Elise - Slutty Intern Ch. 01


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"So wait, your friend started ostracizing you because of what you wore in group pics?" I stammered.

"Yea, it's a career thing for them. And it was motivation for me, so I started working out more, lost some weight, and put on clothes that were more revealing. That's what bumped me from 2k to 6k in the past four months. It's been amazing getting a lot more attention. My DMs have exploded, talking non-stop about my tits."

She looked down, pushing her tits together in her little tank top to show off. She blushed a little when she saw my eyes pan down straight to her chest -- but it wasn't bashfulness, you could tell she liked that I liked them.

"Plus, I've been asked to a lot more formals since, so the attention from the hot guys has been nice too."

"They're crazy if they missed that before. You're something special," I said without thinking. Idiot. I shouldn't have made it awkward with a co-worker during our first real meeting.

But she smiled at me. Not a beaming 'I know I'm hot' smile, but the flattered smile of a girl who didn't hear it enough.

As we finished the bottle (she drank about three-quarters of it) a good bit about my past came out. My monastic cycle of wake-work-sleep-repeat throughout college intrigued her. She also learned about one or two of the girls I had dated over the past few years, but how, in reality, there hadn't really been a serious girlfriend. I certainly didn't mention that I was still a virgin.

It was the talk of my family that brought her close. And I mean that in a physical sense. When I described the period when I was fifteen when my mom came home for a month after ten years, Elise nestled up next to me. She was so warm, and I couldn't take my eyes off her body in that little tank top. That touch, and the wine, and I was putty in her hands.

"So we'll have to be sure you party more from now on," she whispered. She looked deep into my eyes, took my chin in two of her fingers, and gave me the lightest kiss on my lips. She faintly tasted of Chardonnay. She then sauntered off to her bedroom and told me to lock the door on my way out. It was a huge letdown, but I could tell it wasn't an outright rejection...there was room for more.

Payin' Dues

A few weeks ticked by, and the work part of the internship - which is the whole point of an internship - was going well enough. I knew I wasn't going to be solving the world's problems, and I wasn't. I was tracking and analyzing inventory that flowed through the plant. It wasn't particularly hard; it just meant checking stuff and adding a bunch of counts and serial numbers into a huge spreadsheet that was sent back to the main office. There were also various reports that we had to complete as they came in, and Elise and I always tried to complete them as quickly as possible. It became a competition. There were never deadlines or even recommended times to complete the work, we just knew we weren't going to be the weak links of the intern class and also show we could work hard.

One particular Friday about three weeks into the internship, a hoist failed at the main product intake dock and a supply container tipped over. It was a mess and caused the plant's whole product processing system to break down. You would think that would be less work for us - less coming in should mean less to catalogue - but it didn't. It meant we had to run all around the plant to track shipments as they were rerouted around the normally linear and efficient intake system. Elise and I had to scramble around to get everything, and it meant actual physical work. We had to sprint from one dock to another to get our figures.

The guys on the line loved watching Elise scramble around, and they constantly hooted at her. I thought Elise would be upset by such obnoxious jeers, but she took it remarkably well -- maybe too well. She actually said she was so used to being heckled she decided to take such things as a compliment rather than get upset by them.

In any event, by 3:00 that afternoon the full heat of the summer was upon us and we were still running around having to not only do our cataloging but also help out with loading. When the guys saw some able bodies around, they put us to work. Again, we were trying to earn some points. This was fine for me, but Elise was far from equipped to help load big bags of product. Not to say she wasn't in shape or strong, but she had heels and a business suit on. Not to be deterred though, she took off her suit jacket and lugged bales with the rest of us. It was exhausting work, and we all worked up a sweat. This was normal work for the plant guys, but the sight of Elise was far from normal for this plant. She had rolled up her sleeves, so anyone could see that her arms were glistening with sweat. But people weren't looking at her arms. They were looking at her heaving chest. You see, her sweat caused her thin white dress shirt to be plastered to her skin. The sweat didn't permeate her bra, but her shirt was practically transparent. Guys were going nuts. Me included. And they drank up the sight of her from every which way. She would bend over to grab a bag of seed, they'd stare at her ass. She'd lift the bag up, temporarily covering her chest, and they'd check out a little midriff that would open up because of effort. When she dropped the bag, they'd see her wet shirt cleavage.

Elise knew all of this was happening, and she loved the attention. That's the thing with Elise, if she senses any attention headed her way -- any kind of attention: stares, glares, a slightly turned head -- she eats it up. By eating it up, I mean she finds out what grabs attention and emphasizes whatever it is to make the guys boil. Bending over a little more seductively than needed. Allowing her chemise to cling to her sweaty torso. Carrying bags with her arms jammed together to emphasize her tits. She did all of it.

At one point, a small group of us created a bucket brigade moving bags of feed down a line. A huge hulk of a guy was lifting bags off the ground and handing them to Elise who then passed them off to the next person. The guy's strength was incredible. I was having trouble just passing it to the next guy three feet away. This guy was lifting them from the ground as if they didn't weigh a thing. He was 6'4, shirtless, young, and his large muscles were covered in a sheen of perspiration. Elise didn't seem to miss it either.

"You're pretty good at this," the big guy said with a wink.

"Thanks, I can hold my own," she responded while sticking he chest out and putting her hands on her hips, which somehow made her chemise cling even tighter to her luscious chest.

"Maybe you can, and maybe you just haven't really had a big enough challenge..." the behemoth quipped back.

"I can handle pretty big."

"Some are bigger than others. I'm Cody. Hope to see you around town," the young guy stated flatly.

The other workers on our bucket brigade line had obviously had to stop, because Cody and Elise were the first two in the line, and we were all listening to this tit-for-tat flirtatious exchange.

That's when the plant manager showed up and told Elise and I we 'could' stop (I believe he wanted to say 'had to'). So we stopped and went back to the air conditioned office. I think his timely intervention prevented a total shutdown -- people were stopping to stare at Elise in a big way. And she knew it. Elise seemed pretty charged up after her time working on the plant floor.


Once we got back to the office, there wasn't much left of the day. The week had been tiring enough even before the intake system failed, but once that happened and the manual labor got mixed in we had nothing left. Right at 5:00, we e-mailed our end-of-week reports to the main office and started packing up.

"Hey, you up for some drinks at Mickey's?" Elise asked as we headed out of the office.

"Yeah. I just hope we don't get the narc waitress again. I don't want to risk someone turning us in," I said.

"Don't worry about that, it's taken care of." After saying it, Elise trotted away towards the duplex within a short walk of our plant front door.

"Sure thing then..." I said.


Forty-five minutes later we had left work, changed, and were meeting up in front of our apartments. Elise had changed into a short little jean skirt that didn't reach very far to the ground, and her shirt seemed to be the same one she wore to work. It was tied a little around her waist - showing a little midriff. It had dried a bit so its see-through qualities had dimmed but not gone.

We made the short walk across the street towards Mickey's and walked in the door to find a very sparse crowd. 'Narc waitress' was apparently acting as a both server and maitre d' this evening.

"'Table for two, kiddos?" she asked.

"No thanks nana, we're sitting at the bar this evening," Elise quipped with an open sense of snark. The granny-turned-waitress stared down Elise as she sauntered to the bar — ass swaying side to side. There weren't a lot of seats at the bar to start - just four bar stools - but Elise sat in the middle seat on the right, urging me to take the seat to her left. Anyone wanting to sit at the bar that night would have to sit by themselves next to one of us or split up.

"What can I get you to drink?" the bartender asked.

"A couple of teas," Elise responded with wink.

The bartender picked up a cocktail shaker and started pouring multiple liquors into the container. I had no idea what he was doing. Iced tea always comes from the cistern over at the side of the serving station. That said, a minute later he poured us two large drinks in plastic cups on ice and handed them to us.

Elise took a sip and exhaled an audible sigh of pleasure.

"A Long Island hits the spot after the week we've had, doesn't it?" she asked while taking a long pull.

I nervously put the glass to my lips and sipped, not knowing what to expect after seeing the amount of straight alcohol that went into this concoction. I had heard of a Long Island Iced Tea, but I had never had one before. Much to my surprise, I liked it after my small first sip. So I took a longer drag. I smiled, and Elise returned it.

"You don't have to be afraid of it, take a bigger pull," she said. And on that note, she downed half her drink. By the look of it to the rest of the restaurant, she had simply finished off a normal tea.


During dinner Elise probably had four more Long Islands. I mean she was downing them as soon as they came to her. Food quickly came and went, and she covered the check. I offered to cover at least my half, but she stopped me and said her dad was picking it up so it wasn't a big deal. To me it was a big deal, but I let her pay anyway. As we walked to the door, she held herself together pretty well, but as soon as we stepped outside she started to giggle and sway in a way that clearly showed she had had a few...on her way to a few too many.

"Care to join me for a night cap?" she asked.

"Sure, what're you serving?" I asked.

"The whole menu."

Holy fuck.

Two minutes later we were back in Elise's apartment, and she had opened a cabinet to reveal a fully stocked bar. It wasn't a restaurant-sized collection, but it was pretty darned close. She had all the basics: vodka, bourbon, tequila, red and white wine, and she told me there were some beers in the fridge.

"Jeez, when did you rob the liquor store?" I asked.

"My dad always taught me to be prepared to host. You never know when your next big client just happens by - you better be able to pour them their favorite drink!" she explained.

I grabbed a beer from the fridge, and I saw her pour a good amount of bourbon over some ice. It didn't look like she had any intention of watering it down.

We settled in on the couch and found a movie we could agree on on Netflix. We started on opposite sides of the sofa, sitting up and watching the movie. After about twenty minutes, Elise got up to refill her drink. While she was up, she turned off the lights and sat back down on the couch. And, strike that. Rather than sit back down, she lay down on the couch with her legs pointed towards me and leaned back on the armrest.

As the movie progressed, she shifted from her side to her back, turning her head to watch the screen. As she moved, her legs would move and part, and for short moments I swear I could see up her short little denim skirt. I was sitting upright on the far edge of the couch, trying to keep my cool by watching the movie and not Elise, but that was getting tougher.

Again, Elise got up to refill her drink and, without asking if I needed one, got me another beer. This time, she lay down right next to me - back to me - leaning against me and resting her head on my chest. This was the most contact we had ever had, and it was started to heat me up. I was panicked at what to do, but I also saw this as a once in a lifetime moment. I decided to go bold, and I swung my arm around her. I took my right arm, and wrapped it in front of her - so my arm was resting on the top part of her chest and her chin could rest on my arm while my right hand hung onto her left shoulder. She took her hands and grabbed onto my arm, nestling closer into me while also scooting up closer to me. That had the wonderful effect of causing my arm to rest farther down on the upper parts of her boobs, and my arm could distinctly feel the swell in her chest.

I had completely forgotten about the movie and now totally focused on Elise. She was gorgeous. From my position, I could see right into her lovely cleavage. The rise and fall of her chest with every breath gave a more nuanced view down the healthy valley between her two large breasts.

We settled into holding each other for a few minutes, and she was the one to ramp it up a little more. It started with her slowly rubbing my arm with her hands. Then she slowly started planting little kisses on my arm, because it was just below her chin.

Once that started, things progressed fairly quickly. She turned, and planted a soft kiss right on my lips. We held that for a few moments, then I took her face in my hands and gave her a deeper, more passionate kiss. I had far outpaced my typical experience with girls, so I was just going on instinct - but I thought I was doing pretty well. Then, Elise rotated so her face was directly in front of mine, and the rotation of her body caused her hips to drag along my dick, and it sent me into overdrive. I was now fully hard, and I know that she could feel it under her.

After a minute or so of our passionate kiss, she broke away and gave me a look and smile that expressed an animal lust. But the look showed she was in control. This was a happy place for her: being pretty drunk, on top of some fella, and in complete charge of a sexual experience where she would go as far or short as she wanted. Luckily, she apparently wanted our experience to go significantly further, because she hiked her leg over me and straddled me. She sat there, slowly beginning the faintest thrust of a hip, while we made out.

That's when she did two amazing things. First, she quickly unbuttoned her chemise, revealing her lacy bra underneath. With no fanfare, she reached behind her and unsnapped her bra...causing it to fall forward and reveal the most glorious, pert, big, round tits anyone ever saw. I exhaled as I looked at them and was suddenly completely satisfied with life. But that's not all. Next, she started slowly sliding down my body so that her knees were on the floor and her face was lined up at the zipper of my jeans.

With practiced skill, she unbuttoned my jeans and slid my zipper down. I picked up my hips, and in one strong tug she pulled both my pants and boxers halfway down my legs. Obviously, my dick flopped out and stood at full attention. She looked up at me and smiled. And for the life of me, I will never forget that mental image: Elise's beautiful face smiling up at me with my dick right next to her face - her tits hanging down. Even though I was pretty sure I knew what was coming next, I didn't dare let myself believe it until it finally happened. I was not going to jinx this moment.

She moved her head back and grabbed my dick with her right hand. Slowly but confidently, she pumped up and down on my shaft, as if getting a feeling for how I handled everything. Without any consultation or trepidation, she put her head right in my crotch and gave my cock a full lick. She started at the base on the underside and spiraled up my whole cock to finish around the tip. It felt heavenly. As she got to the tip, there was a small dribble of precum, and the way she used just the tip or her tongue to taste test the tip of my cock was a feeling out of this fucking world.

"Uhhh, that's it Elise," I sighed.

"Huh? You like that do you?" she sexily jibed back.

"Yes, please keep going and I'll repay the favor."

"You better, my last boyfriend's favorite position was 68," she chuckled.


She explained, "He'd always say, 'You go down on me and I'll owe you one.'"

We both laughed, and then she gave me a serious look. "Seriously though, you owe me one." And at that, she leaned down and fully took my cock in her mouth. Quickly, she started bobbing up and down, up and down, taking me all the way down to her throat and stopping. My fully cock wasn't fully inside her mouth before I hit the back of her throat. She didn't deep throat me, but I sure as hell wasn't complaining. This felt fucking subline. After a week of work from hell and being physically tired from the manual labor of lifting bales of product, putting my hands behind my head and letting Elise give me the loveliest oral love I had ever had was a fucking treat.

She went at it with increasing abandon for the next few minutes. Never stopping, always rotating between using her mouth to bob up and down, releasing, and pumping me with her hand. After a while, the tension began to build to unsustainable levels while she was using heavy suction to bob up and down with her mouth.

I ran my fingers through her hair, taking hold, and let out a gasp. Without any break in her technique, she put her hand up on my chest, subtly advising me to stay still and let me know she was ready for whatever was coming. Not twenty seconds later, muscles spasms started rippling from my lower body, sending a shock through the base of my cock and bursting toward the tip. She didn't skip a beat...her mouth kept milking my dick while I jizzed over and over into her mouth. Her head bobs kept going up and down, and I could tell her swallows were perfectly synced with her vertical movements. This girl was a fucking treasure.

After I had blown my full load in her mouth, she stopped and looked up at me.

"So you liked that, huh?" she asked. Her mouth was empty, so she had clearly swallowed the full load with no problem.

"Oh my god Elise, you are fucking amazing."

Her confident smile gave away that she knew she was great at this, but it also said that she really enjoyed it. It was a rare woman to express so much unabashed joy in giving great head and basking in the glow of the recipient's cathartic experience. I was in love.

"Alright boss, your turn," she said with sass.

She stood up, unzipped her skirt, and dropped her skirt and panties to the ground. It all happened so fast, I couldn't tell if she was wearing a thong or granny panties, not that I cared what her undergarment preferences were at that moment. She sat back down on the couch on the opposite side of me. Her back was to the armrest, and she splayed her legs wide giving me an unobstructed view of her pussy. She knew what she wanted, and, again as always, had no hesitation in effecting what she wanted.

I hesitantly inched my head forward to convergence of her gorgeous legs. The smell, the sight of her lovely folds beginning to open up with lust, were both inspiring and daunting. After all, I had never gone down on a girl! And now I was going to have to start on a girl who, as far as I could tell, was expecting exceptional service.