Elaine on the Run Ch. 04


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Dale went down with one punch.‭ ‬Daryl was stunned that Sam had knocked out Dale and was unprepared for when Sam punched him hard in the stomach‭; ‬he dropped to the ground.‭ ‬Stevie stared wide eyed in amazement right until a quick combination from Sam broke his nose.

Sam felt better after that.‭ ‬Sex and beating some men up,‭ ‬this was a good day.‭ ‬Mark applauded from the doorway.

‭"‬Didn't your mother teach you to share your toys‭?" ‬Mark asked mockingly.

Sam gave his friend a handshake and warm smile that faded quickly when he saw who was with Mark.‭ ‬It was Sergei.‭ ‬Sam had dealt with Sergei before and each time he had,‭ ‬Sam felt like he needed a long shower when he was done.‭ ‬Sergei was a very unpleasant looking man.‭ ‬He was tall,‭ ‬easily‭ ‬6‭'‬6‭" ‬and rail thin,‭ ‬but Sam knew his wiry body was strong.‭ ‬He was pale,‭ ‬pasty and cadaverous looking‭; ‬his dead eyes were seeking but seldom showed any emotion.‭ ‬His cheeks were hollow and his eyes sunken,‭ ‬his white hair was short and thinning.‭ ‬His very presence offended Sam and sent chills down his spine.‭ ‬Sergei was a slave buyer and the slaves he bought wound up in snuff films.‭ ‬By the time Sergei was done with them,‭ ‬the slaves he bought were all dead.‭ ‬The man seemed to be the embodiment of painful death.

‭"‬Sergei is going to take Elaine away for safekeeping for a few days,‭" ‬Mark explained to Sam.‭ "‬Until we have Hunter and Roy neutralized.‭" ‬Mark knew his friend well enough to see that this was going to get ugly.‭ ‬He had to have Elaine out of the picture if there was to be any chance of a settlement with Roy.

Sam exploded in rage.‭ "‬Safekeeping‭?" ‬he yelled at Mark,‭ "‬you know damn well that no one goes to Sergei for safekeeping‭! ‬No slave comes back alive.‭" ‬He was angry at Mark for trying to take Elaine away from him,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬more than that,‭ ‬angry that Mark would lie to him so blatantly.‭ ‬Sam knew what Sergei did,‭ ‬he had been with Mark on most of their deals with him‭; ‬Mark was lying and he knew that Sam knew he was lying.

‭"‬I've reached an agreement with Sergei,‭" ‬Mark said firmly.‭ "‬You will do as your told,‭ ‬Sam.‭ ‬She leaves with Sergei in the morning.‭"

Sam argued,‭ ‬but Mark was firm.‭ ‬Elaine was going with Sergei and Sam was going to obey.‭ ‬Sam was going to fight it more,‭ ‬but he saw Dean and Daryl inching towards the gun rack.‭ ‬Sam was not going to shoot it out inside here and that's where this was leading‭; ‬if he was dead,‭ ‬there would be no one to protect Elaine and keeping Elaine from Sergei was suddenly Sam's top priority.

‭"‬Fine,‭" ‬Sam conceded.‭ "‬Elaine can go with him in the morning.‭ ‬But I want her back when this is over.‭"

"No problem,‭" ‬Mark lied and smiled.‭ "‬We'll call Sergei and he'll deliver her back when this is done.‭ ‬Right,‭ ‬Sergei‭?"

Sergei smiled.‭ ‬The sight of the cadaverous ghoul smiling with his stained teeth sent a chill down Sam's spine.‭ "‬Of course.‭ ‬I'll take good care of her.‭"

"I think you need to share your toy,‭ ‬too,‭" ‬Mark chided.‭ "‬I know I'd like to have some fun with her and I think these boys deserve some fun,‭ ‬too.‭"

"In the morning,‭" ‬Sam said firmly.

Mark stared at him,‭ ‬but decided to let it pass.‭ "‬Of course,‭" ‬he said,‭ "‬I'm sure that a full day of getting fucked by you would wear any woman out.‭ ‬In the morning,‭ ‬before Sergei takes her,‭ ‬we'll all get to have a turn or two with her.‭"

There was nervous silence for the rest of the night.‭ ‬Dinner was over quickly and everyone retired to bed.‭ ‬As soon as Sam was sure they were asleep,‭ ‬he crept down and carried Elaine out.‭ ‬He was not going to let Sergei have her‭; ‬he was not going to let her be raped,‭ ‬tortured and killed on video.‭ ‬Not her.

The big diesel in Sam's truck was loud,‭ ‬so he had put in it neutral and coasted downhill until he was safely away from the house then started it up.‭ ‬His first thought was to take her back to the Oldsmobile,‭ ‬but he did not think she was in any shape to take care of herself.‭ ‬He thought about calling Hunter,‭ ‬but wanted someone who might give her back and who would not think about killing him.‭ ‬He called Amanda.‭ ‬He suspected that she was feeding information to Roy,‭ ‬but he knew that she would take good care of Elaine.

The drop off took place at the Oldsmobile.‭ ‬Amanda knew exactly where the spot was and was there before Sam.‭ ‬Amanda was not too pleased with the shape Elaine was in,‭ ‬but after Sam had explained everything she agreed to look after Elaine.‭ ‬She made no promises about returning Elaine,‭ ‬but she said she would not give her to Mark or Roy.

It was dawn when Sam made it back to the cabin after dropping off Elaine.‭ ‬He was tired and pissed off.‭ ‬He hated everyone in that cabin and seriously considered walking in with guns blazing and shooting them all.‭ ‬But he felt that he owed Mark something for all their years together,‭ ‬and Hunter would probably shoot him as well as Mark.‭ ‬For better or worse,‭ ‬they were in this together.‭ ‬Right now,‭ ‬it looked worse.‭ ‬If only Mark had let him go to Canada,‭ ‬this would have never gotten this bad.‭ ‬He would have finished them all off there.‭ ‬That was Mark's problem,‭ ‬he cut corners when he shouldn't.‭ ‬Had he gone all in for the ambush in Canada,‭ ‬all this would be over now and they would be fine.‭ ‬But Mark had sent in a second rate crew and just fucked things up.‭ ‬Sam was seething.

Mark and Sergei were waiting for him outside when Sam pulled up.

‭"‬Where the hell is she‭?" ‬Mark screamed at Sam when he got out of the truck.‭ ‬Sergei stood to the side with a frown on his pale face.

‭"‬Safe,‭" ‬Sam responded.‭ ‬He was barely controlling his temper.

‭"‬He was going to keep her safe‭!" ‬Mark yelled and pointed at Sergei.‭ "‬Now,‭ ‬where is she‭?"

"Don't fucking lie to me,‭ ‬Mark,‭" ‬Sam said wearily.‭ "‬You know damn well that if he got her,‭ ‬she was never coming back alive.‭ ‬Now,‭ ‬she's somewhere you can't find her.‭"

"I'll find her,‭" ‬Sergei said with another of his chilling smiles.

That was too much for Sam.‭ ‬He was not going to do anything to Mark,‭ ‬yet,‭ ‬but Sergei was a different story.‭ ‬Without a second thought,‭ ‬Sam drew his pistol and shot Sergei between the eyes.‭ ‬The gunshot rolled across the still dawn,‭ ‬and Sergei fell to the ground in a puddle of blood that poured from the back of his head.‭ ‬Sam put the gun away.

‭"‬Enough,‭" ‬he said simply.‭ "‬Elaine is gone.‭ ‬Sergei is dead.‭ ‬In a few hours our ceasefire ends.‭ ‬You are not going to be able to make a deal.‭ ‬You never were going to be able to make a deal.‭ ‬Roy,‭ ‬and especially Hunter,‭ ‬was not going to make a deal with you.‭ ‬You're losing your edge if you thought that was possible.‭ ‬The only way out of this is to get them before they get us.‭ ‬Now,‭ ‬stop all this shit and let's get ready.‭"

Mark calmed himself.‭ ‬All his plans were falling apart.‭ ‬He thought if he got Elaine out of the picture he might be able to get a truce with Roy.‭ ‬It was a long shot,‭ ‬he knew,‭ ‬but it might have been possible.‭ ‬Now there was no choice but to either surrender,‭ ‬and face an Association sanctioned executioner,‭ ‬or fight it out.‭ ‬And if he was going to fight it out he needed Sam,‭ ‬he was the only man he had who might be a match for Hunter.

Dean,‭ ‬Daryl and Stevie rushed out of the house when they heard the gunshot.‭ ‬They saw Sergei on the ground and Sam and Mark in a face-off.‭ ‬Sam thought about things for a moment more then turned to the three men.‭ "‬Get your shovels and bury Sergei,‭" ‬he told them.‭ "‬Deep,‭ ‬we don't want a coyote digging him up.‭ ‬Then get ready,‭ ‬in a few hours we start shooting again.‭" ‬He turned back to Sam.‭ "‬His people are going to come looking for Sergei,‭ ‬you know.‭ ‬You're on your own for that one.‭"

"After this,‭ ‬I'm on my own,‭ ‬period,‭" ‬Sam answered.‭ "‬Let's finish this fight,‭ ‬then we'll worry about the next one.‭"


Hunter knocked on the door of the camper.‭ ‬He was in the forests of Northern Arizona,‭ ‬a few miles outside of the Grand Canyon.‭ ‬Ponderosa pines and sagebrush added a fragrance to the air,‭ ‬Hunter took a deep breath and felt better for a second.‭ ‬The door of the camper opened and a tall man looked down at Hunter.‭ ‬He smiled.

‭"‬Come on in,‭ ‬Hunter,‭" ‬he said.

‭"‬Nice to see you,‭ ‬Bill,‭ ‬glad you could help on short notice,‭" ‬Hunter said warmly and stepped in.

The camper was not a typical RV.‭ ‬Hunter knew generally that all of the electronic gear packed into it was worth far more than the RV itself and the RV was not cheap.‭ ‬There were rows of laptops and desktops,‭ ‬monitors everywhere,‭ ‬wires bundles seemingly at random.‭ ‬To Hunter's eye it was chaos,‭ ‬but to the one man who needed to understand it all it made perfect sense.

Roy stood and gave Hunter a hug.‭ ‬Hunter was careful of Roy's wounded shoulder,‭ ‬but was genuinely happy to see his young friend.

‭"‬How are you‭?" ‬Hunter asked and looked Roy up and down.‭ ‬Roy was thinner and paler than the last time Hunter had seen him,‭ ‬but Roy had been shot through the left shoulder and fought off a nasty infection.‭ ‬He would not be full strength for a while yet,‭ ‬but as long as his mind was clear they would be okay.

‭"‬Fine and dandy,‭ ‬Hunter,‭" ‬Roy answered with a self mocking smile,‭ "‬Fine and dandy.‭ ‬I still get tired a lot,‭ ‬but I'm getting stuff done.‭ ‬I know Mark's called in Sergei.‭ ‬We need to take care of him before he gets away with Elaine.‭"

Hunter smiled.‭ "‬Don't worry about Sergei.‭ ‬Sam has already taken care of him for us.‭"

Roy looked puzzled.

‭"‬Bligh has been staking out the ranch,‭" ‬Hunter started to explain.

‭"‬In Elko‭?" ‬Roy asked.

‭"‬Nope,‭ ‬the Bar X ranch.‭ ‬Sam's place.‭ ‬Mark and Sam are about twenty miles from us.‭ ‬Bligh's been watching.‭ ‬Sam took Elaine out to the creek yesterday and spent the day with her,‭" ‬Hunter did not elaborate and did not need to.‭ ‬Both Roy and Hunter knew what Sam would do with Elaine.‭ "‬He brought her back to the cabin.‭ ‬Mark and Sergei were there.‭ ‬Bligh's not sure what happened next,‭ ‬but at about‭ ‬2am Sam carried Elaine out and took off like a bat out of hell.‭ ‬He returned around sunrise,‭ ‬had it out with Mark and shot Sergei.‭"

"Sam shot Sergei‭?" ‬Roy asked incredulously.

‭"‬One shot,‭ ‬right between the eyes.‭ ‬The old ghoul is dead,‭" ‬Hunter was smiling.

‭"‬Isn't it nice when our enemies take care of our dirty work for us‭?" ‬Roy grinned.

‭"‬It sure is,‭" ‬Hunter agreed.‭ "‬What do you have‭?"

"Mark and Sam are pretty low tech.‭ ‬The bad news is that they do not have a lot of stuff to hack.‭ ‬The good news is that what they do have is not very well protected.‭ ‬I just got into the On-star on Sam's truck.‭ ‬I can do a lot with that.‭ ‬I'm into their phones.‭ ‬Mark's called in reinforcement.‭ ‬He's got twenty more men on the way.‭"

"We're going to need more men,‭" ‬Hunter sighed.‭ "‬This is going to mean a lot more dead bodies.‭"

"Let's just try not to set another forest fire,‭" ‬Roy said wearily.

‭"‬Hey,‭ ‬you're the one who set the bombs,‭" ‬Hunter pointed out.

‭"‬Touche‭'‬,‭" ‬Roy replied.‭ "‬Is there a way we can do this without killing them all‭?"

"Take out Mark and Sam,‭" ‬Hunter answered.‭ "‬Get rid of them and I doubt the rest will want to put up a fight.‭"

"Well,‭ ‬let's see what we can do,‭" ‬Roy said.‭ "‬Do we know where he took Elaine‭?"

"No idea.‭" ‬Hunter answered.

‭"‬Well,‭ ‬the Oldsmobile is on the move,‭ ‬headed east.‭ ‬Maybe she's there.‭ ‬She's not answering her phone,‭ ‬though,‭" ‬Roy added,‭ ‬even wearier.

‭"‬Don't worry,‭" ‬Hunter said and put a hand on Roy's good shoulder,‭ "‬we'll get her back.‭"


Elaine smelled coffee.‭ ‬She stirred,‭ ‬she was alone again.‭ ‬Had Amanda just been a dream‭?

"Good morning,‭ ‬Laney,‭" ‬she heard a voice say.‭ ‬Elaine knew it was Amanda,‭ ‬only Amanda had ever called her Laney.‭ ‬Elaine rolled over.‭ ‬She was in the desert,‭ ‬she knew the spot,‭ ‬too.‭ ‬She turned her head slightly and there was Amanda's Toyota parked next to the Oldsmobile.‭ ‬How did Amanda get here‭? ‬More to the point,‭ ‬Elaine wondered,‭ ‬how did she get here.

The coffee smelled good so Elaine crawled out from under the blanket and realized she was wearing only her collar.‭ ‬She certainly looked worse for wear.‭ ‬There was dried cum on her ass and legs‭; ‬scratches all over her‭; ‬welts from Sam's belt on her butt‭; ‬hand print bruises on her shoulders,‭ ‬hips and thighs‭; ‬bite marks on her neck and dark bruises around her wrists from being tied up with the remains of her dress.

Amanda gave Elaine a look that she would explain everything when Elaine was ready,‭ ‬but in the meantime,‭ ‬relax and have coffee.‭ ‬Elaine smiled‭; ‬the two of them had spent enough time together that Elaine could read that much into one look from her former roommate and lover.‭ ‬For the first time in a while,‭ ‬Elaine actually felt safe for the moment.‭ ‬Amanda poured Elaine a cup and added some creamer to it.‭ ‬Amanda had tried to get Elaine to have her coffee black,‭ ‬just for the simplicity of it,‭ ‬but Elaine had refused to give on that point.

Elaine sipped her coffee.‭ ‬Somehow,‭ ‬the thought of taking off her collar never occurred to her.‭ ‬She had grown used to the feel of it,‭ ‬the subtle reminder that she was owned.

‭"‬You look good in a collar,‭ ‬Laney,‭" ‬Amanda said as if reading her mind.‭ "‬It suits you well.‭ ‬The rest of you looks a little worse for wear,‭ ‬though.‭"

Elaine snorted into her coffee.‭ "‬That's what happens when you spend a day and a half getting fucked by Sam.‭"

Amanda smiled.‭ "‬Yeah.‭ ‬I never had to do him more than once a day,‭ ‬and he wasn't that rough with me.‭ ‬I think he was always thinking of you when he was fucking me.‭ ‬Kind of hard on a girl's ego to know that when you've got his cock in your mouth he's thinking of someone else.‭"

Elaine glared at Amanda.‭ ‬If her ego was the only thing Sam was hard on,‭ ‬then Elaine thought Amanda had it pretty good.‭ ‬She shifted a bit to relieve some of the discomfort from her pussy,‭ ‬but that only made her ass ache more.

‭"‬Are you still working for them‭?" ‬Elaine asked.‭ ‬Both of them knew that‭ "‬them‭" ‬meant Mark and Sam.

‭"‬I'm kind of working for myself,‭" ‬Amanda said with a self satisfied smirk.‭ "‬Mark still owns my debt,‭ ‬but if something happens to him,‭ ‬I'm in the clear.‭ ‬Of course,‭ ‬if he finds out I haven't been completely loyal then I'm in deeper trouble.‭"

"Who do you think is going to win‭?" ‬Elaine asked.

‭"‬My money would be on Roy,‭" ‬Amanda said firmly,‭ "‬and I'm doing what I can to tip the scales that way.‭ ‬But Mark is getting desperate and when he's desperate he could do anything and something truly stupid and outrageous just might work.‭ ‬It also might kill a bunch of people and start a war with Canada,‭ ‬but who knows‭?"

Amanda offered Elaine some fruit and the slave gratefully took it.‭ ‬She had not had much to eat since breakfast yesterday.

‭"‬Are you ready for me to tell you why you are here‭?" ‬Amanda asked.

Elaine,‭ ‬chewing her apple,‭ ‬nodded.

‭"‬Sam called me last night,‭" ‬Amanda began.‭ "‬Mark was doing something that offended even Sam,‭ ‬and it takes a lot to offend Sam.‭ ‬Mark's been trading slaves for drugs.‭ ‬Some outfit in Canada has access to really,‭ ‬really good marijuana,‭" ‬Amanda smiled.‭ "‬Sam trades them slaves for it.‭ ‬Once the slaves are out of the country,‭ ‬it is hard to keep track of them.‭ ‬That's why the Association specifically forbids it without a shit ton of paperwork.‭ ‬One of the guys who takes the slaves is named Sergei.‭ ‬Sergei is a procurer for snuff films.‭"

"What's a snuff film‭?" ‬Elaine interrupted.

‭"‬Something you were going to star in,‭" ‬Amanda explained.‭ "‬They make movies.‭ ‬The woman in it gets raped and tortured while they film.‭" ‬Elaine grew paler as Amanda talked.‭ "‬At the end,‭ ‬they kill her.‭ ‬Some guys get off on that sort of thing.‭ ‬Mark said he was going to give you to Sergei for‭ '‬safekeeping‭'‬,‭ ‬but Sam knew that you would have ended up in one of those films.‭ ‬Instead,‭ ‬he sneaked you out in the middle of the night and called me to take care of you.‭"

Elaine had stopped eating.‭ "‬You mean,‭ ‬Sam saved my life‭?"

Amanda nodded.‭ "‬More than that.‭ ‬What they would have done to you before they killed you would have made anything Sam did to you seem pleasant.‭ ‬I've seen one or two of the films,‭ ‬I would not wish what they do to those women on my worst enemy.‭"

Elaine sat in silence for a few minutes trying to digest it all.‭ ‬She had a hard time grasping that Sam,‭ ‬the man who had spent the previous day violating her every way he could,‭ ‬had actually saved her life.‭ ‬That he had protected her,‭ ‬that she was alive now because he had chosen to defy his boss.

Amanda started straightening up the camp.‭ ‬There was not a lot to do,‭ ‬they had not got much stuff out.‭ ‬She tossed Elaine some painkillers and Elaine gratefully swallowed two of them.‭ ‬Amanda knew that they were not going anywhere for a while‭; ‬Elaine needed some recovery time,‭ ‬so she strung up a tarp for shade then sat down beside her friend.

They sat in silence for a few minutes then Amanda helped Elaine up to go to the bathroom,‭ ‬brush her teeth,‭ ‬and get cleaned up.‭ ‬There were no showers here,‭ ‬just lukewarm water,‭ ‬but Elaine was grateful to be cleaned.‭ ‬Her legs were still wobbly and she needed some assistance,‭ ‬but felt much better afterward.‭ ‬She also remembered what Amanda's hands felt like on her body,‭ ‬the strong touch that had pleased her for so many nights.‭ ‬Looking at Amanda,‭ ‬she could tell the redhead was having similar memories and was enjoying this more than a simple sponge bath.

Elaine closed her eyes for a second and enjoyed Amanda's touch,‭ ‬she had longed for the redhead ever since Amanda had left her more than a year ago.‭ ‬When she had been forced to please Kristy and Anna,‭ ‬she had wanted to be eating Amanda's pussy.‭ ‬But now that she was here,‭ ‬all Elaine wanted to do was rest.‭ ‬Maybe later she would have the energy.

‭"‬Run away with me,‭ ‬Laney,‭" ‬Amanda pleaded,‭ "‬I love you.‭"

"I can't,‭" ‬Elaine answered,‭ ‬her eyes opened and her thoughts changed

‭"‬Why not‭?"

"Because you asked.‭" ‬If Amanda had tied her up and thrown her in the truck,‭ ‬Elaine would have gone happily,‭ ‬but she was a slave and did not want to be asked,‭ ‬she wanted to be ordered.‭ ‬Amanda had done so much to bring Elaine into this world of submission and slavery and now the redhead was discarding all of that,‭ ‬Elaine wanted a master/mistress,‭ ‬not a partner.‭ ‬Elaine realized that she had outgrown Amanda.

Amanda sighed and helped Elaine back to the blankets.‭ ‬They ate some sandwiches and slept away the day in each others arms.

It was night when Elaine made her getaway.‭ ‬She felt much better,‭ ‬a day of rest had done wonders.‭ ‬She was still sore and walked gingerly,‭ ‬but she was functional.‭ ‬Amanda was still asleep in their blankets and Elaine was careful not to wake her.‭ ‬Elaine quietly dressed,‭ ‬got into the Oldsmobile,‭ ‬fired up the V-8‭ ‬and drove away.

Once on the road,‭ ‬Elaine headed due east.‭ ‬She was on the Interstate and did not stop until she was well into New Mexico.‭ ‬She got a cheap motel room,‭ ‬slept for another ten hours and took a long bath then was on the road again.‭ ‬The Great Plains went by in a green blur.‭ ‬One more rest time in Illinois and she pulled into Monon,‭ ‬Indiana in the morning.

Monon was a small town on a railroad surrounded by cornfields with the occasional soybean field to break up the monotony.‭ ‬She found a local map and headed out of town to the address Roy had given her.‭ ‬It was late summer and the corn was high,‭ ‬higher than the car she was in.‭ ‬It was like driving through green canyons.