East Haven Sun Club


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"I kinda had the same feeling," I giggled back and I swirled her cum with my finger between my tits.


After spending another hour and a half lying naked in the sun, Chantal and I began making our way back to the RV park. As we approached the entry-way Chantal nodded.

"Oh that's why you folks don't know about this place," she said with a sound of realization in her voice. "Reggie hasn't put the sign up yet."

"What sign?" I asked as we turned down the lane, glancing back over at my shoulder at the sign that welcomed people to the East Haven Sun Club.

"The one about July first," she replied matter-of-factly.

"Canada Day?" I asked confused.

"Yes," she nodded at me with a smile. "But here at East Haven it's also Nude Day."

My jaw dropped.


My folks were gonna FREAK!

Dad was as straight-laced as they came, and my mother was so uptight that even I had never seen her naked.

That's not an exageration. I was bottle-fed as a baby.

No way in hell were they going to be okay with what Chantal had explained to me as we had walked up the drive to the RV park.

Rejean and Marie were nudists. That probably explained Reggie's tan I thought. They had originally opened this resort as a nudist camp, but not enough people came to partake of nudity - and too many came to be gawkers.

So they had decided to just do one day per summer when everyone could toss their clothes aside and just enjoy themselves. And it apparently worked for them. More people came to the park than before, and those that didn't want to be naked didn't have to be, or could just wait until the second of July to show up.

Either way, I knew this wasn't going to fly with my parents. I had this mental image of our large motor-home careening out of the RV park tilting to one-side as my father had the pedal pushed to the floor to get away from the 'freaks'.

And I had to admit it to myself. I was a bit upset about that. My whole time with Chantal that afternoon, I hadn't once thought about Europe or my friends. I felt my heart sink a bit that my father was going to once again pull me away from something I wanted.

Even though I wasn't going to say anything, I knew there was no way I could stop what was going to happen once my father found out about what was going to happen at this place in three days.

I paused before I opened the door to our motor-home.

Was there a way I could stop it?


The next morning I was lingering under the shower with a smile on my face. It was a mishevious one, but a smile nonetheless.

After I had gotten back the previous afternoon - and getting over being self-conscious about the fact that I hadn't cleaned Chantal's cum off of myself - I had chatted with my folks.

Neither was yet aware about what was coming in a couple of days. After I had said I thought the world of Chantal, my father had said he had gotten along well with Rejean. So much so, that they were going golfing later that morning.

As much as I was enjoying my shower, I shut it off knowing I had work to do.

I went back to my room and quickly got dressed. 'Dressed' being an operative word: Spaghetti-string pink tank-top, and another pair of too small yoga shorts - no underwear. My parents didn't even have a chance to object since I was out the door about two seconds after leaving my room.

"Don't you want any breakfast?" my mother called after me as I exitted the motor-home.

"Maybe later," I called back. "I just want to pop over and see Chantal real quick."

That wasn't a complete lie. I was going to see her. Just not 'real quick'. The first place I went was the building that housed both the office, as well as Rejean and Marie's place. I hurriedly entered and tapped on the bell at the front desk.

"Good morning," Marie greeted me warmly as she emerged from the back of the office. "What can I do for you Kendra?"

"Could I speak to Rejean real quick?" I asked nervously.

She eyed me curiously for a moment then nodded. "Rejean," she called out with a much more pronounced French accent than I had noticed before. She disappeared to the back and a moment later, Rejean emerged clad in a polo shirt, proper shorts, and a ball cap.

"Hello Kendra," he smiled at me. "You know I'm golfing with your father this morning?"

"Yeah," I nodded nervously. "He told me. Listen," I took a deep breath. "Can I ask you a favor?"

He eyed me even more curiously than his wife had moments earlier.


Then I was off to Chantal's place. She was outside her family's motor-home watering flowers as I scooted up to her. She was wearing a lycra-spandex dress that clung to every inch of her body and left nothing to the imagination.

As I approached her I felt this incredible urge to press my face in between her curvy ass-cheeks. However there were more pressing issues.

"Oh good morning," she said with a smile as she saw me. "I see I'm not the only one who likes to dress provacitavly," she added with a giggle.

"Yeah, yeah," I said dismissively. "We need to talk. Do you think you can get your folks to do something for me?"

"My parents?" she asked curiously.


On June thirtieth, both my parents were still unaware of what was coming. Since Rejean had golfed with my dad a few days prior he still hadn't put up the sign announcing 'Nude Day' at the park.

But he had prior to him and my dad going fishing that morning.

I was sitting in a lawn chair alongside my mother having iced tea when my dad got back in the afternoon.

He angrily got out of Rejean's pick-up truck and slammed the door. Then he grabbed his gear out of the back and stormed towards the motor-home.

"What's wrong dear?" my mother asked as my father approached us.

"Christ," he snorted. "I just found out this is a place for freaks for crying out loud."

"What do you mean?" mom asked.

"They're going nudist here tomorrow," he said exasperated. "Can you believe that?" he asked incredulously.

That was my cue.

"I thought you knew," I said flatly.

"Why in the HELL would I bring us to a place that practices debauchery if I knew?" my father asked in a condescending tone.

"It's on their website," I replied with a shrug.

I hadn't known that for certain. When I spoke with Rejean a few days earlier I had asked him not to mention Nude Day to my father, and even asked if he could put it on the website too.

Imagine my surprise when he told me it already WAS on the website.

Nice work, dad.

"Do you really think I would have brought us here if I had seen this on their website?" dad asked with a scoff.

"I guess yousaid with a wave of my hand. Part of me expected the back of my father's hand across my face about two seconds later.

Instead he just dropped his fishing gear and headed into the motor-home. "We'll see about this," he snorted.

My mother nervously followed him inside. Off in the distance I saw Rejean pull up to his place in his pick-up. He got out and waved at me. I waved back and felt a devilish grin cross my lips.

Then I got up and headed into the motor-home. I smiled as I saw my father furrowing his brow as he stared at the screen of his lap-top.

"I'll be damned," he said softly. "It is here."

"You know we don't have to go nude if we don't want to dad," I said as I pulled my sunglasses off.

"We will not," he replied emphatically. "In fact we won't even be here," he snorted as he slammed his lap-top shut.

"Oh come on dad," I said in my best whiny voice. "You wouldn't let me go to Europe. And now you bring me to a place where I make a friend, and then you say that's enough of that!"

"If you think I'm going to stay here so you and your new friend can go naked together while every man around ogles you, you must think I'm stupid!" my father spat back.

"What are you talking about?" I fired back. "Chantal and her family don't even go nude on the first."

Dad's brow furrowed.


I have to admit I was proud of myself. I had planned this perfectly.

My father first went and talked to Chantal's parents. At my earlier insistance she had gotten them to tell my father that they most certainly did not go nude on the first of July.

But? They did. It was one of express reasons they came to this resort.

I stood off a bit as my father talked with Chantal's parents, pretending to act nervous as I twirled my hair alongside my mother.

I listened as they assured my father that not only did they not go nude, they would never allow Chantal to do so either.

Next up was dad talking with Rejean. He apologized profusely to my father, but insisted that Nude Day was always on the website. He further assured my dad that nothing untoward ever happened.

"It's just people having a day to feel free," Rejean told my dad. "It's not like an orgy breaks out or anything. Nudity has nothihg to do with sex."

That was sort of true. Chantal had told me of the wild sex that had gone on in past Nude Day celebrations. But it wasn't in public. Kind of.

My father slumped his shoulders and sighed deeply. "We can't be here anymore."

"Oh come on dad," I pleaded. "It's just one day."

"Kendra," he exhaled deeply. "There's no way in hell we're sticking around for this lewd," he trailed off. "Stuff!" he finally snorted.

"I told you it wasn't lewd," Rejean offered pleasantly.

My father snorted at him and the lowered his head. After he did Rejean looked at me and winked.

"Dad," I sighed. "We've already got the place booked for the summer. Why don't you and mom go into Casselman for the day or something if you're not comfortable with it?"

"And leave you here?" my dad spat.

"Now dear," my mother tentatively put a hand on his shoulder. "Kendra does seem happy to be here, and we do have a slot booked for the summer."

"Oh," my dad sighed loudly. "I don't know. Maybe all three of us should get out of this place for the day."

"Dad," I said in a reassuring voice. "Check again with Chantal's parents. I can stay with them, and you and mom can avoid what you don't want to see."

He glared at me.

A few minutes later we were back with Chantal's parents. Her dad assured my dad that all would be well if I stayed with them.

"It's just naked people," Chantal's dad said. "We don't partake and nothing bad ever happens. I mean there are children around!"

As my dad hung his head again in exasperation, Chantal's dad looked at me and winked.

I knew what that meant. On July first, I would have that man's cock in my mouth.


Much to my surprise my father agreed to let me stick around even though he and my mother were leaving for the day.

I stood on the step of the motor-home in my skimpy bathrobe and waved good-bye to my folks as they drove off in Rejean's pick-up. After they disappeared up the road-way I glanced over at Rejean and Marie. She immediately pulled a string on her dress and was naked a second later.

Rejean then dropped his shorts and raised his hands to the air. "Commencer la fetel!" he announced loudly.

I took that as my cue and doffed my robe. I waved at them as I began to make my way to Chantal's place.

Before I was half-way there almost a dozen people were already making their way to the pool and none of them were wearing anything.

I smiled as I approached Chantal's place. This nude thing was kind of freeing. It felt wonderful to me to be walkiing naked. It was liberating!

It blew me away as I walked to Chantal's place. I was naked. So was everyone else at the pool.

There wasn't anything sexual about it.

I knocked on the door of Chantal's motor-home and her father invited me in.

So there WAS something sexual about nudity. When I walked in the door I saw Chantal going down on her mother on the sofa.

"They'll be at it for awhile," Chantal's dad chuckled. "Do you want some eggs?" he asked as he scooped some scrambled eggs out of a frying pan and onto a plate on the counter.

I don't know why but I felt a surge of confidence. I took a deep breath and walked over to the coutner then ran my fingers over it.

"No sausage?" I asked coyly.

Chantal's mother moaned loudly behind us. Chantal's dad winked at me as he tossed the pan into the sink.

"Wow!" I gasped as I got around the counter and saw him. "I'm sorry," I giggled. "I've never seen an uncut cock before."

"If it's a problem for you I understand," he smiled at me.

"Oh hell no," I said quickly. A moment later I was on my knees with a forty-five year old man's uncut cock in my mouth.


A short time later Chanal and I were lounging on chairs by the pool. I was amazed how at ease I was in this nudist wonderland. There were a couple of kids younger than us in the pool, while the chairs around the pool were filled by people older than us.

Of in the distance I saw a mother and her two young children - all naked - feeding ducks at the pond in the middle of the resort. While at the other end of the resort, what could only be described as an orgy was taking place outside a very fancy RV. Chantal's parents were over there - and not with each other. Chantal's dad was fucking an Asian woman in her thirties in some kind of sex-swing, while her mother was riding some blond body-builder beefcake.

I took a sip of my iced tea and glanced over at Chantal. "Can I ask you an honest question?"

"What's up?" she replied.

"I can honestly say that my dad's head would literally explode if he saw what was going on here right now," I said with a laugh. "But since you grew up in this lifestyle," I sighed. "I just wonder," I trailed off.

"How some parents can be off feeding ducks with their children while others are fucking in full sight not far off?" she asked with a laugh.

"That would be it in a nutshell," I laughed back.

"For some, or maybe I should say for most families, the nudist lifestyle is just about being nude," she said matter-of-factly as she reached for her iced tea. "But for others, like my family," she paused as she took a sip. "It's also about having a healthy attitude about sex."

I glanced around at my surroundings again and furrowed my brow.

Chantal noticed it. "What's to wonder?" she asked with a smile. "You've got that healthy attitude yourself."

"Thanks," I shrugged. I wasn't so sure though.

"You do," she assured me. "Not twenty minutes ago you were sucking off my dad while I was going down on my mother. You get it. It's just sex."

"Yeah," I nodded. I guess I did get it. I suppose it was just my upbringing that had me questioning my actions a bit. I took another sip of my iced tea then noticed Rejean off in the distance. He waved and I waved back. I stood up and looked at Chantal. "Be back in a bit. I'm gonna go suck off Reggie."

"Have fun," she giggled.


The evening drew to a close with a vivid fireworks display. Not that Chantal or I were particularly paying attention to it though.

We had joined a couple from British Columbia - Kirk and Lorraine - on their blanket in the back field of the resort to watch the fireworks, but by the time the show started, I had my face buried between Lorraine's legs, while Chantal was ridiing Kirk's cock.

I do remember getting a glimpse of her and recalling how her naked body reflected the various colors of the fireworks display.

Even though Chantal's chateau had a spare room, I ended up sleeping in the same bed as her that night. I fell asleep with a contented smile on my face after spending my first nudist day. But really the smile was more due to the fact that I knew my father's head would have literally exploded if he had known what I'd done that day.


"Trust me," I told my mother in our RV after she and dad had returned the next morning. "You didn't miss much. And to be totally honest, there are some people who really shouldn't go naked in public," I added with a laugh.

"What about Rejean and Marie?" my mom asked.

I felt a slight smile curl my lips as I recalled Reggie's balls slapping against my chin the previous day as I blew him. "Didn't see much of them to be honest," I finally said.

"Well I still think the whole thing is sick," dad groused as he began to make coffee in the kitchen. "I trust Chantal's folks kept you on a short leash."

"We kept to ourselves most of the day," I replied with a nod. "Just sat outside catching some sun. Had a barbeque and then took in the fireworks."

"What did Chantal's dad barbeque for you?" dad asked.

Another smile curled my lips upward. "The most wonderful sausage I have ever put into my mouth," I replied confidently and honestly.


The next day Chantal and I were naked and catching some sun by the same creek we'd visited a few days prior. Even though Nude Day at the resort was over that didn't mean we had to adhere to the 'clothing required' standard the rest of the world did.

"Have you ever brought anyone else here with you?" I asked breaking the silence.

"My mom and dad have been here," she replied matter-of-factly. "Reggje and Marie too. And last year I came here with a couple from Alabama."

"No shit," I laughed.

"Mais non." she chuckled back as she reached into her bag and pulled out her cigarettes. "Why? Are you thinking we should invite Kirk and Lorraine?"

"Maybe," I replied with a shrug. "Who knows?"

"We have the whole summer to go," she said as she lit her smoke and exhaled heavily. "There's no need to get fixated on any one couple."

"I guess," I said with a sigh as I traced a finger up my naked torso and around my breast. "But we're kinda fixated on each other aren't we?"

"Well," Chantal giggled as she turned and leaned on her elbow as she faced me. "It's always nice to find a like-minded playmate. And we only have this summer."

"Maybe not," I replied with a knowing smile. "I'm going to McGill next year."

"We don't live far from the campus," Chantal said with a big smile.

"I know," I said as I turned to face her. "I think it'll put my dad's heart at ease knowing I'll be close to decent people," I added with a laugh.

Chantal laughed and mimed a head explosion.

"Okay put that thing out," I said gesturing to her cigarette, as I rolled over onto her towel. "I need you to squirt on my face again."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I did enjoy the story. The comments of Anonymous #2 reminded me of the MC's parents. What anon #2 was referring to was what I call rule #3 of nudism.

1. Nudity does not automatically constitute permission to touch.

2. Always carry a towel to sit on.

3. Nudity and sex are NOT the same things.

Nudity as defined by AANR (American Association of Nude Recreation) is just the act of not wearing textiles. Textiles associate sex with nudity because they get naked when they are about to have sex. They do not get naked for the sheer enjoyment of getting naked.

As far as your story is concerned the sex was intentional. The Nude Day wasn't about getting naked but the time for free use sex (even though you stuck to oral only).

BJwriterBJwriteralmost 5 years ago
Good read

Enjoyed the story...needs some work, but lots of potential.

sds195sds195almost 5 years agoAuthor
To anonymous #2

It's fiction. Maybe take a look at that word in the dictionary. And I'll work on my spelling.....dickhead.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Initially the story was okay but the volume of spelling errors spoilt the enjoyment along with the completely dishonest portrayal of naturists/nudists. As a work of fiction there still needs to be some consideration of the people involved so as not to offend other of a similar disposition. The interaction between Chantal and Kendra was good but the you let yourself down with your perception about naturists/nudists. Perhaps you should attend a naturist/nudist event before writing about the subject.

centauri4centauri4almost 5 years ago
A nice story, for THIS contest

Having attended several nudist outings in Virginia and Arizona, both "Landed" (land-owning) permanent and "Travel" (non-land owning) clubs, I can share the healthy attitudes toward a more casual lack of clothing doesn't mean ANYONE alters their values regarding sexual contact. This is more of a general observation so casual readers shouldn't get the wrong impression regarding traditional "Nudists" and the Libertine, clothing-free attitude sometimes referred to as "Swinging" or "Free love" (an even older term, I think). The reason to mention this here is only the timeliness or immediacy of it, the relevance, as readers just finished a nice, emotionally touching story and may have imprinted on the details (i.e. 'Oh, if my son or daughter goes to university near a nudist camp or resort, they will be doing WHO knows WHAT!'). But this is generally not the case with common nudist living, as one with 2 decades plus of experience - a mature, male adult, I still remain my strongly shy, somewhat reserved self! I am respectful of traditional married couples, respectful of families, supportive of children playing and remaining unexposed to sexual behaviors until maturity, and all these 'old fashion' values. I understand Polyamory is more common and known in the 2000s and believe love is boundless, like the man who married his car, but everything I have seen, read or watched (videos) indicates very CLEAR seperations remain in existence; in the U.S. anyway. We can love each other calmly, coolly and clearly while learning to co-existence as clothed and unclothed people, which might be the challenge society needs to evolve beyond our present "tensions" and social trespasses (up to and including criminal "trespasses" of even the most highly regarded persons).

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