Element of Surprise

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Deanna tells Gary that she wants to spice up their love life.
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Gary woke up to the feeling of his cell phone vibrating on his belt. Even though he had set the alarm on his phone to do this, the jolting sensation disoriented him anyway. After a moment, he came to recognize his surroundings.

He shook his head and looked around. He guessed that he shouldn't be too surprised that he actually fell asleep in the recliner. Judging by the fact that the TV was off and the lights were turned out, he figured that Deanna had tried to wake him up, but ended up going to bed alone. He knew that he wanted to pretend to be asleep, but he could only vaguely remember Deanna telling him to go to bed.

Whenever he actually fell asleep, the net result was what he had hoped: his wife was upstairs and he was downstairs. Judging by the time, she would hopefully be sound asleep.

With some effort, he lowered the footrest of the recliner and walked unsteadily towards the staircase, feeling along the walls in the darkness.

After taking care not to trip on the cat who had a tendency to sleep on the stairs, he reached the bedroom. He saw a towel over the footboards and figured she probably had taken a bath before actually turning in. Knowing Deanna, he mused, that means she's probably sleeping in the nude.

The moonlight shone through the slats of the blinds on her sleeping form. She lay on her side, with her knees slightly bent. He smiled at the beauty of this sight.

He closed his eyes and remembered the conversation they had had three weeks earlier.

"I'm sorry, Gary, but I think we're in a rut." He kept hearing these words ever since she first spoke them.

At the time, he didn't understand. "Huh? What kind of a rut?"

"You know... The magic... The spark... It's just... Something's, well... I miss it."

He never did come up with a good rebuttal. At the time he scowled, but the sincerity in her eyes underscored the truth he hadn't yet realized.

After a few hours of thinking, he accepted the truth of her statement. "Is there anything I can do?" Even the sex had gotten somewhat formulaic.

"Well, surprise and seduce me in a way you've never done before. That's got to be a good start, don't you think?"

The sound of his sleeping wife letting out a low snort brought his thoughts back to the present. He knelt down low beside Deanna and whispered, "You've been waiting three weeks for me to surprise and seduce you. I think you'll like what I've figured out."

He quickly took off his clothes and slid into bed next to her. As he snuggled closer to her, he closed his eyes and remembered the guidance provided by the acupressure website he had found. It had taken him this long to commit to memory the exact locations of the erotic pressure points. Now was the time to test his newfound knowledge.

He leaned closer and listened to her breathing. He wondered how long she'd stay asleep. All he knew was that he didn't want her to wake up immediately. He listened closely to her breathing and every time she exhaled, he whispered the word "sleep" into her ear. If that website on subconscious stimuli was accurate, this ought to work for a short while, anyway.

He ran his hands down her sides, suppressing a slight chuckle as he tried to figure out whether the fact that he had correctly predicted her current nudity was a good thing or a bad thing. Things really had gotten predictable, hadn't they?

The first pressure point he wanted to try out was called the Bubbling Spring. He lightly ran his hand down her leg and grabbed her her foot. Readjusting his position against her, he lifted her foot slightly. He placed his index and middle finger softly on the spot about two-thirds of the distance from the heel to the ball of her foot.

Closing his eyes, he visualized the diagram on the web page. He had found the right spot, he knew he did. He listened for her breathing again and started to repeat the word "sleep" again. This time, though, when he told her to sleep, he also pressed firmly on the Bubbling Spring erotic pressure point on the bottom of her foot.

After doing this move about ten times, he could hear her breathing faster, even though she was definitely still asleep. He paused for a moment, wondering if he should repeat this process on the other foot. She had turned her head and he saw a slight smile start to form on her face in the moonlight.

He adjusted himself to reach her other foot and found the spot. Feeling more confident this time than he had with the first foot, he decided to try a different subliminal word this time. Thinking for a minute, he decided to synchronize her breathing and the erotic acupressure with the word "horny."

In relatively short time, he had followed the procedure ten more times. With the next application of pressure, she rolled off of her side and onto her back. He stopped immediately and lifted himself above her.

"Are you still asleep?"

He smiled broadly when she didn't answer. Before he moved on to the next pressure point, he figured he could check to see how aroused she was. He gently moved his hands up closer to her breasts, and, with a light touch, he started circling her nipples. They had started to tense up, even if they weren't fully erect. Not a bad start, he thought.

Keeping his left hand circling her nipple, he lowered his right hand to a spot between her legs. He could feel that her clit was somewhat engorged, but the real test was the moistness and warmth he could feel.

He smiled, wondering if he was really responsible for this, or if she was just having some really erotic dream. One way to find out, he thought.

The next acupressure point he wanted to try out was called the Heavenly Pillar. He awkwardly found the spots on either side of her head where her spine met with her skull. Lifting her head slightly, his fingers found the hollow spots in the bone. Considering the discomfort of his position compared to hers, he moved over and lay facing her, hovering slightly above her and keeping his legs outside of her own legs.

Apply the pressure and hold it, he told himself. He couldn't tell if her gasp for breath at this exact moment was a result of his touch, or if they just happened to happen at the same time. By the time he had let go, he noticed that, even in her unconscious state, she had spread her legs a little bit wider.

He paused for a minute at this conundrum: He was feeling aroused himself by this point, so it truly became a question of whether it was right for him to penetrate into her while she was still asleep, or if he should try to wake her up first.

Her words came rushing back into his mind: "surprise and seduce me." He was reasonably certain that he'd at least started to seduce her. And what better surprise than to wake up from a sound sleep to being just shy of an orgasm?

He flattened his pelvis against hers, and started to slide back and forth, keeping the shaft of his cock between her labia, but not actually penetrating. His motions brought the tip of his manhood into direct contact with her clit.

Once he found his "groove," he moved his hands back to the Heavenly Pillar pressure point and began to massage her once again. He found himself whispering the word "horny" quickly to coincide with her slow breathing.

As he was wondering how long it would be before she would wake up, she smacked her lips and moved her arms, scratching his chest. He moved his hands away from her head and stopped moving for a moment.

She shook her head and rubbed her eyes. "Gary?"

He smiled at her. "I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

She let out a yawn that dissolved into a laugh. "You're sorry, my ass!"

He started to slide back and forth again. "Yeah, you're right."

"What're you doing?" She knew the answer to this question, but didn't know how he was going to respond.

"Nothing. Just trying to turn you on."

"That didn't take much, did it?"

"Why do you say that?"

"I don't remember that last time I was this horny."

"So is there something I can do for you?"

"I don't need to answer that, do I?"

"No, you just need to stop teasing me and start doing what comes more naturally."

"Of course!'

He lifted his hips up and repositioned himself so that, on his next thrust, he'd slide straight into her extremely wet and eager snatch, stopping just before he penetrated her deeply. "Are you sure you want this?" he asked.

"Yes! Don't make me b--" He didn't give her the chance to complete her thought when he quickly thrust forward, shocking her by the force of his penetration.

She bit her lip and stifled a moan. Reaching up, she grabbed his shoulders and pulled him closer to her. When she got the chance, she dug her fingernails into his back, panting heavily.

He slowed down and smiled at her. He ran his fingers through her hair and kissed her on the forehead.

There was one final pressure point he wanted to try. That website called it the Gate of Origin. He gently caressed her breasts and ran his hands down her sides before his right hand came to a stop on her navel. Measuring three fingers further down, he found the spot, right above her bladder.

He arched his back upwards and gently pressed down on this spot.

With this touch, she lost all control and let out a scream of pleasure. "Oh, yes! No! Don't stop! Oh God! Please more! That's it! Yes!!!!!!"

When this sustained orgasm finally subsided, he stopped applying the pressure. She let out a deep breath and cocked her head to the side. "Wow! How..."

He put his index finger to her lips and let out a long, sustained, "Shhhhhhhhhh."

She wrapped her legs around his hips and lay back in the bed. Although she still felt somewhat tired, sleep was the last thing on her mind at this point.

She smiled as she thought of the fact that they were having great sex, in spite of being in the "missionary" position. Not that she hated this position, but she didn't usually derive this much pleasure without taking matters into her own hands more.

She sat up slightly and he again went back to the Heavenly Pillar. With each touch she convulsed in a wave of pleasure. "This is a-a-a-MAZING!!!"

She was practically in tears from the pleasure. Wave after wave of orgasmic bliss spread through her, from her pussy to wherever he happened to put his hands. Finally, when she could catch her breath, she told him, "I need you to cum now. Please. Fill me up." Her words were soft, quiet, restrained, but not defeated. She wanted to tell her husband that she was glad he had taken her "surprise and seduce" request seriously, and she wanted to know more.

When she felt him approaching his own orgasm, she smiled broadly. He had the presence of mind to apply pressure one last time to the Gate of Origin spot and she felt herself orgasm as well, a magical complement to an amazing encounter.

After a few minutes of silence, Deanna looked over at her husband and started to stroke his hair. "How did you do that?"

"A magician never reveals his secrets."

"So you're a magician now."

"Well, if not a magician, someone who knows how to use his hands."

She thought of his hands from when she woke up and she was inclined to agree with him.

He furled his eyebrows and smiled at her. "A few weeks ago, you asked me to find a way of breaking out of our rut. 'Surprise and seduce me,' were your exact words. Were --"

"Yes, I was both surprised and seduced. Are you sure you don't want to tell me something?"

"Actually, I've got one question."

"What's that?"

"I'm pretty sure I got you all soft and wet before you actually woke up. I could've probably slid into you while you were asleep and had the feeling of me moving in and out of you be what woke you up. Would you have wanted that?"

She thought about this for a minute. Almost no time had passed between when she woke up and his penetration. But she definitely wanted it. "Sure... If you can be sure that I'm ready for you, if you know what I mean."


"If I got you hard while you were sleeping, would you want to wake up to me on top of you?"


"Then it's settled. So..." She suppressed a giggle to ask her next question. "Is this why you fell asleep downstairs?"

He responded, his voice a mixture of sheepish admission and confident laughter, "Of course."

"You wanted to make sure you got me horny while I was asleep, huh?"

"Mmmm hmmmmmm."

"Well, it worked. Even if I was kind of upset with you when I came upstairs. That's why I took a bath, to calm down."

"And that's what made things convenient for me. Do you know how hard it is to take off someone's panties while they're sleeping, without waking them up?"

"I can imagine."


The following night, Gary decided to handle things somewhat differently. The acupressure website pointed out that rubbing a woman's temples will assist her in relaxation, so he figured he'd try it and see where it got him.

They went to bed at the same time, and they each got into bed, lay on their sides, and faced each other.

Deanna felt somewhat playful. "So, ya got anything fun and sexy planned for us tonight?"

"If I did, d'you think I'd really tell you?"

"No, I guess not." She scooched somewhat closer to him and yawned.

Seizing the opportunity, he asked, "Tired?" as he reached up and started massaging her temples.

"Yeah, I guess a little."

"No matter what else is true, you've got to relax." He continued massaging her temples as he instructed her to take deep breaths. The small circles he traced with his index fingers on either side of her eyes, started to move in a rhythm not unlike her breathing. "That's it. Relax. Very good, Deanna. Just keep breathing and keep relaxing. Let my words flow into and through you, calming you and giving you a sense of peace. Can you do that, Deanna?"

"Yesssssssssss." She honestly hadn't realized how tired she was until her husband started speaking. She wanted him to tell her something she didn't already know. She wanted him to tell her that she was going to wake up really horny again. She wanted him to ... she didn't know exactly what she wanted. But it was definitely Gary who would provide it.

She closed her eyes and kept breathing in sync with the rhythm of her husband telling her to relax. Gary smiled. He didn't expect her to fall asleep this quickly, but it was a pleasant surprise. He kept rubbing her temples and repeating the word "relax" for a few more minutes.

Once he was sure she was fully relaxed, he stopped rubbing her temples and stared at her for a moment. He took a deep breath before he decided the right next move. Carefully and slowly, he said, "All right, Deanna. If you can hear me, I want you to sit up."

She rustled slightly. At first, he didn't think it had worked. But then, just as he was about to give up on the idea of the subliminal messaging, he watched her slowly sitting up.

It took him a moment to realize what had just happened. He leaned back to look at his wife and realized that her eyes were still closed. "You can open your eyes, now, Deanna."

When she did as he requested, he was caught somewhat off-guard by the expressionless look in her eyes. He waved his hand in front of her face and she didn't flinch. That subliminal training must have really worked. "Okay, Deanna. You asked me to seduce and surprise you, but that kind of request can go both ways. If you ever wake up in the middle of the night for any reason, and I'm sound asleep, you will feel extremely horny. Do you understand me, Deanna?"

She nodded her head to confirm her understanding.

"You will definitely want to fuck me when you feel this way. And you'll see how much you can do without waking me up. In a perfect world, I won't wake up until I'm inside of you. That's your goal. And you'll keep trying to get me hard without waking me up. Do you think you can do that, Deanna?"

Again, she nodded her head.

"I'll make things a little bit easy for you by sleeping in the nude. That way you don't have to fumble with my boxer shorts or anything to wake me up."

Deanna smiled in response to this.

"Very well, Deanna. I want you to close your eyes again. Very good."

She let out a slight snort.

"I want you to lay back down and fall back into a deep, restful sleep."

Gary sat up and watched his sleeping wife; he admired the peaceful look on her face and wondered for a moment if his suggestions would work. He doubted anything would come of it, but at the same time, he was pleasantly surprised at how effective the acupressure had proven. In the end, he figured, who knows? He stood up and rolled his boxer shorts to the floor, and got back into bed.

He stared at the ceiling for a few minutes before he fell into a deep, restful sleep.


It was about 3 am when Deanna woke up, needing to go to the bathroom. She rubbed her eyes and slowly found her way over to the bathroom, without turning the lights on.

After she washed her hands, she padded back into the bedroom, taking a deep breath as the moonlight shone into the bedroom window onto the bulge in the bed that was her sleeping husband. She smiled as she looked down on him, so pleased that he had taken her request for a surprise and a seduction seriously.

He was lying on his back and she could see most of his face in the shadows. He had such a peaceful look on his face, she wondered if she was responsible for at least part of that look. Just thinking about this made her suddenly feel very aroused.

"Are you asleep?" she whispered?

He didn't answer. Not sure if he just didn't hear her, she stepped a little closer and asked again.

He let out a slight snort in his sleep. She smiled as her thoughts quickly turned from appreciation to pure, unbridled lust.

Letting out a gasp of surprise that she suddenly felt this horny, she remembered what he had done to her the night before. If he could turn her on in her sleep, why couldn't she do the same to him? After all, turnabout is fair play, isn't it?

She took off her nightshirt and rolled her panties down to her ankles. She gazed at her own naked form in the mirror and smiled as she kicked her underwear across the room.

She turned to face the bed again and whispered to her husband, too low for him to hear even if he hadn't been asleep. "Here's hoping you're giving me the same easy access as I gave you yesterday."

She climbed into bed and started feeling around his waist for his underwear. When she didn't feel anything, she smiled slyly and whispered, once again, "Thank you."

She reached down between her own legs to confirm how moist she was. If she was going to do this right, she needed to be ready immediately. She inhaled the pungent aroma of her own juices and wiped her fingers on his cock. She felt for his balls, and started to caress them gently.

"Stay sleeping," she said to him as she pondered how best to get him ready for her. She moistened her fingers again from her increasingly impatient slit and lubricated the length of his shaft. She wanted to just go down on him and start sucking on his cock to get him nice and hard but she figured that would wake him up, so she decided against it.

After a short while of just running her hands up and down his cock, she could feel the muscles start to tense up. It's working, she almost said out loud.

His balls bounced around slightly and she felt their motion in her hands as well. She wondered if he'd have to be completely hard to get started, or if this was enough.

She paused for a minute and ran her fingers over the tip of his cock. Just touching it made her want to feel it inside of her. She sighed, wondering how long it would take before her wants and needs would be satisfied.

She smiled as she felt his cock become stiffer. She flicked it slightly, and she recognized that he was just about ready for her.

"Still sleeping?" she asked in a voice slightly above a whisper.