Drunken Fun with GF's Work Buddy


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"Oh my." Laura proclaimed putting her hands to her chest in a show of mock concern.

"Maybe this isn't such a good idea," Jo said to help raise the stakes.

Starting off was a shot of Strawberry sidekick (a simple appetiser), then a shot of Vodka, then a Baileys to cleanse the palette and then an Absinthe.

"Have you ever had Absinthe?" I asked Laura

"Err, no, is it okay?" she replied

"Well Van Gogh liked it so much, he cut his ear off when he got bladdered on it, so I'm sure you'll love it."

Laura looked at me with wide eyes.

"It'll be fine and here's a glass of water if you need help."

"Let's stand near the sink," Jo said "just in case."

Having shots in a group can be a fun bonding experience, especially if it is tinged with a little danger or fear at how bad the shots might be or what their effects might lead to. I chinked the glasses as we started ploughing through the shots one after another. The sidekick slid down easily, the vodka was a little abrasive, the Baileys smoothed it off but the Absinthe punched hard.

"Wowser!" I exclaimed as the final shot worked its way down.

My eyes watered, the hairs on my arms stood on end and I clenched my fist. Laura was a trooper and hit back all four though the Absinthe caused her to close her eyes while her small hand rubbed her large chest. Jo similarly had her eyes closed as she titled her head to the ceiling, so I took the chance to watch the flesh of Laura's boobs be squished all around her chest as she tried to rub the alcohol down her body.

It clearly had an effect on her body as I witnessed her nipples suddenly poke right into the soft fabric of her jumper. Jesus, if her tits weren't astonishing beforehand, giving them a point of focus that I just wanted to grab with my mouth was literally too much. Up to this point, they had been large orbs of flesh that were mesmerising but now they had suddenly become definable tits with chewable nipples that demanded to be sucked and licked and squeezed for as long as possible.

Laura suddenly opened her eyes and looked right at me. I don't know if she clocked me devouring her chest with my eyes but I quickly looked up and locked eyes with her. They sparkled with life and she let out a "Wow!"

"Yeah baby." I shouted clapping my hands together.

Jo high fived me and turned to Laura, "You all right girlfriend, I told you it would be crazy."

"Okay, that was pretty bad," Laura said.

Uptown Funk came on and the girls moved into the living room and started dancing around each other.

"What a tune," they shrieked as they started gyrating their hips and pointing their fingers in the air.

I took another large slug of cider and considered what the next shots would be. I glanced over at the girls and couldn't help but take another long look at Laura. She really was doing a number on my insides. The way she rhythmically moved to the music with her shapely bottom constrained by her skirt moving up to a crazily narrow waist before exploding out to such a healthy pair of jugs, was just insane.

It felt like my eyes were falling out of my head and I felt heat in my face as I feared that Jo could see me undressing and fucking her work friend. I steadied myself with some more cider and poured another twelve shots.

Laura whispered something to Jo and the two left the room to head along the corridor and into the master bedroom. Sorry for party rocking by LMFAO came on the playlist. I could hear some laughing and chattering from the bedroom, some deodorant being sprayed and the girls then reappeared and started dancing. Jo had slipped into some pyjama bottoms and a long sleeved top whilst Laura had clearly borrowed another pair of pyjama bottoms and Jo had given her one of my plain white v neck t-shirts.

They both looked a lot more comfortable and apologised saying that they were getting a little hot. Laura looked even more delicious. I'm not skinny but my t-shirt clearly wasn't designed for that kind of extra chestage and hence as the fabric was pulled tight across her bountiful breasts, it also caused the shirt to slightly ride up revealing her midriff and the peek of a delightful belly button.

The girls started dancing again and moving around the living room. The sight of Laura's tummy was getting me short of breath. It was one thing seeing the curves, watching her move, smelling her perfume but seeing the soft skin of her belly that was just inches beneath a perfect pair of large tits was filling my head with so many erotic and sexual thoughts - all of which involved Laura and not Jo.

I could feel my dick beginning to fill with blood and my balls begin to tighten. Lust was genuinely taking over me and I needed an invisible friend to be able to turn to and say

"Can you believe how incredibly hot and fuckable this woman is?"

"Are we ready for more shots?" I said as I popped the lid off another bottle of cider and downed a healthy amount.

"God yeah," they replied.

We crowded around the work top, chinked the glasses and crashed back another set. These contained Amaretto mixed with Baileys, a straight whisky, a straight Archers and an aftershock. For the last one, I got the girls to hold off and explained how they needed to drink the Aftershock.

"Okay, this is the Aftershock clock. Take the drink in your mouth and hold it there. Put the tongue to the roof of your mouth for 30 seconds and then push it to the bottom of your mouth for 30 seconds. Then when I say swallow, swallow it and immediately breathe in through your mouth while pursing together your lips (like a reverse whistle)." I helped to sell it by physically demonstrating it to them.

The girls collected themselves after the first three shots, I checked my watch and we put the aftershock in our mouths. I pointed a finger up as Laura and Jo pushed their tongues up into the mouth and held the liquid. After half a minute, I turned my finger down and their faces lit up as they moved their tongues down. If it was anything like my mouth, their tongues were now tingling from the sweet cinnamon liqueur. I counted down with my fingers 3, 2, 1 and then motioned to neck it and then breathe in.

The taste filled your mouth and lungs causing a rush of blood to the head. I watched as Laura's eyes widened, she waved her hand in front of her mouth and breathed in heavily causing her chest to mesmerizingly rise and then fall. She started coughing and I could see the upper swell of her breasts appear in the v neck of the t-shirt. She motioned towards the sink but stopped and composed herself.

Jo handled her one well but then swayed a little back into the counter.

"You okay babe?" I asked.

"Yep, all good."

"How about you Laura, how are you feeling?"

"Yeah, pretty tipsy but having such a good time. Thanks for letting me come round."

"No worries, it was a lovely surprise."

"She had her mum looking after Emily, so I thought it would be fun to bring her round and continue the fun," Jo chimed in.

"I thought you could run her home tomorrow if that's okay?"

My heart quickened at the thought that Laura was staying over and that this buxom bombshell would be sleeping under my roof. I didn't think anything was going to happen but just the thought that she might wash herself in my shower or sleep on my spare bed was enough to make my cock so incredibly hard.

The girls carried on dancing and I excused myself for another quick piss. To be honest, I had to arrange by knob. It was dribbling all over the place and becoming hard enough that I had to tuck it into the waistband of my boxers so it didn't tent pole for everyone to see how turned on I was becoming at Laura's ridiculous body.

I stared at myself in the mirror. Get a grip of yourself Tom, you've got a long term girlfriend that you love and you don't need to jeopardise that. But Laura's tits and arse and pretty face were creating reactions in my body that were hard to suppress. I was feeling alive in a way that I hadn't for some time.

I'd give anything to feel her body underneath me. To feel her tits bulging out between my fingers, to grip the cheeks of her arse as I slid my shaft deep inside her, to chew her nipples as her back arched up towards me, to empty the entire contents of my body into her. Christ, I felt like I could cum there and then in the toilet without any form of hand stimulation.

I splashed some water on my face, waited to see if my cock would go down (which it wouldn't) and then returned to the dancing girls in the lounge. Where them girls at was playing and whilst they both rather tipsily gyrated to the tune, I moved into the kitchen.

"I think it's time for more shots party people."

Laura suddenly ran over to me, crushing into my arm.

"What are you going to make this time?" she excitedly asked.

I could feel her supple form pressing into me and felt the heat rise in my neck from both feeling her body and fearing that Jo would be looking over.

"Any suggestions?" I asked not wanting to turn my head as I could feel her breath on my neck and knew that to do so would put my lips about a centimetre away from hers.

"Surprise me," she said as she playfully patted my bottom and trotted back over to Jo. Clearly the alcohol was working on all of us now as inhibitions and personal boundaries began to fall by the wayside. As the music continued and the girls danced along, I put together another collection of troublesome shots.

Another strawberry sidekick, a rum that I managed to find at the back of the cupboard, another Absinthe and a Baileys to finish. Whenever I have the boys around, we usually 'power load' through this amount of shots, so whilst I thought I would still be standing (just), I wasn't sure how Jo and Laura would cope.

I called them over and huddled round the sink, we sank them back together. The Absinthe was a killer but they all went down and I could feel my stomach, and head, tingling at the alcoholic assault I was subjecting it to. Jo struggled with her shots and said she'd have to pass on the Absinthe. Laura did all four with gusto and it seemed to act like adrenaline for her, as she started bouncing around to the music even more.

"Are you okay hon?" I said to Jo as she looked a little shakey. She smiled and indicated that she was fine.

"I might just sit down for a bit but don't stop having fun."

She walked to the sofa and collapsed onto it but kept her finger in the air moving to the music.

Destination Unknown came on and Laura let out a squeal.

"What a tune," she said

"Have you seen the video?" I asked, "It's mind-bendingly sexy. It's the one with the girls in uniform playing the marching band instruments."

"Oh yes, I remember."

She then started to act out the movements of pretending to blow the trumpets, bang the drums and move her hips side to side. The dining area where we were 'dancing' was behind the sofa so whilst Jo moved her hand to the tune, I watched Laura move her body without the worry of being seen by Jo ogling her work friend.

Laura seemed to like the attention I was giving her and started to move her hands around her figure as she let the tune take over her body. Her hips movements were mesmerising and I watched as she trailed her fingers over her bottom, waist and then cheekily squeezed her boobs together.

She flung her head back to flick away her hair and stared intently at me. She winked, licked her lips and ran her hand down her neck, between her boobs which pulled the v collar down a little to reveal a deep inviting cleavage, over her exposed tummy and in between her legs. Her smile indicated that she was pretending to be 'music video sexy' but she was quite a natural at it.

"Fuck me," I thought, "this woman is really something else."

She turned around to face a dining table chair, grabbed the back of it and mocked marched on the spot. This bent her back and pushed her bottom out. The soft fabric of the pyjamas got trapped in her butt causing it to tighten and clearly define her incredibly edible cheeks.

The small of her back was exposed and all I could think of was planting kisses on it whilst I grinded my near exploding cock into the crack of her perfect arse and reached round to cup her fabulous chest.

I leaned back into the kitchen work surface and dropped my hands to cover my aching groin as I felt the tip coming free from the waistband of my boxers and thought it might spring forward highlighting to her how ridiculously horny I was.

She laughed as the song came to an end and I took another swig of the cider and walked over to look over the back of the sofa at Jo. Amazingly she'd gone from being pumped up, to lying down and then falling fast asleep. I ran my hand over her forehead and looked back at Laura motioning with my hands that she was asleep.

"What a lightweight," she joked.

"Yeah, she's not been sleeping great recently, so I guess the shots must have had a big effect. How are you coping?" I said as I moved back to the kitchen area.

"I'm not gonna lie, they were pretty strong and I feel a little funny but also great. It's been a long week and it's nice to cut loose a little bit if you know what I mean. I also feel quite hot," she said as she flapped the collar of the t-shirt.

"Yeah, I haven't got the heating on but I think the alcohol might be warming us up. Do you want another G&T?"

"Maybe one more please."

"So Jo says that you've got a little girl, how old is Emily?" I said moving back into the kitchen and as Eric Prydz's Call on me came on.

"She's 5,"

"And it's just you looking after her, that must be tough."

"Yeah, things didn't work out with the dad and he bailed but I manage."

"It must be hard having any form of social life as I imagine parenting can be pretty tough when you are what, 26?"

"Yeah, I'm the same age as Jo. A lot of my friends are footloose and travelling and stuff, which can be a downer, but my parents help with looking after her and hence when they do, I try to maximise my time out."

"You've got a really nice place here," she said, "Jo's lucky to have found you"

"Well I don't know about that. I think I'm the lucky one as I'm so much older but Jo's a good girl. I'm glad you like the place. I hope tonight hasn't been too full on or you think I'm a bit over the top for someone of my age. Maybe I should have got us some slippers and some wine but I've only got one pair of slippers and I don't like wine!"

"No, I think it's been great," Laura said, "Jo said you were young at heart and like to have fun and I've loved that."

"Live for the now," I said as I handed her the G&T and chinked the glass with my bottle of cider.

As she took another swig, I glanced at her chest. Man it was so big and so inviting. Jo was asleep on the sofa but I knew I wanted Laura so badly. She had the body I've always desired in a woman and combined with the alcohol flowing through my veins and testosterone pooling in my balls, I would have done almost anything to own it, touch it and dominate it this evening.

Dirty came on the mix and as Laura moved to put her drink down on the table she started sliding her hips from side to side. Her hands moved up from her waist and into the air while she slowly lowered herself until she was squatting on her haunches. She started bouncing up and down demonstrating incredible thigh control whilst her arms moved like some kind of snake charmer.

She moved back up and turned round to face me. With her hand resting on the waistband of her pyjama bottoms she started moving around like a belly dancer, clearly signalling to me what a sexual creature she was.

I smiled at her and drank some more cider to prevent my mouth from drying out.

"Are you going to dance or just watch?" she asked.

"The watching is nice but yes, I'll bust a few moves when my 'set' comes on."

"Oh you tease," she replied and resting against the back of the sofa lowered herself down again. In perfect time with the song, she put her hands on her knees and pulled legs apart and then closed them.

"That's impressive," I said.

I could really begin to feel the air fizzing with the chemistry that something might happen and as much as I wanted it to, the sudden realisation that it could happen unnerved me.

At that point, Jo raised her hand in the air and I went over to see how she was doing.

"Are you alright sweet pea?" I asked.

"I'm sleepy," she responded, "can you see me to bed?"

I helped her off the sofa and she smiled at Laura as I put my arm around her.

"Those shots hit me hard, I must have had way more than you guys."

"I think you did," I said trying to make her feel better.

"I'm just going to rest my eyes but don't stop the party people."

"We won't hon," Laura called out.

I walked Jo into the bedroom and laid her on the bed. Pulling the covers over her, I told her that I would just get some water for her.

"Tired thing," I said to Laura as I got a large mug of cold water and a straw, "back in a moment."

Jo was dozing and I propped her up and held the straw in front of her mouth.

"Take a big glug of this babe to help with the hangover."

She drew down a big load and then motioned the straw away.

"I'll put it here on the bedside table."

"Sorry for flaking out," she muttered.

I swept the hair from her forehead and gave it a kiss.

"No worries hon, I'll keep Laura entertained and you get some rest." She patted my hand and rolled over to start almost immediately a light little snoring.

I slowly closed the door and turned to start towards the lounge/dining room. I didn't plan to do anything but my mouth was dry, my hands were shaking a little and my cock was fit for bursting. I hadn't had sex with Jo for like 3 or 4 weeks and I hadn't 'relieved' myself for over a week. I've been a daily wanker for over 30 years and it literally only takes 3 or 4 days for me to build up a huge load so to say I was on a hair trigger of lust and sexual longing was an understatement.

"Is she okay?" Laura asked as I walked back in the room.

"Yeah, she's cool. I think the shots and the long day just zonked her out. Are you okay, you want a tea or something more chilled like a proper Bailey's or something?"

"Umm a tea later sounds good but I'm still loving the tunes."

"I'm gonna grab some water to stave off that dehydration hangover," and poured myself a pint of cold water. I necked it quickly hoping that it might cure the rising temperature in my cheeks and the nerves that were creeping into my stomach.

Why was I getting nervous, nothing was going to happen, just keep calm I told myself. I felt like a naughty schoolboy summoning the courage to have his first kiss behind the bike shed but laced with a feeling of guilt that I physically wanted someone when I had my emotional needs satisfied by someone currently sleeping in my bed.

Get a grip Tom, you're assuming that she wants to do something with you, a hot sexy busty 26 year old does not want to be mauled by a 41 year old man. You're not great looking, you're slightly overweight, you aren't ripped and you aren't loaded with cash. She could get attention anytime she goes out so the notion that she'll want to do anything with you is ridiculous.

I finished the water and moved into the dining area. Born this way by Lady Gaga came on which is a belter of a track and I let the music take me. I might be older but I can still bust some moves and it's such a good track. Laura laughed in delight that I was joining in. I started moving my hips and pumping my arms in time with the cracking beat. Dancing is a ridiculous thing but I've always enjoyed it and if you are going to do it properly, you really just have to commit so you might as well pull a funny face and sing or mime along.

Fuelled with alcoholic confidence, the eyes of a hot young woman and a burst of energy, I really got into the tune pulling off a range of moves. Laura seemed to up her game and we were both moving round the room with increased energy. Born this way faded out and Gangnam Style came on.