Emily Steele Science Professor Pt. 05


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"Alright we will be there." Miles stated, defeated as he had no choice. He needs his wife to be instructor for the program.

The morning classes were a breeze for Emily. She walked into the cafeteria at noontime the find not only Craig but a very nervous Sam and Miles Rowe. Craig had his wife's meal for her. She sat and started to eat.

"Will I have to be nude today in class Emily?" Samantha asked almost in tears of fright.

"No, you will just observe for today. Does that make you feel better Sam?"

"Oh, Thank you Professor!" Sam stated with relief.

The remainder of the conversations were lite and jovial. They finished their meal. The men cleaned the table, and the women went to the change room. Sam entered first and Emily entered, but left the door ajar and removed her dress.

"Emily the door is open someone may see you?" Samantha gasped.

"Sam, so many students and faculty have seen me nude the last five weeks that I have lost all the inhibitions and modesty. I have found I like to have people look at my naked body." Emily stated to make a point. She wanted Sam to buy into this attitude.

Emily removed her panties just as Craig and Miles entered the room. Miles left the door open two thirds of the way. She paid no mind to her exposure and stated. "Craig, just in time can you unhook my bra?"

"Sure, gladly!" He stated as he did the two-finger flip, and the bra was unhooked.

Emily took the garment off handed it and her panties to her husband he stored them in her purse.

When Miles saw Craig's, practiced fingers unhook his wife's bra he asked. "Where did you learn that trick?"

"Many years of practice sir, many years of practice."

"Can you show me how to do that trick?" Miles asked.

"Sure, we just need a bra to practice on and a lady who is willing." Craig stated as he looked at Samantha.

"Okay I get it." Sam stated as she pulled the blouse she had on over her head. She paid no mind to the open door.

Emily remained nude and in view of the hall.

Craig asked. "Is it okay if I show Miles how it is done and then he can practice."

"Yes, as long as Emily doesn't care." Sam stated.

"I am all for giving instruction to people who need it." Emily stated, with a giggle.

Craig used two fingers and popped the hooks of the bra. It took Miles five tries before he got it. He did the two-finger bra release trick five more times to make sure he got it. He hooked his wife's bra and both men left to go to the classroom. They left the two women behind as Emily had to gather her course material and put it in her book bag. She donned her dress secured enough buttons, so her intimate areas were covered.

"I have the syllabus for the course for you to read through and the tests so far I have written." Emily told Sam as she handed the materials to her.

"Emily, I notice you always have your husband unhook your bra. Why?"

"That is my signal he gives me permission to show my body to the group and let them explore my intimate areas. You should have your husband undress you also when you will be put on display, as the way he gives you permission to do this." Emily explains.

"Very good idea Emily, our men can't get mad at us for showing everything because they helped us undress."

By the time Emily and Samantha entered the classroom, Craig had the roll call complete and Miles has placed himself in a seat with the best view of the front of the exam table. Samantha sat next to him.

"Today it will be another day of intimate grooming. I am looking very scruffy. It is time to take care of that. Craig can you get some towels and the shaving kit?" Emily stated as she removed her dress and handed it to Miles. She mounted the exam table and asked one of the students. "Can you help me to get into position for my grooming?"

"Sure, thing Professor." the student closest to her stated and help her put her feet in the stirrups and spread her, so they will have access to accomplish the task at hand.

Craig came back with the needed supplies and set everything down on a table with casters, next to the exam table. "Craig so everyone has a chance to help with my grooming each will receive a couple of minutes apiece to perform the task in alphabetical order. You're the timekeeper my dear." Emily stated.

The first young man took the warm cloth and used it to moisten the area to be shaved and that took his time. The next young man started on the vaginal lips of the Professor. Samantha realized she will be in the same position the Professor is in if she decides to become an instructor. She will have all her intimate areas out for all the students to see.

Miles was intrigued with Emily he has never seen a woman this exposed except his wife. A woman's flower of life is a thing of beauty he decided. His fantasy to see many woman's vaginal areas in real time and up close. Miles looked at Emily's pussy and tried to visualize his wife's. He realized they don't look the same. His other vision was of his wife in Emily's place spread out with students fingers in her vagina.

Samantha looked around the room and all the men had wood. It was a smorgasbord of cocks in the room. Emily was the one who made them pitch tents in their pants. "Will I be able to do this also? Get all the men that excited." She thought. With a start she realized her panties are soaked through.

Miles who concentrated on Emily's pussy caught a whiff of excited female. He recognized the scent. He looked over and could see a dark spot on his wife's slacks at her crotch. She is very excited.

All the students who groomed their Professor could smell her arousal and when they walked close to Mrs. Lowe, she gave off a feminine scent also although different from the Professors. The students started to compare the two women's scents. Each in their minds loved both.

Emily had an orgasm in front of all there by the time the last young man finished as he applied the lotion to her shaved area. She held back her orgasm until then and squirted. From prior experiences the young man worked in the lotion from the side. He wasn't hit by her orgasm, but Emily's orgasm shot our at least three feet from her pussy and splattered on the ground in front of Samantha. To her complete shock. She didn't know a woman could do that. She thought Emily had pissed.

Until her husband whispered. "The Professor just had a orgasm."

Emily did not try to cover her pussy she remained spread and asked if there were any questions. The students cleaned up her orgasm. Emily dismounted the exam table and Miles gave her the dress. She left it open until all the students departed.

"Do you think you will be able to instruct this class Sam?"

"With some instruction I think I can do it."

Emily could see how wet the juncture of her legs where the moisture was almost to her knees. "This course turned you on didn't it. You pictured yourself in my place and all the young men touching you intimately. I know it is a turn on for me and my husband. It looks like Miles likes it also. Emily stated as she looked at the bulge in his crotch. "Sam we will start your instruction on how to teach this course on Saturday and Sunday this weekend. Miles will fill you in on the particulars." Emily stated as she secured a few buttons on her dress.

They all headed to the change room and Miles handed Emily her envelope.

"What do you make for a class?" Sam asked.

Emily handed the envelope to Sam and took a shower. As Sam counted the money her eyes got bigger and bigger.

"Fifteen hundred dollars for one hour? Holy crap! I have to overcome my shyness I can see that." Sam stated with resolve.

This brought a smile to Miles. "I think Sam is going to be spread out on the exam table next year." He thought happily.

Emily donned her dress and called Lesley when she answered Emily said. "Hi Lesley, see if you can find a private room to have a meeting at one of the restaurants Call Jerry. There will be seven of us. Text me which one." She said as she secured a few buttons on her dress.

"Okay Mom will do." Lesley said and hung up.

"Would you like to come to dinner with us Miles. Sam you will probably end up nude again before the night is over are you agreeable with that?" Emily asked the couple.

"Yes, we are." Miles answered for his wife.

Luckily Samantha had the foresight to bring a dress with her.

It was ten minutes before Lesley texted Emily the address of the restaurant. She gave the information to the others.

"Why don't you leave your cars here and pick them up on the way by. I will drive." Miles stated.

"I have to get something from my car." Sam stated. She came back with a button front dress in her hand. "Any objections if I change on the way in the car?" She asked.

"Go for it girl!" Emily stated joyfully.

"It is your car you can do what you want. Craig added to the approval.

Sam fortified herself and stripped nude and then donned the dress buttoned it all the way up.

They arrived at the dining establishment. They were brought through the bar. The contingent was ushered to a small private room with a dance floor. The restrooms were in a hall right outside their private room, but in view of the bar counter.

Emily explained. "We are a nudist group with who meet regularly do you have any issues with nudity in the private room?" She asked the host.

He was taken by surprise with the older woman's request. "There shouldn't be any problem." He stated with a sparkle in his eye.

The foursome waited for the rest of the guests to arrive, as Emily gave a more in-depth explanation of the weekend activities at the nudist camp to the Lowe's. Sam gasped when she realized she will be naked at the camp all weekend and will be instructed by Emily to teach FEH-101.

"What happens if I get excited at the camp?" Miles whispered nervously to Craig.

"We have cold beverages to put on your hot tool Miles, don't worry. I had a hard problem the first few hours I was at the camp also." Craig confided.

The beverage server entered the private room to pick up the order. He was disappointed to see all the women still clothed. The order was taken, and he left.

Lesley and Frank arrived with Jerry right behind them, with a lady friend who he introduced as Katy.

"Go ahead Lesley." Emily said.

Lesley knew right away what Emily meant. "Okay mom, are you and Sam going to join me." She asked as she removed her dress.

"Why not!" Sam stated to the surprise of all there. "I need to practice if I am going to become an instructor of the sex ed class.

This surprised Jerry's date, Katy who was just introduced to the group and now the woman stripped off their clothes. "What kind of gathering have you brought me to?" She whispered concerned she will have to strip.

"You don't have to strip Katy." Jerry assured her and as an afterthought. "That is unless you want to!" He added with a smile.

The beverage server with the waiter came into the room just as the women removed their garments. They had smiles on their faces. It was a rare occasion to have nude women specially beautiful naked women at the restaurant. Their meal order was taken.

While they waited for their meals Emily continued to explain what she hoped to accomplish over the weekend. Katy was stunned the older nude woman was a college professor who taught a college level sex-ed class. She will instruct another woman how to teach the class and at a nudist camp this weekend.

The meals were brought in by an extraordinary amount of servers even though the restaurant was crowded. They ogled the women as they served them. To the delight of the women. Even Sam, reveled in the attention from the much younger men.

By the time the delegation finished their meal. The piped in music changed from dinner music to a dance venue. It was Lesley signal to get up with Frank. It was a fast dance, so she put on a spectacle for anyone who watched her with her bottom shaking and her boobs as the flopped around.

The next song a slow dance. It brought to the dance floor the older couples. Katy was surprised how the men grabbed the woman's bottoms and pulled on their cheeks and how exposed the women were as they danced .There was no mystery about their bodies. It was all right out there to be seen.

To Jerry's delight Katy felt out of place as she danced with him. "Do you want me to take off my clothes, so you can dance with me as the other men dance with their ladies?"

"I would be honored if you gave me the pleasure to dance with you while you are nude." Jerry stated with reverence.

Katy went to a corner and proceeded to remove her garments with Jerry's help and encouragement. She had a red hue to her features as she returned to the dance floor. The woman stiffened when Jerry grabbed the cheeks of her butt. She could feel the cool air on her brown star, and this embarrassed the woman. Katy didn't consider herself a prude, but this was almost too much to endure in front of these strangers.

True to the adaptability of humans she overcame her concerns and started to enjoy herself after the first few dances. Katy's next shock came about an hour into her nude experience. with Lesley's comment.

"You have to change partners after every dance." Always the activity director.

By the last dance Katy, Emily, Lesley, and Sam have been manhandled by all the men of the group. When last call came All the ladies, danced with the servers.

"Miles, your turn to pick up the tab. This was a business meeting you can right off." Emily instructed the President of the college.

The women all nude left. They passed the bar to the amazement of the guys there. Each woman Katy included gave the men a beaver shot as they entered the vehicles. Miles dropped off Craig, Emily and Sam to retrieve their vehicles at the college. The women because of the late hour drove home nude.

Miles and Sam checked to make sure they were home alone before Sam exited her car nude. The couple only made it to the Kitchen. Miles stripped nude and put his wife on the counter. He did a muff dive for Sam's first orgasm before he fucked, her into oblivion with her second orgasm followed his release.

The couple fell asleep happy in the nude. They decided it was a boost to their sex life to have Emily instruct Sam to teach the sex-ed class.

Frank and Lesley arrived home first. Franks clothes were scattered in the hall where he disrobed. A nude Emily entered the house and headed with her husband to the master bedroom. They walked past the open door of their son to find him in the receipt of a hummer from Lesley. They watched the couple, but Emily had other Ideas.

"I need some lovin' my dear." Emily stated as she brought her husband into the master bedroom and stripped his clothes off. She laid on he bed with her legs spread. "See anything good to eat?" She asked as a way to tell her husband she wants oral.

He did the muff dive to get her off the first time and crawled up her body she helped him position is spear as they kissed. She could taste her female essence when Craig French kissed her. For some reason it was a turn on for her. She rocketed to her second orgasm and Craig went right along with her to completion.

The ballad of sexual copulation in the Steele home lasted no more than a half hour and then all you could hear is the calm breath of sleep from all the occupants.

Jerry for the first time did not have a bad case of blue balls from the meeting with Dr. Steele. Katy slept over for the first time. She exited his vehicle nude walked into his house and right to his bedroom. They have been intimate, a few times at her house but he left before her daughter arrived home. Her daughter was on a sleepover at a friend's. Their sex session started with oral. Jerry got his socks blown off with his shoes laced up tight.

He returned the favor and played licky'de-slit while he rubbed her clit. Jerry sucked on her pussy until Katy thought her head would cave in. Her orgasm was phenomenal. While Katy came down from her orgasm he climbed into the saddle and he rode his way to their second orgasm. Something Jerry hasn't done in a long time.

The participants of the act of lust fell asleep in the nude and happy.

Friday: Emily awoke excited another weekend at the camp after her morning classes. Emily showered and entered the kitchen nude. Craig was alone as he prepared breakfast. The young couple were not in the kitchen, but Emily heard the bed as the springs made the rhythmic beat of sex noises as she passed their room.

"Could you tell Lesley to pack an overnight case for me?" Emily asked as she poured a cup of coffee.

"Sure, my love! Do we pick you up at noon time today?"

"Yes, and not a moment later. I can't wait to start to train Sam to take my place. I think the President is more anxious than me to have his wife work as a FEH-101 instructor?" Emily mused as she ate her meal.

Emily retired to the master bedroom to dress. She donned a match pair of bra and panties in 'nude' with a button front pink dress and matched shoes with three-inch heels. She entered the kitchen, kissed her husband, and left for her morning classes.

Emily hummed the happy tunes the radio played as she drove to work. She could see the light at the end of the tunnel; everything will work out the way she wants it to she was sure. She parked her vehicle and headed to the President's office to find it locked. She asked the student receptionist. "Where is Mr. Lowe?"

"He called in said he will be in for an hour at eleven this morning and they he will leave for a meeting. Would you like to leave a note for him to get in touch with you?" The receptionist stated.

Emily received the information needed. "No that is okay." She said as she left reception on her way to her office to prepare for the first class.

The reason the President is not at the college:

In the middle of the night Samantha had a wet dream she felt her pussy was attacked by a tongue. She awoke with a start. With he husband' head between her legs and his mouth on her pussy as he created suction on her manhole. She loved the feel of his tongue as it strummed her clit.

"OOOOOOOOHHHH MMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYY LLLLLLLLOOOOORRRRRDDDDDDDDDDDDDD" Sam screamed as her orgasm hit her like a ton of bricks. She was angry with herself for her distaste for oral sex until now which her husband begged to let him give her. She realized she would have liked sex more with this added benefit.

Miles kissed his way up his wife's body as she convulsed from her orgasm. This caused more pleasure for Sam. She opened her legs so Miles could gain access to her honey pot. He kissed his wife and she found pleasure in her taste as their tongues wrestled. Sam reached down to line up her husband into her manhole as he moved forward with urgency. She needed Miles to fill her void.

Miles was pleased he came up with the idea to have his wife instruct FEH-101, if it wasn't for Dean Kraft's plot to require Professor Steele to be nude in public. The Lowe's would still be in a rut as it pertained to their sex life. Now he can see a bright future of intimacy for here on.

Lesley, Frank and Craig happily gathered what they needed for their trip to Full-Tan-Sun-Club. They were ready to go my Eleven and were on their way.

Jerry was doesn't know what he should do. Katy stayed overnight he doesn't know what Emily has in store for him. He met a woman at the camp with her friend and they had a threesome. In the end he decided to ask Katy if she wants to spend the weekend at the camp. Happily she made arrangements for her daughter to stay at her mother's house and she went with Jerry to the camp.

Emily breezed through her classes. A group of students heard about the plot to have Professor Steele nude in public and some even witnessed her in the hall nude.