Elaine on the Run Ch. 03

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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/12/2012
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Bruce and Bligh were in Caesar's Palace playing blackjack.‭ ‬Bruce had held steady with his‭ ‬$200‭ ‬for the past four hours,‭ ‬never getting too far ahead or too far behind.‭ ‬Bligh had fluctuated wildly,‭ ‬he had been up‭ ‬$5000‭ ‬at one point but was currently down‭ ‬$2000.‭ ‬They had been playing the part of drunk,‭ ‬foreign tourists and keeping an eye on the place.‭ ‬Bruce had watched Kristy parade Elaine around the casino last night,‭ ‬or early this morning,‭ ‬if you chose to look at it that way while Bligh rested.‭ ‬Elaine had even looked at him,‭ ‬but she did not know what he looked like,‭ ‬she had never seen their faces.‭ ‬Bruce reported back to Hunter,‭ ‬woke up Bligh,‭ ‬then waited around for Sam.

Roy's systems had tipped them off that Elaine was here.‭ ‬He might be out of action,‭ ‬but Roy left lots of programs running that tracked people‭; ‬specifically Elaine,‭ ‬Mark,‭ ‬Sam and J.J.‭ ‬Elaine had been located here and they came to check it out.‭ ‬When they saw her they called Hunter to ask if they should grab her.‭ ‬Much to their disappointment,‭ ‬they both fondly remembered their time on the mountain,‭ ‬Hunter said to wait and see if Sam was going to show up.‭ ‬So they waited,‭ ‬keeping an eye on Kristy and Elaine.

Bruce and Bligh had had a busy week or so since the massacre in Canada.‭ ‬They had stuck around in the area long enough to take care of the two thugs Mark had sent to kill Roy.‭ ‬Those two amateurs would not be reporting back.‭ ‬Roy was off to Seattle to recover,‭ ‬but he was still going to be out of action for a while yet.‭ ‬Next,‭ ‬they had paid a visit to Mark's ranch.‭ ‬Security was too tight to take him out,‭ ‬but they had ambushed a patrol and planted a few traps.‭ ‬They had done some creative destruction while there,‭ ‬too.‭ ‬Bruce had provided cover while Bligh had fire bombed a couple of Mark's airplanes then they had switched roles while Bruce burned a few of Mark's outbuildings.‭ ‬Judging from the smell coming from one,‭ ‬they had found Mark's marijuana storage.‭ ‬That should keep Mark penned in while they hunted down Sam.‭ ‬At some point,‭ ‬when they had Hunter with them,‭ ‬they would get in and finish off Mark.‭ ‬That was,‭ ‬of course,‭ ‬unless he finished them off first.

Elaine was hurrying through the casino towards the lobby.‭ ‬Bruce and Bligh finished their hands and discreetly followed her.‭ ‬She was alone and looked flustered.‭ ‬Bligh was a better texter so he quickly sent a message to Hunter explaining the situation and asking what they should do.‭ ‬The reply came back‭ "‬let her go.‭ ‬watxh‭ ‬4‭ ‬sam.‭" ‬It took Bligh a second to realize that Hunter meant‭ "‬watch‭"‬,‭ ‬he was still not that up on texting.

They watched Elaine get her Oldsmobile and leave.‭ ‬Both were disappointed,‭ ‬they had wanted another round with her,‭ ‬but orders were orders.‭ ‬A few minutes later,‭ ‬coming in through the same door in the opposite direction,‭ ‬was Sam,‭ ‬and he had that redhead Amanda with him.‭ ‬Bruce and Bligh exchanged a quick look with Amanda then she continued on to the elevators.


Kristy was in trouble and she knew it.‭ ‬She had just naturally assumed that Elaine would obey her,‭ ‬and that the slave would do anything Kristy told her to do.‭ ‬After she,‭ ‬Frank and John finished with Elaine,‭ ‬she had sent Elaine back to the room naked.‭ ‬That had seemed like a nice little bit of humiliation:‭ ‬send a recently fucked,‭ ‬nude woman running through the halls back to their room.‭ ‬Kristy had already made arrangements to sell Elaine to Sam,‭ ‬but how could Elaine know that‭? ‬It would have been great to watch Sam violate Elaine,‭ ‬to see him ram his big cock in her tight little body.‭ ‬Now,‭ ‬that was not going to happen.

Kristy had lingered with Frank and John.‭ ‬Frank rolled a joint and Kristy had happily smoked with them and had a drink or two.‭ ‬Maybe three,‭ ‬it was a little fuzzy at the moment.‭ ‬Kristy just assumed Elaine would be waiting for her back at the room,‭ ‬but when she got there,‭ ‬Elaine was gone.‭ ‬Not only was Elaine gone,‭ ‬but so was all of Elaine's stuff.‭ ‬Kristy felt the pit of her stomach drop when she saw the contents of her purse scattered on the bed and the valet ticket for the car gone.‭ ‬Elaine had escaped and Kristy had let her go.‭ ‬Now she was not going to get the reward from Sam,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬on top of that,‭ ‬she was going to have to deal with a pissed off Sam.

Kristy thought that maybe she could get out before Sam arrived here.‭ ‬This was Las Vegas,‭ ‬it should be easy to blend into the crowd until she could get on a bus or plane and get out of town.‭ ‬But Kristy was stoned and not thinking fast.‭ ‬By the time she had started to pack,‭ ‬there was a loud knock at the door.‭ ‬Kristy froze.‭ ‬It was Sam,‭ ‬there was no doubt about that,‭ ‬he knocked like a battering ram.‭ ‬Kristy did not know what to do,‭ ‬he was at the door.‭ ‬The only other way out was the balcony and there was no chance she was escaping that way.‭ ‬If only she had walked Elaine down here instead of sending her on her own she would not be in this mess.

Kristy took a deep breath.‭ ‬Sam knocked again,‭ ‬louder this time and Kristy walked to the door.‭ ‬She felt like she was walking to the gallows,‭ ‬that this would be the last meaningful walk in her life.‭ ‬She opened the door and looked up at Sam.‭ ‬Sam was in his early‭ ‬40s,‭ ‬maybe‭ ‬5‭'‬8‭" ‬tall and built like a bear.‭ ‬He had short,‭ ‬dark hair in a crew cut and abundant body hair below his shirt sleeves and poking out of his khaki button down shirt.‭ ‬He was scowling and that highlighted one scar in the middle of his forehead.‭ ‬Kirsty was stoned enough that she briefly lost herself staring at the scar and forgot was a mess she was in.

Sam saw the look on Kristy's face.‭ ‬He did not even have to ask,‭ ‬he already knew.

‭"‬You let her get away,‭" ‬he said.‭ ‬It was a statement,‭ ‬not a question.

He pushed his way past her into the room,‭ ‬Amanda followed behind with a slight,‭ ‬self-satisfied smile on her face.

‭"‬Shut the door,‭ ‬Amanda,‭" ‬Sam said with an exaggerated calm.‭ ‬He looked around the room,‭ ‬saw the handcuffs,‭ ‬dildo and lube.‭ "‬So instead of calling me immediately,‭ ‬you decided to have some fun first.‭ ‬And you let her get away.‭" ‬Sam was having a tough time keeping his cool‭ "‬Why the hell can't anyone keep a hold of this woman‭?" ‬he finally yelled.‭ ‬Kristy flinched back.‭

"Dunno,‭ ‬Sam,‭" ‬Amanda answered.‭ "‬She's pretty,‭ ‬but not that smart.‭" ‬It was a lie,‭ ‬Amanda knew Elaine was far more intelligent and clever than people credited her.‭

"Where do you think she's headed‭?" ‬Sam asked Amanda.‭

"Arizona.‭ ‬Back to her home turf,‭" ‬Amanda answered with certainty.‭

"Can you find her there‭?" ‬Sam was rather pointedly ignoring Kristy for the moment,‭ ‬but she knew there was no getting past him.‭

"I know where to look,‭" ‬Amanda assured him,‭ "‬I can find her.‭ ‬And keep her.‭" ‬She looked at Kristy when she said that.

Sam turned back to Kristy.‭ "‬I told you I was going to fuck someone when I got here,‭" ‬Sam said to the brunette.‭ "‬Since you screwed up and let Elaine go,‭ ‬it was going to be you.‭ ‬But there are other things afoot that may make you unnecessary,‭ ‬irrelevant to the big picture,‭ ‬even.‭ ‬Furthermore,‭ ‬since you have proven that we cannot trust you,‭ ‬I think it's time to change your life a little bit.‭" ‬He turned back to Amanda,‭ "‬do you have any slave contracts on you‭?"

Amanda grinned.‭ "‬Why,‭ ‬Sam,‭ ‬I believe I do have one in my bag.‭ ‬I try to keep one around just in case a nice opportunity arises.‭" ‬She reached into her bag,‭ ‬fumbled around a bit,‭ ‬and handed Sam a manilla envelope full of papers.

Kristy grew pale.‭ ‬She was not ready to become a slave.‭ "‬No,‭ ‬Sam,‭" ‬she blurted out.‭ "‬I'll let you fuck me,‭ ‬but I'm not going to be a slave.‭"

"Let me fuck you‭? ‬Let me‭? ‬Kristy,‭ ‬you are in deep,‭ ‬real fucking deep.‭ ‬I will do whatever I want to you and when I'm done you will sign the papers and you will become a slave,‭" ‬Sam said,‭ ‬looking the brunette up and down.‭ "‬I think you will make a nice reward for someone who might do us a nice favor.‭ ‬He'll love fucking you over and over and over.‭ ‬Otherwise,‭" ‬he smiled wickedly,‭ "‬we may have to discuss all the money you've been stealing from Mark's casino.‭ ‬We have a nice file on you,‭ ‬Kristy.‭ ‬I cannot believe you were stupid enough to put all this,‭" ‬he waved at the room,‭ "‬on your company credit card.‭ ‬It's been real easy to incriminate you.‭ ‬And this is not your first run-in with the law,‭ ‬either.‭ ‬You stole from a previous employer and got probation.‭ ‬You got caught for selling drugs and did‭ ‬30‭ ‬days.‭ ‬We won't even get into the armed robbery you got out of by testifying against your partner,‭ ‬but we'll make sure everyone knows where you're going.‭ ‬This is your third offense,‭ ‬you are looking at real time.‭"

"So I don't have a choice‭?" ‬Kristy asked.

‭"‬I could pretend you do,‭ ‬but you really don't,‭ " ‬Sam said with a bit of a frown.‭ ‬Honestly,‭ ‬he just wanted to be rid of Kristy.‭ ‬She could not be trusted,‭ ‬would steal as soon as his back was turned and generally would make things more difficult than they needed to be.‭ ‬She was trouble,‭ ‬but he might be able to make some use of her.‭ "‬Sign where Amanda shows you and initial where you're told.‭"

Kristy kept trying to think of a way out of this,‭ ‬some leverage she could use but realized she was out of options.‭ ‬She could offer Sam a blow job or sex,‭ ‬but that was only the beginning of what he wanted.‭ ‬She had no money,‭ ‬no Elaine to offer,‭ ‬no valuable information to sell.‭ ‬All she had left was her body and now Sam was going to take that.‭ ‬Shaking,‭ ‬she started to sign and initial as told.‭ ‬Amanda smiled the whole time and that enraged Kristy more than having to become a slave,‭ ‬she did not like being laughed at.‭ ‬Finally she had enough and snapped.

‭"‬You're just jealous because I got to fuck your pretty little girlfriend and you didn't,‭" ‬Kristy taunted Amanda.‭ "‬And I made her scream,‭ ‬too.‭"

Sam was quick and had fast reflexes,‭ ‬but even he was a little surprised when Amanda punched Kristy in the face.‭ ‬It was a quick,‭ ‬left hand jab that caught the brunette right beneath her eye.‭ ‬Sam had to admire the punch,‭ ‬Amanda had obviously done this before.

‭"‬Shut up,‭ ‬slave,‭" ‬Amanda said with mock cheerfulness.‭ "‬Don't ever sass a free woman again.‭ ‬I can make you obey and mind your manners and I would love for you to make me do it.‭"

Tears welled up in Kristy's eyes,‭ ‬but she held her tongue.

Sam smiled and began making a few calls.‭ ‬He could find some use for Kirsty,‭ ‬he knew someone who would take her and give up some valuable information,‭ ‬too.‭ ‬He could still salvage the situation.


After escaping from Kristy,‭ ‬Elaine had driven south towards Arizona.‭ ‬She topped off the gas tank in Boulder City and got a bag of mini-mart food then drove across the new bridge and into Arizona.‭ ‬She was trying to get as far away from Kristy and Sam as she could.‭ ‬Going along with Kristy had been okay,‭ ‬she had enjoyed the time in the casino and even being dominated and used sexually had satisfied a deep need in Elaine.‭ ‬Kristy had made her a deal:‭ ‬be my slave for a while and I'll let you go without calling Sam.‭ ‬Elaine's desire to cooperate had ended when she heard the message from Sam that he was coming to get her.‭ ‬Kristy had called him anyway,‭ ‬after that Elaine had no obligation to Kristy.

Elaine was a beautiful thirty year old woman.‭ ‬She stood about‭ ‬5‭'‬2‭" ‬tall with a slim build.‭ ‬Some would call it an Irish build with a flat stomach,‭ ‬small,‭ ‬firm breasts and long,‭ ‬slender legs.‭ ‬She had dark blonde hair that fell straight down to the middle of her back and a pretty face with full cheeks.‭ ‬Elaine had big,‭ ‬stunningly beautiful blue eyes that just seemed to draw your gaze and a glorious,‭ ‬shy smile.‭ ‬She had a wonderful body,‭ ‬silky thighs and shapely,‭ ‬if a bit thin,‭ ‬calves.‭ ‬She had finely sculpted shoulders and a neck that begged to be kissed and held.‭ ‬As if all this were not enough to make her desirable,‭ ‬she also possessed an exquisite ass,‭ ‬shapely and firm,‭ ‬that all men wanted.

It felt good to be back in Arizona.‭ ‬Elaine had lived here for the past four years until Roy had taken her away.‭ ‬She felt at home in Arizona and it was almost easy to forget she was being chased and think of all the pleasant times she had enjoyed here.‭ ‬Common sense dictated that she just hit I-40‭ ‬as soon as she could and put as much distance between her and everyone else as possible,‭ ‬and that was her initial plan.‭ ‬But Elaine's constant companion,‭ ‬fatigue,‭ ‬began to hit her almost as soon as she was in Arizona.‭ ‬The problem,‭ ‬Elaine realized‭ (‬besides the fact the‭ ‬1969‭ ‬Oldsmobile she was driving only had an am radio and there was nothing on to keep her interested‭) ‬was that she was spending a lot of her nights getting fucked instead of sleeping.‭ ‬Last night Kristy had kept her up until‭ ‬5am,‭ ‬then she got about four hours of sleep before her temporary mistress had woken her up to perform again.‭ ‬After that:‭ ‬some food,‭ ‬a quick nap then getting fucked by two more random guys Kristy had found and that had only ended a few hours ago.‭ ‬Elaine was tired and the coffee wasn't working this time.‭ ‬She found herself starting to nod off and realized a fatal accident was a possibility.

Ideally,‭ ‬she would just pull off the road and sleep for a while,‭ ‬but the Oldsmobile was a very distinctive car.‭ ‬It was easy to spot and this part of the state was a huge,‭ ‬open valley with no place to really hide.‭ ‬Maybe she could get a hotel room,‭ ‬but there was still the problem of the car.‭ ‬No,‭ ‬she needed to get away from the highway and somewhere the car could not be seen.‭ ‬Elaine vowed to ditch the Oldsmobile and get something generic at the first chance.‭ ‬She slapped her leg a few times,‭ ‬it was an old trick she had used on many road trip to keep herself awake for a little longer,‭ ‬and turned off the main road towards a little town in the middle of nowhere.

Back when she and Amanda had been together,‭ ‬Amanda had worked part of a river trip though the Grand Canyon.‭ ‬Elaine had met her at Pearce Ferry where the rafts took out of the river.‭ ‬They had found a spot in the Joshua trees and spent the next day fucking like rabbits.‭ ‬Elaine thought she would be able to find that spot,‭ ‬it was hidden and not too far from the road she was on.‭ ‬Thirty miles off the highway,‭ ‬Elaine found it.‭ ‬She turned off the car,‭ ‬threw a sleeping pad and bag on the ground and fell quickly asleep.

Elaine awoke in the early sunlight feeling pretty decent for a change.‭ ‬She was sore from what Kristy had done,‭ ‬and had done,‭ ‬to her,‭ ‬but she felt better knowing she had escaped.‭ ‬She started coffee and took off her clothes,‭ ‬just for the joy of being naked in the desert morning.‭ ‬A rabbit looked at her,‭ ‬wiggled his nose then scurried back into the bushes and a raven circled her camp looking for an easy snack.‭ ‬Elaine took a deep breath,‭ ‬it was a lovely morning.

She decided to check her phone and turned it back on.‭ ‬She was not sure if she'd get reception,‭ ‬but thought it was worth a try.‭ ‬Her plan for today was to get on I-40‭ ‬and head east as fast as she could,‭ ‬get away from Arizona and Nevada and to Indiana.

Elaine was shocked when she checked her phone.‭ ‬First,‭ ‬she had reception,‭ ‬which was kind of surprising out here in the middle of the nowhere.‭ ‬Second she had messages,‭ ‬two of them.‭ ‬The first one was a picture.‭ ‬Elaine opened it up and her heart nearly stopped.‭ ‬It was one of those pictures taken with the phone at arm's length.‭ ‬There were two people in the picture,‭ ‬the first was Mark with an evil smile on his face.‭ ‬The other was Roy.‭ ‬He was in a hospital bed,‭ ‬not looking very good.‭ ‬Elaine could see thick bandages on one of his shoulders.‭ ‬Mark was with Roy and Roy was obviously in no condition to put up a fight.‭ ‬The second message was a text that simply said‭ "‬call now.‭"

Elaine felt fear strike her core.‭ ‬All she could think was that Mark had Roy.‭ ‬She had escaped this far and Mark had Roy.‭ ‬Elaine tried to calm herself,‭ ‬she took a few breaths and noticed that the coffee was boiling.‭ ‬She turned it off and counted to one hundred,‭ ‬but it did nothing to calm her.‭ ‬Her owner was in trouble and Mark wanted to talk to her.

Her hands were trembling and she could barely hit the send button,‭ ‬but she did.‭ ‬She heard the phone ring then it answered.

‭"‬Good morning,‭ ‬Elaine,‭" ‬Mark's voice said.‭ "‬I hope things are as lovely where you are as they are here in Seattle with Roy and me.‭"

Elaine could not say anything for a second then managed to ask‭ "‬what have you done to Roy‭?"

"Me‭? ‬Nothing.‭ ‬Yet,‭" ‬Elaine could hear the self satisfaction in his voice.‭ "‬We have managed to negotiate a‭ ‬48‭ ‬hour cease fire between Roy's side and mine.‭ ‬Bruce and Bligh have been doing a number on my crew and ranch and Hunter's probably a little closer to getting Sam than we realize.‭ ‬Basically,‭ ‬you guys are winning.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬that has all changed.‭ ‬Why don't I let someone else explain it all to you.‭"

There was a pause then Elaine heard the weak voice of Roy say‭ "‬hello,‭ ‬slave.‭"

A sea of emotions flooded Elaine.‭ ‬She was overjoyed to hear his voice,‭ ‬but knew he was in trouble.‭ ‬All of the events of the past few days hit her and she began to cry.‭ "‬Hello,‭ ‬Master,‭" ‬she managed to say.‭ "‬Are you okay‭?"

There was a weak laugh on the other end.‭ "‬Well,‭ ‬not really.‭ ‬It's been a bad week or so.‭ ‬I've been shot and now I'm staring down the barrel of Mark's gun.‭ ‬Things have been better.‭ ‬Right now Mark is in a position to kill me.‭ ‬That's the bad news.‭ ‬The good news is that if he does,‭ ‬Bruce,‭ ‬Bligh and Hunter are going to blow up,‭ ‬burn down or kill everything Mark has of value.‭ ‬And Mark knows that,‭ ‬don't you Mark‭?"

Elaine heard Mark agree in the background.

‭"‬So we have to recognize the current reality that we are both in a position to do each other great harm.‭ ‬We have reached an understanding for the moment and it involves you,‭ ‬slave,‭" ‬Roy explained.‭ ‬He was weak,‭ ‬but she could still hear the cleverness and mastery of the situation in his voice.‭ ‬Things were not going well,‭ ‬but he had adapted to them.

‭"‬Yes,‭ ‬Master,‭" ‬Elaine said.

‭"‬We have agreed to a ceasefire,‭ ‬as Mark just told you.‭ ‬One of the conditions of the cease fire is that you go with Sam.‭" ‬Elaine felt the pit of her stomach drop.‭ ‬Sam was going to get her after all.‭ "‬Are you there,‭ ‬slave‭?"

"Yes,‭ ‬Master,‭" ‬Elaine softly answered.

‭"‬This is a loan.‭ ‬You are still my property,‭ ‬but I am ordering you to go with Sam and obey him until I get you back.‭ ‬Do you understand,‭ ‬slave‭?"

"Yes,‭ ‬Master.‭"

"You will be a good slave until I get you back,‭" ‬Roy ordered her.

‭"‬Yes,‭ ‬Master,‭" ‬Elaine answered.‭ "‬I will, Master.‭"

"All my earlier commands still apply,‭ ‬obey them as the situation allows,‭" ‬Roy continued.‭ ‬Elaine knew that he meant the package but was not going to say anything obvious in front of Mark.

‭"‬Master,‭ ‬can you trust Mark‭?" ‬Elaine asked.‭ ‬If she was going to be taken by Sam she wanted to believe it would do some good.

‭"‬I trust the situation,‭" ‬Roy answered.‭ "‬Now,‭ ‬be a good slave and do as you are told.‭ ‬We need to keep Sam calm and out of the way for a while.‭"

"Yes,‭ ‬Master,‭" ‬Elaine said then quickly added,‭ "‬I love you,‭ ‬Master.‭"

"I know,‭ ‬Elaine.‭ ‬Here's Mark to explain the nuts and bolts of how this is going to work,‭" ‬Roy said.

‭"‬Good choice,‭ ‬slave,‭" ‬Mark complimented her when he took the phone.‭ "‬Here's what's going to happen next.‭ ‬I'll call Hunter,‭ ‬let him know that cease fire's on.‭ ‬He's going to tell Sam where you are then Sam will come by and pick you up.‭ ‬Stay where you are.‭ ‬Once I get a message from Sam that you two are safely away,‭ ‬I'll leave Roy and head to parts unknown.‭ ‬If I don't hear from Sam that he has you within the next eight hours,‭ ‬I kill your master.‭ ‬Then,‭ ‬48‭ ‬hours after Sam gets you,‭ ‬everyone goes back to trying to kill each other.‭ ‬Got it‭?"