Eclipse of the Moon Ch. 05

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The limits are tested and broken...
15.1k words

Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/18/2015
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The night was quiet, perfectly still. The moon was high, shining bright and luminescent through the window, casting light through the parted drapes.

Angel was watching it intensely, trying to admire beauty in something that she knew, at one time, she found inspiring. It would have been perfect if she had been admiring it from anywhere else but here... and living the life of anybody but herself.

Because the person she was right now barely even qualified as being a person. She was a shell. An 'it'. And 'it' jumped at noises made by an aging house. 'It' snapped and shut down at anyone that got too close. And it waited... it waited for the infliction of pain, sometimes hoping that it was physical because at least that was escape from the mental torment that she was afflicted with every moment of every day.

Lior pulled the blankets further over her, up to her nose, peering out over the edge. Eyes were ringed with dark circles, indication that sleep had been evading her for a very long time. She couldn't. She was scared. She was scared of her dreams which were filled with him, and terrified of the reality she was in because he occupied it as well.

This was hell.

Death would have been better... although she wasn't even sure she would have escaped from him then. Because what if she became trapped here? What if she became bound to the house just like he was? What was even worse was that if she died there would be nobody there to protect her family. Nobody there to curb Daemon's bloodlust. And he would-he would ki-


Angel froze under her covers and, before she could contain it, a fearful whimper escaped her lips. It was something that never would have happened in the past... especially when it was Aaron standing at the entrance to her room.

"Angel, are you alright?" his voice was concerned now, laced with worry, and it came closer signalling his approach.

You can't be here. He'll get so angry. She twisted, pulling the blankets further over her, "I'm fine" she wasn't, "I'm fine, you just... you just startled me is all".

The weight shifted on her bed, making her entire body tense up.

"Were you sleeping?"

"No" she murmured softly, "Just... thinking".



"Sounds riveting" he deadpanned, kicking his feet up off the floor and onto the bed as he laid back with his hands behind his head.

Angel's entire body tightened from an action that usually made her relax.

She liked Aaron being here. Aaron was safety, no matter how real or imagined it was. But there was none of that right now because what if Daemon was watching? She wasn't supposed to let Aaron sleep with her anymore... it was a rule. And the reason Aaron was here right now, she knew, meant that he was probably expecting for them to do what they had been doing since they were little kids.

Her knees curled upwards, towards her chest, "...what are you doing here?"

"Do you not want me to be?" the question was straightforward, unavoidable.

"Aaron" she answered, voice weak and on the brink of breaking, "I'm just tired, okay?"

There was a moment of silence that broke through the room, thick and tense, filled with things unsaid. There was a shifting on the bed, the sound of weight being transferred but not removed, as Aaron turned onto his side. He didn't say anything for a few seconds before his voice eventually punctured the quiet, "...will you talk to me, please?"

Angel clenched her eyes shut, glad in this moment to be facing away from him.

"Angel" he placed his hand on her shoulder.

There was no curbing the reaction his touch caused. She flinched. And her voice came through, a tight little thing, that spoke of fear that had never been there before, "Don't".

The weight on the mattress shifted again, Aaron off in a second as he turned the corner of the bed and kneeled in front of her. His face was filled with frustration... with concern that she had only seen there once before, back before she had gone into the hospital.

He looked at her, refusing to break the gaze and demanding that she keep it just the same, "Angel, please..." he cupped her cheek, watching as she flinched just the same from that, something that had never happened before, "please talk to me. What's happening?"

She couldn't restrain them as much as she tried. The tears came, leaking down her cheeks, breaking under the comfort of his hand.

God, all she wanted was for Aaron to hug her... to tell her that things were going to be alright, that he would protect her, but she knew it wasn't possible.

Aaron couldn't protect her against something that he couldn't see. And if he tried, Daemon would kill him.

"I'm sorry, Aaron" she whispered, not able to find the strength to move his hand away. Just for a minute, she wanted it. She wanted to feel okay, to feel the comfort that she had always shared with her brother. But she was terrified all the same that there was something, someone, here that would punish her for getting too close to him, "I-I just..."

Aaron didn't ask for her to move over. He didn't ask her if he should stay or if he should go. He simply pulled back the blanket that she had wrapped so tightly around herself, slipped under, and brought her into his arms.

Her shoulders started to shake. Angel was so broken... so lost... so hopeless. Everything was crashing down around her, everything was out of her control, and she couldn't take it anymore.

This was hell. It had to be. Because only hell could be responsible for this constant fear, and pain that didn't leave even when she was sleeping.

She couldn't take it. She was falling apart at the seams... and every day she felt just a little bit farther and farther away from herself, who she had been, like the pieces kept splitting apart.

Her face was already buried into her palms, and the back of her hands were pressed into his chest. He needed to leave. He had to leave.

...but she was petrified that he would and she would be alone again with either her living or nonliving nightmares.

If actions spoke to anything, though, it was that he wasn't going anywhere. His chin rested on top of her head as he held her to him, and there was a pause before he took a deep breath inward, "Angel, I'm..." another pregnant pause followed, something that was completely unlike Aaron, "I'm worried about you".

Lior winced, trying to blink away tears that were clinging to her eyelashes.

"Something's wrong. You've been so distant... and I know something is going on, I can feel it, and you won't tell me" his arm tightened, "we've always told each other everything".

She didn't know what to say to him. What could she possibly have said to ease him any?

Of course he noticed when she completely separated from him. There wasn't even a possibility that he wouldn't have considering how much time they had always spent together. He was right. She used to tell him everything. But she couldn't tell him this.

"Tell me" his voice was quiet, hushed, something inflected that she rarely ever heard, "please tell me. Let me help... let me do something, anything".

Aaron was never the fragile one. He was strong. He had always been the strong sibling, the one without fears and problems. So why... why did he sound like that?

Angel nuzzled down, "I hate it here".

The silence hung thick in the air.

"I" she paused, tears rushing to her eyes again, as if they had ever stopped, "I hate it here, Aaron. I-I feel..." she hiccupped, "like I'm... like I'm suffocating. And I can't... I just... can't..." her shoulders quaked as it all came out. She broke. She couldn't stop it from pouring out, emotions that she had tried so hard to conceal from her family, "I'm t-trying, but I can't do it... I-I can't do it anymore."


Her eyes clenched shut, trembling.

Aaron hugged her close, kissed her temple, hands trying to ease the shaking.

"Please... please d-don't tell mom and dad" she whispered voice cracking.

"Why? Angel, you know they'll-"

"-they'll send me back" she intercepted, curling farther into him, "I don't want to go back. Please..."

There was a moment of quiet, where neither of them spoke. The only sound that came through was that of breathing that was shaky and uneven.

She felt his embrace tighten as if she had just struck him with the words she had spoken.

Oh god... oh god, she shouldn't have said that.

"... Angel... are you..." he pulled back slightly so that he could look down into tear stained eyes that refused to meet his, "... are they back?"

She shouldn't have said anything. She should have kept her mouth shut because now the thought was there in his mind. Now he would think that she was starting to descend into craziness again.

"They're not real, Aaron" she whispered back, an echo of something that she had been told all those years ago, "They were just... in my head... and I-"

"Don't feed me that doctor bullshit" Aaron snapped suddenly, causing her to jump, "Answer my question".

Blue eyes flickered up before shirking away. He was angry. God, he was so angry with her. And she hated that all she could think about was Daemon in that moment, how his anger was something to be scared of... how afraid she was, terrified, when it happened. And even when it didn't. Because the potential was always there.

Aaron's not like that. He's just worried.

Aaron tilted her chin up, refusing to let her skirt the question, "Are you seeing them again?"

That kind of touch, as small and innocent as it was, brought on an entirely different reaction.

No. Her heart sped up. Because that gesture, the pushing of her chin upwards with his finger... it was just like Daemon did. Just like when he wanted her to comply... just like when he had-

"No!" she shoved back suddenly, against his chest, blankets and sheets flying off the bed as she scrambled backwards. It was done with enough force to knock him off the bed entirely, his body landing with a hard 'thump' against the floor.

"Jesus, Angel, what the he-"

Straw blond locks were strewn across her face, falling in front of stricken blue eyes. Oh god. What had she done? Had she actually just hit him? What was wrong with her?

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" and now her entire body was tensing as if it expected him to retaliate. As if her pushing him meant that she would receive bruises as penance... just like it was with Daemon.

Why? Why was this even being compared?

Why was she so... so afraid?

Aaron looked at her, really looked at her. His gaze was firm but it softened upon seeing her so rattled. She had never been that way with him...

...Angel actually looked legitimately terrified.

"Lior, it's okay" he reassured, sitting up and kneeling at the side of her bed, "it was an accident. No harm done-" he stopped speaking abruptly. His jaw had locked. "What is that?"

Angel looked to him but he wasn't looking at her anymore. He was looking down. And it took her a moment to realize why.

The sleeves of the thick woolen sweater she was wearing had rolled up... exposing bruises that formed twin rings around her wrists.

Fingers moved quickly, pulling down the sleeves over her hands, "Nothing" she answered immediately, the defensiveness in her voice instantly implying the opposite of what she had said.

"What the fuck is that, Angel?"

She had never, ever, heard Aaron so angry. It permeated his voice, infected it, made it sound older and harsher than usual.

Cobalt eyes didn't move from hers, "Let me see your hands".

"No" she came the instant response, pulling her body back against the headboard of her bed.

"That wasn't a question" Aaron snapped, his voice tight, "let me see your hands".

She flinched, but she didn't offer him her hands. Instead she tucked them under her arms protectively, "Stop it, just leave me alone".

"Who's hurting you?" he completely ignored her request, eyes searching, moving closer to her. He didn't care what kind of personal space he was invading. Someone was hurting his little sister. Someone had put their hands on her long and hard enough to give her bruises. And he bet it was that same person who was making her hate this place so much... the same one who had turned her into the wide-eyed shaking child before him, "Angel, you need to tell me what's going on. Is it Julian? I'll fucking kill him-"

"No!" she intervened, gaze shooting up instantly in a mix of panic and fear, "he hasn't done anything. I-I haven't even seen him since the party." Daemon wouldn't allow it. He had whispered all kinds of horrible things in her ears about what he would do if he found out she had been seeing him. So she hadn't... she couldn't...

"Then what the fuck is going on?" Aaron ground out, clearly frustrated with the lack of answers he was getting.

Please stop, he'll hear you.

Her skin prickled.

And it was only when she tried to move back, move away from her brother, that she realized he wasn't the only presence in the room anymore. That there was a second now... which she recognized when her movement was halted by cool limbs that had settled alongside her own... encompassing it. Restricting it.

"Nothing" she choked out, "I-I just..."

"He's just jealous, you know" came the deep voice that whispered right against her ear, the brief touch of canines against her skin, "keep looking forward. Don't let on that I'm here... or I'll have to punish you".

She was sitting between his legs, back pressed against his chest. How he had gotten there she didn't know... but he was a demon. It was all the explanation anyone needed. Although explanations and logic lacked any significant importance when he was here, in the same room as Aaron, touching her. And given that Aaron wasn't throwing a violent fit right now, she knew he couldn't see the other man behind her.

Lior knew he wouldn't be able to. She was the only one in her family who had ever been able to see these things... hear them... feel them...

"Stop saying it's nothing. It's not nothing-"

She wished that her fear wasn't so overwhelmingly strong right now. She wished she could have listened to what Aaron was saying, wished that she could have gained some sort of comfort out of it. But the voice in her ear demanded attention - and the body behind her made it impossible not to listen.

"He's jealous" Daemon continued, "that he wasn't the one who got to hold you down... wasn't the one to make you writhe against his tongue" his lips formed a coy smirk against the shell of her ear, "he's been dreaming about that a lot, you know".

Lior bit down on her tongue, barely restraining a whimper when a hand slid under her waistline.

Please, Daemon, please don't. Please, not with Aaron here... god, please...

Aaron took her wrists while her attention was elsewhere.

Lior's eyes snapped forward and she instantly made the move to pull them away-

"Let him look" came the low purr from behind.

Her hands froze, balled into fists. Her chest tightened, as did thighs as they squeezed together, trying to stop the exploration of Daemon's hands. It only caused him to chuckle, a sound that reverberated through her body.

"Jesus, Angel..." Aaron whispered, thumbs brushing against the purple and yellow bruises tenderly. When he looked back up, observing how every feature in her face and body was noticeably tense, how glassy her eyes were, his features shifted away from anger and towards concern,

"What's happening?"

"So fucking sad how much he wants you" Daemon cooed, pads of his fingers tracing the front of her panties and relishing how her entire body tensed and fought not to squirm, "It must be so hard for him... having you so close but not having stones enough to do anything about it".

Lior bit down on the inside of her cheek, bile rising up. There were too many things to focus on. Too many words, too many actions, she couldn't sort through them all. And suddenly her eyes were tearing up because she didn't know what to do... and her body just wouldn't be still under Daemon's hand.


She looked up, heart thundering, eyelashes wet.

"Fuck, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to yell at you. I didn't mean to. I just... I just don't understand" Aaron apologized gently, his voice hurt and confused, as he pulled up her sleeves a bit more to see the smaller amounts of bruising slightly, "Are you hurt anywhere else?"

God, Aaron thought she was crying because of him. But she wasn't. She was crying because of-

"Show him".

Every muscle in her body contacted at the same time.

Daemon's hand retracted slowly, his breath kissing the back of her neck, "I want you to show him, whore. Show him who you belong to" came the lustful sound, the languid purr.

Please... don't make me. It was a thought screaming in her mind, so loud that she thoughts her ears would start to bleed.

The marks that Daemon had left... they were everywhere. They were on her neck, covered by her hair. They were on her hips, her stomach, her thighs... they were in intimate places that shouldn't be seen. They were the imprints of an animal who had staked its claim all over her.

Her eyes met Aaron's, "I-I..."

"Don't make me tell you again" came the sharp tone of the demon, his patience having quickly its limit.

Lior flinched, looking away from her brother, "I...I have more" she answered, voice barely audible and a tremoring mess as Aaron sat back on the bed. She couldn't keep their gaze connected. He looked... so hurt. And she didn't want to look at anything except the trembling of her own folded hands because if she did... she might end up looking at Daemon.

There was a long silence. Intense. Filled with unsaid questions.

But she could sense the growing irritation of their spectre. She could feel his eyes burning into her from a point in the room she didn't know.

"Angel... were you..." Aaron tripped over his own tongue, the appendage becoming thick and rubbery in his mouth, "were you..." he couldn't. He couldn't get it out into the open air.

"Fucked?" came the crude response from Daemon, "thoroughly".

"Stop" she whispered, a small plead, although to who it was directed wasn't clear. She moved mechanically, every limb feeling like a cement block had been attached to it. But she still stood... still took the shallow breaths necessary to move, and repeated the thoughts quietly in her own head that would spur her to do what was necessary.

For Aaron. For her family.

Her shaky fingers found the drawstring to her pajama bottoms. Her face burned as she let the baggy material slide off her hips and pool around her feet. She was ashamed... she was upset... but most of all, she was scared that Daemon was in the same room as her brother. Watching. Which meant if she did something wrong-

"And the shirt, whore".

Lior winced. From the name... from the order.

Aaron noticed. But as she lifted her shirt up and over her head, exposing flesh that was painted with bruises and lacerations, it must have not seemed as important. Because all Angel heard was the sharp intake of breath, the ruffling of sheets as he stood from the bed, the sound of his steps as he moved forward.

"Oh god... Angel...what... who... oh... oh god..."

Tears streaked her cheeks, ashamed, hands fumbling, crossing across her stomach to unconsciously cover what he had already seen.

Even though she wasn't naked, she felt like she was. Standing here, baring every mark that wasn't covered by her bra and panties, in front of her brother and the monster he couldn't see... she was completely exposed.

"Angel who-" his voice cracked, "who did this to you?"

It was so clear to her that he was struggling to hold back. And when he moved in front of her, close, but not close enough to touch, she flinched back... right into Daemon's chest. She knew it was him... no one's skin was as cold as his. Nobody's heart as frozen, and nobody's sadisticness as scalding.