Dynamics of a Human Heart Ch. 07


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Sam exhaled in relief, "Well thank fucking God for that."

Miranda looked aghast, "Make that sound sane to me."

The blonde girl reached over and squeezed her knee, "Because, honey, obsession is a hell of a lot easier to cure than love."

"I dare you to make less sense."

"The rule of attraction: you're not in love with him, you've just got the hots for him, a crush if you will," Samantha gave her lover a wry look, "Are you attracted to him...?"

"You mean physically?"

Sam rolled her eyes, "No, I meant on an atomic level, I'm going to stick you two into the Hadron Supercollider—Yes, I mean physically!"

"Well, he's older."

"He's not THAT old, he's like Luke's age, tops."

"He's older than that; it's all over his face."

"No, sweetie, that would be the scar tissue."

"Good point."

Sam eyed her critically, "Are his scars a problem for you? For you being attracted to him?"

Miranda tried to come up with something else to say before sighing and shrugging, "No, not really."

"Good for you, very enlightened attitude," Sam squeezed Miri's hand, "So, you haven't said—"

"Yes!" Miranda cried out, "Yes, I'm attracted to him: the voice, the swagger, those eyes, the cheekbones! He's like this incredible combination of Sherlock Holmes and David Bowie if he were turned into a dragon! I want to grab him by the shoulders, straddle him, and fly him to distant lands where I would ravage the landscape and rule as its' queen!"

Miranda stopped to take a deep breath and then regarded her lover in wide-eyed horror, slapping a hand over her mouth.

Sam looked at her for a long while as the tension in the room thickened.

"Wow. That. Was. Hot!"

She threw her head back and cackled amongst a crown of golden hair, "Holy shit, Miri, where have you been hiding that?" Sam banged her armrests in a flurry of giddiness.

Miranda was breathing, her chest heaved and every inch of her ivory skin that could be seen was flushed scarlet.

"Huh?" Miranda squeaked.

"That is what is supposed to be: madness, sheer insanity!"

"You're not upset?"

"Do we really need to have this conversation again? No, not upset," Sam smirked, "All thought he's not Sherlock Holmes: you're Sherlock Holmes. He's Moriarty.

The dark-haired girl offered a small smile: "So we're destined to plunge to our deaths over Reichenbach Falls?"

"You are both banned from Switzerland," was Sam's only reply, "So, are you a virgin?"

Miranda proceeded to go into a violent coughing fit; her eyes wide.

"Awkward question, lover?" Sam asked innocently.

"I think I just inhaled a teaspoon of saliva into my lungs," Miranda gasped out.

"Charming," Sam pounded on Miranda's back attempting to help her regain control of her respiratory system.

"What do you mean, 'Am I a virgin'?"

"What part of the question was unclear?"

Miranda proceeded to sputter for a few moments and gurgle out a few aborted attempts at words.

"Oh dear, did Mommy and Daddy not have this talk with you?"

"I'm sorry, have you met my parents?"

"Only by reputation, which was more than enough," Sam cleared her throat as she took Miri's hands in hers and looked her straight in the eye, "I understand that, as far as our relationship goes, you are not a virgin. I am asking, have you ever had sexual intercourse with a guy?"

Miranda bit her lip and slowly shook her head, "No."

"Didn't think so," Sam laughed quietly, "So, since I know you've not had your cherry popped in the traditional manner..."

The lack of a hymen tip you off?" Miri replied, making a face at Sam's trademark bluntness in all manners sexual.

Sam stuck out her tongue, "This is a finely honed instrument; no virgin can pass beneath her touch unnoticed."

"You are now referring to your tongue in the third person."

"We're getting off track. What about your 'Samurai lover boy-toy'?"

Miranda made a face at Sam's choice of words, "Ugh, tacky."

"Quit dodging the question."

"No, we never had sex. We never even, I mean, I've never...," she was beginning to blush.

Sam began to grin a Cheshire grin, "You've never actually seen the great trouser beast?"

"Not as such," Miranda replied meekly.

Sam barked out a laugh and thumped her head back against her headrest, "Wow! That's just...wow!"

"And just how many 'trouser beasts' has the lifelong lesbian seen?"

"Just enough to know that they're not for me."

"Smart ass."


The girls shared a laugh as they felt what felt like weeks of stress drain from them.

"Can't believe this has all been over just a few days," Sam murmured, echoing Miranda's thoughts.

"Feels more like a tour of duty."

"Amen," Sam replied, "I feel like I should be having a cigarette right now."

"Don't you dare," Miranda growled.

"Wouldn't dream of it," Sam reassured her, "I would never stain these beauties," as she leered toothily.

"Smart girl," Miranda brought the other girls hands up to her lips, kissing them, "I do have one question though."


"Why on earth, in the middle of an argument, did you decide to start quoting 'The Count of Monte Cristo'?"

"Because anger is like perpetual motion," Sam replied, "Or like metal between magnets: it fuels itself in a fucked up loop of hostility; going back and forth, each impact rebounding with the force of the previous cruelty, until...," Sam brought her hands together and then apart, "...'ka-boom, you're single'."

"So the only way to stop the chain reaction is to break the cycle by introducing a variant to interrupt?" Miranda replied regarding her lover in amazement.

Sam caught the look and snorted, "Try not to look so surprised, sweetie, you're not the only one with a string of letters after her name," she leaned forward and pinched the other girl's cheek, "And even if I didn't: Newton's Third isn't exactly a secret."

"'Every action has an equal and opposite reaction'," Miranda answered automatically.

"That's my girl," Sam patted her cheek and settled back against her chair.

"I think we may be amongst the first to combine physics, behavioral psychology, and interpersonal relationships into a singular concept."

"I smell book deal."

Miranda squeezed the girl's hand again and kissed it, "So, what happens now?"

"Now...," Sam drawled with a grin before yanking her shirt up over her head exposing her large breasts clad in flimsy blue silk, "...comes the makeup sex."

Miranda's jaw dropped even as her mouth began to water, "You're not serious!"

Her response was a groan of relief as Sam undid the clasp of her bra, allowing her tanned breasts to spill free. She gently massaged the soft skin, lighting tracing her fingernails over her pink nipples instantly causing them to harden.

"The president of the school is right outside!" Miranda hissed.

Sam's response was to slowly lift one, heavy breast to her lips and casually swirl her pink tongue around her nipple.

Miranda groaned at the sight; she could feel heat flooding her loins and seep upon her thighs.

Sam began to moan in contentment as she suckled at her own soft skin; lapping at her breast and tracing circles around her hardened buds.

"Are you insane?!" Miranda nearly shrieked.

"Shhh," Sam said, bringing a finger to her lips, "Someone might hear." Her voice mocked and her tone was infused the kind of gravity that can only be present by someone who is not taking the situation seriously in the slightest.

"Are you insane?" the other girl hissed quietly.

Sam thought about it, placing a slender finger against her chin.

"Yes. Yes I am," With that Sam pushed herself up from out her seat and began to unbuckle her pants and try to shimmy herself out of them.

With a cry of need, Miranda surrendered herself to her need for this woman, her deepest love and her most sublime addiction.

She covered the distance between them in an instant, gathered the girl's face in both her hands and kissed her deep, hungrily and hard. Miranda's tongue battered its way past Sam's lips to entwine around hers. The girls tasted each other as the kiss continued, drinking in the way their love felt, dancing across their tongues like warm sugar.

Sam began to pull frantically at Miranda's shirt. She slid a hand under and cupped a small, firm breast; kneading it and working her way to the nipple where she began to rub and pull at it.

Miranda moaned at the feeling of Sam's fingers across her breast, her fingernails against her nipple; the girl could feel them getting hard as Sam continued to lavish attention upon her pale form.

"Get off," Sam growled as she continued to pull at Miranda's bra.

Miranda closed her eyes blissfully, a smile dominating her face, "Oh I am."

Sam grabbed her chin and jerked her forward to lock eyes with her.

"Get. This. Off."

"Oh," Miranda began to work at the clasp of her bra furiously. Finally, the garment came undone; she gripped Sam's head, jerked it forward, and thrust out her chest. Sam wasted no time as she latched onto one of her pale, puffy nipples and began to suck hungrily.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh....." Miranda hissed through clenched teeth. She pulled Sam from her chest, pulling her face up to her and kissed her; plunging her tongue into the other girl's mouth; they met and writhed in a wet inferno; burning away all the stress and madness, they had endured.

Sam spun her chair around and lifted Miranda up bodily, sitting her down upon the edge of the large conference table. Miranda collapsed backwards upon the table, and for a moment, she was blinded by the lights in the room, shining down on her like a spotlight. She felt Sam's hands rake down her chest, past her waist and opening the clasp to her jeans.

Miranda put up no resistance, lifting herself up as her pants and panties slithered free of her body. Sam took a moment to tear the girl's shoes off and yanked the bundle of clothes free from the pale girl's body with a quiet, primal sound of need. Miranda was completely naked save for her socks; her skin glowed under the bright lights of the meeting room.

Sam lifted herself free from her chair, gripped the edge of the table and hoisted herself to lie beside Miranda. Miranda's hands dove for the blonde girl's pants.

"Hurry Miri!" Sam whimpered, a needful, wanting sound.

Miranda lifted Sam's pelvis up and both girls worked to remove her pants. Soon they were a heap at the edge of the table, which Miranda kicked free of the world that she and Sam had suddenly created; a world where the only thing that mattered was each other.

Their arms wrapped around each other and they kissed; again and again, their mouths met, frenzied, inflamed. Miranda jumped slightly when Sam bit into her lip lightly; then moaned in ecstasy as the pain washed away in a new flood of pleasure.

Sam's full, bronzed breasts pinned Miranda's soft, white spheres; their nipples rubbed against each other with each pass, sending jolts through every nerve that ran through both of their bodies.

"I need to be in you," Sam hissed. Miranda only moaned and nodded hurriedly, taking the girl's hand and quickly placing it between her glistening thighs; coated in the juices of her need.

Sam's movements were quick, almost brutal with desire as she parted the girl's folds and slipped a finger inside her. Miranda gasped and threw her head back crying out as Sam added a second finger.

"Oh....God!" Miranda wrapped her legs and arms around Sam's muscular body and held on for dear life as Sam continued to dance her fingers around and inside her Cleft of Venus, as skilled as a virtuoso with a prized instrument.

The blonde girl's free hand reached out and gripped her lover's, entwining their fingers together; she stretched the smaller girl out, rendering her taunt and quivering in her vulnerability.

"I love you," Miranda whispered in a trembling voice.

"I love you," Sam replied; aggressively and with the tone that combined an element of possession and domination that made Miranda feel, at that moment, completely and perfectly hers.

"Cumming!" The words ripped their way free from Miranda's mouth as her back arched so hard she heard it crack and pop. Sam had to let go of her hand and instead grabbed her head and kissed her with all the fire she possessed as her other hand was flooded with Miranda's juices.

Finally, Miranda stopped shuddering and Sam rolled off her, withdrawing her fingers from inside her and instead snaking an arm around the other girl's waist and pulling her close and snuggled up against her side. Miranda straddled the girl and Sam smiled as she felt the sticky moistness, a testament to the bone-shaking orgasm she had just provided her.

"That is," Miranda panted, "A really good table."

"Very sturdy," Sam agreed, "Good craftsmanship."

Both girls looked at each other then and burst into laughter.

"Did we just do that?" Miranda asked incredulously.

"And how," Sam placed her fingers upon Miranda's mouth. The dark-haired girl opened her mouth and sucked the girl's fingers clean of her own juices.

Miranda covered her face with her hands and just laughed, her entire body flushed red.

"Are you all red because you're flush with post-orgasmic bliss or because you are thoroughly mortified at the fact that you just had sex in your Dean's meeting room?"

"I think...both?" Miranda groaned and tried to sit up, a wasted effort as she flopped back down next to Sam, "Wau, okay, yeah I'm all done here."



Sam stuck out her tongue at her lover and both girls fell into giggles again. Miranda hugged her lover's body tightly and Sam reciprocated with a powerful squeeze in return.

"Ow, careful there Xena," Miranda pouted.

"Bitch, bitch, bitch," was Sam's only response.

A moment of stillness descended. This moment now and those that had led to this one was a good thing...

...and like all good things.


"Don't call me Sammy."

"Were we really about to hurt each other? Literally? With violence?

Sam sighed and gently pressed her lips to the other girl's forehead.


Miranda's ears closed and suddenly she was crying.

"Sammy, I—"

"Me too, Getseui."

Miranda smiled and wiped at her tears; the hurt had passed.

"I still say we should get that as a tattoo," Sam added.

Miranda rolled her eyes as she got up from the table and began looking for her clothes, "A thousand different versions of 'no'."

"Come on, we could do it as a wedding present!"

"Oh yes, because nothing says 'lifelong commitment' like Hepatitis. I—"

Then Sam's words and Miranda's train of thought collided with enough force to split an atom.

She looked back at her lover, "We—wedding? You want...? I mean, you and me?"

Sam swallowed, she'd gone pale underneath her sun-kissed visage but she nodded.

"Yeah, I mean...yeah, I think so."

Both girls looked at each other with some trepidation.

Sam nearly got a concussion when Miranda plowed into her arms with more strength than either had ever known.

"Yes! Oh my God, yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" Both girls were crying now, though these tears were not bitter.

Sam squeezed Miranda tightly, "Thank you," she whispered hoarsely, "I love you so much." She closed her eyes tightly.

Thank you, God. Thank you. Please don't let me fuck this up.

Miranda let her fiancée go and wiped her eyes; brimming in joyful, shimmering violet.

"I mean, wow, I never," Miranda's mind went into overdrive, "Do we tell your parents? Do we tell mine? Where should we have it? When should we have it?"

Sam placed a hand over her mouth gently, "Shhh, psychobabble later, we need to deal with the present."

"The present? What—" and then reality descended upon her like an ocean: cold, deep and dark.

"—oh. The Hillsgroves."

"Yeah, the Hillsgroves," Sam confirmed as she cast about for her clothes, sitting on the edge of the table, pulling on her pants.

"Here, I got it," Miranda murmured, reaching out to aid her lover.

"I've got it, love. We're going to be married soon and I don't need my wife to be all fussy and mother hen-like."

"I'm the wife? When was that decided?"

"Who wears the pants in this relationship...honey?" she gestured at Miranda's nude form.

"Great, my husband-to be-is a comedian."

Sam laughed and pulled her pants on. Together, the two girls quickly dressed.

"So, what are we going to do, Miri?" Sam's expression shifted from contentment to anxiety, "Are we really--?"

"No," Miranda replied as her own strength waxed to compliment her lover, "No, we're going to figure this out. We may need his help, but we are not staking out Grey as a sacrificial lamb."

"Goat," Sam corrected, "He'd be a sacrificial goat."

"The more Satanic of the quadruped woodland creatures, okay, I can see that."

Sam snorted in amusement as she was pulling on her shirt, "Thought you might agree." She arranged the rest of her clothing and turned to inspect Miranda, who was just finishing getting dressed, "How do I look?"

"Freshly laid and you smell it too," Miranda wrinkled her nose in mock distaste before helping Sam into her chair.

"Shit," Sam muttered as she began digging into one of the chair's many compartments," "Where the fu—ah ha!" she triumphantly held up an aerosol can.

"Febreeze?" was Miranda's only response.

Sam began to spray the room vigorously, "Think about it Miri, if we reek of the newly and happily fucked, the room probably does too."

Miranda grimaced but nodded in agreement, "Fair enough, but what do we do about us?"

"Never fear," Sam put the air freshener away and began to rummage through her back anew.

"I never do."

Sam smiled to herself at that before removing a pair of smaller bottles, tossing one to Miranda. Miranda caught it and scrutinized the label intently.

"Cute," she said with a rueful grin, "Body spray."

"Yup. Made especially for us girly-girls and our girly parts."

"There's an advertising slogan," Miranda laughed and began spraying herself front and back, "You are prepared, I'll give you that."

"If I had been prepared, I'd have brought a ring," Sam grumbled.

Miranda turned around to face her lover, "Were you planning on proposing tonight?"

Sam opened her mouth...and then closed it again, "Ask me again later, sweetie."

"Fair enough. How does my hair look?"

Sam rolled her eyes, "The same it always does like Quorra minus the glowing."

"A simple 'fine' would have sufficed you know, no need to flaunt your superior knowledge of all things trivial."

"I think you mean 'trivia'."

"I know what I said," exclaimed Miranda, with a tiny, but very smug, smile creasing her face.

"You will be made to suffer for that later."

"I've no doubt," she gestured at Sam's blonde mane, "You, on the other hand, are a mess."

"You say the sweetest things," Sam reached down and grabbed her makeup bag, removing a mirror and taking a look, "Ye gods! Okay, yeah you're right," tossing the compact into the bag she removed a simple hair twist, "Going to have to sacrifice form for function until I can make myself pretty again."

"I think you're always pretty," Miranda said sweetly.

Sam stuck a finger in her mouth and mock gagged, "That was revolting."

"I love you too."

"Uh-huh," Sam finished with the ponytail, "Well?"


"It'll do," Sam exhaled hard, "Okay, let's do this."

Miranda pushed Sam out of the meeting room and back into the President's office only to find it curiously empty.

"Hello?" Miranda called out sticking her head out of the office to peer up and down the hallway.

"Over here!"

Miranda turned to see Luke waving at them from the far end of the hallway. Miranda waved back and arranged herself and Sam as President Vega, Isabel, and Luke reentered the room. Everyone appeared composed but Miranda thought she saw Isabel and Luke exchanging quick looks of intense amusement.