Dungeons and Dicks Ch. 04


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Mrs. VanWelk waggled that ass as she sucked. Then did it again. With an almost exasperated sigh, she let The Maker's cock slip from her lips and she stole a look over her shoulder at The Flare. She shook her ass again and growled demandingly, "Don't you have something to get on with?"

The Flare, if anything, froze even more still for an instant, and while he made no noise out loud, you could practically see the thought bubble over his head with "NOW?!?" in fancy lettering. The paralysis lasted but a second. Superheroes are men of action, of course. With a hasty step forward, he knelt behind their new patroness, grasped her thighs, and buried his face between her legs.

Mrs. VanWelk's head popped up with a gasp of pleasure. "Not... what I meant," she crooned in ecstatic surprise, "but you do, oh fuck yeah, what you need to do." She took The Maker's cock back into her mouth, but the smooth rhythm of her fellatio was utterly wrecked by The Flare's lingual assault.

The Maker was bemused by the strange new situation, and seemed happy to relax and enjoy things for a while, turned on unbelievably, but also weirded out and hardly appearing to be rushing to a climax. Mrs. VanWelk was a different story. She tried so hard to keep up her attentions to the dick in front of her, but the efforts between her legs had her on the edge almost immediately.

She stopped sucking and began feverishly kissing the head of The Maker's cock, moaning louder and louder, until she gasped deeply and screamed in ecstasy. Her extended left foot bounced up and down, off and on her toes, as she growled and groaned in turn. As the wave began to abate, she panted happily, simply cuddling the cock in front of her against her face.

"That... was marvelous," the melodious, sophisticated voice panted, leaning into the upper-class sound of the accent. "Thank you." She went on, in that same fruitily aristocratic voice, "But the idea was for you jam your supercock into my now sloppy cunt and fuck me senseless. Get on with it!"

Penny could stay in character, I'll give her that. And Mrs. VanWelk had a potty mouth on her, that was for sure.

Craig could also stay in character. In seconds, his stupid-looking speedo was being kicked free of his ankles and he was lifting her up against the edge of the pool table.

The Flare's dick rubbed against the woman's almost desperately receptive pussy, and slid in a single, slow, trembling thrust. Mrs. V moaned happily and began once more to devour The Maker's dick.

Tess and I traded wide-eyed glances. As Game Master, Penny was willing to do a lot more concrete direction than I ever had as Dungeon Master. And her ideas for what to do were looking like some next-level stuff for us all.

Tess was transfixed, though not, I was thankful, in fear exactly. She for one had had a fairly vanilla evening, even if it had been massively impressive. I was pretty sure that she was trying to picture herself being spit-roasted like this, and further, trying to decide if she wanted to do it if presented the opportunity.

Craig and Mark also seemed to be just a bit unsure of themselves. Both were careful not to look at each other, looking anywhere but, in fact. Craig was facing away from all of us, and seemed fixated on Penny's ass... not an unreasonable fixation. Mark's eyes roved around, looking at everyone but Craig.

Being naked and active with a girl at the same time as another guy had heretofore been on my No Thank You List, but I was fully aware in the moment that I would have happily tagged in for either of my friends at that moment. My dick was certainly begging, 'Put me in, Coach!' My courage, however, was telling me, 'Better them than me!' My common sense told me that I could get used to it, given enough opportunities...

Both her legs were off the ground and kicking gleefully about, as the taller superhero held her tiny hips up in the air to fuck her. Despite the steady shaking of her delicate little frame, Mrs. V was now much more in control of her oral efforts, despite The Flare's best efforts behind her. For his part, he was already shuddering on the brink.

"I'm going to come soon," he growled, and pumped even harder. In response, Mrs. V only yelled at him to drive harder, and she jacked The Maker furiously, rubbing his throbbing cock all over her tongue.

It was the latter who actually came first. With a gasp of warning, he ejaculated a thick streak of white across Mrs. V's cheek, before she could react, but then she slobbered him back between her lips in time to capture all remaining production. The Flare's desperate, now almost uncontrolled railing into her from behind drove her mouth down over Maker's cock, and she choked lightly, drooling half his production down and off her chin. Mrs. V seemed to come once more, slamming her hips back against the taller superhero, and he quite obviously nutted in answer, his back arching spastically as he almost whined with release.

The three froze in that tableau for a moment, The Flare still buried in Mrs. VanWelk from behind, and cum and saliva drooling out around the Maker's cock in her mouth. Finally, they unwound the menage, The Flare stumbling slightly backward and slipping free, then Mrs. V sliding backward in turn off the edge of the desk and finding solid footing for the first time in a while. The Maker moved to get down himself, though his eyes widened at the pool of saliva and semen between his knees on the top of the 'wooden table'...

Mrs. VanWelk elegantly picked up her glass of wine and raised it to the two men, "To making this fangirl's dream come true, my heroes." After a long sip, she added, "And to a long and fruitful endeavor together. I look forward to meeting each and every one of your teammates, as time allows."

With that, Penny drew the corner of her eye across the rest of us. All of the rest of us.

Oh boy. Mrs. VanWelk the superhero groupie was going to be a recurring character. I was strangely eager to hear what my wife had to say about that later at home...

Mark sat back down, outfit restored. He looked at me nervously. I had never seen any of us actually look that worried that they had fucked up during a LARP. "That'll clean up okay, right?"

I looked at my pool table. It had better. As I've said, Mark could turn me into a man-shaped bruise in about three moves... but that shit had better come out of my felt.


I decided to let her bring it up. By the time we got home, well... it was getting to be a habit of ours to not make it thirty feet in past the garage door.

When we had finally peeled ourselves off the kitchen desk, our initial 'resting' spot that night, and made it through a quick shower with a minimum of grab-ass (minimum, not none), we fell into the bed, my face buried happily between her curvy thighs, and Tess was starting to ramp up in earnest, when her phone caroled a text tone by her bedside. It wasn't her generic tone, so it must be someone she knew.

Tess only rolled her head back against her pillow and groaned, momentarily relaxing from my assault. "Now?!?" she groaned, then ran her hands through my hair, pulling me back toward her again. "She knows what we are doing right now. Why isn't she doing it too?" Ah, one of our friends.

"Answer it," I said, letting her pull me back in.

"Now?" She laughed sharply. "Bad enough you were texting during a blowjob recently."

"Maybe that's our thing now," I said, voice somewhat muffled. "We catch up on our texts during oral."

"Ha ha."

I just lifted my face from her loins and jerked my head at the phone. She tried to push me back down, but I resisted, grinning, and jerked my head at the phone again.

"Oh, all right," she grumbled, one hand scrabbling for her phone, while the other, successfully now, pushed my head back down to work.

My tongue had no more slid back into her depths when she gasped, jerked upright in the bed, pulling away from me again. "Fuuuuck," she breathed, her face a horrified smile.

"What?" I asked, not sure if I should be enthused or afraid.

"Look at this!"

I rolled over and sat up next to her to read her phone over her shoulder.

PENNY: Hey girl! I'm kind of freaking out about earlier, and want to be sure on things before next week's game. Are you down if I set you up like I did myself tonight?

Tess's jaw worked, not sure how to answer.

I leaned in to kiss her ear. "If you are okay with it, I certainly would not object, though I definitely want to be one of the guys sharing you at some point."

"Oh shit," Tess mumbled, not ready to deal with the idea, though she seemed comforted by at least some part of my response. "What do I say to..."

Her phone sounded again.

PENNY: Or how about what I kinda got Geri and Anne to do...

Tess shrieked in an adorable way and buried her face in my shoulder.

For my part, I couldn't help it. I was busting a gut laughing.

She started poking my in the ribs with a hard fingertip irritably.

"Well, if you want my opinion..." I started to say, still laughing.

"Shut up, perv," Tess replied sharply, but at least prepared to have a little fun with this. "You just want to see it because all guys dream of lesbians for some fucking reason."

"Not. True," I said firmly. "Some guys do, I'll admit. But mostly, we lust after bi-sexual lesbians. We want to be able to be a part, after all!"

She shook her head and texted back, being considerate enough to let me see.

TESS: At this moment, I'm saying no to both. But should the pervert who was giving me such wonderful oral until you distracted him has HIS way, I'll let you know differently.


PENNY: SORRY! [Shame Emoji]

PENNY: I feel like I made Geri, especially, uncomfortable.

TESS: Don't worry too much. We all have shown our ability to deflect what we don't want before.

PENNY: "Too much"...

PENNY: Tell your pervert that I'm finding that GMing this LARP stuff is harder than it looks. My hat... bra is off to him.

I snatched the phone from Tess's hands and swiftly texted "pix or it didn't happen"

She shrieked and snatched her phone back, shrieking again when she saw what I had texted.


PENNY: Ha! Tell him we aren't playing right now.


The next Saturday, we arrived at Craig and Anne's for the game a few minutes early. I had not, contrary to her darkest expectations, spent the week lobbying Tess to try embracing her inner bisexual. I think that actually irritated her. If she wanted to, she would decide to on her own a lot faster than if I pushed it.

For my part, I was mostly, when I thought about the game at all with my newly crushing workload, thinking nervously about how I was not consulted on my willingness to get LARPing with another dude.

We all stood around the kitchen table, having a drink and running down the week's events in our lives, just as we usually did.

"No booze tonight?" Geri asked Anne, who was drinking LaCroix peach seltzer from the can. "How long are you taking The Cure this time?"

Anne was a professional bartender, and it was an occupational hazard that she drank a lot. About once a year, she'd feel like her liver needed a vacation and she'd go on The Wagon for a few weeks.

"I'm not sure," she said slowly. "I'm hoping less than a year." She rummaged around in her purse.

"A year?" Geri followed up, incredulously. Anne liked her beer and wine.

Anne found what she was looking for and took it out to show us. It was a birth control pill blister pack. She rattled it. "Two pills left. I'm not refilling."

We all stared at her.

Then suddenly, the women were all hugging her, and Martin, Mark, and I were slapping Craig's back or giving him the business.

"I know you've mentioned it here or there," Tess said. " I guess we all have. Why pull the trigger now?"

"We are not sure. But Wednesday morning, Craig woke up and said, 'let's do it.' I just knew exactly what he meant."

Craig just shrugged. "We saw Rob and Alice last Sunday. They have a one year-old. Maybe I got jealous."

"I just think he was having a hard time sleeping with my biological clock ticking so loudly," Anne grinned. She overrode our general laughter with a firm voice. "That said, starting next week, I could theoretically be fertile. Unlikely, but possible. But..." she trailed off for a second. "While that is the case, a certain activity will be off the table for me."

"Oh no," Mark said softly. "You guys aren't going to play?" We were all aghast at the thought.

"We still want to play!" Craig interjected hastily. "Just, no one does the full-on horizontal bop with Martienne except The Flare, at least until production is well and truly underway."

Oh. Yeah.

That was definitely going to be the hardest and fastest of all The Rules, going forward!

"And vice versa," Craig added firmly.

"Hey, baby!" Anne said quickly. "We never discussed that!"

"Fair's fair," he said.

Anne kissed him on the cheek warmly. "You are sweet, baby. But I don't expect that, and frankly, I don't want that."

"Look," Craig said. "That's for worrying about next week, okay?" They stared at each other for a moment, then Craig looked at the rest of us. "Tonight, I just want to have fun foiling whatever this Dr. Mysterious's sinister plan is!"

Martin and I exchanged a glance. We both clearly realized that we had just witnessed the edges of the world's most bizarre marital dust-up.

"Shit," grumbled Penny.

"What's the matter, Pen?" Tess asked.

"My whole plan for tonight is out the window, at least for the LARPing stuff."

"Why? Nothing's changed tonight but Anne's premature sobriety!"

"Hey, I just want to get into practice," Anne said.

"What has changed," Penny said, her grumpy face turning sly, "is that I'm pretty sure the reason you guys told us this week instead of next is that Anne wants to be the Belle of the Ball tonight..."

It was a crazy night, and tons of fun. Penny had a great plot for Dr. Mysterious, and that delicious plot line remained ongoing at the end.

And Anne had indeed been the Belle of the Ball. Craig got most of the attention as well, on the guy side... just in case he ended up winning their little argument.

Every time things got slow, and the conversation wandered beyond the game, it tended to swing back to Anne's impending 'project'.

"So, once you are sure you are on your way, things go back to normal?" Penny asked Anne, while Craig and Tess were getting themselves back together after he had been using that magic tongue, and Mark and Martin were getting more beers for everybody.

"At least until I get too fat and ugly," Anne said, a little apprehensively.

"Oh, you're going to get fat," I said calmly, "but never ugly."

"Flirt," Tess scolded, sitting down again next to me. "Accurate, but a flirt." Those of us with drinks raised them to Anne.

Later, after Anne's second spit roasting of the night (she was a voracious Belle of the Ball), she, Martin, and I collapsed back into our seats. Tess looked at Craig. "We haven't seen Rob and Alice in ages... not since the baby. Don't tell us we are going to lose you after the baby comes!"

"Maybe until the baby is weaned?" Craig answered uneasily. "My parents are adamant that we hire an au pair, or at least a regular nanny or sitter so we have time for ourselves, and to keep the kiddo from becoming too clingy. We'd like to use that adult time for Saturday nights."

"It might get awkward on our nights to host, though," Anne piped up, exhausted but smug as a cat with a dead canary.

"So don't host," Geri put in.

"I'd feel really uncomfortable about that," Craig said firmly. "Gotta hold up our end if we are going to stay a part of things."

"Yeah, but 'Mommy, why does Daddy have his pee-pee in Mrs. Davis's mouth?' might get a little awkward," laughed Penny. That drew a laugh, but a slightly awkward one.

"So we just don't LARP on Craig and Anne's week to host," I said firmly. "I, for one, would far rather miss out on a week of LARPing here or there, especially when we still get D&D, than I would want to lose you guys' part in our collective lives."

That got general and enthusiastic approval from the rest of us, along with blushes from Anne and uncomfortable modesty from Craig.

It was a settled issue, at least until momma hormones and daddy doting set in after the blessed arrival. Then we would see, I thought apprehensively. And of course, even if it did work out like that, the whole situation raised a host of different, but parallel What-Ifs to ponder... for the rest of us.


Shocking as it was, when we got home Tess and I did not instantly fuck, probably for the first time since Mark decided Renault would fuck the shopkeeper's wife. Instead, I just put my arms around Tess from behind and we stood there in the living room, me nuzzling her gently on the side of her neck.

"They are going to do it..." Tess said softly.

"Yeah," was all I said in reply.

We stood there, silently thinking.

My hands rested on her belly. She pressed them softly against her womb.

And we thought.


I really enjoyed writing this tale, and I hope you have enjoyed reading it too, even if I suspect that I have narrowed my potential audience with the framing subject matter. Thanks for your kind votes, and I hope you follow me and check out the rest of my catalog. Please let me know what you all think of the story as a whole, the ending, and how I did with the D&D and LARPing narrative shifts in the comments.

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HardneighborharryHardneighborharry2 months ago

Great work. I'm a multi decade roleplayer, played all the editions, and many systems besides D&D. This type of story is certainly the type of fantasy that runs in my head personally. That is juxtaposed by the fact that I play in two groups that are male only. So it will stay in the mind, but, I can dream.

kiggerbare1234kiggerbare12346 months ago

Truly well-written and entertaining. Thanks for sharing that with the rest of us.

AlexFourwaysAlexFourways6 months ago

Another great story by a great writer (I think I have just about read all of them and learnt a lot).

(Only minor query was twice things happend on 'his pool table' and then 'when we got home'.

On another note, I agree with redsilver about names and I am a bit dislexic and having had to re-read bits of another author's story to clarify between Kate, Katherine and Karen, So I decided name in alphabetical sequence, for my benefit as well as the reader. Alex, Bella, Carol, Dan ... and in another series: Alice, Billy, Calumn, Donna, Eric ... It helped with suddenly Alice became Alison and I could quickly search and replace!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I’m neither a LARPer nor have ever played D&D, yet thoroughly enjoyed this story line— and would love to see it continued, with pregnancies. Not with small children, however— that’s beyond the pale.

redsliverredsliver7 months ago

Been a long time since I actually read something start to finish on this sight. This was worth it. Well done.

If I had any constructive feedback it would be having major characters named Mark, Martin, and Martienne in the same story was a mistake. Try not to have names step on each other's toes visually or audibly in the future.

Otherwise, 5 stars. Tess was my favorite character.

Maybe I should go back to my notes about a D&D campaign turned hypersexualized. I like how you did the in character bits, stealing it I might be able to make my story work.

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