Earth - Tentacle Breeding Ground Ch. 01


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His legs were pried even further apart, giving easy access to his puckered starfish, which a thick appendage eagerly filled, pumping back and forth while oozing slime to further lube his tight hole. He came in seconds. His hot cum erupted from his twitching cock and flew through the air, splattering onto the face of his partner positioned below him.

She wasn't getting it any less. She only wore a green sundress and the tentacles made short work of it. They ripped it from her body with a violent tug, revealing a cotton-white bra that cupped firm, C-cup breasts. She wore matching white panties with a little pink bow on the front, which were already completely soaked from her gushing womanhood. The outline of her mound was clearly visible against the wet fabric and it became completely visible as the tentacles ripped the thin garment from her crotch.

The appendages spread her legs out as far as they could go, making her smoothly shaved pussy gape obscenely. The morning sun glistened off of her moist inner lips. More tentacles didn't waste much time filling both her holes, covered in thick mucus that made it easy to invade her most intimate places. A small portion of the tentacle plowing her cunt broke away and started to flick at her exposed, stiff clitoris, causing the woman to moan even louder.

As her sex and ass got worked over, two small tentacles found their ways to her bra cups, grasping the fabric on either side and then yanking away, causing the garment to rip clean in half. Her plump, juicy tits burst into full view and began to bounce up and down in time to the thick rods slamming into her from below. Her cherry red nipples immediately got even harder than they already were as the cool autumn air hit them.

The tendrils that had just removed her last bastion of dignity now wrapped around each nipple. They alternated pulling and pushing on the tender flesh, making her boobs stretch and squish with each motion. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she spasmed in orgasmic bliss, her juices endlessly splashing into pools on the ground.

Sarah and the girls watched breathlessly as the couple was stripped and molested by the tentacles. However, the still throbbing pain in her head helped Sarah to return to her senses. She realized that the female alien monster that had been blocking their path ahead now had its attention focused on the two helpless captives. This was their only chance.

"Go go go!" Sarah whispered while grabbing the arms of the girls. They stumbled out into the street behind the distracted creature and ducked behind the cars on the other side of the road. They swiftly maneuvered forward and away from the terrifying events behind them to gain as much distance as possible. Sarah, however, couldn't resist taking a glance back. For science. She only got a brief look, but she could see the two cumming humans being slowly sucked into the bulging tentacle arm and out of sight. Only the man's dick and the woman's tits were now visible, peeking out from between the pulsating tentacles while still being sucked and teased. Sarah gulped thinking about how close they had come to likely sharing that fate.

They carefully made their way up the street, dodging a few more of the hybrid creatures by slipping through yards and behind fences. No one spoke a word. They were too occupied with mentally replaying the impossible images they had just witnessed. Until finally,

"This is it," Zoey croaked, looking up at the fancy house next to them. The small mansion would have been gorgeous if not for the gaping hole in the side. The shattered timbers and pipes hung loosely and debris littered the grass. The group stepped over the destroyed poles of an iron fence and moved to hide behind a garden shed. "D-do you think it's safe to call him...?" Zoey asked the others. Diana and Sarah looked around opposite sides of the neighborhood. Everything seemed clear.

"Do it," Sarah nodded. "But be quick. We don't know when more of those things might show up."

"I'll keep a look out over here," Diana whispered, slinking to the other side of the yard where she hunkered behind a precisely-trimmed shrub. This gave her visuals on Sarah's blind spots. Sarah regretted having mentally labeled the girl as somewhat of a lost cause before all this started. It was clear that she had wits and a calm mind when needed. If only she had applied those to her studies. Sarah sighed as she watched Zoey call her brother again. He picked up quickly.

"Z-Zo?" Sarah could hear a guy's voice coming through the phone. "What are you doing? Didn't I tell you not to contact me until we were sure it was safe? Those things that took mom and dad could still be out there!"

"Yeah, well, we're here outside and it sure looks safe enough to me," said Zoey, rolling her eyes.

"What do you mean, 'here'!? Don't tell me you put yourself in danger to -" A face suddenly appeared at one of the upstairs windows and looked down at them. "What were you thinking!?" He chastised. "And who are you with!? Is that Diana? God, Zo, you need to think before you act one of these days!"

"Shut up!" She spat back. "Get your butt down here! Now isn't the time for one of your little power trips! We need to get back to the shelter!"

"Shelter? What are you talking about?"

"I'll explain on the way, just hurry up!" Zoey did little to hide the annoyance in her voice. Seemingly shaken by the tone of his usually timid sister, Steven relented.

"Y-yeah. Of course! I'll be right there. Just let me grab a few things."

"Things? Stevie we don't have time for... aaaand he hung up," Zoey grunted in frustration. "I really don't know how to handle him sometimes. God, it makes you wonder which of us is really the older sibling." Sarah wasn't too sure what she meant by this, having assumed that "Stevie" was a younger brother seeing as he still lived at home. A few minutes later though, the front door slowly swung open to reveal the truth.

Zoey's brother came out of the house, ducking down while slinging a stuffed backpack over his shoulder and carrying a large, black rectangular case at his side. He was clearly at least several years older than Zoey, with a slightly patchy attempt at a beard and dark bags under his eyes. He wore bleached-white skinny jeans and a zipped hoodie sporting some logo that Sarah wasn't familiar with.

Despite his tired appearance, he wasn't unattractive. He shared Zoey's golden blonde hair - done up into a style popular with the boys these days - along with her striking blue eyes. His body was lean and his face was well-cut, giving him a somewhat nerdy, yet cute appearance. Dang some people have all the luck, Sarah complained in her head. Born into money and good genes. She was pretty confident in her own appearance, but she spent a lot of her free time working out to maintain that figure.

"You brought that with you!?" Zoey said in an exasperated voice as she gestured at the unmarked case her brother carried. "What are you thinking!?"

"I'm thinking it's always best to be prepared with several options," he replied, matter-of-factly. "Stop griping and let's go. You were the one who was telling me to hustle. Anyway, who's this hot babe?" He said, glancing over at Sarah who was still crouched next to Zoey. She was taken aback at the straightforwardness of his words and dumbly watched as Zoey smacked him over the head. "Ow! What was that for!?"

"This WOMAN is professor Cassidy. She happens to be my favorite professor from school, dickhead. So show her some respect!" Zoey angrily growled, raising her hand as if threatening to slap him again. Sarah continued to be nonplussed. She was shocked to hear Zoey use that sort of language and also touched to learn that she was her favorite teacher. She cleared her throat and held out a hand to him.

"No worries," she smiled at Steven. "I know we're going through quite a bit of stress right now, so emotions can run a tad high." He meekly took her hand and shook it.

"Steven," he said. "A pleasure. Hopefully this young one hasn't been causing too much trouble in your class." Zoey rolled her eyes yet again.

"We can save the detailed introductions for when we are safely back in the bunker." Sarah replied, getting to her feet.

"Oh yeah, you mentioned something about that. A bunker, huh?" Steven scratched his disorderly whiskers. "Who would have thought someone around here would have something like that? Especially a lady like you."

"Uh, no, it's not mine," Sarah corrected him. "It was made by another professor at the university."

"Cool," he nodded approvingly. "Can't wait to see it. Let's get a move on, then!"

"Yeah, yeah, just quiet down, would you?" Zoey hissed at him. "There are... things out here that we don't want finding us."

"Y-you mean things like that!?" He stammered, falling over onto his rear and pointing over the shed behind the two women.

"Eh...?" Sarah began to turn around and saw Diana sprinting towards them from across the yard.

"Run run run! It knows you're there! Go!" She waved her arms as she ran towards them. "I tried to warn you quietly but you didn't notice! Fuck!"

As realization struck, Sarah and Zoey dove away from the shed just as a large pillar of tentacles smashed it to pieces, sending Steven tumbling backwards. Over the top of the shrubs surrounding the yard, the same female-hybrid from earlier could be seen extending its disgusting arm towards them.

This time, it appeared that the two people it had captured had also been assimilated into the humanoid form, as the naked bodies of the couple were now squeezed in next to the original woman and being milked and fucked in the same manner. All three of them moaned and jerked in place, pressing their slippery nude bodies together as they shared countless orgasms.

The creature seemed larger than before and had formed additional arms, as if growing more powerful. In addition, it now sported a couple of those clear sacs on its back, which were quickly being filled with a whitish fluid that lazily dripped down into it from attached tentacles. Sarah had a couple guesses as to what that fluid was.

The man was positioned between the two women, having his ass sloppily stuffed. His twitching erection almost constantly ejaculated, causing his member to wave around in the air and cover the ample, jiggling titties of the women next to him. Tongues-shaped appendages quickly licked the coated breasts to absorb the seed.

Sarah had no idea how he was managing to produce such levels of seminal fluid. It went against everything she knew about human anatomy; but now was not the time to ponder biological mysteries.

Steven tried to stand up but his heavy backpack caused him to lose balance and precious seconds. One of the tentacles shot out and wrapped around his ankle, dragging him kicking and yelling up into the air. He started trying to beat at it with the case in his hand, but it was too awkward and eventually it slipped from his grasp.

"STEVEN!" Zoey shouted, shakily getting to her feet. She sprinted towards her flailing brother.

"Zoey, NO!" Sarah tried to grab her arm to stop her but missed. She wasn't sure what Zoey's plan was, or if she even had one, but it obviously didn't work regardless and another tentacle swept in and grabbed her by the waist. She was quickly hoisted up next to her brother, causing her glasses to go flying off her face and land on the grass next to Sarah.

The familiar tendrils began to split off from the main tentacle arm and wind their way towards the struggling siblings. Sarah knew what would happen next and that there was no time to think. Just as a slimy tentacle was starting to slither down the front of Zoey's loose hoodie, she shouted, "CLOSE YOUR EYES!" And fired the flare gun directly at the thick tentacle arm with a loud "BANG"! She had considered firing at the main body, but it was too far to get a clear shot and she worried about hitting the exposed skin of the drooling captives.

She wasn't sure what she expected to happen, but certainly not what did. The flare hit the side of the tentacle appendage with little fanfare, simply getting absorbed into the pulsating mass without causing any apparent harm. But then the flare's secondary stage went off. A sparkling explosion of bright red light suddenly ripped through the fleshy tentacles as they fell away from the impact site. They didn't just burn; they disintegrated as they hit the ground.

Sarah saw spots and squinted at the spectacle as the still-burning flare dropped out of what was left of the arm. The structural integrity of the appendage had been severely compromised and it broke off from the main body. The siblings fell down on top of the writhing pile of displaced tentacles below them, which now seemed more focused on getting away from the blinding light than recapturing their prey.

"We need to get out of here!" Diana stated the obvious as she ran to help the two of them up, getting some goo on herself in the process. Zoey gratefully took her hand and wiped the slime from her body as she stumbled over the fleeing tentacles, Steven and Diana close behind.

Sarah started to run after them, rubbing her singed eyes, which reminded her of something. She looked down and saw Zoey's lost glasses nearby, so she scooped them up as she passed over them. It was critical that all members of the group be able to keep watch for danger, so the seconds spent gathering up the glasses were worth it.

She caught up with the rest of them and wordlessly tapped Zoey's arm as they ran. Zoey turned to look at her with strained eyes and gratefully took the glasses presented to her. She slipped them on without missing a beat.

"Th-thanks!" She gasped. "For this... and for back there..."

"Of course! Now, less talking, more running," Sarah replied, picking up the pace a little. Looking back, she saw that the flare had died out and the tentacles were starting to reform the missing arm. The creature was "looking" in their direction. It already seemed to be making four new spaces next to the three endlessly-cumming humans already inside of it. Sarah felt her face whiten.

"More of them over there! Faster! Faster!" Diana yelled, gesturing towards a side street where several more of the creatures were slowly but surely ambling in their direction. They ran as fast as they could back the way they came, but Steven lagged behind quite a bit due to the weight of whatever it was he was carrying. Sarah noticed he had that big case with him again. Apparently it was important enough to have grabbed it out of the pile of burning tentacles before escaping.

Though there were almost a dozen of the hybrid creatures around, they were slow. Some of them attempted to reach out their long tentacled arms to grab at the group, but each time they were just barely out of range. It was only a matter of time, however, as the fleeing humans' stamina wouldn't last forever. True, things weren't looking so good; but they were now only one block away from Adam's house.

"We're leading them right back to the shelter!" Zoey yelled. "We need to lose them!"

"I don't know about that...!" Sarah called up to her. "It seems like these things might only be attracted to noise! It's a gamble, but as long as we can get there and be quiet, we might be fine!" Sarah was 100% not sure about this. But she wasn't confident that she could run much longer in order to shake their pursuers. Even though she was pretty fit, sprinting for nearly five minutes straight was more than she could handle.

Her lungs burned in her chest and the stitch in her side stabbed into her like a hot knife. Her feet pounded painfully against the pavement, sending shocks up into her thighs that felt like they were turning to jelly. She relied entirely on her muscle memory for running, for if she thought about her own coordination for even a moment, she was sure that she would stumble and fall over her numb legs.

The others didn't look much better off either, especially Steven, who was gasping and sweating profusely as he lagged even further behind the group. The grasping tentacles were only a few feet behind him now.

"Steven! Just drop it! You're not going to make it like that, you idiot!" Zoey yelled back at her struggling brother. He didn't even have the breath to respond. With a defeated look on his face, he shrugged the backpack off but kept a hold on the bulky case.

"I'm not..." he huffed. "Leaving my baby behind!" He cried. Be it either the reduced weight or a fire being lit inside him, his pace quickened and he began to close the distance with the rest of the group. The continued to run and turned down the next block.

"Get ready to hide!" Sarah wheezed, having noticed that they had put some good distance between themselves and the pursuing creatures. "There!" She gestured to the others and they all followed her off of the street and into the yard opposite Adam's, taking cover in a child's playhouse. They had to squeeze in and hunker over in order to fit.

"Shhh... shhh" She held her finger up to her mouth to quiet the group. Everyone did their best to remain as still and silent as possible, but their heavy breathing, rapidly beating hearts, and pumping adrenaline made it extremely difficult. Sarah hugged her legs close to her chest to stop them from shaking. They all looked just as scared, exhausted, and generally miserable.

After a couple of minutes, the mushy sounds of large tentacled footsteps could be heard outside on the street, with the gagged moans of the captives getting closer with each one. Sarah peeked out a small window in the playhouse and saw a sliver of one of the creatures that was passing by. This one had two men inside of it and both had cocks that were now inhumanly large - almost a foot and a half long and three inches thick. Both of them had their knees drawn up to their shoulders, fully exposing their huge, bulging genitals.

One of the men was upside down and positioned directly below his partner in a way that pressed their engorged manhoods together. A single, large tentacle was busy stroking them both at the same time. The large cocks rubbed and swirled around each other inside the translucent appendage and they both came at the same time. They shot out an impossible amount of man juice, coating each other's tortured glans and gushing out onto their gently kissing swollen balls.

It took Sarah a second to register that the tentacle coming out of the bottom man's mouth wasn't seemingly connected to anything, before she realized what must be happening. The tentacle going into the upper man's mouth had passed entirely though his body and pushed its way out through his anus. She could see a pulsating tentacle directly connecting the two men's holes, and came to the conclusion that it was all one tentacle working its way through both men. Judging by how they were still groaning, it didn't seem like they were suffocating somehow, but still, that couldn't be pleasant.

Sarah noticed that the rest of the group was also watching this display out of other openings in the house. Their expressions ranged from Diana's slight fear and arousal to Steven's utter shock and disgust. He opened his mouth as if to say something but Zoey covered his mouth, shaking her head.

They all held their breaths as the creatures crept closer, now only separated by a wooden fence and the flimsy walls of the playhouse. The monstrosities stopped moving and began to gesture around. Sarah spied smaller tentacles beginning to snake away from the creatures' legs and start to probe the area. They didn't seem to be coming their way, however.

"So far so good," Sarah thought. Immediately cursing under her breath for jinxing it.

Sure enough, Zoey suddenly let out a tiny gasp and gestured to the window next to Steven. One of the tentacles was curiously inspecting the four small square holes that made up the window and the "frame". Before it could enter, Steven very slowly lifted his case up to the window, blocking the holes.