Dustin's Wife Ch. 05


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"Oh Donna. I wanna. Fucka your twata. And I'm gonna. Ung ung ung. Oh oh oh. I'm fucking me an uptown ho." He sang into her ear as he pushed into her."

Vicki tried to fight but she was too worked up. Three blow jobs plus the finger fucking and now a stiff cock pounding her. The sensation was too much. His cock sliding in and out was heating her up. She still had the taste of Carl in her mouth. It wasn't long before she pushed her hips back to meet his thrusts. Jessie stopped moving and put his hands on his hips. Vicki did the fucking.

"Look at that ho, she loves cock so much she's fucking him."

"Oh god. Oh god." She cried. "I'm going to cum. Fuck me harder you son of a bitch." Vicki cried out.

Jessie grabbed her hair. "No one calls my mother a bitch, you cocksucking whore tramp."

He pushed hard on the back of her head and smashed her face into the pool table. Vicki felt intense pain and saw a blinding flash behind her eyes. She was going to pass out. Jessie pounded his cock into her even harder. "Awwwwww. I'm cumming you cunt. Take that uptown with you." He cried out as he came. He pumped his hips a couple more times then pulled out his spent cock and wiped it on her new skirt.

Vicki struggled to get up and the guys let go of her arms. She staggered and fell against the wall. Her lip was cut and bleeding, her eye was starting to swell. She grabbed her purse and struggled to pull her underwear up.

"I have to go." She mumbled.

"You ain't going nowhere bitch." Someone said.

She reached into her purse for her phone. She needed help. She got her phone open and felt for the auto dial. Hands roughly grabbed her and stopped her from leaving. The guys circled her and walked her to the rear exit. They pushed the door open and threw her out. Vicki stumbled into the alley. She tried to run but could only shuffle. She hit the auto dial button and then hit 5.

"Help me. I'm at Vic's Hideaway. Help me. Help meeee." She shouted.

"Shut the fuck up you stupid cunt whore." Someone said and knocked the phone away.

The six men stood around her in a circle pushing her from one guy to the next. Someone pulled her top down. Everyone cheered when her tits were bared. Fingers pinched and pulled her nipples as she was passed around the circle. They were hurting her. Someone reached under her skirt and painfully pinched her ass. Vicki was getting dizzy. One guy grabbed her shoulders and stopped her.

"A bunch of us aint cum yet but you are going to fix that. You are what we call a 'meathole'. We got the meat, you got the holes. We're gonna play a game we call round robin. We pass you around until the sun comes up and the robins come out. On your knees cunt."

The six guys tightened the circle. Vicki had no escape. The gravel cut her knees as his hands pushed her down. Six stiff cocks were suddenly in her face. She gagged from the smell of garbage and urine in the alley.

"Don't bite or we will bust your teeth out and fuck your bloody gums."

She knew they meant it. She opened her mouth and took in the first one. She took a cock in each hand and jerked them. She hoped she might get a couple to cum that way. It didn't take long for the first guy to grunt as her experienced mouth brought him off. Vicki tried not to swallow but they held her nose and mouth shut until she did. They cheered when they pried her mouth open to show she had.

The group of men shifted and the cock she had been pulling was now ready for sucking. He lasted longer. She screamed around his dick as he grabbed her tit and twisted her nipple hard. It took several minutes for him to cum and pump his load down the terrified woman's throat. They cheered again when she swallowed it all. Her lip was hurting bad now and she thought she was going to throw up. The next cock smelled and tasted like he hadn't washed in a month. Vicki gagged as he pumped her face. The guy got angry at her reaction.

"My cock aint good enough for your uptown mouth, you piece of shit slut?"

He pushed her head off his cock and punched Vicki in the face. She fell and he kicked her in the ribs. Vicki groaned in pain and held her ribs. She rolled back and forth on the filthy pavement. She felt his hands roll her onto her stomach. The housewife's panties were ripped off. They all cheered once more as her naked ass came into view. Vicki felt him kneeling between her spread legs. He laid across her back.

"Aaaauuuggh." She screamed as his cock savagely ripped into her unlubricated asshole. Just before she passed out she saw a light come from the doorway.

"How's my cock taste now bitch?" The guy yelled as he pounded her ass.

Two guys came out of the pool room like maniacs. One had a pool cue the other a tire iron. The guy with the pool cue slammed it against the face of the guy raping Vicki in the ass. Blood spurted from his flattened nose as he dropped like a sack of bricks. The other guy swung the tire iron into the jaw of the guy standing closest to him. He heard a crack and blood splattered everywhere. Carl fell to the ground, losing three teeth and half his jaw.

Then pool cue guy swung and hit Jessie in the knee. Jessie went down and the cue came across his face and busted his nose, cheekbones and front teeth. Tire iron to the groin and a kick in the face on the way down, greeted another of the six. The last two looked around at the broken and bleeding bodies on the pavement, rolling in pain or unconscious. They figured no pussy was that good. They ran away. Vicki flailed her fists as Mike bent down to get her.

"Shhh. Shhh. Hey. Hey. You're safe now." He said soothingly, while warding off her feeble blows. Vicki opened her one not swollen eye. She smiled.

"I knew you'd come." She said before she passed out again.

Vicki had the strangest dream. There were hands all over her. They were carrying her, and undressing her, and washing her. The hands washed her body but not in a sexual way. They washed her face and then put some kind of cream on it. They even washed her hair. Strange dream. "Oh shit, my head hurts." She said. She touched her face. "Ow ow ow." It felt swollen and she was having trouble seeing out of her eye. She tried to move and every part of her hurt. Her ribs mostly. She got about half way up and felt light headed. She fell back and went to sleep.

"So what the fuck are we going to do?" Andy asked.

"I don't know." Mike answered.

"She isn't our woman. She's married to someone else. We shouldn't be the ones she calls when she's in trouble."

"Well, if her asshole husband wasn't out of town she woulda called him." Mike said.

"Would she? Besides, that's not the point. If he wasn't out of town she never would have gone out trying to get laid or what ever it was she was doing. What was she doing in that dive anyway? Fuck. I don't even go into that place and I only live a couple blocks away."

"I know why. When you do go there, you beat people up." Mike said laughing. "Can't take you anywhere."

"It's a good thing we got there when we did or she would have been a lot more messed up. By the way. You did okay for an old guy." Andy said.

"I'm only 45 - that's the new thirty." Mike said.

"I'm only 40. What's that?" Andy asked.

"That's still 40. It doesn't become the new anything until 45." Mike said.

"You are so full of crap." Andy laughed. "What are we going to do about that woman?" He asked again. They were sitting on Vicki's couch. They had spent the night to make sure she was okay. They cleaned her up and patched her up. Mke gave her a couple valium he had. Then they put her to bed.

"Tell her it was fun but it's over. Don't call us anymore. She's too much to handle. It ain't like she's our woman. She's got a husband for Christ's sake." Mike said. "And then we just stop with her."

"That sounds like a plan." Andy said. "It's getting to be too much. It's only been a few days but I'm jealous of her husband. I'm angry over the time he gets to spend with her and it's not me. I can't tell you how I felt when I saw her beat up in that alley."

"Oh fuck. Don't tell me that. She ain't your wife. She ain't even your girlfriend. She's his wife and we are just banging her." Mike said. "Where does this go in your fantasy world? She leaves him and the two of you live happily ever after, until she cheats on you. Oh no, even better, Dustin realizes the error of his ways and says, 'Gee Andy, I now know she is too much woman for me and you have my blessing to fuck her whenever you want."

"You can be such a prick sometimes. I know it will never happen but I miss having a wife. I miss being important to someone. I know you had problems with your ex, but I didn't. I liked having someone telling me they loved me when I left for work." Andy answered.

"And you think she loves you?" Mike snapped back.

"I don't know. Maybe. Maybe she could. Why are you mad at me?"

"Because. I know she is nothing but trouble. If we keep on with her it will be a train ride through hell." Mike said.

"And you'll be the first in line for a ticket." Andy said. "You're mad because you feel the same way. I saw how much you cared when you saw her face all bloody."

"Go fuck yourself." Mike answered. He went in the kitchen to get a beer.

Vicki woke up again and this time she heard voices downstairs. She remembered bits and pieces of last night and was afraid those bad men were in her house just taking a break before they came back up to hurt her again. She needed to get some place safe. She hoped maybe she could sneak away. She slipped out of bed, gritting her teeth against the pain. She had to stay bent over because of her ribs. She wondered why she was wearing a nightgown. No time to wonder about that now. She had to get out. She slowly shuffled along the wall, holding it with one hand and her side with the other. She made it to the top of the stairs and stopped again.

The men were right downstairs in the livingroom. She heard one of them ask what to do with her. They were going to kill her. Suddenly she realized she knew the one voice. No, she knew two of them. She listened and they were the only ones talking. Oh my god. What are they doing here? They had to leave. They couldn't be here in the daylight.

She heard them talk and the night before came flooding back. She started to gag and thought she was going to throw up. She put her hand over her mouth. She wanted to scream when she remembered the punches and kicks. She gingerly touched her face and ribs. She winced in pain. She remembered her ass being on fire as some guy drove his dick in it. No wonder it was hurting to sit on the hall floor. Then she remembered there was a fight and she was rescued. Mike and Andy must have come to save her.

That's why she had a nightgown on. They took care of her. Cleaned her up and patched her wounds. The dream of the mysterious caring hands wasn't a dream after all. It was these two guys who claimed all they wanted was sex, caring for her. Trying to get her well. She started to cry. She couldn't remember the last time she felt like someone actually cared for her. But Mike was right, she was married.

Mike came back with two beers. "So. What?" He said as he gave Andy a beer. "We have to cut her loose.

"But I don't want to." Andy said.

"Yeah, me either." Mike said, plopping down in a chair. "It's not just the sex, although that is great. It's more and I can't put my finger on it."

"She'd probably scream in pain if you put your finger on it." Andy said. "But I know what you mean. I like her and you do too or you wouldn't have come running to the rescue when she called. She's a cock addict but I like being around her. It makes me feel good the way she looks at me. Like maybe I mean more to her than just a hard cock."

"You certainly mean more than that to me." Mike said.

"Fuck you." Andy said.

"With that hard cock? Please." Mike said mocking.

Vicki heard them and couldn't believe it. She did think of them as more than just a means for sex. She liked being around them too. But she knew she was too much of a tramp for any decent man to love. And despite the way they started, she considered them decent men. She moved toward the bedroom. She was safe with them here and she didn't want to hear any more. She didn't want to hear when they decided to leave her. It was almost dark outside when Vicki woke again. There was a half glass of water and some pain killers on the night stand. She smiled but it hurt. It was sweet that the guys thought of it before they left her. She took the pain killers.

Vicki struggled to get up. It hurt real bad. She went to the mirror. One side of her face was swollen. Her lip was cut. There was a cut over her eye. Her face was a bit yellow on that side. Her wrist was black and blue but that was from her husband. She reached around and felt her butt, that was sore too. She mustered her courage, untied the nightgown and let it fall to the floor. There was a tensor bandage around her middle keeping her ribs from hurting too bad. Her one side was black and blue from under her boob to her hip. There were cuts and scratches on her knees and elbows. Her boobs had several black and blue marks near the nipples. There was a bruise on her back she had trouble seeing and it felt like a tooth was loose.

Vicki was stunned. She looked like she had been in a car crash. How was she going to explain this to Dustin? He was going to beat her. Dustin! Oh shit. What time was it? What day was it? How many times had he called and she wasn't there to answer? Was he on his way home now? She sat on the bed. She was alone. Mike and Andy had left her, as they should. Her husband was going to leave her. She had no job. No money. Where would she go? Vicki wished she had died in that alley. At least it would be done. Vicki started to cry. She stumbled to the bathroom. It hurt real bad when she did her business. She looked in the bowl and was relieved there was no blood. At least she wasn't busted up too bad inside. She made her way back to the bed. The pain killers were working. She flopped on the covers and fell asleep hoping this was a bad dream but she knew it wasn't.

Vicki's tit was sending signals to her brain. Signals that were sparking little jolts in her pleasure center. She moaned in her sleep. It felt good and she liked the feeling. She slowly opened her eye and gazed at her right breast. She was on her back covered by a sheet except for one tit and a finger was flicking at her erect nipple. Her nipple moved and then bounced back. Flick. Flick. Flick. Each flick sent a jolt to the feel good area of her brain.

"Will you stop that." She heard Andy say. Vicki moved her eye to see where his voice was coming from. He was standing in the doorway holding a cup and saucer. He moved to the bed.

"I can't help it. You know I'm a tit man and her nipples are so cute. See how they like the attention?" Mike said. Vicki looked toward his voice. He was sitting beside the bed and leaning forward, it was his finger that was casually flicking her. She smiled at him. He smiled back and moved his hand.

"You don't have to stop." She mumbled. Her throat was dry and her mouth felt like a cat had shit in it.

"Whoa." Mike said, moving his face back. "Stinky."

"Drink this." Andy said. He handed the cup to Mike and helped Vicki sit up. He put a pillow behind her. "Not you." He said taking the cup from Mike as he was about to drink. He gave it to Vicki. "Careful it's hot." He covered her chest with the sheet.

Vicki took a sip. It was tea. Where did he get it? There's no tea in the house? Did he go out and buy tea? Was she in her house? She looked around. Yes. She took another sip. It was warm going down and soothed her. Mike moved the sheet so her nipple was exposed.

"Is that all you think about?" Andy said.

"No. But with the shape she's in, it's all I can do." He flicked her nipple.

"I like it." Vicki said taking another sip.

"See." Mike said. "Brrrrak." He gave Andy a rasberry.

"You are both like a couple sex crazed teenagers. He's obsessed with boobies and you." He was shaking his head at her. Vicki started to sob. Mike took the cup from her and put it on the table. He leaned in and hugged her.

"I ---- thought - you-u-u ---- left ---- me-e-ee." She cried the words out. I felt so-o-o a--lo---ne."

"No sweetie we're still here." Mike said, gently rubbing her back. Vicki's body jerked as the sobs came out. She cried for several minutes while Mike held her. She tried to talk between the tears.

"Th-hey hurt me so ba-ba-bad. I w-w-was so-o-o sc-sc-scared."

"I know honey, but you're safe now. The bad men are not here." He said. After several minutes she calmed down and kissed his cheek. He let her go and she rested against the pillow. She was ashamed of her behavior. She hung her head. Mike gave her the cup. She drank it without looking at them. She finished it.

"What day is it?" She asked.

"Saturday night." Mike said.

"Dustin?" She asked, looking up. "He was going to call."

"And that fucking phone was ringing off the goddamn hook until Mike got the idea to pull the outside wire." Andy said. He saw the worry on her face. "If he calls the phone company they will tell him it's line trouble. We checked. And then we called the conference to make sure he's still there, he is."

"What about this?" She touched her face. "Ow."

"Mike came up with an explaination for that. He drinks more than I do so has had more experience with excuses. Your excuse is." Andy continued. "That you missed him so much, you got drunk, tripped on a pillow on the floor and smashed into that huge wood coffee table you have downstairs."

Vicki looked at him in disbelief. Her mind grabbed the excuse and picked at it. 'No one would believe ... they might ... Dustin would. He thought she was clumsy. Especially when she drank. She would have to change the missing him part but it could work'.

"Why did you think we left you?" Mike asked.

"Because I'm a tramp and a whore. I'm a terrible person. No one can care about a person like me for long. I always let them down." Vicki said sadly.

"You didn't let us down. We let you down." Andy said.

"What? How?"

"We were going to come by because we knew HE was out of town but we didn't want you to think we needed you. We wanted you to call us." Andy answered. "If we had come over you wouldn't have gone out on your own."

"You need me? Why would you need a whore like me?"

"You may be a whore, but like you said. You're our whore." Mike said.

"I think I'm in love with you guys." Vicki said tearfully.

"You can't." Mike said sadly.


"Because you are married." He told her.

"But I don't want to be. Not to him."

Mike stood up and kissed her forehead. "We can talk about this later. "We will stay tonight but we have to leave tomorrow." Andy kissed her too.

The next morning Vicki woke up feeling better. She checked herself in the mirror. The cuts were healing nicely. Her side hurt a lot less and the swelling on her face was down enough that she could almost open her mouth fully. Not enough to get a cock in there but enough to eat food and she was starving. She put on a robe and went downstairs. She peeked in the guest bedroom and Mike was sleeping. In the livingroom Andy was on the couch. She made coffee and bacon and eggs. She was putting the food on a platter when a pair of arms gently hugged her. She reached back and felt for his pecker. Before he spoke a word she said.

"Good morning Andy. I see you are awake and up this morning."

He kissed her neck. "How did you know it was me?" Vicki squeezed his erection. "You are a girl of many talents." He said.

"You want breakfast?"

"I sure do." Mike said. coming into the kitchen.

"Will you put some pants on. I don't want to see your stiffy bouncing around while I eat." Andy said, releasing Vicki and taking the platter.