Emerald Eyes


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Somehow, despite the heated exchange and the threat on her life, Valerie spoke up, "It's okay, Professor, he was just leaving. Weren't you, Rick?"

"Uh, yeah, I was just leaving," Rick stammered, "I was only joking, really."

Professor Juneau was having none of Rick's excuses, "I suggest you do that, and if I find out that you're bothering any other students, or anyone for that matter, you will find yourself in a great deal of trouble!"

After a mumbled agreement, Rick hurried away, his hands thrust in his pockets. The professor turned to Valerie and me, "So, what exactly is going on here?"

"Just a disagreement, sir," Valerie lied.

I felt the almost overwhelming urge to spill everything and have it done, but I kept my trap shut because Valerie had asked me to.

The professor, unconvinced, sighed, "All right, then. You two keep clear of that kid. His short fuse is going to have him in trouble sooner or later."

The professor walked away, shaking his head.

When he'd turned the corner, Valerie's knees went weak, and she leaned heavily against me, "Oh God..."

I held her up easily, slipping an arm around her slim waist, "Hey, come on, let's find a place to sit down."

We found a bench in front of a hardware store, and she sank onto it, her legs unable to support her. I sat down next to her, and she still leaned against me, her head on my shoulder.

"My heart almost quit, I was so scared!" she cried.

"I wouldn't have known it. You were amazing, the way you stood up to him like that. I thought you were going to rip his throat out!"

She looked at me, unbelievingly.

"I'm serious, you... you were like an...um...."

She frowned, "Like a what?"

A flush of embarrassment crept up the collar of my shirt and made its way to my face, "Like...an Amazon..."

She goggled at my description, "Amazon? Like one of those warrior women? Me?"

I nodded, the flush deepening, "Yeah, like that..."

She kissed my cheek, "Thanks, but there's no way I even compare."

The imprint her lips left on my cheek tingled its way into my skin.

I insisted, "Oh, you're an Amazon, all right. You really cut him good."

Her lower lip trembled slightly, "All I did was piss him off more. I probably should've kept my mouth shut."

"I think he'll stay away...the professor scared him pretty badly, so he's gotta know he'd get caught."

We got back to my dorm room safely, and she stood just inside my door.

"If you want, I can walk you back to your room."

She tilted her head a little, smiling, "Well, I'd planned on visiting for a while, but if you want me to go home..."

I rethought my offer, "If you want, you can visit me for a while instead of rushing home so soon."

"That's so sweet of you to offer, Stephen. I'd love to."

She looked at my c.d. collection, noting that it contained a lot of Nine Inch Nails. She picked up one of the c.d.'s, turned it over to read the back, and then asked, "I've never listened to them before."

I took the c.d. from her, extracted the c.d. from it, and put it in one of the five holders on the disc tray of my stereo. I set it to play 'The Perfect Drug,' and watched for her reaction. She sat down in front of the stereo, and tapped her hands on her knees in beat to the song. She seemed to be enjoying it. Once the song ended, she smiled.

"It's pretty cool. I like the beat, too. Do you have all their c.d.'s?"

"Not yet, but soon I will. Trent Reznor's a genius with his music. He's got angry songs with quick beats, weird, slow songs that are really trippy, and some of his songs have no lyrics, just music."

"Cool. Can I hear one of the last kind?"

I added another album to the second holder, and played 'At the Heart of It All.' We listened to it, sitting beside each other. Valerie closed her eyes for a few minutes, just taking in the music. Then she stood up, and walked around the room. Her eyes happened upon my sketchbook, and she remembered the sketch I had been doing of the computer. She looked back at me, and then back to the sketchbook. I got up, and walked over to her.

"What's up?"

"Can I look at some of your sketches?"

I hesitated, as I usually didn't let people see my sketchbooks, but then I nodded, and she picked it up. As she looked through it, I went back to the stereo, picked out another album by Nine Inch Nails, and another, until I had filled all five holders. I picked out a song called 'Ripe (With Decay)' to show her one of his more ominous songs. It didn't have any lyrics in it either.

Valerie looked through the sketchbook, examining each picture. Then she came to the drawing I did of a girl in the nude. She blinked, and looked from the picture to me.

"Who is this? Is this a real person?" She didn't seem angry, or real shocked, just curious.

"Remember the girl that stood me up twice? Well, I met her in my art class. She was one of the volunteers for the nude drawings. She seemed nice, so I asked her out. Twice..."

"Well, since you'd seen her naked, did that make it any easier to ask her out?"

I laughed, "No, it was actually more difficult. I didn't want her to think that I was only asking her out because I'd seen her naked. But maybe she thought that anyway."

Valerie chewed her bottom lip for a second, and I realized how full her lips were. She wore a pink gloss, and her lips glimmered in the light. She was mulling something over in her mind, looking down at the drawing.

I had spent a long time refining the drawing, redoing the shading, tweaking a little, even after that particular class. Maybe Valerie was a little put off by the effort I'd put into it. She turned the sketchbook a little, and tilted her head, really scrutinizing my work. Finally, looking up from the picture, she admitted, "If this is accurate, this girl is pretty hot."

I shrugged, "It doesn't count for much if she doesn't trust me."

She nodded, chewed her lip for another twenty seconds, and then blurted out, "Could you draw me?"

I blinked at her, and she took it for a no.

"You know, it's a bad idea, I'm sorry."

I asked, "Do you trust me?"

She laughed, "After everything you've done to protect me? Of course I do!"

I smiled a little, "Let me grab my pencils."

I set up a small, metal easel, got one of my larger sketchbooks, and opened it to a blank page. As I set the pencils on the tray, the c.d. in the stereo changed, and 'The Mark Has Been Made' began to play. How appropriate!

"Do you want me to draw you with your clothes on?" Believe me, this was not a suggestive question, I was just asking her preference.

She blushed, but answered, "I want you to draw me nude. If you want to, that is..."

"It's your choice. I'm just the artist. If you'd like, I have a bathrobe that I never really wear. You can change in the bathroom."

She turned her head to the bathroom, seemed to consider it, and then unbuttoned the gray blouse she was wearing. She shrugged it off, disclosing a purple and red bra that barely contained her impressive breasts. She kicked her sandals off and slipped her tan slacks down her long legs, and I could see that she liked her panties to match her bra.

She hesitated before unfastening the clasps on the back of her bra, looking at me self-consciously.

I offered her a chance to keep her underwear on, "I can draw you the way you are now. I can't guarantee I'll get the pattern of your u-underwear right. It's very elaborate...and it's pretty."

She made up her mind, and unhooked the clasps, and slid the bra off, freeing her considerable breasts. Her areolas were pink, the size of an Oreo cookie, and topped with pert, stiff nipples. Her blush deepened as my eyes roamed over her exposed breasts.

I just waited. I hadn't even figured out what kind of pose I would do of her yet. But my face did grow a little red, and my heart beat faster at the sight of her gorgeous breasts.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," she gushed, nervous, "It's almost like being at the doctor's office, but...kind of sexier."

I smiled, knowing what she meant, especially the 'sexier' part. Watching her undress was creating such a heat in me that I was responding before her bra had even hit the floor.

She took a deep breath, exhaled it slowly, and slid her panties down. My jaw probably would've hit the floor, but I managed to keep my face neutral. The pubic area above the junction of her legs was trimmed into the shape of a heart, with the rest of it shaved off. Her outer labia was bare underneath, slightly puffy.

She resisted an urge to cover herself with her hands, and trembled slightly, more than just a little nervous. I looked over at the couch, and back to her.

"Just lie on the couch, and we'll pose you for the drawing."

She walked over to the couch, awkwardly aware of her nudity. She sat on it, and I brought the easel over in front of her. I had to push the couch back a few feet to have enough space. She swung her legs onto the couch, leaned back, and waited demurely, still trembling. I walked over to her, crouched down, and decided what kind of pose would do best for her.

"Okay, don't freak out. I just need to reposition you a little, okay?"

Despite her trembling, she nodded, "I trust you."

I asked her to turn slightly, just enough so where she was leaning a little against the back of the couch. I reached out gingerly and touched her knee. She sucked in a startled breath, and then laughed, "Sorry..."

I lifted her leg slightly, positioning it so that it was slightly bent, with her foot resting against the arm of the couch. Moving back a little, I nodded. It hid the part of her that she seemed so much more nervous about, and accentuated the sexy curve of her buttocks just subtly enough to be more erotic, at least in my eyes it did.

On the stereo, 'The Warm Place,' began to play.

I moved up to her upper body, and moved the arm closest to me, up, so that her fingers rested behind her head. Her other hand I placed just under her breasts, as if she was caressing her own skin. I fanned her hair out the best that I could, creating a seductive look. I moved the floor lamp in the corner closer to her, just enough to illuminate her better.

When I was satisfied with her pose, I moved backwards to my easel, trying my best to hide an almost painful bulge in my pants. Safely behind the easel, I peeked out from around it and appreciated the form of her lithe body for a few seconds before I made my first line. Then I began to draw, making light strokes with a softer pencil, tracing the outline of her body. From there, I worked on her face, peeking out again, and she watched me as my eyes moved over her face. Quickly becoming accustomed, her trembling subsided, and she appeared to relax. I recreated her high cheekbones, her supple lips, eyebrows, her eyes, and out to her fiery hair. I had to make a few corrections to my first attempt, and then I captured her slender shoulders, collarbone, and then her breasts. When I managed to get the shape down, the faint change from the slightly tan flesh to the areolas, to the ever-stiff nipples at the summits. Her hand was a bit tricky, but this was because I always had a little trouble with hands. I managed to get her hand to the way it needed to be, and continued on down, past the bottom of her ribcage, to her taut stomach. Her hips flared seductively, and I had to capture that as well, recreating how her buttocks, supple, curved down to the back of her thigh.

I was pleased that she didn't move except for her eyes. I would have expected that she'd moved by then, maybe a cramp in her leg, or an arm that was falling asleep, but she gave no sign of discomfort. I drew her long legs, shapely calves, slender, pretty ankles, and her cute feet. She was identifiably on the paper, and I worked on the shading next, trying to get it down to each minute detail. After I was satisfied that I had it down, I created the couch under her, subtly altering its shape to add more rounded arms, and clawed feet instead of the normal ones. Finally, about an hour after I'd begun, I put a few finishing touches on it, and pronounced it done. I had to take a few deep breaths and readjust myself, and then came out from behind the easel. I brought the drawing to her, and let her examine it.

Her breath caught when she saw herself on paper. Her eyes moved over it, and her surprise was evident.

"Wow, that's me!"

I nodded, "That's you. I could improve on my shading, but I'd probably botch it if I tried."

"It's...perfect. Except it can't be me. I can't look that good in real life. My butt isn't that well rounded, and my boobs are too big. You must have exaggerated my features a little, right?"

I was stunned that she didn't realize just how beautiful she was, "No, I drew it as I saw it. This is how you look."

She shook her head, "It can't be, I mean, look at me!"

"Oh, I've been looking at you for about an hour...This is you."

She searched my eyes for some hint of a lie.

I insisted, "I'm serious. This picture...is you. These boobs are yours, exquisitely proportioned, this well-rounded, sensual butt is your butt. These long, smooth legs, your feet, all of this that I drew, this is your body. I didn't exaggerate any of your features a bit."

Her eyes grew wider as I described her body to her, some type of understanding dawning in her emerald depths, and I realized just how much I'd revealed. My face reddened brightly.

"Um...well, this is you."

She sat up, and I gave her the sketchbook with her on it. I walked slowly, trying to calm myself. It felt like I was out of control, revealing feelings I had only been half aware of until just then. I just saw her out of the corner of my eye as she stood up and walked over to where I had stopped, staring at the floor. She put her hand on my arm, and I turned to face her.

Something more was in her eyes, something different. She no longer seemed concerned with her nakedness.

I stammered, "I...I don't know...I didn't want to seem like I was taking advantage of you. After all, you took your clothes off for the picture, not because of me, right, and I didn't want..."

She stopped me, "I took my clothes off because I trust you. I didn't put them on yet for the same reason. I felt your eyes all over me...it felt so good to feel that. And then you tell me that, at least in your eyes, my body is perfect. I don't think I've ever had anyone tell me that and mean it as much as you. So, if you think my body is so perfect, then I want you to touch it."

I was thrown, but my hands reached out nonetheless, making contact with her hot skin, slipping around her sides, coming together on her back. I pulled her to me until her breasts pressed against me, her hips against mine. Her arms pulled me closer yet, and her lips met mine, lightly at first, sampling, and then deeper. Her lips parted, and her tongue touched my upper lip. I met her questing tongue with my own, and they rolled over each other. I felt her exhale on my cheek, quickening.

My hands moved up her back, drowning in the locks of her flowing hair, the silky strands slipping through my fingers. As my hands trailed down past her shoulder blades, the small of her back, and to the swell of her buttocks, she pressed more urgently to me. I gripped the firm flesh in my hands, lifting her slightly, and she moaned softly against my lips. Together we made our way to the couch, and as I sat, she sat in my lap. I could feel the intense heat of her nether region burning through my pants to the swollen member just underneath the denim, straining towards the heat. She slid off my lap to the floor in front of me, and unbuckled my pants. I lifted my hips cooperating, turned on by how she undressed me. When my underwear was pulled down my legs, the swollen, angry-red member sprang up. She reached out and touched it, making it jump against her hand. I pulled her up to me, and we kissed again, more urgently, our lips pressing together, our tongues mingling excitedly. My organ pressed against the bottom of her thigh insistently, so she reached down under her and gripped it. She stroked her hand along the shaft, up to the head, back down, excruciatingly slow.

I touched my hands to her breasts, finding them soft, slightly yielding under my hands. I cupped, rubbed, kneaded her breasts, drifting to her hard nipples, making her purr as my fingers brushed the sensitive, jutting flesh. Her stroking became quicker, harder, her breathing more rapid as she continued to kiss me. I broke the kiss, both of us gasping, and bent my head to her breasts, taking one pink, slightly puffy areola in my mouth. Her hands left my member to grasp the back of my head, pushing through my hair, pulling me against her, urging me.

"Oh, that's good, mmmm, yeah, suck on it, yeah, that's it, just like that..."

Getting her aroused was easy considering she was already there. I moved her so that she sat on the couch, and I was on her. I slid down to the floor, pulling her down a little so that only half of her buttocks actually touched the cushion. I worked my way from her breasts to her taut stomach, feeling the muscles stretching under my lips as she arched her back. I dipped my tongue into her navel briefly, and then down further to closer examine the heart-shaped pubic thatch. She had obviously taken her time with it, doing her best to make it as perfect as possible, even trimming the hairs that made up the heart.

I felt the pubic thatch against my chin, slipped my tongue down into it, and then further down, down to where she wanted, according to her urging and guiding. I could smell her sex, mingled with that perfume she wore, and the mixture completed the ocean for me. I tasted the soft, shaved flesh surrounding her entrance, licking with short strokes.

"You know," she gasped. "It's not...oh...nice to keep...oh-my-God...a girl waiting like...this."

Smiling, I slipped my tongue between her inner lips, licked down to that small bit of flesh that separates her entrance from the puckered starburst shape that was her anus, and then licked back up to the hood that protects her clitoris. Down, and up, over and over, tasting the slightly salty juices that flowed from inside her. Her fingers dug into my hair, almost painfully hard. I licked my way up to her clit, dipped my tongue back down, and into her, causing her to whimper, and I tasted more of her juices. And then it flowed faster as I touched her clit with my fingers, and it swelled enough that the hood of flesh no longer protected it as effectively. I rubbed over her swollen clit in circles, moving my tongue to wet it occasionally, bringing her higher, closer to her release. She jerked her hips against my face and hand, her moans increasing in volume and tempo. She bit down on her bottom lip, mewling through her teeth, and then her eyes popped open wide, and she released her bottom lip. I could feel the walls of her vagina squeezing against my tongue rhythmically, and the spasms began as she climaxed, her thighs pinching my head still between them, humping against my face erratically, and she trembled violently. My tongue was flooded as she came, and I did my best to lap it up despite the fact that my head was held tightly by her muscular thighs.

When she finally quieted and released me, I took a few more licks, and stood up. She got up, pushed me down on the couch, and wasted no time. She went directly to my erection, took it in her hands, stroking it, squeezing. She bowed her head over it, poking her tongue out, and proceeded to swirl her pink tongue around the head. Her lips opened around the head, stopping just at the corona, and sucked my member into her mouth. About half-way down, she reversed and backed it out to the head again, her tongue lapping and swirling continuously. She used her free hands to fondle my balls, and her fiery hair hung down around her face, tickling my thighs.