Ella's House of The Way Forward Ch. 14


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'Open wide boy. You'll carry it to the pole; that'll stop your snivelling and you'll get a feel of it's weight too.' The girls giggled as The leashed and tearful Gray was made to take the whip in his teeth, and was led out on all fours like a lamb to the slaughter, the whip laid over his back and trailing from between his arse cheeks like a tail. Claire kept his head up high with the leash ensuring his eyes remained focused on the distant pole which grew ever nearer, the dominant woman enjoying every step on their approach, Gray's cock pulsing in its bound coil of cord as the pole on which he would be broken with the whip loomed closer and closer. The girls sneered with anticipation a Claire took his nose right up to the pole to have him view the darkly shaded area on the stark pole's smooth surface, his teeth biting hard on the leather whip as he panted in trepidation.

'You can see where so many men have lost control in defeat and paid homage to my pole with the surrender of their seed. There is little which I find quite as pleasing as seeing a male taken beyond his limits and writhe at the pole in perfect agony, still defiant, only to accept the inevitable total submission and give up his mess in confirmation of my dominance. You, however, will not come. You'll know the delights of submission but will not spend here. You've been guilty of disobedience with your seed, and will pay for your impudence. Stand!' She gave a warm rub of his chest as he loomed above her, then sneered as she showed him the thick rubber tube he had picked up before leaving the cabin. She teased his erect cock to make it perk to maximum rigidity, then squeezed the tube over his bell-end, rendering it impervious to any sensation. She grinned wickedly.

'This is my pacifier, I love to teach men control with it, and you'll enjoy the whip so much more without the distraction of pleasure; it'll make my task so much more pleasurable, knowing you're fully focused on the pain.' The girls giggled as she took the whip from his mouth and they lifted his arms and manacled his wrists behind the pole, a strap then buckled around his ankles keeping him close up against it. Gray tried hard to focus on the swaying trees in the distance as his nullified cock boned on hearing Claire take steps back and unleash the whip into the air, testing it with a vicious and resonating crack, which echoed back from those very trees as if to mock him. To add to his misery, he jerked with fear as the crack of the whip coincided with a hand fondling the soft flesh of his arse as Elsa, Martha, and the two maids drifted past to observe his punishment from beyond the pole, smiling and sneering as they relaxed on the soft grass at angles either side of it to witness his pain. Elsa lay back with her legs spread and gently stroked a finger up and down the black camel-toe as she elevated her head to watch.

Claire licked her lips and whisked the serpentine whip behind her, then sent it snaking toward Gray's exposed and tender flesh. He howled with pain as the braided leather and star like tip kissed his buttocks, leaving a glowing red line as it dropped to be whisked back again, Gray's tears erupted almost immediately as Claire's second spiteful application achieved the perfect crack of the flexing whip, the end of the vicious tail biting into his flesh, his body tensing with the searing pain and making him gasp in agony, sagging at the pole. His despair only served to fuel Claire's sadism, her cunt now wet with excitement, she delivered three more searing lashes in quick succession and watched with satisfaction as Gray writhed in agony at the pole. He moaned continually now, the additional pain from his wrists as the manacles cut into them, providing little distraction from the whip which felt as though it were red hot, his flesh burning as each delivery cruelly scored his flesh. The sweat ran down his back, increasing the pain as his own salty secretions ran into the cut and blistered wheals on his back and buttocks.

Martha and the two maids laughed as Elsa groaned too; awarding herself a delightful and satisfying orgasm as she was entertained by the contortions of Gray's face and his cries of misery. They applauded as a winnowing crack of the leather demon sent droplets of sweat into the air, providing a fine spray of crystalline droplets which shone in the sunlight. Claire relented after she too, began to sweat, and Gray sagged almost lifeless, unable to show any further resistance to the humbling punishment. Claire surveyed his panting body with sadistic satisfaction, the girls laughed as she pulled the tube from his cock to inspect whether his control had remained intact. It was at that point that Martha's curiosity about something got the better of her.

'Why has he still got a flap of skin that covers his bell-end? None of the other boys back home have that.' Claire grinned at the ginger girl's naive innocence.

'Boys tend to have it removed back home, it's called a foreskin; maybe we should do his Mistress a favour and cut it off him while he's here.' Gray swallowed hard, he had yearned for the whipping and had paid dearly for his curiosity, but the thought of having his manhood sliced did not appeal in any way. Claire was thrilled by his anxiety and it gave her a refreshingly sadistic urge.

'Let's get him back to the house and see how he takes to the knife; it would be nice to have him in order when he goes back to his Mistress.' Gray's mind ran riot, and the searing pain he felt when his wrists were released and his lowered arms pulled the tortured skin on his back taut, did little to deflect the terror that he now believed his cock may suffer. The cruel females watched with pleasure as Gray's lips trembled as he looked to dare offering some protest. One of the maids lifted a vicious looking leather gag from her pinafore and passed it to her Mistress, blushing slightly at having it on her person. Claire laughed as she swiftly buckled it so nonchalantly around the bewildered male's mouth.

'Oh Maisie, I can see the sort of games you and Olive have playing while we've been away, but never mind; we'll have no protests or pleas from our male, and it'll quieten his cries too!' Gray was now in some discomfort, both physically and mentally as he was led across the lawn back to the impressive house, the rope coil still helping his cock maintain its rigidity despite the pain offered by his back and arse as the motion of his body teased the swelling wheals on his flesh which pulled the blistered skin tight. Gray was led into a small room where what looked like a physician's operating table awaited him. He waited trembling in the corner as Claire and the two girls prepared it with a polished routine that they all obviously knew so well.

The padded leather bench was first draped with a waterproof tarpaulin to protect the leather from blood or bodily fluids, then wet towels were laid upon it most precisely and delicately by the women, who gave Gray casual glances and wicked miles, ensuring he was paying attention. The terrified Gray could not look anywhere else, and his heart raced as he watched the shapely thighs and arses move about the menacing table, the sight doing little to calm his fear. The grinning women had him know that the next part of the procedure was one which he would really appreciate, and all three faced him across the table, wearing satisfied smiles as the wet towelling was liberally doused with a generous layer of salt. Claire strutted over to him, and taking his leash in one hand, casually wiped the salt from the other across his back, enjoying watching him flinch as the alkaline stung his wounds.

'There! Just a taste of what you can expect.' She led the cowering male to the table and the three were more than eager in helping the reluctant Gray up on to it. They held him tight, and forced him down as he grunted in agony on the salt burning into the wheals on his buttocks, strapping him down as he bucked and contorted with his back feeling as though it were on fire. They stood smiling and enjoyed watching him writhe in pain, his chest and thighs heaving against the straps, his muffled cries through the gag exciting Claire in particular. Gray's eyes streamed as he tensed and moaned, each squirming movement opening another phase of pain as the salt teased wounds until then untouched. It was a good ten minutes before his numbed body capitulated and he rested, snorting air through his nostrils, his chest pumping.

His eyes looked up to see a smiling Claire, her nipples poking excitedly through the fabric of her bodice, she twirled a scalpel in her fingers, her brown eyes alive with mischief.

'Now your cuts have been cleansed and that pain is over with, let's take a look at your cock.' Elsa, Martha, and the two maids stood close as Gray squirmed, giving their ubiquitous contented and spiteful smiles as Claire's delicate hand toyed with his roped cock, making it pulse to a full erection while he struggled against the bonds. She held the scalpel high, closing her eyes and pressing it against her lips, the thought of cutting his cock making her cunt tingle so sweetly. She opened her eyes again and smiled down at him.

'I don't think we need these cords anymore; try not to wriggle boy, I don't want to castrate you by accident, Ella would not be pleased with that.' The wicked smiles given by all five females had Gray's cock stiff with submissive excitement despite his fear, and Claire took great pleasure in teasing pre-cum from his bell-end with a delicate index finger.

'I do believe he likes the idea of being cut girls. I am going to enjoy this; I've not had the chance to use the knife on a male since we removed that cowboy's balls that time.' Elsa stroked Gray's face softly.

'Oh yes...and he wasn't wearing a gag; you should have heard him beg to keep his balls, and the way he hollered when we sliced them off..' They laughed as Gray tensed and immediately tried to offer a muffled protest himself. Claire held his cock high like a small turkey about to be throttled, then out of Gray's eyesight, pushed the blunt end of the scalpel up against his exposed sack. They had a good laugh at his expense as he jerked in fear, snorting through his nostrils in terror at the thought of having his sack punctured. Claire squeezed his cock hard.

'Now you keep still; I have to remove these cords before I can see where your cock needs slicing.' His cock throbbed in her hand as he saw the contentment on the grey haired woman's face, her soft features, illuminating brown eyes and red lips, belying the fact that this was a woman who had ruthlessly dominated many males to her satisfaction. Gray was now experiencing some of the subtle yet sadistic talents that she enjoyed so much. His whole body tensed in the straps as she took his bell-end between thumb and forefinger, and gently nicked at the cords around his sack with the menacing scalpel, and he sighed with a brief moment of relief as the tension on his tortured sack was relieved, his balls easing back in comfort. This was short lived however, Martha gently applying her fingers to his nipples and slowly increasing the pressure, her bitchy pleasure increasing as she pinched her fingers tight in knowing that the pain made Gray want to squirm, her Mistress at his cock with the lethal scalpel. Claire grinned with satisfaction as she cut the cord from his erect member.

'Oh Martha, Don't be so impatient to see him bleed! He'll give plenty when he's sliced, and his Mistress will be so pleased to see his nice smooth cock permanently expressing the bell-end she owns.' Gray snorted as the gag prevented his gasping on Claire stroking his boning cock, now free of the coil of cord and making it feel very exposed and vulnerable indeed. Her slender hand slipped up and down the rigid member, teasing the bell-end which she was threatening to leave bereft of the flesh which covered it when flaccid. Her cunt swelled as she watched his body tense in the straps, delighting in his terror.

'It's so hard to see where to slice when he's hard; you can see by his excitement that he's keen to know the knife; perhaps we should milk him to cool his ardour, I can then lop off the foreskin with ease.' She laughed as Gray's cock pulsed in her hand and dribbled pre-cum, as if to signal its willingness; its owner, though terrified, yearned to come as his submission to the mature woman's domination was felt in no uncertain terms. Claire's sadism rose as his cock perked in obedience, as though beckoning to the scalpel; she had no intention of actually carrying out the circumcision, she could not re-model her friend's property that way without her consent, but she would enjoy torturing Gray mentally. She lifted the scalpel high with one hand to let him see it, while circling the underside of his bell-end with a finger.

'No, I think I'll just cut it round here and be done with it.' She dropped the scalpel out of his sight and felt his whole body tense to match the boning erection as he prepared to scream in agony. With a smile, the cruel woman turned the blunt side of the scalpel to his flesh and laughed as he gasped in shock at feeling the cold steel but no pain. The girls laughed with her as she then grabbed the loose flesh of his scrotum.

'You're not getting away with no pain, I'll make my mark just the same.' She held the loose scrotal skin tight between finger and thumb, then with the point of the scalpel, slowly began scoring her initials on his sack. Gray whimpered in pain as the 'C' was cruelly embellished on his sack, making Elsa, Martha, and the maids giggle with pleasure. Claire's cunt tingled as she enjoyed his pain.

'Oh don't carry on so! It's just a scratch, nothing permanent.' Martha grabbed a chair and placed it a the end of the bench behind his head.

'I'll stop his whining.' She stepped up on the chair and placed her hands either side of his head, then slowly sat back, lowering her generous arse over his face. Gray sniffed hard through his nose and grunted into the ball-gag as his face was enveloped by the soft flesh and hot gusset, wet with the young female's excitement. She eased her cunt over his nose, making his cock dribble pre-cum as the spice of her aroused cleft tortured his senses, the others laughing as Martha slipped back and forth, using his nose and gag to excite both cunt and arsehole. Gray now thought in earnest on Ella's warning about Mistress Claire's penchant for extreme sadism, his cock boning despite his terror as he felt the scalpel on his sack once more. Claire sneered with cruel satisfaction on hearing his muffled cries enveloped by Martha's slippery cunt as she etched 'F' and 'B' on the stretched and tender skin of his scrotum.

'There! We can't have it going septic though, that just wouldn't do.' She took a handful of salt and delighted in seeing him writhe in pain as she liberally rubbed the stinging condiment into the freshly scored sack. Her cunt would now wait no longer, her arousal peaking as she yearned to have the defeated male all to herself for a while.

'Untie him girls. It's time he gave thanks for his pleasure in my bedroom.' She looked to the two maids who stood in coy innocence as Martha and Elsa unbound the hapless Gray; they knew the signs which heralded the pleasure both soft girls enjoyed.

'I believe you two have some explaining to do regarding your behaviour while we were away, I do hope you're more than ready to receive Martha and Elsa's attentions over the matter.' The two maids gave soft smirks and lowered their heads slightly, their cunts already hotly aroused by the day; they knew of the delights to come as they were chastened by the two more robust girls, on confessing how they'd taken turns in being tied, whipped, then fucked with the strap-on phallus. Martha and Elsa grinned at the sweetly submissive maids with spiteful eyes; the two would more than compensate for the loss of the submissive male to their Mistress.

Gray was more than ready to spend after his ordeal, the soreness of his sack eclipsed by the aching of the balls within as he was led up the grand staircase with its walls adorned with cow horns and native American artefacts. Claire stepped with dominant pride as she led the naked and leashed property of her friend to know the pleasures of her authority on all fours, stopping on the landing to take a spiteful looking horsewhip from the wall, and smiling broadly at her two young charges who ascended after them; the two maids also stripped naked, leashed and more than ready to know submission to the two spiteful girls who proudly led them. Gray's cock pulsed as the two were marshalled side by side, their pert nubile bottoms facing him. Claire saw his eagerness as the two maids flexed their sweet smelling anuses at him.

'Lick their assholes Gray. Show them your acknowledgment that even they are your superiors, they may wish to cane you after they've been shown their place in the pecking order of this house.' Gray gratefully lapped and probed at the tart tang of the tight, hot arseholes like the dog he'd become, the maids sighing and squirming their wet cunts as he did so. Claire thoroughly enjoying his obedience.

'See how a male must always be treated girls, his inferiority must be demonstrated at all times.' Gray's cock dribbled as his tongue tasted the hot arseholes which clenched and dilated at his probing, Martha grinning as she displayed an ample strap-on in her free hand.

'That's it Gray, get them nice and lubricated, they's goin' to need it.' He gasped as the second sweet orifice was tugged away, and the maids were led to know the pleasures of the smooth wooden cock. He jumped as Claire cut the air with her horsewhip, then tugged him to her bedroom door.

'It's been a while since I used this whip, the last male to taste it was left staked out in the dessert, Lord knows what became of him.'

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appyBappyB4 months ago

I've loved this whole story. Many thanks for writing it.

Sputnik57Sputnik57over 5 years agoAuthor
Dear Anonymous, regarding your February 2019 comment...

...please keep taking the tablets, as you are obviously beyond professional help - if you don't appreciate femdom, or are unable to comprehend the intro which clearly describes the genre, but then continue to read the tale - you are surely suffering from some form of incurable masochistic psychosis.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Dear Sputnik

You really need some professional help to overcome the obvious feelings of inadequacy you have pertaining to women. They are not superior or inferior, just a slightly different version of the same species. It's not healthy to think the way you describe in your bio or the way all your stories portray male to female relationships.

Just a suggestion old chap.

Darkside619Darkside619almost 8 years ago

What a story! Well written and had me at the "edge" of my seat all week.

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