Eddie, Gina and Me


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At the end of the night, when I went out back to empty the garbage, another busser approached me. I didn't know his name, only that he worked the section next to mine.

"I saw you drooling all over Eddie tonight -- it was disgusting!"

He and I were the same size and age, but he appeared to be in much better shape than me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

His eyes narrowed to tiny slits; there was venom in his voice.

"Are you his new 'boy'? You're taking care of his beautiful, big cock, aren't you? How many times did you have to get on your knees before you convinced him to get you a job here? Or do you like it better when he buries it in your cunt?"

I never heard such talk -- what the hell was going on here?

"Look," I said. "I don't know who you are but I just met Eddie tonight. We're co-workers -- that's it!"

"Yeah, sure, pretty boy...." he spat. His body made a sudden jerking movement; I thought he was going to hit me and I flinched. Then he was gone.

My hands began to tremble. Confrontations made me nervous. I gathered myself and went back inside. I didn't mention the incident to Eddie or Gina.

They were finishing up their side-work. When I approached, they each handed me a twenty-dollar bill. Eddie laughed when he saw the puzzled expression on my face. He pointed to a small corkboard over the time clock.

"Most of our tips come from credit cards," he explained. "At the end of the night we'll fill out a scrap of paper and put it in the slot with your name...the tips will go on your paycheck."

"Oh, okay," I said, relieved.

"We're going to the new bar," said Eddie, pointing at Gina. "Meet us there -- I'll buy you a couple beers -- you deserve it -- you did a good job tonight."

"Oh, sure -- thanks," I said feeling flush with the compliment.

I waited until no one was near the time clock to punch out. I looked up and saw my name on a slot like Eddie had said. There were two scraps of paper inside.

Gina had written "$40" with a smiley face. I had to squint in the dim light to read Eddie's paper.

"$60 -- we make a good team. You're energetic and eager to please -- Are you like that in bed, too?"

I found myself blushing even with no one around.

I wore a silly grin all the way to the bar; there was a warm feeling in my heart.

I always felt good after work when I knew I performed my best, but that wasn't why...with the cash they'd given me, I'd made $140 in tips, much higher than I ever dreamed of, but that wasn't why I felt so good either.

Then I thought of Eddie. His positive attitude, his confidence, his good-natured humor, his work ethic, his obvious intelligence and the charming way he dealt with all kinds of people.

He was the type of person who simply by being with him; made you a better person, too. And, he was a handsome man, as well -- he had it all.

"Good grief, John, you sound like a schoolgirl with a crush on her teacher," I said out loud.

I shook my head with confusion as I parked the car at the 'RiversEdge Saloon'.

Once inside, I looked around for the bar figuring I'd see Gina and Eddie. Problem was, there were three bars on different sides of the huge saloon; all equally crowded with people.

I decided to go from left-to-right and slowly made my way thru the throngs of half-happy, half-sad, half-laughing, half-crying, half-loud, and half-quiet drunks.

Quickly scanning bar number one, I didn't see them, and walked towards the second bar. I was twenty-feet from the bar when a guy suddenly appeared out of nowhere and blocked my path.

"Well, well -- if it isn't Eddie's new cum-slut."

I had to look closer thru his makeup and feminine attire to recognize the guy who'd confronted me earlier at the restaurant.

"Oh, hey," I said. "You sure got here quick."

That was all I could think of to say to him. And frankly, I didn't know how he found the time to look like that -- he couldn't have left the restaurant much earlier than me.

"I'm gonna take you outside and kick your ass, you bitch!"

I felt my hands begin to tremble again. I hated it when my body betrayed me like this.

"Back off, Marko -- give the man some room."

There was no mistaking Eddie's voice. He'd come up behind me and now stood at my side.

My heart was beating fast and perspiration had formed on my brow. I hated myself for feeling so scared; for having to be saved by another guy.

"Marko," said Eddie. "We all work together, and we'll occasionally run into each other away from work, you can't go on hating me and my friends...you and I had something good for a while, but it's over -- move on with your life...it's a big world: you'll find another guy -- there's someone for everyone out there."

Marko's stiff and dangerous demeanor softened. I saw his eyes mist-over.

He turned and slowly walked away mumbling "I'm sorry...I'm sorry..."

I was flabbergasted. Only in the movies could the 'good guy' talk to the 'bad guy' like that and everyone live happily ever-after. I didn't know whether to thank Eddie, or bow down and kiss the hem of his garment.

"Johnny, are you alright?" asked Eddie.

He sensed my helpless embarrassment and didn't wait for me to answer.

"C'mon," he said, a smile forming on his handsome face, "we saved a place for you at the bar."

I followed him and saw Gina sitting at the bar looking out thru the crowd watching for us.

Eddie directed me to sit at the barstool between them. The next hour-and-a-half was non-stop, non-work-related talk, some beers, a few shots of Cuervo Gold, and whenever Gina commanded, one of us would escort her to the dance floor.

I was an adequate dancer, nothing special, but when Gina was on the floor, all eyes were on her -- including mine.

She had changed from her work uniform to a tight-fitting, short dress offering the guys delightful views of her ample cleavage. I tried not to stare at those jiggling, perky breasts but I'm afraid she caught me looking more than once. She would just smile.

By the time the bartenders yelled, "Last call," I was feeling no pain but Gina insisted we do another round of shots.

Then the band announced they'd do one more song and Gina took both of us by the hand and led us to the dance floor.

Eddie and I gyrated around her as she provocatively shook and swayed to the music. She threw her arms around us and pulled us to her and we clung together moving and grinding our bodies against one another.

Before I knew what happened, it was just Eddie and I holding each other and dancing close. It didn't bother me the least that I was dancing alone with a guy. No one around us cared -- why should I?

I had tentatively held Eddie's shoulders, but when I felt his arms holding me tightly around my waist, I held him closer as we moved back-and-forth to the slow song.

"Johnny," I heard Eddie say. I looked down into his big brown eyes and he added, "You're the nicest guy I've met in a long time."

Then he winked at me and said, "You're so damn sexy, too."

His hands moved lower to my buttocks, squeezed them, and when I did not resist he pulled me close enough I could feel his erection.

I felt his hand on the back of my head. He gently, but firmly pulled my face close to his and kissed me on the lips; softly, at first, but when I didn't pull away his mouth pressed harder, and he pushed his tongue into my mouth.

My prick snapped to attention. I saw stars before my eyes as our tongues lapped and licked and meshed together. I couldn't believe I was kissing a guy; in public, no less. But once again, no one around us seemed to even notice.

He abruptly broke off the kiss and took me by the hand and led me to where Gina was waiting for us.

She smiled and playfully said, "You make a very cute couple.".

I heard Gina giggle and saw her pointing to our crotches.

"I see you boys enjoyed yourselves."

Only when I looked and saw our stiff cocks tenting-out the front of our slacks did I begin to feel self-conscious. I blushed.

Eddie laughed and announced, "Johnny is a wonderful kisser."

Eddie was still holding my hand when Gina took hold of my other hand. We walked to the exit hand-in-hand with me in the middle. A warm glow rushed over me. At that moment I'd never felt closer to two people in my life.

"Eddie's going to drive us home," said Gina.

I didn't argue. My stumbling feet signaled I'd had too much to drink and drive. Eddie ushered us into the front seat of his car with me in the middle.

With everyone leaving the bar at the same time the parking lot was a sea of headlights, and slow moving vehicles.

Gina announced, "Looks like it will be awhile...good -- I can find out if Eddie was right when he said you are a good kisser."

And to my utter amazement, Gina pulled my head to hers and kissed my lips. Her soft, yielding mouth was sensual and exciting. My prick became instantly hard as her tongue slowly lapped at mine.

"Don't be so selfish," I heard Eddie say.

When Gina broke off the kiss Eddie pulled me to him and gave me a long and sweet kiss.

Gina's hands expertly opened my shirt and fondled and caressed my breasts and nipples. My nipples became hard points. Then a hand gripped and squeezed my throbbing erection thru the thin fabric of my slacks. I didn't know whose hand it was.

I groaned into Eddie's mouth. I squirmed and half-heartedly tried to escape the hand stroking my prick, but I was trapped between the two of them, and besides, the hand felt sooo goood....

I felt Gina's hot breath in my ear.

"Johnny," she whispered. "You've just got to feel Eddy...he has a wonderful cock...feel his cock, Johnny."

Hypnotized by her words, I first felt Eddie's thigh -- strong and powerful. When Gina's tongue began to dart in and out of my ear and I moaned into Eddie's mouth once again, I took hold of his long, stiff cock and gasped.

Marko's words filled my head when he'd mentioned Eddie's "...big, beautiful cock."

My God, I thought. How could a guy Eddie's size have such a manly prick? It was longer and thicker than my own, and it seemed alive as I squeezed it.

This time Eddie groaned into my mouth. He gently pushed my hand from his crotch and shifted in the seat to give him better access to mine.

His hand stroked me faster and harder. He plunged his tongue into my mouth and I greedily sucked at it. My breathing became erratic; Gina's fingers pinching my nipples drove me crazy.

Suddenly they both darted their tongues in and out of my ears. Their teeth nipped at my earlobes and they pushed me over the edge. The familiar explosion started in my balls and my body jerked and shook as they held me in place. I cried out.


The crotch of my bikini briefs filled with cum; the front of my slacks were soaked with my juices. My hips bucked wildly as Eddie's strong hand milked every ounce of semen and sperm out of me.

I sat there stunned, and slightly confused. A guy had just given me the best handjob of my life!

The other cars had left the lot and Eddie started the car. We drove awhile in silence until Gina spoke.

"Hmmm," she said, "I love that smell."

And sure enough, the scent of my discharge now permeated the air inside the car.

Gina leaned towards me and softly asked, "Did you like that, Johnny?"

She giggled then answered her own question.

"Of course you did." Then she added, "It would be nice of you to do the same for Eddie."

The rest of the drive home I thought about her words. I remembered the feel of his cock in my hand. How it twitched and expanded when I held it. How powerful it felt in my small hand.

And for the first time in my life I admitted to myself that I wanted to feel a guy's erection. I wanted to squeeze it -- stroke it -- maybe even kiss it. I wanted to give Eddie the same delicious pleasure he'd given me.

I was lost in thought when Gina spoke. I noticed we were in the parking lot of our apartment building.

"You know, Johnny," she said. "It's late and Eddie had an awful lot to drink...maybe he can spend the night on your couch."

It was more a statement than a question.

"Don't pressure him, Gina -- I can get home from here," said Eddie.

"No-no, she's right," I said. "You shouldn't drive anymore tonight."

We walked Gina to her door on the first floor and bid her goodnight.

"Good night, boys," she smiled with a twinkle in her eyes. "Have fun...I will too -- I have a date with Mr. Happy."

She kissed us both on the cheek and went inside.

"Mr. Happy?" I asked Eddie.

"Her vibrator," he said. We smiled.

We took the stairwell to the second floor where I lived. I was one step above of him and he rubbed and lightly pinched my buttocks all the way up the stairwell. I didn't mind at all. As a matter-of-fact, I loved the attention. My prick began to swell inside my still damp briefs.

I opened my apartment door with great apprehension. Not because I was afraid of what might happen once we were inside, no, it was more a fear of the unknown.

I was fully prepared to submit to whatever Eddie wanted from me, I wanted to pleasure him like he did for me, but I was afraid my ignorance and lack of experience with another guy would cause me to do something wrong, or worse, do it badly.

"W-Would you like a glass of wine, or a beer?" I asked as he looked around my living room.

"No thanks," he replied. "I'm tired, I need some sleep. Do you have spare bedding for the couch?"

"Oh," I said, feeling somewhat confused. "Sure, I'll make up the couch for you."

Eddie excused himself and used the bathroom while I put sheets and a blanket on the couch. I laid a pillow on the far end.

This wasn't going the way I thought it would. On the way up the stairwell, I had pictured us frantically embracing and kissing; ripping each other's clothes off. Now all I felt was disappointment.

When Eddie returned he said, "I hope you don't mind, I like to sleep in my shorts."

"Oh, sure, no, I mean I don't mind," I answered, fumbling for words.

He took off his shoes and socks then unbuttoned his shirt. When I saw his perfectly sculpted chest and flat belly my breath caught in my throat. My head began to spin; I'd never reacted to the sight of another guy's body quite like this.

I took a chance and said, "Eddie, you don't have to sleep here -- there's plenty of room in my bed."

When he stood before me wearing only his boxers, he smiled and said, "Johnny, I like you more than any guy I've met in a long, long time...I feel a very strong attraction to you...I want to be naked with you in the worst way but not tonight...you're still half-drunk, and if the time comes that we sleep together, I want to know you're doing it not from liquor, but because you really want to be with me."

I took a deep breath; his words made my heart flutter; they had a soothing effect on my fragile psyche. He wasn't rejecting me, he was just being careful.

He kissed me on the cheek and lay down on the couch.

"Good night," he said softly.

"Good night," I said as I switched-off the light.

I quietly undressed in my bedroom then walked naked to the bathroom. I cleaned the dried cum from myself, brushed my teeth then turned out the light.

I stood in the darkness outside the bathroom door listening to the silence. I wanted to hear Eddie's rhythmic, sleep-induced breathing. I listened hard.

What I heard wasn't the sound of sleep, but rather the subtle shifting of sheet and bedspread then a soft, low moan. Next I heard the unmistakable sound of flesh-on-flesh; the flesh of his hand stroking the flesh of his cock. I knew that sound well.

He shouldn't have to do that himself, I thought.

I knew my apartment well, even in the dark, so I quietly made my way to the couch.

Moonlight crept thru a slightly parted window blind and I could see his shadowy form lying on the couch.

I went to my knees beside the couch and found his hand sliding up and down his cock. I pushed his hand away; he didn't say a word. When I took hold of his hard cock we both moaned.

HIS COCK FEELS WONDERFUL, I thought; so hot and stiff yet so smooth to the touch.

I slowly moved my hand up and down, marveling at its length and thickness. I loved the feel of it in my hand. My own prick became hard.

His cock throbbed and expanded in my hand. I could feel every vein and nuance of his flesh as my hand went faster.

I couldn't help myself and reached for my own prick. I found a steady rhythm and stroked his cock in sync with my own.

His cock was so hot and stiff my head became lost in a fog of passion and desire. I had never experienced anything as exciting as this. I couldn't wait to make him climax.

When his hips began squirming and grinding on the couch I felt the pressure in my own balls reach a crescendo. My hands moved faster and harder. He began thrusting his hips upward like he was fucking my hand. We were both getting very close to orgasm.

An idea suddenly overwhelmed me -- a thought so foreign to my nature I briefly wondered if I could go thru with it.

Abandoning my petty inhibitions, I moved my head and shoulders over his lower body and my open mouth found his cockhead.

My lips stretched wide, I took the entire glans inside my mouth. My tongue pressed flat against the slit enjoying the flavor of a man's pre-cum for the first time in my life. I didn't have long to savor the taste.

His upward thrusting forced more of his cock into my willing mouth then he cried out and the first salvo of cum filled my mouth. I briefly wondered what I should do but I obeyed my natural instincts and gulped down the mouthful of semen.

My own cock exploded with the best orgasm of my life but I concentrated on his pleasure, not mine. I lost count of the number of streams of cum that erupted from his cock.

My tongue was busy lapping at his slit and catching his juices. What I couldn't swallow leaked from the corners of my mouth.

When his body came to rest and his prick softened in my mouth, my tongue continued licking his cum.

I had never been so sexually satisfied in my life, and it wasn't about my climax, no, it was the fact I had given someone else so much pleasure.

My hand and lips and tongue had given another person a mind-shattering orgasm and the warmth and pride I felt was unlike anything I'd experienced in the past.

The soft sound of Eddie's voice broke my reverie.

"Johnny, lay with me...."

I climbed onto the couch, and lie on my side with my back to him. He pulled the bedspread over us.

The last thing I remembered before sleep overtook me was the feel of his strong hands holding me close to him; his damp cock and matted pubic hairs pressing against my naked buttocks.

I awoke abruptly, with a start, and briefly wondered where I was. When the cloud in my head cleared, I looked around and found myself alone on the couch.

My ears pricked up and listened for any sound in the apartment. Nothing. Eddie was gone.

I felt remarkably good considering all we had to drink the night before.

I padded to the kitchen, filled a cup with water and placed it in the microwave. I waited then emptied a spoonful of instant coffee into the cup and sat back down on the couch.

I sipped at the coffee and unashamedly thought of Eddie's long, hard cock: The feel of it in my hand; the softness and heat; the manly aroma and wonderful taste when I took it in my mouth.

The coffee softened the dried cum on my lips, and I used my tongue to taste him again.

The sound of my cell phone coming from the bedroom interrupted my thoughts. I set the cup down and found myself almost running to the phone.

I hoped it was Eddie calling -- I really, really wanted it to be Eddie.

My heart leapt with joy when I heard his voice.

"Good morning -- how are you feeling today," he asked in his rich baritone.