Dwelling in Desire Ch. 17


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Ruiz gestured for his assistant to hand Joe a pen, which he accepted.

"First, produce Kate and Beth," Joe said firmly.

Ruiz glared at Joe, his sense of humor vanquished in an instant.

"We are here tonight because you took them," Joe explained calmly. "Produce them now, or the deal is off."

Ruiz nodded to his assistant, who then left the room.

The minutes ticked by, and a chill ran up my spine from the possibilities of the conditions in which our women had been placed, or worse, the condition they were in.

Footsteps on the tile in the hall had my heart pounding, and sure enough, two of Ruiz's regular guards appeared, Beth and Kate in tow.

Though they appeared unharmed physically, the looks on their faces spoke volumes as to their emotional state, and my stomach lurched at the impending discussion I'd have with Beth. If we made it out of here alive.

Joe wore a blank expression, but promptly signed the contract, followed by me, and of course the insane bastard we'd officially committed our lives to.

"Thank you my friends! Now I must say 'Good night'. And good night to you as well, ladies," Ruiz said with a charming grin.

As if nothing contemptible had just transpired, Ruiz dismissed his thugs and immediately vacated the room. Joe and I both released the breaths we'd been holding, and slowly approached our women.

"Are you alright?" I wrapped my arms around Beth, Joe murmuring softly to Kate behind me.

"Fine," she whispered back, though I could barely make it out. She refused to make eye contact. Fuck.

"Let's go," I ordered, and we all filed quickly out of the house.

The cars were waiting out front, and I took Beth's purse, withdrawing her keys before herding her into the passenger side of the Jetta. Beth's silence was unnerving, but perfectly understandable.

I just needed to get her home. Safe. In my fucking arms.


I let Curt come around to help me out of the car. Even if I was super pissed at him, I didn't have the energy to protest. He'd handled me gently, for which I was grateful, but again, pissed, because of his reasons.

I needed to get out of here. I needed to cut him out of my life immediately, but the thought seemed to drain my body of any will or energy. I had no desire to leave him, but I knew that I had to. It was simple logic. Anyone with a brain would agree. But my body and my heart had already surrendered. It was two against one.

Curt guided me into the foyer, set my keys and purse on the table, and wordlessly led me up the stairs to his bedroom. Sitting us down on the bench, Curt turned me to face him.

"Baby, tell me the truth. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Curt didn't look satisfied.

"They didn't touch you?"

"No one touched me. They shut me in a cell, and I waited there until you came," I answered.

Considering there clearly hadn't been any physical brutality, Curt's expression was fierce.


"Curt, tell me why. Why was I taken? What are you involved in?"

Curt closed his mouth then, frowning, and released my arms. It was clear he was conflicted about whether to answer, or what to say.

When it was clear I wasn't getting a response, I rose from the bench and walked purposefully to his closet.

"What are you doing?" Curt asked, quickly following me.

Since he hadn't answered my question, I felt little obligation to answer his. It would be plain soon enough.

Briskly, I began pulling my clothes off hangers, folding them as neatly as I could and arranging them in a pile.

"Beth, answer me now," Curt stood just inside the doorway, his scowl all the more prominent.

"I think it's obvious Curt. I'm leaving."

"You can't leave."

"Can't I?" I laughed, pulling the clothes faster now, folding them with less and less care. I was determined not to make eye contact. God knew if I looked at him, I'd bend.

"I'm sorry Beth. I am. What do you want me to say?"

"You can answer my fucking question Curt," I hissed, throwing a sweater on the floor in frustration.

"Don't take that tone with me young lady," Curt warned.

"Fuck you Curt. You lied to me. You lied!" I accused, holding back tears as the cold spot in my chest grew larger and larger. "All this time, I thought you were a good man. Sweet, loving, tender. My dream. I fell in love with you Curt. And all that time, you lied! I don't know you. How can I stay? I don't know you!"

"I never lied to you Bethany," Curt whispered gruffly.

"Lies of omission are still lies Curt. You couldn't tell me the truth before, and you still can't."

"Beth, I love you. That was not a lie. I want to marry you. That definitely wasn't a lie. What else matters?"

"What matters Curt, is I don't fucking know who you are. I don't know what you do, who you associate with, what your plans are. At least I didn't before. It was thrust in my face yesterday, all the things you couldn't tell me. Your true colors. As much as I love you, I can't be with you. You're a bad man. A bad man who lies."

My throat was tight from my holding back tears. The best I could do was whisper, in hopes of not breaking down. "I'm leaving Curt, and that's all there is to it."

At first, he didn't say anything, just stood there flabbergasted.

"Like hell are you leaving."

Before I knew it Curt rushed at me, hauling me up over his shoulder. He gripped my legs tightly as I began to kick.

"Curt, what the fuck?? Let me down!" I slapped at his back, shivering in recollection of the last time he'd had me over his shoulder. What a gentleman he'd been that night, or so I'd thought when he'd rejected my drunken invitation.

But that gentleman was gone, lost. In his place a wolf. Bloodthirsty and unshakable.

Air was forced from my lungs as Curt threw me down on the bed.

"You're not leaving Bethany. You're mine," he growled.

"Fuck you! Fffuck you!" I babbled, my mind awhirl. My body was rapt with anger, conflict, and undeniable desire for him.

"You'll fuck me," Curt hissed back. "You'll fuck me forever Beth."

He grabbed my legs and dragged me to the edge of the bed before flipping me onto my stomach, wedging his body between my legs so I couldn't kick him.

Rough fingers yanked my pants down, and I felt cool air kiss my bottom.


"Aaahhh!" I shrieked. The sting from Curt's hand was a shock, and it hurt.

Whack, whack, whack!

"Fffuck! Curt what are you doing??" I cried, trying to fight the heat that was now throbbing between my legs. God help me, I burned for him. This monster. This demon.

"I'm punishing you Beth," he stated firmly.

Whack, whack, whack!

"What the fuck for?" I protested, though my kicking became slower, limper, a weak effort that made me blush as I recognized it for the pathetic charade that it was.

"You need to understand that you're mine. You're not leaving. Ever," he growled before administering several more blows.

"Fffuck! Curt please!!"

"I can smell your cunt Bethany."

Hot fingers delved between my legs then, and I shivered from his evil throaty laugh.

"You want this."

"Fuck you!"

Curt didn't respond, but I struggled again as I heard the hum of a zipper, felt his firm grip on my hips, pulling me closer.

"You belong to me," Curt growled, gathering both my wrists in one hand before entering me roughly.

I was immobilized, being taken by force, and yet my entire body hummed in arousal. Maybe I wasn't as wet as I could have been, but that did not stop me from moaning aloud as I felt him stretch me. The bastard.

The burn was so beautiful, I couldn't help but pause my struggles to savor the sensation. Curt grunted as he released my wrists and began a furious pace, stuffing me full, fucking me the way I needed. The way I'd always dreamt of. My hands fisted in the covers, and I licked my lips in guilty pleasure, grateful he could not see.

Damn the man, he had fucking corrupted me. He'd brought me to this—a desperate horny mess of a woman who would do anything for him. Despite the gravity of all that had happened, my body wanted him.

The moment I felt his nails digging into my hips, I let out a full-bodied cry of ecstasy.

"Fffuck Curt!!"

"Yessss!" he hissed, rutting me again and again.

One hand left my hip, though he did not slow his pace, before wrapping itself in my hair and pulling me upward. I felt the warmth of his chest against my back.

"Say you're mine," Curt whispered in my ear, sending goosebumps all over me.

"Aaahh!" I squealed as I struggled to absorb the intensity of his thrusts.

"Say it," he ordered again, his hands ripping open my blouse, and yanking my bra cups down.

I moaned helplessly, wantonly, as Curt squeezed my breasts roughly, and hated myself as I submitted. I couldn't confess to him how much I wanted to stay. Nothing had changed. Not his secrets. Not the fact that he had won my heart. Not what he did to my body every time he so much as looked at me.

My pussy clamped down tightly on him as I felt his fingers grip my nipples, hard. Harder.

"Say. It." Curt's determined fingers crushed my nipples, and I felt electricity rip through me.

That gruff threatening tone had rendered Curt's voice almost unrecognizable, and it made me even hotter, damn the man.

"Yyyesss! Fffuck, yes! I'm yours!" I cried as I wiggled my hips, pressing back against him for more, surrendering to the pain.

"Fuck!!" Curt roared before forcing me down against the bed again.

His body covered mine as he fucked me with abandon. His hands wrapped under my arms for more leverage. I felt him penetrate the deepest part of me, forcing himself against that spot.

"Fucking mine!!"

Curt's thunderous words only fanned the flames as he plowed forward one last time, his cock twitching and pulsing, pumping his cum into my traitorous pussy.

"Aaahhhh!!" I screamed in heady frustration. I hated how much I loved this. How much I desired him, what I would give for him.

Curt's warm body crushed me. I was damp from his sweat, and soaked between my legs from our mutual pleasure.

"Christ Bethany, what you do to me..." he breathed.

I remained silent beneath him, wanting to be free, and wanting the complete opposite. What was I supposed to say? What now? Curt had basically raped me.

Curt is evil.

The thought was like a knife to my heart.

What had happened just now, well, it hadn't seemed like a betrayal in the moment. It felt like the hot sex I'd always fantasized about with him. But in truth, he had raped me. Curt was bad, evil, corrupt. And I needed to get away. For my sanity. For my safety. And for my soul.

As Curt kissed my shoulder, I felt tears spill free, wetting the coverlet beneath me.


The little hiccups gave her away, and my heart broke.

I hated myself.

"Baby I'm sorry," I winced as I withdrew from her. I stared horrified at the limp and shivering body before me. The fresh marks on her ivory cheeks would normally have enflamed me, but now...

Not knowing what to do, I rubbed her back. It was instinct. I needed to show her I cared, show her I was sorry. It was only with mild satisfaction that I felt her hiccups begin to diminish beneath my hands. When she'd gone limp entirely, she finally rolled on her side.

Taking it as an invitation, I joined her on the bed, and pulled her close against my chest. Her eyes were downcast, but she put her hand to my heart, playing with my chest hair as she often did. God, how I loved it. My eyes clouded as terror ripped through me at the thought that she might never do it again.

"God Beth, I'm sorry. Please believe me," I beseeched. "Don't go."

She sighed against my chest, and I honestly couldn't interpret it. Was it a sigh of resignation? Contentment? Indecision?

"I have to Curt. I don't know you."

"You know me," I growled in spite of the delicate situation. "Haven't the past four months proven that? You know me better than anyone. In the only way that matters."

"The way that matters?" she frowned, "Or the way that matters to you?"

She paused, but then shook her head, "This whole time you've lied. How do I know you won't continue to do so? How can I marry a man, have a baby with a man, who I can't trust?"

It was hard to argue that. I had lied, even if it was by omission. And to top it off, she'd been kidnapped. On my watch. I was responsible for her pain. I felt myself pale from the memory of another time I'd been responsible for the anguish of another. God, I was just such a fucking failure.

"Stay tonight at least Beth," I pleaded. "Please, I can't let you go out there in the dark alone. Not after all that's happened. Stay."

I felt her body relax slightly in my arms as she sighed again. "Okay."

My heart leapt in triumph. For the next few hours, she would be mine. In my bed. In my arms. And perhaps come the morning, she would no longer want to leave.

"Are you hungry?" I asked, suddenly disturbed by the knowledge that I still had no idea what had transpired while she was in Ruiz's home.

"No, I ate earlier."

I breathed a sigh of relief. Clearly Ruiz had kept his word, and hadn't harmed her. At least not beyond any emotional trauma.

"Let's shower then," I all but ordered as I rose and tugged her gently from the bed.

Beth still avoided eye contact, which I hated, but I could hardly blame her. At least we were still in my territory. I still had a chance to persuade her. If not with my words, then with my actions. And I was determined.

Beth waited quietly while I approved the water temperature, and then allowed me to draw her inside. I washed her, as tenderly and worshipfully as I could, hoping it would be enough to redeem myself. I scrubbed each of her toes, each of her fingers, her ears, her adorable belly button. Every crevice, every square inch.

Then when it came time to wash her hair, I gave it my all. Beth's soft moans betrayed her, and I couldn't help but grin in smug male satisfaction.

I'd been prepared to wash myself quickly and get her back to bed, but she grabbed the soap before I could and began to scrub my back, my ass, and my legs.

When she finally got to my chest, I lost patience. I brought my fingers to her chin and firmly lifted, making her look me in the eye.

"I love you Beth. I do."

Not waiting for a response, I drew her close, crushing her to my chest before capturing her mouth.

"Mmm," she whimpered as I possessed her. I felt no resistance as I walked her back towards the wet tile wall.

She submitted beautifully as I ran my hands from her cheeks to her shoulders to her glorious breasts. Beth flinched, reminding me that she was sore, but I didn't care. Not enough to let go.

"They're mine," I whispered. "You're mine."

I received no answer in the affirmative, but was satisfied enough when I reclaimed her lips without any protest. My hands traveled around her waist, down over her luscious ass cheeks.


If she was sore there, she certainly didn't let on. I felt her hips jolt, and greedily thrust my rigid cock against her belly. I wanted her to feel it. How hot she made me. How undone.

I sunk my claws into her bottom, and growled as I penetrated her lips with my tongue, forcing her to accept it. As she yielded to me, I released my own moan of desire. Our tongues dueled, and my dick pulsed against her tummy.

"Curt, please," Beth breathed when she managed to pull free of the kiss. I saw her lips, red and swollen, and wanted her all the more.

Wordlessly, I reached over and turned off the water.

I struggled to keep my composure as I took her hand, pulling her from the shower to dry her. I was brisk, almost businesslike in my attentions as I rubbed the towel over her. On the few occasions that we did make eye contact, I knew she was as desperate as I.

Beth performed her task much the same way, with urgency, and I clenched my fists to avoid ripping the towel away from her and hauling her over my shoulder again.

When she was finished, I pulled her to me, again reclaiming her mouth. I wrapped my fingers in her damp tresses and gripped firmly as I walked her backward to the bedroom. Beth stumbled, releasing a cute squeak, and I swept her up into my arms to carry her the rest of the way.

When we reached the bed, I put her down on the floor gently, and turned down the covers.

"In," I nodded to the bed.

I may have been a royal fucking bastard, but she still obeyed. Clearly her submissive side was winning out over her anger, and I was grateful.

My erection hadn't dwindled in the slightest since she'd washed me. I only hoped I would last. I needed to last.

When she'd gotten comfortable on her back, I climbed onto the bed and atop her before pinning her with my gaze. Though her expression was guarded, Beth made no attempt to resist as I kneed her legs apart and sank into her.

"Aaahhhh," was our mutual reaction.

I moved slowly, lovingly, pleadingly inside her. Beth reached for me, pulling my head down and kissing me. She even opened her mouth immediately, inviting my tongue. And I fucking gave it to her, savoring the feminine mews that ensued.

But I refused to lose control. I would never again.

Beth's fingers tangled in my damp hair, and I pushed deep, holding myself there, forcing it just slightly deeper as I gently rocked my hips.

"Aaaahh," Beth hissed as I pressed against her cervix.

"Mine," I whispered into her neck. I couldn't help myself. She needed to know.

Beth shook her head, her eyes closed as she coped with the sweet agony.

It was I who took her hair then, forcing her to take my tongue again as I continued to rock against that spot. I growled against her lips as I felt her cunt squeeze down over me.

Christ, she was too submissive for her own good. And my fucking ego just couldn't resist.

I released her mouth, lifting myself up so I could look at her as I indulged in a quicker pace—just for a while. Each time I penetrated her, I was rewarded with her little pants and mews. It was my turn to shake my head as I battled with myself for control. I just couldn't let myself come. Not now. Not when this could be the very last time.

Pulling nearly free of her, I moved down slightly to engulf her nipple in my mouth, licking, teasing, and worshipping it. I knew it was wrong, but I prayed she was pregnant—that her beautiful fertile body was preparing itself even now to mother my child. That she would be bound to me.

The thought caused me to twitch inside her, and I sucked harder at her teat, forcing a desperate cry as she fisted her fingers in my hair.

"Please," she begged, and I heard a deep carnal noise come from somewhere as I moved to her other breast, still gripping the first greedily in my hand.

It was only for a split second that I released her tender flesh from my mouth as I muttered, "Milk," before I couldn't think better of it.

"Aaahhh!!" I felt her come with only an inch or two of me inside her. She came so hard, the clenching of her cunt forced me to slip free.

But I was having none of it as I released her tit, and penetrated her again. Fuck, she was even tighter now, having barely come down from her orgasm. But no way in hell was I done with her. Tempering my thrusts, I stared down at her, relishing her ecstasy at my hands.

"Touch yourself," I commanded. "Reach down and rub your clit Bethany."

"No," she whispered. But I didn't miss the carnal desire reflected in her eyes.

"Yes," I crooned. "Do it now. Show me how you pleasure yourself."

"Please Curt," she begged.

"Now, Bethany," I ordered sternly.

She closed her eyes in embarrassment, but obeyed, shyly moving her hand over her silky mound to find her already over-sensitized bud.