Elise's Cottage Life Ch. 01


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"Thank you, babe," Elise smiled. "If Sara takes off her top you can look all you want, nobody will mind. We were both naked for most of the van ride up and you didn't get to see any of that, so it's only fair you get to see us now."

Most of the way up? That's like a three hour drive.

"Come on," she said and took my hand. "I want to let everyone know you're here."

My girlfriend led me down to a small beach by the waterfront where everyone was hanging out.

"Look who made it!" Elise announced to her friends.

Elise and Sara introduced me to the three guys I didn't know: Steve, John, and Troy.

They said their hellos and Sara came up and hugged me.

"So good to see you again," she smiled. "I'm glad you finally made it up. We were about to start a game of volleyball, are you in?"

"You bet!" I replied. After sitting in the car for a few hours, I was more than ready to move around.

The beach wasn't very big, so people would just randomly choose a partner and group up into teams of two to challenge each other.

I was pretty stiff from sitting in the car and got crushed in my first game, but I soon got my groove back and started playing pretty well.

Elise and Sara wanted a turn and decided they'd like a girl versus guy matchup. The two friends quietly debated on who their opponents should be for a moment before deciding to challenge Troy and one of his friends Steve to a game.

Before the game started Elise casually removed her bikini top and tossed it over to me.

"Kevin said he's okay with me being topless around you guys," she cheerfully told the guys. "I told you he was cool with it."

I don't think that's quite how I said it, but her breasts were probably going to pop out of her bikini if she played and the guys had already seen them. I didn't think it could get any worse.

Sara came over to me and undid her top as well, dropping it to the ground.

"Elise said you wanted me to get naked for you?" she grinned. "How about we start with my top for now."

Again, not exactly what I said. Sara taking off her top was even Elise's idea, but I wasn't about to stop her if she wanted to go topless.

The battle was close, but the girls narrowly beat the two guys. Sara and Elise were pretty good, but I think the guys were distracted looking at the girls' chests more than they were looking at the ball. After the first game, they took a short break to grab a beer and trash talk the guys before playing again.

"You got lucky the first game," Troy taunted. "But we're going to wreck you this game."

"We'll see about that," Sara smirked.

Steve served up the beach ball and Elise easily got to it and hit it back over the net. Before Troy could move to get to Elise's return Sara reached under the net and pulled his swim trunks down to his knees causing his far too big cock to spring free.

Stuck with his trunks down, he was unable to get to the ball and it harmlessly fell to the ground to give the girls a point.

"No fair," the guys protested as Troy took his time pulling up his shorts.

"Maybe you should have hit it back with that," Elise giggled and pointed at his dick. "I think it could have reached."

Great. My girlfriend is flirting with a guy over his dick size.

"I bet it can reach you," Troy smirked and took a step forward.

Elise playfully squealed and took a step back, but never took her eyes off his cock.

"Alright," Sara sighed. "Enough you two. Troy, put your dick away."

Troy shrugged, "You're the one that pulled it out."

Sara set up to serve. "We'll get this point too," she said.

"Wanna make a bet on that?" Steve replied.

"Sure," Elise said. "We've been kicking your ass all afternoon."

"Since you put it that way, how about this? If we get the point you two have to drop your bottoms and show us those sweet asses that we'll be kicking from now on," he suggested.

"Sure, and if we win," Sara smiled. "You two have to play the next point without your bottoms."

"Not sure that's an even deal, but okay," the guys agreed.

My girlfriend turned to me and mouthed "Is that okay?"

I shrugged and nodded. If it was just mooning the guys that wouldn't be too bad.

"Okay, ready?" Sara asked.

"Ready, and no cheating this time," Troy said.

"We won't," Elise promised.

Sara served the ball and Troy softly returned it to Elise, who immediately spiked it into the net to lose the point. She was playing so well in the first game that I wondered if she did it on purpose.

"Oops," she grinned.

"Alright," the guys smiled. "Drop 'em."

Sara turned her back to the guys, hooked her thumbs into her bottoms and wiggled them down until they fell to the ground.

She stood there for a moment, letting the two guys soak in her nude body from behind for ten or fifteen seconds before pulling them back up.

"How's that," she asked.

"Perfect," Troy replied. "Now how about Elise."

Elise moved close to the guys and dropped her bikini bottoms to the ground where she stepped out of them and kicked them aside.

"Can you see okay?" my girlfriend asked the guys.

I don't see how they couldn't, she was only a couple feet away.

"I don't know," they joked. "Not really."

"Is this better?" Elise asked

I was trying to see what Elise was doing but Sara came up and distracted me.

"You didn't get to see my butt did you?" My old friend asked.

"Umm, no I guess I didn't," I replied to Sara.

"Okay," she grinned. "You weren't part of the bet, but I didn't want you to get left out."

Sara dropped her bottoms and wiggled her ass for me.

For a moment I forgot all about Elise and instead stared at the cute little ass in front of me. Once Sara pulled her bottoms back up, I glanced once again at Elise.

"How about this? Is this better?" I heard my girlfriend asking the guys.

I saw Elise was now completely bent over at her waist until one hand was touching the ground, the other was on her butt pulling her cheeks apart. There was no doubt the guys were seeing way too much of her spread pussy and asshole.

"Much better!" the guys cheered.

Elise stood back up before I had a chance to object. I wasn't sure what I could say anyway, Sara was naked in front of me just a moment ago and giving me a private show so I wasn't sure how much I could complain and not look like a hypocrite. Still, what Elise was doing seemed a little over the top.

"Well, a bet's a bet, but I think that's enough for now." She smiled,went over to pick up her bikini bottoms and turned to face the guys while she put them on.

Now they were getting a perfect front view as she took her time pulling them back up.

"Ready to go back to the game?" Sara asked.

Luckily the foursome finished their game without anyone losing their bottoms again.

Elise came over and sat down beside me.

"I can't believe we beat them!" she exclaimed. "That was so much fun!"

I was about to talk to her about going too far with showing her butt to the guys.

"Did you have fun too?" she asked before I could get a word in. "I saw Sara gave you a special private show. She's really fun and sexy, isn't she? Anyway, since we were showing off to the other guys we didn't want you to feel left out. I hope you were okay with it."

I wasn't sure how to complain about the situation so I told her I had fun too.

Elise kissed me on the cheek. "I'm so happy you liked us showing off like that. I really like doing it too."

The eight of us played for a while until we needed a rest, and soon we were chilling under the trees talking and drinking.

"This place is amazing," Shawn said. "I could live up here. It sure beats our place in the city."

"Better than the pile of sand in your backyard you call a beach?" Elise laughed.

"Hey," Shawn defended himself. "We've had a lot of fun because of that 'pile of sand,' but yeah it's nowhere close to this."

"It's pretty awesome," Sara agreed. "It's nice to get away from it all. I wish I could come up more often."

It was still warm out but the air was starting to chill as evening approached. The girls decided to change out of their bikinis into something warmer and thankfully a little less revealing.

Elise put on a long pink t-shirt that reached mid-thigh on her. It's something she often wears when relaxing at her apartment. I was surprised and relieved that she didn't put on something overly sexy. Maybe she was trying to be more careful.

Sara also put on a t-shirt, but hers was cropped so you could see her belly button, and a pair of loose cotton shorts which showed off her long tanned legs nicely. Her boobs jiggled under her thin top as she moved, so it was pretty obvious she wasn't wearing a bra.

The guys and Elise hung out on the cottage deck while Sara worked in the tiny kitchen getting dinner ready for everyone.

I popped my head in to see if she needed any help. Elise's clothes seemed to be staying on for now, so I thought it was safe to leave her alone with the guys. Still, I found myself glancing out the window from time to time to check on her.

"You don't trust her?" Sara asked with a smile.

"It's not that," I replied. "More like I don't trust them."

"They're harmless," Sara reassured me. "Nothing's going to happen."

"Yeah, well I don't know about that. Elise told me all about the van ride," I responded.

Sara tried to stifle her laugh but failed, "Yeah, maybe we all got a little carried away, but it was all in fun. Elise talked to us about it and said you'd be okay with it."

"I'm not sure I'm fully okay with it," I replied. "But she said she'd be more careful so I don't want to start any drama over it. I want everyone to get along this weekend and have a good time."

"I'm glad to hear it, I'd like that too," Sara agreed. "Sorry you missed out on the fun."

"Isn't that always the way?" I sighed.

"It doesn't have to be. I'm sure you'll have fun this weekend," she smiled. "Elise and I talked about that too and we'll make sure you're not left out."

"Thanks," I said, returning the smile.

Sara was always a good friend, I knew she'd go out of her way to make sure everyone felt included this weekend.

"I know you saw these at the beach, but here's another look to help make up for missing the van ride," Sara said, lifting her top for me. I stared at her cute little boobs.

"Do you like them?" she teased. "I know they're not as big as Elise's."

"They're beautiful," I replied. Sure, they're smaller than my girlfriend's, but they still looked perfect to me.

"Since you're okay with Elise being naked in front of the guys this weekend, I'll let you look at these whenever you want," she smiled and lowered her top. "Elise and Troy both said it's okay."

That's not quite what I agreed to with Elise, but whatever. Sara probably just misunderstood. Still, just like at the beach, if Sara wanted to show me her tits I wasn't about to stop her.

Sara went back to chopping some vegetables and looked out the window at Elise.

"You and Elise are so perfect together. I can't believe the two of you tried to trick me into thinking she was dating Jeff," Sara smiled. "I knew right away you two were the real couple."

"Was it that obvious?" I asked.

"Yeah," Sara replied. "Jeff and Elise had no chemistry and they seemed so awkward together. Plus it looked like she was constantly looking over to you to make sure whatever she was doing was okay."

"You should have said something," I sighed. "It would have made that night a lot easier on me."

Sara laughed.

"I wanted to see how far you guys would take it," she explained. "Plus I thought it was really sweet what you were doing for your friend."

"You did huh?" I replied.

"Yeah," she smirked. "And hot. I don't know too many guys that would let their friend fuck Elise to make me jealous."

"It was an act," I insisted.

"Of course it was," she smiled. "I saw the whole thing. Did you know she moaned out your name when they were 'pretending' to get it on?"

"I didn't," I laughed. "But that makes me feel better."

"So just like Jeff wasn't any threat to you, the guys here aren't either," Sara told me. "Who cares if they've seen her naked or played with her tits? It's impossible for them to steal her away or go any further than you want them to."

"I'm not sure I want them to grab her breasts," I replied.

"Sure you do," Sara smiled. "You just think you don't. If you two were really against it you and Elise wouldn't let it keep happening."

I'm not sure I agreed with Sara, but it did give me something to think about.

Sara loaded up a serving tray for me to bring out to the gang.

"Oh, and just so you know," she said and took my hand. "Elise and I talked about the party and I'm totally up for pretending with you and Elise again sometime. I think it would be fun to act like your girlfriend and try to fool people. Think about it."

"I will," I replied. I had a feeling it would be a bad idea, but you never know.

We all ate dinner out on the back deck of the cottage, drank way too much, talked about our lives and enjoyed being out in nature. I was starting to have a good feeling about the rest of the weekend.

As the sun started to go down the bugs came out so we all headed inside.

There wasn't a lot to do in the small cottage so Sara suggested we could watch a movie on the old television that was sitting in the corner.

Sara slid a box out from under the TV and started rummaging through an old collection of VHS tapes.

"Wow," Shawn laughed. "You have a VCR up here? Let me guess, you still have an Atari too?"

"There's probably one under one of the beds," Sara replied without taking her head out of the box. "Anyway, here's a couple of movies to choose from. I used to watch them with my parents when I was a kid."

We decided on an old James Bond movie, hooked up the VCR and snuggled in to watch the movie.

There wasn't a lot of room for all of us, so Elise cuddled on my lap to free up a spot on the sofa for Steve. Shawn and Matt grabbed some cushions and two air mattresses and got comfortable on the floor while Sara sat on Troy's lap on the other sofa with John on the other end. It was pretty crowded, but it all worked out.

I was pretty happy cuddling with Elise. It seems like we don't do it enough. I absent-mindedly rubbed her legs while she nuzzled up against me as we watched the movie together. Everything was right in the world.

I was pretty engrossed in the movie, but about a half hour from the end some movement from the other sofa caught my eye and I glanced over. We had turned off the lights, but in the dim glow of the TV I could see Troy had his hands up Sara's shirt and was massaging her breasts as she leaned back against him.

John wasn't even watching the movie now; he was more interested in the show Troy and Sara were giving him. I also found it impossible to concentrate on the movie and I ended up trying to focus discreetly on the horny couple on the other sofa.

Sara lifted her shirt higher, now fully exposing her breasts to John and me. So far everyone else seemed oblivious to what was going on.

Honestly, I was a little jealous. Sara just gave me a quick flash in the kitchen for missing the fun in the van and I couldn't help but think I was the only one here who hasn't given them a feel.

Elise caught me watching Sara and whispered in my ear, "Can you do that to me too? Please?"

I'm not going to say no to my girlfriend asking me to rub her boobs, but there was a problem: Sara was wearing a crop top which made for easy access, but Elise was wearing a thigh-length shirt which was tucked underneath her. Guess I'd have to do it over the shirt for now.

I kissed Elise and rubbed her tits over her shirt but she stopped me after a minute.

"No," she whispered. "It's nice, but I'd like it like Sara. I want to feel your hands on my skin."

She wiggled the shirt free from under her butt and I grabbed the hem so I could raise it enough to get access to her boobs. I didn't want to put on the same show as Sara and Troy so I tried to do it carefully so the other guys wouldn't notice.

Troy and John were busy with Sara, so they probably wouldn't notice. Shawn and Matt were on the floor in front of us, so if we were quiet they probably wouldn't turn around and know. That left Steve. He was sitting on the sofa with us, there was a pretty good chance he'd notice, but maybe not if he was into the movie.

I hadn't noticed when I started lifting her shirt but I found out now: Elise wasn't wearing any panties.

Damn it. Seeing Elise's boobs is one thing, but I didn't want to intentionally show off her pussy to her friends too. Since I'm the one undressing her they might begin to think I want them to see her naked. I decided I could probably position her so they couldn't see between her legs and decided to keep going to make Elise happy. I almost felt like it was too late to stop now.

Just as I had worried, our movements caught Steve's attention and he turned to check out what we were doing. He wasn't being obvious about it, but I could tell he kept watching out of the corner of his eye.

I did my best to try and keep the shirt covering whatever it could while I made out with Elise and massaged her breasts, but every time I tried to slide it down she lifted it right back up again.

"It's too uncomfortable like that," she complained, quickly removing her shirt and tossing it aside.

If our moving around didn't get everyone's attention, her tossing the shirt in the middle of the room sure did. Everyone, even Troy, John and Sara, stopped and looked at us to see what we were doing.

"That's better," she smiled, now fully nude, and went back to kissing and cuddling me like there was no one else in the room.

I glanced over at Sara. She smiled, gave me a wink and a thumbs up. It suddenly dawned on me that the girls must have planned for this to happen so I'd be part of the fun for a change. Usually this stuff happens as soon as I fall asleep. If this was their plan I better make the most of it, or who knows what else I'll miss out on in the future.

The girls seemed to be feeding off one another, pushing each other to go further. Sara, seeing that Elise was now nude, let Troy slip off her cotton shorts and I heard a soft little moan as his hand slipped between her legs.

"Touch my kitty too," Elise whispered in my ear.

It was a lost cause trying to keep Elise's legs together; she seemed determined to let the guys see me fingering her. Eventually I stopped fighting it and let her do what she wanted to. Sure the guys got to see her pussy again, but at least I'm the only one that gets to play with it.

I don't think anyone watched the last part of the movie. Everyone was occupied watching Elise and Sara.

Mercifully the movie ended and Elise practically dragged me to the bedroom, I think if things went on any longer she would have asked me to fuck her then and there on the couch in front of everyone.

It looked like Sara and Troy had the same idea and disappeared into the room beside ours.

"I need you to fuck me now," Elise demanded.

Elise hopped onto the bed and got on her hands and knees. She waved her ass in the air while she waited for me to undress.

"Come and get it," she teased.

I dropped my pants as quickly as I could and mounted my hot girlfriend from behind.

"Oh God!" she moaned as I slid easily inside her. "I love your dick!"

In a way I felt bad for the other guys. They had to listen to the hottest girl they know getting railed by her boyfriend and knowing that they'll never have a chance with her. What can I say? Sometimes life isn't fair.

Elise doesn't take long to cum when she's all wound up like this, which was actually a blessing for me. It's hard to last very long when she's this excited and I didn't want to ruin things for her by cumming too quickly.