Education of a Jezebel Pt. 06: AP Classes


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"I'm going to go down on you," Kelley broadcast, she heard, "Sure," in return. When she was positioned, Kelley saw the orchid of Ashley's sex. Oh, she'd observed her own in a mirror when she was a girl, and more recently, after she'd had her first brazilian. But this was different! She identified each external feature of the flower, mentally using their latin variations: the pubis, the labia majora, labia minoras, the perenium. She found that, when in resting, Ashley's slit closed in on itself, Kelley stretched the skin apart, there it was, the extended, full duct of the clitoris, the introitus of the vagina. It was lovely, more attractive than she'd imagined.

She bent her head, for the first time she tasted another woman's juices. A bit tart, pungent, but not disagreeable. She touched her tongue to Ashley's button, sensed a tremble in her lover's body. As she herself liked it - for that was her instruction - she licked the tiny rod up and down, circled it with her tongue. She felt Ashley's hand on the crown of her head, Ashley vibrated her hips up and down, attempting to find the optimal friction. Kelley felt the other woman tense tightly, not longer than five or ten seconds, and then she heard a long hiss from Ashley's lungs, the body seemed like it deflated.

Kelley rose beside the woman. "Was it okay?"

"Just fine," Ashley complimented, "it was good." They kissed again, sealing the experience, and Ashley suggested, "Let's shower, then head into town for breakfast. Wear athletic shoes, we'll go for a hike in a park I know about.

In separate bathrooms the women cleansed themselves, hairdryers were run, magic formulas were applied to skin and face, forty-five minutes later Kelley met Ashley in the living room. "Ready?" Ashley asked, as if nothing had happened, as if the love making was a temporary phenomenon, forgotten in the morning light.

They found a cafe in the town, strong coffee, croissants, marmalade, a fruit cup. By that time, the shops were open, they bounced from one to the next for an hour or two, Kelley bought a new hat, Ashley found an antique chair that would compliment her den, the proprietor slipped it carefully into the back of the SUV.

It was six miles down tight roads with tiny shoulders to the park. They marched quickly from the parking lot through a meadow, down a wooded hill. Three quarters of a mile from the beginning, they happened upon a bluff, the river flowed three hundred feet below them. Sips of water followed the exercise, a bench held both of them. "Ashley, are you a lesbian?" Kelley asked.

"No! God, no! I like women, I like men a lot more. Women are good every once in awhile, guys are always good - unless they're bad!" They both laughed. "No, I'm bi. I went through the phase in college, you remember, and then I realized what I am. Don likes it when I play with a woman, even two, and he can watch and join in."

"Are the orgasms you get with them better?"

"I wouldn't say so. A little different, somehow. But a man who knows what he's doing and is willing to put in the time can bring me off a lot harder than any woman I've ever been with."

"And you've been with your share," Kelley joked.

"Yeah, my share," Ashley responded.

The conversation paused, then Kelley timorously questioned, "Was I any good?"

Ashley looked directly, deeply, into Kelley's eyes. "You were fine. Last night, I knew you wanted it, you didn't hide your lust very well. Was that hard for you?"

"A little bit. Everybody's always told me it's bad, I had to get over it, that's all."

"Yeah," Ashley continued. "I was a little surprised you wanted to take care of me this morning. And yeah, what you did was fine. I had a nice little come. It was good."

"But not great."

"Listen," Ashley told her, "if you want to get good, all it takes is practice. And if you want to practice with me, I'll cooperate. You know how sweet you are... Hey, the guys will be here in just an hour or so, we better get going."

Chapter 18

When they arrived at the house on the river, a car was waiting in the driveway, the boys were on the deck sipping beers. After kissing both of them, Ashley introduced Nick to Kelley. He was attractive indeed, and tall, over six feet, wavy hair, short beard and mustache. His handshake seemed sensitive.

"I stopped at that meat shop in Shawnee and got some great strips," Don announced as Kelley gifted him with a kiss on the cheek. Ashley got a rum and coke while Kelley settled for a bottle of water - although her headache was gone, she remembered how way too much wine the evening before had led her into some questionable behavior; not that she regretted it, exactly.

"You didn't turn the hot tub on," Don remarked, to which Ashley replied, "We didn't use it last night, figured it would give you something to gripe about." Of course, a loving smile was on her face.

Kelley found out Nick was a corporate lawyer, an alumnus of the State U, enjoyed tennis and history books. As the foursome chatted over appetizers, Kelley wondered about this dynamic. Here was Ashley's lover, a strong, handsome man, and her husband was joking with him as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Kelley felt she'd fallen down a rabbit hole.

As the sun declined behind the hill the temperature fell, Kelley went to the privacy of her room and changed into jeans, a t-shirt and took a sweater in case the wind blew. She helped Ashley chop lettuce for the salad, boiled water for the corn. The guys stayed out on the deck, grilling mushrooms and steak.

They ate inside that night - the breeze had indeed picked up - and when Nick poured her a glass of red wine she accepted it, her first alcohol of the evening. She told herself she wasn't going to get drunk, not again, who knew what would happen!

After the dishes were cleared, the fireplace was lit and Don produced a whiteboard on a tripod. "Who's in for Pictionary?" It was a game Kelley had played all her life, Ashley was fond of it, it turned out to be the guys versus the girls. The game went on for nearly an hour, some how Kelley guessed Ashley's attempt at 'scatter' to win, she refrained from a third glass of wine.

"Hot tub," Nick proposed, Ashley and Don enthusiastically agreed, Kelley considered her options. She'd like to soak in the warm water but she assumed the fashion would be nudity and she didn't want to expose herself to the gazes of Don and Nick. She could just go to bed, but she wasn't tired yet and she was enjoying the camaraderie - Ashley and Don were two of her very favorite people, Nick was pleasant. She was surprised that the evening had been relatively calm. Although a few looks had passed between Ashley and Nick, otherwise there wasn't much of a sex-crazed attitude.

She announced, "I'll join you guys in a few minutes," then headed upstairs. She gave them plenty of time to uncover the tub, undress and slip into the water. In her suitcase was her bikini, and when she put it on she was a little pissed that she'd packed the wrong one - the swimsuit she had was a three year old model, athletic looking bra that had strong straps and an ample bottom, but also had shrunk over the years. She searched through her luggage, no, the one she'd wanted to bring wasn't there. It was this one or nothing! She struggled to stretch the fabric and when she finally got the garment on, it pinched her breast, dug into the shoulders, there was a twinge in the groin. Again she considered going nude, but was rattled at the prospect.

When she joined the others on the deck, she was happy it was as dark as could be. Only one string of fairy lights on the far side from the tub were lit, it provided just enough illumination for walking, not nearly enough to see any sights. The threesome lolled in the water, just chatting, Kelley slipped into one side, there was plenty of space for her between Don and Ashley, feet bumped sporadically but casually.

"Hey," Don said, "settle this for us. Do Lutheran's believe in transubstantiation?"

"No, not really. We believe in a sacramental union."

"But you guys believe that the bread and wine is really and actually the body and blood of Christ, right? How is that different from what Catholics believe?"

Kelley was used to this kind of discussion, defending and explaining her Lutheran beliefs. She'd been in dozens of high school and college debates, although it had been a few years since she'd been challenged. This night the guys seemed actually interested in the subject, politely challenged her, especially Nick who had a habit of picking holes in her argument but never was flippant about it. The exchange stayed as cool as the water was warm, it moved into the definition of a sacrament, then a prognostication of what heaven and hell might be like. Eventually they went onto other matters.

Kelley continually tugged at her bra strap and bottom, it was beginning to get uncomfortable, but she refused to do away with the swimsuit for modesty's sake. When anyone sat on the side of the tub to cool off, Kelley sensed the nudity, but couldn't see it, it was much too dark. The half moon rose, Kelley got a good view of it in the eastern sky, close to the horizon.

"I want to go back to Sola Gratia," Don piped up.

"That does it for me," Ashley said, "I'm going to bed," and they heard her pad away into the house. Nick stuck around to hear the explanation that good works weren't needful for salvation, then he too left the jacuzzi, leaving Kelley alone with Don.

"This water is perfect," Don remarked, "it just matches with the chill in the air."

"Yes, you're right."

They silently floated in the tub, once again Kelley tried to rearrange her clothing. "Your suit is uncomfortable, isn't it?" Don said. "You've been picking at it all night."

"I packed the wrong one."

"Well, you see how dark it is out here, even if you took it off there's no way I'd be able to see anything. And I promise not to look."

Kelley thought for a couple of minutes, she and Don started to chat about a time he'd traveled to Shanghai on business, then she decided, 'what the hell', and peeled off her top, then her bottom. She trusted Don.

Moments later, from an open window above them, came a particular bird call, one Kelley hadn't heard the night before. It was clear Ashley was having an orgasm, almost certainly at the hands of her lover. It could have been a very embarrassing moment. In fact, it was, as Ashley's keen grew stronger and raucous.

"I don't understand," Kelley said.

"What's that," Don responded.

"How you can condone what's going on up there."

She heard a calm, gentle voice in return. "I suppose your Lutheran pastor told you adultery is wrong, and you consider what Ashley is doing adulterous."

"Yes, that's true."

"Are you judging us?"

"No," she denied, "it's up to the two of you to decide what's right and wrong for you. It just amazes me that you're so calm about it."

"Well, we don't think it's wrong. We both believe in God, maybe not exactly the way you do, but we know somebody made the world. But I personally believe that after He creates something, he gives it free will, and doesn't much care what happens after that. Some of the Founding Fathers thought that way, it's called Deism." Kelley had heard of that. "We also believe in what Jesus called the second commandment - 'Love one another.' Now what Nick and Ashley are doing up there is a form of Love. The fact that they're intimate with each other isn't hurting me in any way. I enjoy making love with Ashley, and she with me, but we both like making love with other people. When she's done with Nick, she'll be back to me. We haven't lost anything, certainly not trust in each other... that's about the best I can explain it."

"I guess I understand, a little. Yeah, God doesn't care that we mess around. I had a little problem at that when I was first intimate with K... Andrew. Then I realized it didn't matter."

"See! And, if both people are okay with it, it doesn't matter if they're married or not."

"I guess so. Ashley told me that Nick's not the only guy. Do you have other girls?"

"Not as often as I'd like," Don laughed. "Seriously, it's much easier for a girl as good looking as Ashley, or you for that matter, to find a guy then it is for a guy to find a girl. Sometimes we meet couples, Ashley has fun with the other husband, I try to give the wife a good time."

"I bet you're good at it," Kelley jested.

Don came back with, "Only one way you'll find out." The tone was capricious but still Kelley went quiet at that, it hit a little close to home. They could still hear moans and groans from both people on the floor above, the air was blue with the sounds, the thoughts of what was causing them.

Don became over warm, he splashed out of the tub to the side, Kelley was sure that his foot slapping against her knee was completely accidental. Yet, it caused a tingle of emotion in her. Dammit, she wanted what Ashley was getting!

"So, Ashley told me that the two of you wanted to swap with me and Luciano one night," she said, then realized she should have moved away from the subject of sex.

"Oh, that was only a fantasy, something we teased each other in bed with. We knew it would never happen. You were too strait laced, and I didn't think Ashley could really get into it with Luciano. Surely, you and Luciano had fantasies like that."

"Never. He married me because I was a good girl, and he actually threatened me once when he thought I was flirting with a guy."

"Are you happy you're divorced from him?"

"I don't think happy is a good word, there's nothing happy about it. But I guess I'm relieved it's over."

"Do you like being with other guys?"

"What has Ashley told you?"

"Nothing, except for that you and Andrew got close. She would never tell tales on you. But does Andrew float your boat?"

"Not really. And I think we're broken up. But there's another guy."

"Oh, really! Is he good for you?" Don slipped back into the water, on the other side of the pool from Kelley. In the process, their feet slipped together momentarily.

"I don't know if he's good for me," Kelley laughed, "but he sure gives me great orgasms!"

Their feet slipped against each other again, above them Ashley crooned. Yes, Kelley knew this was the ultimate of cliches, two naked people together in a hot tub. It didn't matter to her, she let her foot slip up Don's leg in invitation. 'If Ashley can have Nick,' she thought, 'and they have an open marriage, then why can't I have Don?'

Don sat up a bit, grabbed the foot, kneaded it for a moment, let his hand rise up as far as her knee, massaged her muscle. In response, she put her other foot on his lap, he caressed it as well.

"You know, you've always attracted me," Kelley said. "In a way, I sort of wish I'd have known about your fantasy to swap with me and Luciano, I might have tried to make it work somehow. But Luciano isn't here anymore, and Ashley's otherwise engaged... Why don't you scoot over here by me?" Don accepted the overture, standing to flip himself around. He was facing the fairy lights, her eyes were completely adjusted to the gloom, she barely made out his penis, drooping between his legs.

When his side was just inches from hers, she lightly touched his hip, turned towards him. As always, the first physical sign of attraction was the kiss. He licked both of her lips, their tongues met, suddenly their chests met as well, the firmness of his rib cage meeting the pliability of her bosom. She relished the clutch of her breast, she had to feel what his dick was like.

For a second, Don withdrew. "Listen, I just want to make sure of one thing. When this happens between friends, sometimes it gets confusing. I don't want our friendship to suffer."

Silently she answered, 'but it's already changed, you should have seen me and your wife last night!' But her voice said, "It's okay, we'll work it out, don't worry about it."

Under the surface, their necking went as expected. She explored the shape and size of his prick, finding that it was neither large nor small, it rose in her hand. He explored both of her globes, she rose out of the water slightly so he could arouse them with his mouth. He twiddled with her clit, she was enchanted when his finger rose in her past the second knuckle, teased her.

But something was missing. The warm water surrounding them was actually causing a barrier that annoyed her. "Listen," she said, "I'd rather be on a bed, if that's all right with you."

"I'm fine with that," he agreed, they climbed out, put the cover on the tub and used the towels to dry each other, kissing from time to time in the process. The light in the cottage was dim but Kelley could see all of Don's body, was sure he was looking her hide over as well. She thought of how Ashley had led her up these stairs, on her way to her doom, just the previous night, thought it was apt that tonight she was leading her husband along the same path. On the stairway, Don cupped her right cheek, she smiled back at him. The portal to Ashley's room was closed, no light showed under the door.

They entered her bedroom, she turned the covers down and the light on, she wanted to see what was going to happen to her. Again the two lovers caressed each other, tasted earlobes and nipples and fingers. She drew Don up, as she rested against the headboard she pulled the erection to her jaws, he gently thrust in and out of her lips, gaining strength. He pulled himself away from the joy of her mouth, he wanted to pleasure her.

At his urging she pulled herself up, over his face, lowered herself until he was able to contact her cleft with his tongue, as she squirmed he rubbed every inch of her skin, face and feet, thigh and arm, the cheeks of her rear, her belly and bosom. She looked down into his joyful eyes, he scraped her button with a tooth, she was over the edge. She nearly lost consciousness, some moments later she realized someone was screaming, oh, it was she herself.

He lowered her onto her back, tried to bring her to another orgasm with his mouth as he kneeled above in sixty-nine, she accepted the screwing of her mouth, considering that if it was what he desired, why not? But it was clear she wasn't going to be provoked by mouth again.

They laid together, an interlude, kissed and caressed, she found he was able to pull down on her nipples and incite them, so different from the way his wife had aroused them, but just as effective.

His fingers entered her honey pot, she wiggled until they had found the carnal spot, he rubbed it to nearly the point of eruption. Suddenly, she wanted more, begged, "I want you in me." She laid on her back, pulled his arm, it was only a moment until he was on top of her. She laid her arm between their stomachs, pointed the arrow, he thrust and slid inside.

There were more fervid positions, she knew, but for intimacy this was the best, when the man could cover her body, kiss her, and batter his ram. They twisted until she was almost on her side, her left knee over his torso and arm, so romantic! And something kindled her elation again, perhaps it was the way his pubic bone rubbed her clit, she groaned again, he pushed in and out of her and then, realizing that he had this woman, this friend, in the palm of his hand, he allowed his seed to enter her.

They didn't move for nearly twenty minutes, lost in a postcoitial haze of emotion, until she felt her arm grow numb.

"You okay?" he asked.

She smiled, letting him know she didn't regret one move they'd made in satisfying each other.

"I don't think you should sleep here," she pleaded, "I'd rather this didn't get out."

"It has to, sooner or later. Ashley and I don't keep things from each other. I'll keep it quiet until we get back to the city, but sooner or later I'll have to tell her."

"You both tell each other everything?"