East St. Louis Cathouse


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"Sure dad, bye." In an instant she was back to the conversation that I had interrupted.

I turned on the TV to kill some time while I waited to call back. It was almost nine o'clock and I knew the kids would be in bed in an hour or so. But, my thoughts weren't on the flickering images or the sound but the night before I left for this trip.


Even though she had been taking the birth control pills for two or three weeks and she had said that if I could make the arrangements she would try to fulfill my fantasy, I still doubted that she would do it. That is until the night before I left for my trip.

I was already in bed when she came out of the bathroom. I must have seen her naked thousands of times yet I never tired of it. As she glided toward the queen size bed she seemed to be smoldering. She was the aggressor. She pulled the off the covers then my boxers. Her kisses were wet and hot. I was ready and eager but she prolonged the moment. As she sucked my cock I was certain I couldn't hold back and said, "oh baby, back off I'm ready to come."

When she lifted off my wet throbbing shaft -- that I thought was about to split like an over- cooked hot dog-- there was a wicked smile on her face as she said, "we wouldn't want that now would we? The only place we want your protein deposited is in my pussy bank, right?"

She was like a wild woman. As hard as I tried, I couldn't hold off. I must not have lasted ten minutes but every second that I was in her I was jabbering. "Oh baby your pussy feels great. . . Wouldn't love to have another cock in you? . . . Wouldn't you love to have a big cock in you? Wouldn't you love to have a black cock in you? . . . Wouldn't you love to have lots of black cocks?"

Between pants and gasps and moans and sighs she verbally and physically responded. "Ah, ah honey, I love your cock . . . I love your cock . . . I love cock, I love cock . . . I love cocks, I love cocks."

That progression drove me over the edge. I thought I would pass out when I came. Her climax seemed to be as intense as my own.

She spoke first and very seriously. "Ron, we can't go on like this. It seems to me like we have three choices. One we can get a divorce and go our separate ways. Two I can give into your fantasy and do whatever you want me to. Three we can try to go back to the way things were before you started all this. I don't want a divorce, that's for sure and I don't think you do either. I really don't think we can ever go back to the way things were before. You'd always resent me for being a boring wife, not a hot wife, not a slut wife which I know you really want. That leaves just one choice. I told you a few weeks ago I would do it. I don't know if I was really serious then or not. I got the pills. Every morning as I took one I thought it was silly and a waste before you had been cut. Now, I don't think it's silly. When you go out of town tomorrow see what you can do to make your fantasy a reality."

I didn't say a word. I don't think I could have because it takes oxygen to talk and I wasn't breathing for a minute.


It was ten thirty when I called again. Her sexy voice could give me a hard on. "Hi hon, how'd your day go?" She asked.

Rather than answer directly I said, "I went over to East St. Louis today."

"Oh, do you have a new account there?"

"No, it wasn't on company business."

There was silence for moment, then she asked, "okay, so tell me, why did you go to East St. Louis?"

"A bartender on this side of the river gave me the address of a place over there."

"The kind of place we've been talking about?" She asked nervously.

"Yes, that kind of place."

"Go on," she said softly.

"Well, this house has four women working there, two white and two black. It's in a kind of run-down part of town and owned by a black man named Latrell. I was there for about half an hour. He gave me a tour. . ."

"And?" she interrupted.

"And, he said if you want to, well he could use some help over the weekend."

"It's not what I want, it never has been. What do you want me to do Ron?"

She wasn't going to let me off the hook. "I want you to do it." There, I had said the magic words.

Dead silence, then she said, "my folks are going away Saturday morning, I guess you'll have to come home and watch the kids. What now?"

"I've got to call Latrell and tell him you're coming. Then, I'll make a reservation for you and get back to you with the details. Okay?"

"Call me back," she said. Then, just before hanging up, she whispered, "I love you Ron."

I decided to call United airlines before calling Latrell. I booked her on a flight through Chicago that left Omha at 2:30. She would arrive in St. Louis at 6:00. She would depart St. Louis on Sunday at 3:30 and arrive in Omaha at 7:30. Then, I changed my return so I could meet her flight, then drive her to East St. Louis hurry back to the airport and get to Omaha in time to pick up the kids from Jennifer's parent's house about 11:00.

My hand was shaking as I dialed the number on the slip of paper that Andy had given me. I recognized Latrell's deep voice even though his greeting was a single word, "ya?"

"Hey Latrell, it's Ron. I called home and talked with Jennifer, then I made arrangements for her to fly here tomorrow. If everything goes according to schedule, she'll be there around seven tomorrow night."

"That's great. Did ya tell her about the place and how we operate?"

"A little."

"I want ya to tell her everything I told you and what ya saw. I don't want any surprises or for her to freak out. Had real trouble once with a gal that wasn't a pro who changed her mind at exactly the wrong time. Know what I mean?"

"I'll explain as much as I can, " I promised. I was anxious to get off the line and so I said, "guess that's about it I'll see you tomorrow."

"No Ron, you won't see me tomorrow night, only sweet Jennifer will. Ya can walk her to the door but ya can't come in this time. Like I said when you was over here, if she's walks through the door she's mine for the weekend. Last chance, that okay with you and her?"

"It's okay with me, I'll make sure she understands when I call to give her the travel schedule. If you don't hear back from me, she'll be there and accept your terms."

"Cool, Ron. Until tomorrow." Then he hung up.

God, I guess it was really happening. After all the years. All the arguments that we had over this. My guilt, her hurt and disappointment in me. Slowly, ever so slowly, Jennifer getting turned on as we fantasized while making love, then a few months ago her willingness to talk about it when we weren't making love. Her coming to the realization that I wasn't about to drop the subject. Finally, her resignation to my idea as manifested by the birth control pills that she asked her OB/Gyn to prescribe and her faithfully taking one every day when required.

I dialed the familiar number and before she could say anything I said, "have you got a pencil and paper?"

"Hang on a sec . . . okay, go ahead."

"I made a reservation for you to fly here tomorrow, its United flight 247 through Chicago. Departs Omaha at 2:30, change planes in Chicago, your Chicago flight, number 625, leaves at 5:00 you'll arrive here at 6:00. I'll drive you over to East St. Louis and then dash back to the airport to catch my flight home. Tell your folks I can pick the kids up about 11:00. Sunday you leave St. Louis on United flight 615 at 3:30 again through Chicago. You arrive in Omaha at 7:30, I'll pick you up. Guess you'll have to take a cab to the airport in St. Louis. Did you get all that?"

She carefully read back the travel plans and then asked, "anything else?"

"Not that I can think of. Like I said before, this place is kind of sleazy but the customers are all black, its far from home, you won't know anyone and they won't know you. That's about it I guess."

"So we're really going to do it then?"

"It's up to you honey, you're the one that has to do it. Are you nervous?"

"What do you think, of course I'm scared to death."

"Are you also excited?" I wanted to know.

"You've made me love sex. You've been playing with my mind for a long time. I guess the waiting is about over. Yes Ron, I'm both nervous and excited. This Latrell guy, I imagine he'll be the first, won't he?"

"Yes, he will."

"What's he like?" She wanted to know.

"I guess he's about fifty, huge, very black with a shaved head." I thought it was time to drop it so I said, "well kid, you've got a busy day tomorrow, I'm going to try to sleep. Call me if you want to talk, I'm in room 1245. I really love you Jen."

"I love you too darling. Sleep well. Goodnight my love."

I confess, I didn't get much sleep. I tossed and turned, drifted off for what I thought was a couple of hours but I saw was only a few minutes by the red numerals that were illuminated on the hotel clock next to the telephone.

During that long night, I thought back to the lovely high school junior I fell hopelessly in love with the first time that I saw her. I remembered our very first kiss. How her hair smelled. The first time I touched her breasts through several layers of clothing and the first time I touched them bare. Her perky little nipples. And then after high school our hot make-out sessions but she wouldn't let me get to home plate. She did let me get to third base before we were engaged and I thought I would die when she didn't stop my hands from exploring beneath her skirt. She didn't come to our marriage bed a virgin because the month before we made love at a friend's house. She was the third girl for me, I was the first man for her. She was wonderful.

As the years went by she just got better and better in bed and more beautiful with each passing year. We wanted at least two kids, a boy and a girl. We ended up with three before I had my vasectomy. Jennifer is the perfect mom. She takes care of the kids and makes our modest tract house a home. She works part time in an office, is involved in the PTA and never misses a Church service.

And then my fantasies crept into our lives. Slowly at first then with increasing frequency and intensity. Like I explained to Latrell and Andy, I don't know exactly how it started it just did. When we were first dating and early in our marriage I became very jealous when guys even looked at her. Somehow that jealously turned to pride. I was proud that the woman that shared my life and my bed was very attractive to other men, nearly all other men. Then when we made love I began to imagine her with another man and how would she react to a different lover or different lovers?

I had seen my share of porno films and realized that none of the women in the films could hold a candle to Jen in looks or passion. My Jennifer always comes several times, always intensely. She is the most fantastic lover imaginable. I know that as hard as I tried, other men would have techniques that would put mine to shame. I was average in size and endurance. How would she respond to a huge hung guy who could go for hours? I shared all of these thoughts with her hundreds of times. She seldom responded with words but frequently with increased movement, a release of moisture and intense orgasms. After, she would say that she could never be with anyone but me.

Now, she was about to fulfill my fantasy. I knew I could stop the whole thing with a word. But, when she told me two months ago that— probably just to shut me up—if I really wanted her to do it she would, the die had been cast, there would be no turning-back.

I must have dozed, at least for a while, because the black of night was giving way to the faint light of the new day when I opened my eyes. I still had several sales calls to make and would have to get a move on if I was to meet Jennifer at the airport at 6:00. I thought about calling her but decided to leave well enough alone. She hadn't called me. She would either get off the plane at 6:00, or she wouldn't.

The day was busy and I was very grateful for that. I didn't want to do a lot of thinking at least not a lot of thinking about Jennifer and my fantasy. I finished my last appointment at 5:00. If the traffic cooperated I could make it to the airport with time to spare. The traffic did cooperate and I was at the gate before her plane landed even though it was five minutes early.

And then she was there. I can't remember her ever looking more beautiful. She was wearing a sleeveless, very short print dress. With her tan legs she didn't need stockings or pantyhose. On her feet were the high heel sandals she had talked about the night before. Over her shoulder was a small tote bag. She rushed into my arms and planted a big wet kiss on my hungry lips. I took her bag, grabbed hand and started the long walk to the parking garage. "Welcome to St. Louis, Jen." She just smiled.

In the rent car we kissed again. It was obvious that she was frightened but in some strange way also very aroused. "All set?" I asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be," she said bravely.

As we drove toward the bridge that crossed the Mississippi river, I asked, "how was work today?"

"I didn't go, I called in sick. You didn't say anything about my hair. I spent the morning at the beauty parlor. I had the full treatment."

And, so she had. I should have noticed and commented on the new soft sexier hairdo, the manicured and pedicured nails. "You look beautiful hon."

"Thanks." Then mischievously, she asked, "think they will like me?"

"They'll love you."

She explained that she had dropped the kids off at her parents. She told them she was going to a PTA conference in St. Louis as a last minute substitute for a woman who had to cancel and that I would pick the children up late when I returned from a business trip. Then, we were across the river and into Illinois. I glanced at my wife out of the corner of my eye to gauge her reaction to East St. Louis as I took the first off ramp.

She seemed shocked, as she observed, "this place has seen its better days I would say."

Two more turns and I parked the rent car where I had yesterday. "That's Latrell's place over there," I said as I pointed to the two story building across the street. She didn't respond. "Are you ready?"

"If you want me to be," she said without looking at me but down in her lap.

"Let's go," I said as I got out of the car, went around and opened her door. I grabbed her tote bag with one hand and held her hand tightly with the other as we crossed the street. We walked up the stairs hand in hand. I could hardly breathe as I pressed the buzzer. The door opened just a crack. I knew that the black hand that reached out was the same one I had shaken yesterday. The hand beckoned Jennifer's. I placed her hand in his and then stepped back. She looked at me and I'm quite sure she wanted to say something but she was being gently pulled through the door. And then she was gone, the door closed behind her with a thud. I stood there for a minute, then turned and crossed the street.

I don't really remember crossing the river, driving to the airport, turning the car in at Avis and boarding my plane but obviously I did all of that. My flight was non-stop. We had been in the air for a while when I looked at my watch, I saw that it was almost 9:00. Almost two hours had elapsed since I handed my Jennifer, my wife, the love of my life over to Latrell. There was little doubt that he had already taken her for a test drive. It was also likely that she had heard the buzzer, probably more than once, and joined the others in the reception room. The others who would have been partially, though skimpily, clothed while she would have been naked. As pretty as the other women were, I knew no one would consider choosing any of them over my Jen.

I picked the kids up, helped them to bed in the modest tract house that had been our home for eight years. The house seemed empty because she was gone. In our bedroom I could smell her perfume. I noticed an envelope on my pillow. She had written:

Dear Ron:

If you are reading this letter it means that you came back from St. Louis alone. I made my promise to you that I would go through with this and, as I write this, that is my intention. I guess a woman always has the right to change her mind but I don't think I will.

As you might guess, my stomach's in a knot. I'm doing this because you want me to and because I love you. I know you will never be completely happy unless I do my part to make your fantasy a reality. Anyway it's just one weekend.

Wish me luck. I love you with all my heart Jennifer

It was midnight. Five hours in our lives were gone. How was she? Was she okay, physically and emotionally? My fingers were ahead of my brain as they punched in the area code and the seven numbers that would link me to Latrell.

He answered on the second ring with the now familiar, "Ya?"

I wanted to sound cool so I said, "Hey Latrell, it's Ron."

"Watcha want man?"

"Just wanted to make sure that Jennifer's okay and things are going smooth."

"She's great!"

"Can I talk with her?"

"She busy right now, been a mad house here all night. Like I tol ya, word gets out fast when we got fresh meat. Got three guys waitin and all the gals are busy." I heard the buzzer ring, then he said, "hang on a sec man."

When he returned he told me, "Ron I been doing this shit for a lotta years and I never had a better piece of ass than your Jennifer. She's beautiful, sexy and so enthusiastic. And, she's a real trooper. I tol her she didn't have to make the last buzzer call, she needed to pace herself and get some rest, but she wouldn't hear any of that. Course, she was chosen, seems like she has been every time. Only time the others get a shot is when Jennifer's busy. Anyway man, she's doin jus fine. I can have her call ya but I doubt she'll get a break tonight."

"That's okay. Please take good care of her." Then, I hung up before he could say goodbye.

There it was. I guess I instinctively knew what she was capable of. Now it had happened. How did I feel about it?

The long night was painful for me. The king-size bed seemed unusually empty. I actually ached for her. Yet that part of my mind that started all of this was a kaleidoscope of overlapping images. I tried to imagine what happened after Latrell closed the door behind himself and Jen. Did they go directly to her room? How long before they made love. No, how long before they fucked. I reasoned that you couldn't make love to someone you didn't even know let alone love. Did she in fact swallow? How many customers since Latrell? How many more during the long night and on Saturday, actually today by now? I would have to wait to find out.

I kept a box of tissues on the night stand and had to use them several times which was rare for me. Rare, shit it never happened before. Tonight I was a regular cum fountain. Somehow the long night came to an end.

I did my best to keep busy during the day. I took the kids to the park, then a movie. We ate out at their favorite buffet that evening. When we returned home, I dashed to the answering machine and checked to see if Jen had called. She hadn't. I worked on my sales report after the kids went to bed. That too was a first for me on a weekend. Saturday night was a repeat of the first, near midnight I couldn't wait any longer and called Latrell's number.


"It's Ron, Latrell, can I talk with Jen?"

"She busy man. Let it rest. None of the other ladies old men call." Then he hung up.

Another long, wet, throbbing night. Sunday morning. Again the buffet with the kids. Then we drove to the airport.

We were at the gate a half hour before her scheduled arrival time. I was as nervous as a patient laying on a Gurney waiting for major surgery. Then the big grey plane was taxing to the gate. Finally I saw her. She was wearing the same clothes she wore when I last saw her just two days ago. And yet, she was very different. Her walk was sexier, her eyes were smoldering, little things that only I would notice.