Dungeon Builder's Harem Book 03 Ch. 36

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Chapter 36
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Part 116 of the 152 part series

Updated 06/04/2024
Created 08/07/2022
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Chapter Thirty-Six

Leo opened the door for Morana. She gazed out on a large bedroom with several beds in it. The stone decor was the same, but there were carpets on the ground and tapestries that hid much of the ugliness. The work of women unable to let things remain as they were was evident.


"So this is the girl," purred a girl made entirely of ice. Her flesh reflected Morana's pale form. "Isn't that the goth girl that picked on you, Leo?"

"Christ, Crystal, she never picked on me," said Leo. "We just... didn't get along that well."

"I was a fool not to see the dark majesty of Leo," Morana said. "But now I see his power. His..." Her words trailed off as she stared at a girl made of clay. "Is that the barista from Morning Drip?"

"I am," Terra said. "Did you ever come in?"

"I would never go into such a pedestrian place as a coffee shop like the mindless masses," Morana said, sniffing her nose. This is one of the women that Leo picked? I can see his older sister, for that is kinky, but that smiling and perky prep who is full of empty platitudes?

"Wow," Terra said, looking Morana up and down. "Rebellious phase?"

"Now you sound like my parents," Morana said, rolling her eyes. "Especially my step-mother. It is not rebelling to throw away the conformity of the masses to be my own thinker."

"By dressing like all the other non-conformists," said a girl made all of chrome.

"Hagane?" Morana asked, staring at the Japanese girl. "Not a bad choice, Leo." Her eyes slid to the crimson-skinned and busty girl with this wild streak about her. Horns peeked out of her black hair. "You're the porn star."

"Nina Naughty," she said. "I'd try not to sneer so much at some of us."

"The Dark Lord needs to have the best women serve him."

"Dark Lord?" Crystal asked. "You're going to give Leo an even bigger ego than he has."

"He's the Dark Lord Big Bro!" Garnet squealed. "It's such a super cool nickname. And I'm Dark Succubus Naughty Garnet now!"

Crystal rolled her eyes at the pretension. Garnet deflated and turned to Leo. He rubbed a fond hand over her head. "You can call me what you like, and you're my dark and naughty succubus."

Her wings lifted.

"Well, dear, it's a pleasure to have you," purred a mature woman with leafy-green hair and golden-brown skin. "I'm Leo's mother, Zoe Baldwin."

Morana arched an eyebrow. "Kinky. A MILF. And is that another MILF? And is she an angel? Really."

"What is wrong with me being an angel, young lady?" demanded the MILF. She even had a halo over her head.

"I bet you were a homemaker, right? The perfect Stepford wife." Morana stiffened and moved like a robot. Then, in a mechanical voice, said, "I am built to bake apple pie."

The angel arched an eyebrow.

"Wow," said the silver-skinned woman with golden hair that crackled with electricity. "I've met some primadonnas in my day, but you're, Morana, wow. You're an arrogant, little bitch."

Anger surged through Morana. She glared at the woman then recognized her. "Lana Fulmine? Leo, you brought Lana Fulmine into this world? That no-talent actress who only succeeded because she spread her legs on the casting couch and starred in such dribble as Jane Dangerous!"

"I was Leo's first choice," hissed Lana Fulmine. "What are you? His tenth?"

"Morana," Leo growled. "That's enough. I like who I like. Jane Dangerous was smoking hot, and so is Lana. Those are my favorite movies. I don't give a shit if they're lowbrow or not."

Morana spun to face him. She stared at him in shock. "You deserve better than some of your women. Terra, Maya, that angel, and Lana Fulmine. You could have had interesting women in your harem. Not vapid sluts and brainwashed housewives."

"Brainwashed?" The angel advanced. "You think that because I was a housewife, I was brainwashed? What, I was too stupid to not realize I could have had a career or something? That I didn't know what I wanted? A mother? A wife? That I wanted to raise my own family."

"It's just society has—" Morana started.

"Society?" The angel shook her head. "Conformity? You're just a girl who doesn't like the fact that she was one of three billion other women. No different from them. You think that you can spout all that nonsense, think everyone who doesn't act like you is too dumb to see your pedantic truth? I know a spoiled brat when I see one. A girl who was never disciplined. Never challenged. Who had her whole life scheduled and controlled by her parents. Who thinks listening to depressing music, dressing in all black, and whining about how everyone else is robots or idiots makes her deep and thoughtful. You're as shallow as a muddy puddle, Morana. And now that you are special. One of the twelve women Leo can pull into this world—twelve out of billions—you try to attack the rest of us because we're not as self-obsessed and trite as you. It's nauseating."

Morana gaped at her. No one had ever talked to her this way. She struggled to gather herself. To launch a retort at this angry angel. She could shriek, rupture the woman's eardrums. Make her brain explode. She was a banshee. Given powers by the dark lord.

"Leo chooses us because he's a horny, nineteen-year-old boy," the angel said. "All of us are girls and women he's masturbated to. Lusted for. He had the chance to bring us here, give us power, and experience our love, and he took it. He made us special. Gave us all a chance to be more than we were in the other world. But that doesn't mean what we were in that other world didn't have importance just because you can't see past your own rebellious nonsense.

"My name is Bella Lucina. The other me, the one that is still in our world, is a happy wife and mother. She's more than content with what she has. Me, I'm that part of her that always wondered what if I hadn't walked this path. If I didn't decide to choose to have a family over having fun. Over enjoying young, hot men. Same with Terra. With Lana Fulmine. Same with you. People are not the caricatures that you pretend they are. We're so much more, but it's easy to just judge them and write them off. You don't have to have your vapid, little worldview challenged, do you?"

Morana's cheeks burned. Everyone was staring at me. This was so humiliating. "You don't know anything about me."

"You don't know anything about yourself," said Mrs. Lucina. "But you will. You're going to learn here. You're going to discover facets of your personality you didn't know you had. Abilities to love, to hate, to endure pain and suffering. You're going to find out that you have strengths, Morana. That you have worth.

"You're Leo's. He chose you, Morana. Out of all the women in his life, all the hot actresses and slutty porn stars that he could have chosen, he picked you. He added you to his harem. He welcomed you into his family. This is going to be your new home. You're going to love it if you can stop acting like a spoiled brat. But until then..."

She seized a fistful of Morana's black hair. The banshee gasped as the angel dragged her to the bed.

"I know how to deal with a spoiled brat."

Mrs. Lucina sat down before pulling Morana over her lap. The banshee gasped, lying on her elbows, the mattress dimpling beneath them. She lay stretched out on the bed over the angel whose hand rested on Morana's rump.

The banshee's eyes widened in realization of what was about to happen. Leo and his other women were watching. Maya had a smirk on her lips while Lana Fulmine nodded in satisfaction. This deep shame suffused the banshee. This was all her fantasies. She had escaped the mundanity of the world and found something more, only to find all the people that she thought were the problem.

All the posers and preps. The fakes.

Was she fake, too? A poser pretending to be dark and edgy. A rich girl pretending she had any real problems. What was this need that was in her to create problems for herself to solve when her life had no challenges? No real ones.

Studying for a standardized test was about it.

That and dealing with her bitch of a step-mother with her fake tits and perky ass.

Mrs. Lucina's hand cracked down on Morana's rump.


The stinging pain shot through her body. She gasped, her ass flexing beneath it. She shuddered on the bed, whimpering against the pain that shot through her body and melted down to her pussy. She whimpered, her cold flesh heating up from the burning smack.

Leo watched her. The others did as the angel drew back her hand and smacked it down again on the banshee's rump.


More pain shot through her. She groaned, her face contorting from the pain.


She gasped, her eyes widening. Her body squirmed.


The stinging heat melted to her cunt while tears sprung in her eyes.


The banshee whimpered, squirming.

She had never been spanked. Discipline had always been to be denied things. Sit in the corner. No phone for a week. Never a hand smacking down on her rump. Never an immediate consequence to her action. She groaned, her rump cleaning from the heat.


"Mrs. Lucina," she gasped, her pussy getting hotter and hotter. Her rump blazed. The heat swelled through her chilly body, warming her up. If she had a heart, it would be beating.


"Oh, Mrs. Lucina," she gasped, the pain intense. There was something about this that felt so right. "I was... I was... I was a bitch to everyone."


"I was a bitch to those chosen by the Dark Lord!"


"A cunt! A complete twat-waffle!"


The pain seared through her rump. It burned so bad, reinforcing how terrible she was. Mrs. Lucina was right. She had just been a poser. She saw herself in all of them. Mrs. Lucina was that fear of being what biology wanted her to be: the mother. Lana Fulmine was the fear of using her sexuality to get men to give her things instead of earning them. Terra was the dread of just being another cog in a soulless business. Maya was the fear of being herself and admitting she was just a girl who liked a boy.

Morana pretended at being goth for the same reason so many others pretended. She didn't like herself. She was afraid of the life that her parents had planned for her. All the expectations of society. So she rebelled and pretended she was special.

That she wasn't like all the other young people doing the same thing. Maybe not the same way she did, but they were all putting on masks. Being fake. Pretending to be something they weren't out of fear and self-loathing. And she brought all that baggage here.

This wasn't the real world. She wouldn't have to work at a soulless business, she wouldn't be a mother, she didn't have to be a slut and spread her thighs for success. Here, she could be herself. Morana the Banshee, concubine to the Dark Lord. To the man who had brought them here for a reason.

He had a purpose. A cause. She could see it in Leo's eyes. He was fighting for something, and he called her here to be more than his monster girl slut. He called her here to fight at his side. At the side of his women.

"I'm sorry, Leo, for being such a cunt," Morana moaned.


"I'm so sorry! What is our mission? Why are we here?"

"That is the mission," growled Leo, his eyes intent. "Why was I brought here? Why was I thrust into a world that hated me for being an invader and forced to defend myself? For four thousand years, this mystery has stood. I'm going to fucking uncover it."

"And he will," a woman that had hung in the back said. This was no monster girl. She was human, her black hair in a braid, her body athletic and yet sensual. "He's going to find out why my world has been invaded over and over again. And you're going to help, Morana."

Morana nodded. This was what she had been searching for: her purpose. Where she fit in with the world. She never felt like she had belonged in the other. Not the right peg for the hole everyone wanted her to fit into, but here... Here she was a part of something.

"Yes!" Morana moaned. "I'm going to help, Dark Lord. Whatever you need." She squirmed, her pussy so hot. "And I'm sorry. I was being... my old bitchy self."

"Yeah, we all can be cunts," Maya said, shrugging. "It's cool."

"I did get my start on the casting couch," Lana Fulmine said. "And it nearly destroyed my soul. I felt so dirty, but I wanted to be a star so much I let that fat, disgusting producer paw my body. And not just once. I had a choice, and I chose to debase myself for my dream. But here..." She smiled at Leo. "My number one fan loves me. I don't debase myself. Oh, no, I revel in the passion. The hedonism of the harem. There's no judgment here, Morana. There's no place for it in this harem. Every one of us was flawed, broken, missing something.

"We found it here."

The other women all nodded. And even Leo was nodding. The human, too. Morana looked at them and she suddenly felt loved. Not just cared for, not tolerated, but loved. Valued. She wasn't a daughter to fill her parents' ambitions and dreams, a student to be filled with knowledge. Not a charge for a nanny to care for. No, no, here she was Morana the Banshee, loved by the Dark Lord and his harem of sexy monster girls and a bad-ass human warrior. There was even an elf lurking on the edges who watched on with a smile on her lips.

"Thank you," whispered Morana. She sat up and stared at Mrs. Lucina. "Thank you for spanking some sense into me and..." She squirmed. "It really, really made my pussy wet."

"Then why don't we deal with that," purred Mrs. Lucina. "How about you lick my pussy and Leo can fuck you in the ass. You haven't been ass-fucked yet, have you?"

Morana shook her head. She licked her lips.

"But Leo's ass-fucked a ghost," said Garnet. "Those are the new monster girls. Sexy ghosts. Leo stuck them out in the dungeon. They're wandering around meeting the other monster girls. Having naughty fun. They're so hot. You'll love them."

"I bet we will," Halia said. "Who wants to go track them down?"

"That sounds like fun," said Lana Fulmine. "Hagane?"

"Yes!" the metallic girl said with such enthusiasm in her voice that it shocked Morana. "I would love to do that."

"I'm in," Crystal said.

"I think I want to stick around and enjoy Morana once Leo's done fucking her ass," purred Terra. She smacked her lips.

"Oh, yes," said Mrs. Baldwin. "You are an interesting girl. I've seen you a few times. You wore combat boots. I thought you looked cute."

Morana groaned. "Cute? In combat boots."

"They worked for you," the motherly woman said. She had a tree sort of vibe to her. A dryad, wondered Morana. "And those fishnet stockings. You pulled them off in such an adorable way."

"Oh, god, this is embarrassing," Morana moaned. "I was supposed to be edgy and ugly. To reject what was appropriate for a girl. Not... not... cute."

"Yeah, you were cute," Leo said. "I mean, in a sort of scary way. But yeah, cute. Even hot. I used to jerk off thinking about painting your pale face and black lips in my cum."

"Well..." Morana shuddered. "If you want to spray your seed upon my face, Dark Lord, I am here to serve your perversions."

The angel laughed. "Oh, you do like to pretend, don't you, Morana?"

The banshee shrugged. "I am a creature of death who shall devour your pussy. We should be mortal foes, but we are not."

"That would be us," Mrs. Baldwin said. "I'm Life. She's Light."

"Yeah, Mrs. Lucina is my mortal enemy!" Garnet declared. She flapped her wings and landed on the bed beside the angelic MILF. "I shall smother you and your holy radiance with my dark pussy! Kweh, heh, heh."

"See, you're not the only one that likes to play games," Mrs. Lucina said. She stretched out on her back, her large breasts jiggling together. Then, in a very unconvincing tone, gasped, "Oh, no, the Dark Succubus Naughty Garnet has me at her mercy thanks to her nefarious ally, the Dark Banshee Kinky Morana."

"That's right!" Garnet cooed and then threw her wings wide. She jumped into the air, her black pigtails fluttering, and then floated down to straddle the angel's face. "Take that. Yummy, dark pussy!"

The angelic MILF didn't hesitate to lick her. Morana smiled as Garnet groaned. It was fun to pretend, but there was more to life than playing a role. She was getting that now. Here, she would be one of Leo's companions, his monster girl concubine who would fight at his side against whatever forces attacked him.

He has an army of monster girls for a reason, doesn't he, she thought as she lowered her head to the feast, the sweet musk of the angel's cunt filling her nose.

Morana's cold hands touched the angel's warm thighs. The chill of the grave was banished by the angel's life and passion. The heat flowed up Morana's body. She was undead, a banshee. A spirit given flesh. She liked how sexual delights warmed her up, making her feel almost alive.

She pressed her face into the angel's hairless pussy. Thick labia slid over Morana's lips. She was eager to eat her second pussy. To lick at the MILF and make her cum. That twat was fantastic to enjoy. Her tongue lapped out, sliding through that yummy pussy.

A thrill shot through her. She licked and lapped at this yummy pussy. Her hips wiggled back and forth, her heart beating so fast. She plunged her tongue into that delicious snatch, soaking in the angel's warm and sweet delight.

"Damn," groaned Leo as he nuzzled his cock into her butt-crack. "That is hot. My angel eating my succubus, and my banshee eating my angel."

"Yes, yes, yes," gasped Garnet. "We're corrupting her holiness, Dark Lord Big Bro, and turning her into your angel-slut."

Maya burst into laughter. "Oh, Mrs. Baldwin, I need to lick your pussy or I'll ruin their fun."

"I can never say no to you," purred Leo's mother. "I thought you were going to be my daughter-in-law one day. Maybe in the other world, that will still happen."

"Oh, it will," Maya said. "The other me is quite determined to make Leo see some sense."

"I hope so," Leo said as his cock drilled into Morana's asshole.

"Oh, well, you two are dating," Morana reported. "Or, at least, you were holding hands. I think Leo's near-death pushed you two together or something."

"Nice." Leo rubbed his cock against her asshole. "I hope that other me is happy with that other you, Maya."

"Yeah," Maya said.

"Poor other Garnet." Then the succubus threw her red wings wide. "Kweh, heh, heh, I get to love my big bro here!"

"Yes, you do," Leo growled and thrust.

Morana gasped into the angel's sweet pussy as her asshole spread and spread. Then her anal ring widened. His cock popped into her bowels. She moaned as he sank into her velvety sheath. It was different from her pussy. A rougher delight.

His hot cock warmed her nethers up. The heat spread through her body from her lips nuzzling into the angel-MILF's pussy to that big dick sliding into her bowels. She shuddered and devoured Mrs. Lucina's cunt while watching her big boobs jiggle.

Wow, big boobs are so delicious, Morana thought as she licked, dragging her tongue stud through those silky folds.

She thrust her tongue into the angel's cunt as Leo drew back. Morana moaned, her body trembling. She licked and lapped and fluttered around in the MILF's cunt, her tongue stud massaging her silky flesh. Leo rammed back into her, his balls smacking her taint.

The heat melted her pussy. Her cunt dripped juices down her thighs as Leo plunged away at her. He fucked her bowels with her hard strokes. It was such a delight for her to enjoy. She squeezed her bowels down around his cock as he fucked into her hard and fast.

"Goddamn, Morana," he growled. "Mmm, you're such a thrill. A banshee! Damn... I love how your ass heats up. Crystal's and the yuki-onna's stay chilly, but you get warmer and warmer with every thrust."