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Exhausted, the young men pulled out, slowly rising to their feet. Tess lay half-dazed below them as they did up their breeches. Rob commented, "You don't think the slut was telling the truth, do you, about her being ripe, do you?"

Tess began crying again as Kent answered. "What of it? An English bastard is worth any ten Irish lords, eh?"

Chapter 5

Katherine Dunrossiter looked forward to leaving the mansion even if it was only for a hew hours. The six months of her marriage were becoming more of a living hell than she could have imagined. Her grand-father and great-aunt had both died several months before, and her husband and his oldest sons were absolute beasts. Although she had never witnessed it, she knew that they were all swiving the wenches around the house. Two had already been sacked when they had been found in the family way, even though it had been whispered that the Dunrossiters themselves had made them so.

She and Gwen, one of her ladies maids, climbed into the carriage for the trip to the coast. It would only be a few hours drive to the shops there, but she relished her release nonetheless. They settled themselves into the cushions as the carriage made its way down the oak lined drive.

CRACK! The carriage was at most two miles down the road when Katherine felt it lurch and fall off to the side. She and Gwen were thrown to the floor. As they righted themselves on the canted floor, they heard a moan come from outside. Struggling to stay upright in the precariously perched carriage, they managed to open the door and clamber out. It was obvious that the carriage wheel had broken, and that the driver had been thrown off. He was leaning against a road marker, his face white, as he grasped his shin.

"What happened?! Are you alright?!", asked Katherine, running up to him.

The driver bit back a curse and answered, "Aye, ma'am, but I think my leg's right broke."

"What should we do?"

The driver grimaced and nodded back along the highway. "You'll have to walk back and get me some help, ma'am." He moved slightly and the broken bone caused him to bite back more cursing. "Now, please, if you will."

Katherine stood. "Al right, but I will leave Gwen with you." Gwen looked up at her mistress and nodded assent.

The driver, an Englishman like the rest of the senior menservants, snickered and said, "I'll not be needing any of her sort of comfort any time soon. Take her with you."

Katherine glowered at the insult to Gwen. The Englishmen at the estate were almost as incorrigible as her husband and stepsons in the attitudes and actions towards the Irish. "So be it, sir."

The driver simply nodded. "You'll find a bottle of whisky in the carriage, ma'am. Just leave me that and hurry someone back, eh. Thank you, kindly, ma'am."

Katherine and Gwen saw to the driver's needs and then began walking back up the road to the manor. They arrived within forty minutes, and promptly told Clive Tolliver, the head of the English servants, what had happened. He promptly went off to round up help, and the two women went into the manor. Gwen followed Katherine up the stairs to help her change from her soiled dress.

Katherine stopped as she approached her chamber door, and decided to instead tell her husband what had occurred. Stepping across the hallway, she opened the door to her husband's rooms and stepped inside, with Gwen following her.

"My lord, I thought it best to tell you...", she started, then stopped, aghast at the sight before her. Arthur Dunrossiter was wearing only his dressing gown and seated in an armchair. His dressing gown was open and he wore nothing beneath it. At his feet knelt one of the maids, as naked as the day she was born, committing the sin of Sodom upon the Earl. His gargantuan cock was well into the girl's mouth, and she was stroking and pumping at his thick shaft.

"Good God! I leave but for an hour and you are already swiving the wenches?! You bastard!", she exclaimed as she stared. Jenny started at the voice and moved to arise, but Dunrossiter's powerful hands kept her in position. "Have you no common decency, sir? Have you nothing to say? This is intolerable!"

Dunrossiter smirked, and asked, "Care to join us, Katherine?"

"Bastard!", she shrieked. "I won't live like this! I'm leaving!" She whirled around and fumbled as she ran headfirst into Gwen.

Dunrossiter's powerful voice stopped her in her tracks. "And go where?", he demanded.

She turned to face him, astonished that he was keeping Jenny at her tasks. "Back home, to my grand-father's estate. I still have that, you know."

Dunrossiter smiled. "You mean you had that. If you recall, you signed that over as collateral on the loan for the Dublin properties. It is no longer your estate, my dear. You have no property anymore."

Katherine gasped as she remembered the papers she had signed for her husband, shortly after her grand-father's funeral. She hadn't understood them, but her husband had reassured her it was meaningless. Her mind was awhirl! What could she do? Where could she go?

Dunrossiter continued. "Gwen, close the door and lock it. You'll be joining us, too."

"Stay where you are, Gwen!", ordered Katherine.

She was astonished when Gwen moved and closed the door, locking it. Gwen came around and handed Dunrossiter the key, which he promptly threw across the room. Gwen's eyes were downcast, as she said, "Sorry, ma'am, but I had to." The girl was far more frightened of Dunrossiter's wrath than of her mistress'.

"Let me explain something to you, my loving wife. Without me, you are nothing but a penniless vagabond, with no lands or income. Leave if you wish, I really don't care. I only married you to get your estate, and I have that now. Leave now and you'll be leaving with nothing but the clothes on your back, and since you have no skills or talents, it will be on your back that you'll have to earn your bread. Mind you, you have considerable abilities in that area, but you need to learn a few things more, eh?" He nodded towards where Jenny was kneeling between his legs, suckling the end of his shaft.

"You bastard!", screamed his wife.

"Not really. I knew my parents well. My mother was a witch and a shrew, but my father tamed her as well. He remarked to me once that she was as adept at pleasing a man as any Irish slut he had ever met." Looking at Gwen, he ordered, "Strip off those clothes, girl, then help milady with hers."

Katherine was astounded to watch Gwen unbutton her dress and peel it off, then pull off her stockings and shoes. The girl was a surprisingly endowed blonde, of medium height and size. The girl stepped behind her and began fumbling with her dress. "Gwen?", she asked weakly.

The piteous reply moved Katherine to tears. "It's for the best, ma'am, really. It's harmless and won't kill you. You'll get used to it."

Lady Dunrossiter found herself being stripped naked before her philandering husband's eyes. Once bare, she was ordered forward, and Gwen took her by the elbow and pulled her towards him. She found herself kneeling before her husband with the other two girls, staring at her husband's monstrously large organ. She looked up with a start as Dunrossiter began talking anew.

"Now, Jenny has it all ready for you. Open your mouth, woman, and please a man as he should be pleased." Reaching out, he grabbed a fistful of her brown hair and dragged her face to his crotch. "Suck it!", he demanded.

Katherine Dunrossiter stared at her husband's cock as he effortlessly drew her closer. Jenny had left a small bead of his seed balanced on the tip, and she watched it quiver as her mouth opened. More to push it away than for any other reason, she extended her tongue, which came in contact with his might organ. As she tasted the fluid, her eyes closed in guilty delight, knowing that she was sinning but enjoying the degradation all the more.

Dunrossiter smiled with surprise as his wife began tonguing his member. Her natural talents at lovemaking extended to the arena of oral combat. She suckled his cock intensely, as Gwen and Jenny pumped it and cuddled his sac, and he savored the sensation of his seed languorously moving up his shaft to coat her tongue. He began moaning with pleasure as he wife began to take him further between her lips. "Yes, just like that, just like that.", he murmured contentedly. "Swallow every bit, darling."

Katherine couldn't believe what she was doing, sucking her husband's organ in the manner of Sodom while the maidservants watched. Even more humiliating was that she was becoming excited by her actions. The proof of her desire began running from her cunny, slickening her inner thighs, increasing her passions to untold heights. She opened her tear-filled eyes to find that the Earl's hairs were tickling her nose, and that she had managed to swallow his entirety. She breathed carefully as his cock pulsed in her throat, and she began bobbing her face on the intruder.

"Yes, yes, more, more!", he cried weakly. Then, as he held her head in place, he reached culmination and began filling his wife's mouth with his sticky, sweet seed.

Katherine Dunrossiter was astonished when she felt her husband's organ, already huge in her mouth, expand further, then she tasted his fluid as it began pulsating into her mouth. Gagging, she tried to pull back, but was held in place by his stone hard hands. His spewing began to dribble from her lips as she cried, coating the hands of Gwen and Jenny beside her. They leaned in to begin licking the excess away.

Temporarily sated, Dunrossiter drew his hands from Katherine's head and she recoiled as his flow ebbed. She stared in excitement and disgust as the girls cleaned Dunrossiter's cock. "Will that be all, my lord?", she asked, a look of pure hatred on her beautiful young features.

Dunrossiter looked between his legs and laughed. "Are you daft, woman? We're just getting started. Now, ladies, while I regain my strength, please each other, for my amusement, eh?"

Katherine couldn't understand or believe the words her husband spoke. Each other?! What could that mean? She stared in amazement as Gwen reclined and Jenny lay down on the carpet, to bury her head in her friend's cunny. Gwen gave out with a sigh of enjoyment, then turned slightly and began nibbling at her mistress' crotch. She stared briefly, then looked up at Dunrossiter in horror, even as her cunny began spasming with the pleasure it was enjoying.

"Well, what are you waiting for, an engraved invitation?", her husband demanded. "Get at it, woman!" She stared at the maids, then looked back up at Dunrossiter. Exasperatedly, he stood and tossed aside his gown. Grabbing a riding crop from his armoire, he strode over. Slashing down, he whipped her on the buttocks. As she cried out, she found his hands on her head, pushing her to the floor where Jenny lay sprawled out, her legs akimbo. "Get at it!", he roared.

Katherine found herself staring into the redly haired cunny of Jenny. It was obvious from the juices coating it that Dunrossiter had already enjoyed a tryst with the buxom girl before Katherine had interrupted them. Another few cuts with the crop had her face buried between Jenny's legs. Dunrossiter began giving orders to the women, demanding that they all work at causing another's release.

Katherine's cunny began twitching as Gwen's talented tongue found her nubbin. Heat flashed from her loins through her body as she extended her tongue and began lapping up Dunrossiter's seed flowing from Jenny. Jenny began thrashing around on the carpet as Katherine's lips encircled her button, suckling the much smaller feature as they had Dunrossiter's large one but briefly before. The taste of Jenny's flowing juices excited Katherine's passions, and she became determined to sop them up with her mouth. The excitement mounted, and Jenny began suckling her friend, Gwen, fiercely. The three young women writhed before their tormentor, spending freely, their fluids of love flowing copiously. Exhausted, the three women sagged back, separating, to lie gasping with breath before the Earl.

Katherine stared up at her husband, once again sporting a prodigious erection. "I see that we are not yet finished, my lord.", she quipped snidely.

His reply was a stinging swat across her backside. "Not hardly, dear wife. Now, all of you, get to your feet." He swung twice more, rousing Gwen and Jenny, and the threesome scrambled upright. Grabbing his wife by the arm, he propelled her around to the bed, then forced her to lay down over the footboard.

Katherine was somewhat surprised. She knew that Dunrossiter knew that she enjoyed this position immensely, and could not understand why he was allowing her pleasure. The two girls were placed at her sides and directed to fondle her large breasts, hanging down pendulously. She felt Dunrossiter nestle his cock between her buttocks and she finally understood that her pleasure was the farthest thing from his mind. Crying out and struggling helplessly in his arms, she felt his cock tearing its way into her nether regions, threatening to tear her apart. Weeping piteously, she was forced to endure his manhood sawing into her arse.

Dunrossiter was mightily pleased with the course of events. His wife's arse was as tight and warm as he had imagined, and her cries of terror simply spurred him on. If he hadn't spent twice already, he knew he would be spewing already.

It was several moments before Katherine realized that the pain was subsiding, and that she was beginning to actually enjoy her sodomization! As her husband pumped his manhood into her arse, feelings of intense desire began overwhelming her. Her cunny was flowing freely as her maids caressed her excited nipples. She found herself thrusting her buttocks back at her husband, driving his cock deeper and deeper into her nether hole. She began crying out, "Harder! Harder!", as Dunrossiter drove into her. Finally, as she felt his cock expand, to thrust deeply and begin filling her with his hot seed, she collapsed, her buttocks twitching, as she was overcome with lust.

Chapter 6

Dunrossiter lounged in his chambers. He had spent the last several weeks training his wife in her new role and was rather pleased with the results. She craved a hard cock as much as the most wanton slut in his employ! She now enjoyed taking his cock into her every orifice, and was proficient in satisfying the other girls as well. He had rarely had a wench so demanding of his organ, and reveled in his ability to degrade even the finest of ladies.

As he got up, Jenny, the buxom and fiery haired wench who had shared his bed with himself and his wife, stirred, waking Katherine. The two shared a kiss, then watched as Dunrossiter moved towards his privy chamber. They lazed in bed, arms around each other until he came out. It was then that they noticed the door had opened, and a third woman, Kate, had stepped in with a pot of tea. Neither woman was surprised when, after accepting his tea cup and sipping from it, he pushed Kate to her knees. The servant girl took his manhood between her lips and manipulated him until he spewed into her mouth.

"Very nice, Kate.", he said good-naturedly. " I can see why my sons enjoy you so much. You are quite the serving slut."

"Thank you, my lord.", she said with tear-filled eyes.

"Good God, Arthur, don't tell me that you talk to your sons about this sort of thing!", demanded an angry Katherine. "Even you cannot be that depraved!"

"And what of it, wife?", he commented, as Kate stood and began serving his wife tea. "A young man needs to expend his energies. Both Kent and Rob seem to enjoy taking Kate, and so do I."

"And what of Jamie? Does he degrade the women of the household so, as well?"

Dunrossiter gave his wife a surprised look at the mention of his third son. "Eh, I don't know as we've ever really discussed it." He looked back at Kate. "Well, does James enjoy your favors as well, wench?"

"I wouldn't know, my lord. He's never taken me.", she replied sheepishly.

Shrugging, he looked over at Jenny. "You?"

"No, my lord. I don't believe he's had any of us, my lord."

"What!?", roared Dunrossiter. "None of you!? This is ridiculous. The boy is fifteen already! Kate take care of this today!", he ordered.

"My apologies, milord, but I cannot.", she whispered ashamedly. Lifting her skirt, she showed the Earl her stained bloomers, proof that her courses were arrived.

"Damnation!" He looked across the room to where Jenny lay cuddling with his wife. "Well then, you do it Jenny. You, sure as the Devil, don't have that excuse!"

"Yes, milord."


Jamie Dunrossiter idly studied the law book in his lap, his thoughts constantly returning to the recent turmoil in the household. His step-mother seemed awfully out of sorts lately, and there were considerable comings and goings of the servant girls to his father's bedchambers. He was too intelligent not to understand what his father and step-brothers were up to with regards to the servant girls, but was of two minds about it. It seemed a flagrant disregard of decency to demand the services of the poor serving wenches thusly, but it also seemed to be a most enjoyable pastime, as well. The normal urges of a young man coursed through his veins, but it seemed wrong to simply go about raping the wenches like his family did.

Jamie had spent much of the past few years in London, attending a boarding school. His studies had been well ahead of his peers, and he had been recommended for a course of study at Oxford in the fall. Perhaps, he mused, it would be good to get away from the household again. Perhaps his father was right, that 'sheep were made for shearing.' Nonetheless, what his father did to the peasants wasn't shearing, it was more like butchering!

A knock on the door roused him from his reverie. Tossing the book aside, he adjusted his nightshirt and pulled the covers up slightly. "Come in."

Jenny opened the door and brought in a silver tea service. "I thought you might like a cup of tea, milord, before retiring.", she said, setting the service down on the end table.

"Er, thank you, Jenny, thank you.", said Jamie. He watched the girl intensely as she poured him the tea, then added the cream and sugar. He had always been fond of the older girl, and she seemed especially lovely tonight. Her long red hair had been brushed out until it glistened in the candlelight. She was wearing a simple skirt and a peasant blouse, and the way she moved beneath it showed that she had neglected a shift. If his brothers were to see her like that, he knew she'd be satisfying their needs all night long!

Jenny moved around the room seductively, picking up his clothing and setting the room to order, eyeing him speculatively as she moved. The Earl's youngest son was so unlike the others, and not simply in appearance. He seemed much politer and more intelligent than them, and had already made known his intention of reading for the law. Perhaps he took after his mother, she thought.

She approached his bed as he finished his tea. "More, milord?"

"Thank you, but no, Jenny." Jamie tried not to stare at her chest. Her full breasts swayed delightfully beneath the thin cotton.

"Milord, is there a problem? You keep staring at me so.", she asked coyly.

Jamie's face reddened and he turned away. "No, no problem, sorry.", he mumbled.

Jenny sat down on the edge of the bed and turned to face him. "Master James, were you staring at my boobies?", she teased. She knew that the young man was ready for her advances; several of the maids had whispered that they had found the stains of his manhood on some of his night clothing.

Jamie turned back, beet-red, to see the girl thrusting her chest in his direction. He whirled away, muttering denials.

"Please, my lord, it's all right. I understand how I could have excited your passions. It is my fault, not yours." She reached out a hand and gently cupped his face, turning him back to her. "I seem to have dressed too immodestly, and I can tell that it has affected you. Please don't be angry with me."