rooms for trysts with various secretaries. Most had been dismissed without references. A few wives had benefited from the videos in divorce cases but the owners of the business had always claimed innocence when the videos had shown up in wives' hands.

Chuck figured that having video of any encounter with Bev or Darcy would keep them from shouting rape or assault by him. He still had trust issues concerning them.

"Well, Darcy, I see you are still looking good. Why are you here and what do you want?" Chuck wasn't going to be very polite or tactful.

Darcy was holding her phone and a small clutch purse. She was fidgeting with both as she strove to answer. Finally she cleared her throat and started to speak. "I am here to ask you what you are going to do about your marriage to Bev. She has been concerned for a while now. The boys miss you and so does she. Every day she talks about how you like your food fixed, how you want the boys to act, and even how you guys used to make love."

Chuck was surprised at the least. Bev had broken down in front of her parents and told them all how she wanted Darcy in her life and in her bed. She had made it clear that she would not share Darcy ever.

"Did she send you here? Is this a ploy to get me to throw out the protection order?"

Darcy shook her head. "No, she didn't send me. She does not know that I am here. I believe she fully understands why you asked for the protection order and has said many times that she was totally wrong in how she let you know about our relationship."

"Mr. Endo, I am so sorry for my part in this whole affair. I fell in love with your wife and we then started to have our affair. She makes me feel so good that I can't describe it well. I no longer have any relationship outside of her and your boys. You have always been a good man as far as I can see. I always liked and respected you. I didn't want to do what Bev planned that night but I was so involved with her that I couldn't resist."

She paused for a moment to see how he was taking this. "I am now noticing that she sometimes acts as though you have been in the house all along. She will suddenly start to talk about something that you two discussed as though it were yesterday instead of weeks or months ago. She has purchased a new razor like you have and have it charging next to the toothbrush style that you prefer. Your brand of deodorant is in the drawer that she says is yours. She has not changed one picture on any wall if you are in it. She would not like me to admit it but she has actually bought a camera with a big zoom lens and has taken pictures of you and the boys at the park and has them on the walls also."

Chuck was surprised. He always tried to see if Bev was around on his outings with the boys. He must have missed seeing her. "Why is she following me? I did notice her a few times when walking home from work on days that I don't have the boys. What is her intention?"

Darcy looked him straight in the eye as if to reinforce that she was telling the truth. "She is terrified that you will find someone else. She is constantly worried that you are dating and getting sex from some woman."

Chuck snorted. "Like any woman wants to be with me. I am old, bald and fat. I can't even keep my own wife in my bed. She had to go find a woman to satisfy her. Yeah, I'm prowling the nightclubs and bars looking for the next bitch to drug me."

Darcy shook her head. "You aren't seeing the man that the rest of the world sees. You are almost 40, not 80. You have lost at least, what, 20 or 30 lbs. and have tightened up. Your bald head and goatee are very becoming. And you didn't notice the hard looks that I got from your receptionist when you came out to get me. I imagine that most of your staff still believes that you are happily married but when they find out that you are not the women will be throwing themselves at you."

She paused again. "I have always thought that you were a good and handsome man. When I first started to sit for you I would dream about you at times. It got me hot enough to masturbate. I never had any dreams about women until Bev and I became close friends. You were my first fantasy lover."

Chuck didn't believe this revelation for a moment. He had never had any real luck in dating until he met Bev. He had believed that they were destined to be together and look how that had turned out. Darcy was a lesbian, he didn't believe for a moment that she had ever had a single sexual thought about him or any other male. He could believe that she thought he was a nice man. And we all know where the nice guys finish.

"What else have you got, Darcy? I don't have all day to listen to platitudes and lies."

Darcy at least had the acting ability to look sad at Chuck's response. She squared her shoulders and carried on. "I am sorry that you don't believe me but I am telling you the truth. I also want you to know that Bev misses you in her bed. I don't know how many times in the recent weeks that she has made me put on a strap-on and pound her pussy while she yells out your name. She still loves you and is hurt that you are not even willing to talk to her."

This was becoming another episode of Twilight Zone to Chuck. The woman who lied and started an affair with a woman, who had drugged him and then conspired to make his life a living hell by accusing him of rape, was still in love with him. The truly sad part was that he still loved her but he couldn't trust her and she had not performed enough penance for his peace of mind.

"You understand why there is a protection order against her, don't you? This woman, who claims to love me, drugged me with a toxic medication that may have actually killed me and then bruised and bit you to make the world believe that I raped you. What will she pull if I get rid of the protection order, huh? Will she invite me over and put a bullet in my head so she can inherit my estate? That would be in line with her loving ways, wouldn't it? She could spin the story that I was so miserable about how my life has crumbled that she felt she had to put me out of my misery. Then the agreement she signed would be null and void and she could fuck you and any other person she fell in lust with without recrimination."

There were tears in her eyes as she sought to disabuse his thought process. "No, no, no. She doesn't want to harm you. She never did. She had been assured that you wouldn't come to any harm. She just wanted to force you to accept our relationship. She never wanted you to move out or miss out on time with your boys. She just wanted you to allow her and I to meet once in a while. She still wanted and wants to have a full relationship with you, if only you will forgive her and move back home."

Head shaking seemed to be the norm this odd morning. Chuck shook his head in disbelief again. This conversation wasn't going anywhere. "Look, I believe that you believe the nonsense that you are spouting but you can't see into her heart. Somewhere she lost sight of right and wrong and made me pay the penalty. She was going to fuck me out of my boys, my marriage, my job and any money from the patent. She might have let me back into the house but it would have been under her complete domination. A pity fuck once in a while at the same time being forced to condone you and her making love anytime you felt like it is not my kind of marriage. A cuckold is a cuckold whether male or female is doing the deed with the wife."

He took a deep breath to try and get control before he started screaming and brought others into the conference room. "Look, if it is any consolation for her you can let her know that since she raped me with the dildo I have not had a real erection. I am not looking or dreaming about any sex at all. I am trying to find peace and am leaving town every other weekend to meditate in the forest. I don't masturbate. I don't have wet dreams. Right now I have the sex urges of Jon. They are just not there. You and she can be proud of what you've accomplished."

Darcy was now opening crying. This whole fiasco had obviously destroyed this man. Other than work and his sons he had no purpose anymore. She knew that nothing she said could help him heal so she stood to leave. As she put her hand on the doorknob she paused. "I know that saying sorry isn't enough but I truly regret having hurt you. When I tell Bev she will be even more devastated. This was never her intention. And, by the way, Jon's birthday is in a few weeks. He has told us that the only thing he wants is to have you and Bev together for his birthday. I was hoping that you could suspend the protection order for that day so he could have his wish."

Chuck had forgotten about the upcoming birthday. Jeff's birthday would be in a month or so and he wondered if that was his wish also. It probably was. He stopped Darcy for a moment.

"I will ask if the order can be suspended for a short bit. How about if we meet in a neutral place, say the Kid's Fun Zone, a restaurant, or even Bev's parents for a party? I would feel more relaxed there than at the house. It is too soon for me to be comfortable in that house."

She nodded. "I know this is more that I am asking, but would you consider staying overnight with Bev that night? I can take care of the boys. I would like to see you and Bev have some time alone, maybe even make love, or hell, just fuck for old times' sake. If you don't feel safe in your own house then take her to a motel or even your apartment and bang the hell out of her. Take out some of the anger you have inside. I may not be very old or very wise but I know the anger will eat you up if you don't do something."

"No promises but I will consider your request. It might be better if Bev talks to me once I get the order suspended. At the same time, don't push it. Let me have time to think this through."

Darcy nodded and left the room. Chuck stayed there in deep thought for a few minutes before heading back to his cubicle. He did notice that some of the women that he encountered on the way seemed to follow him with their eyes as he passed by. It warmed his heart a little to know that maybe there was something other than pity out there for him.

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onecuriousreaderonecuriousreader12 days ago

you know, this story just shows how pathetic the modern man is... his ancestors would make him a slave in a minute because he already has the mentality of a slave despite his pronouncements of freedom and civility. a real pathetic man this chuck is... I actually want to see him broken to the point he unsubscribes from life as a warning to his sons of what a failure of a human being is, or he finds his manhood beyond the wallow of his emotions and pulls himself up into action... this pity party is pathetic.

Sexty04131Sexty041315 months ago

This is complete garbage! You obviously don't have a clue as to what rape does to a person! There is no way on earth that any man or woman would want to spend any time with a rapist and his/her accomplice! So unbelievable that you think that this man would be willing to speak with his wife's lover. Even if she didn't perform the rape she also did nothing to stop it and instead went along with it while jacking him off as he was being raped! Darcy sexually assaulted him too. She didn't have his consent. Police officers don't try to talk victims from prosecuting their attacker even if it's a spouse. She couldn't have gotten custody or maintenance from him as she would be in prison. He had proof of the drugging and the rape as well as his wife trying to accuse him of a false crime.

It's too bad that readers don't get to ban writers' posts from showing up in their searches. If he goes along with this RAAC then you are showing that no matter how atrocious the crime you believe it's completely forgivable. This was rape not an affair that ended or should have ended his relationship with his wife. Yet writer is trying to soften the whole thing down to he's upset about the wife's affair and that's why he doesn't come home. I can't see any man wanting to be in the same room with their racist let alone still wanting to reconcile the relationship.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

The MC is a self pitying moron. Handle your business like a big boy and drop the restraining order and quit whining about your ass. Why in the fuck would he pass on he can't get it up?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

How in the Sam Hell could he even consider it? Seriously, this is ridiculous!

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