Emily's Journey Ch. 02


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"You can keep that as a souvenir," she drawled.

She raised her arms over her head. Her firm, perky little tits bouncing gently as she snaked from side-to-side.

Roger was so mesmerized by Emily's topless dance routine that he failed to notice that Curt had removed most of his clothes and was down to his boxers.

Curt's trim, sinewy build was quite a contrast to Roger's own doughy middle-aged body. I suppose if you're gonna let someone screw your wife, it may as well be someone who takes good care of himself, he reasoned.

Emily gazed down at Curt and smiled mischievously. "You wanna see the rest," she teased.

"Hell yeah, baby! Show me the promised land!"

Emily undid the hasp on her skirt. The garment slowly slid to down her legs. Curt's jaw dropped. Roger gasped audibly.

Apparently during her afternoon shopping spree, Emily had carved out some time to hit a salon and get herself a Brazilian wax. Roger was overwhelmed. He'd come to think of soft, downy well-groomed triangle on Emily's pudenda as being as just as much of a part of her as the color of her eyes.

"Hell yeah!" Curt roared. "That looks good enough to eat!"

Emily stepped down from the coffee table and plopped ass-first onto the couch. She raised both legs high in the air and spread them wide.

"Come 'n get it, cowboy!"

Roger watched with shock and delight as Curt bolted across the room, fell to his knees and buried his face in Emily's smooth hairless snatch.

"Ah yeahhh...ooooohhh..." she cooed as Curt hungrily worked between her legs.

Roger felt half the blood in his body rush to his head and the other half rush to his dick. He was watching a complete stranger eat his wife's pussy and he had absolutely no desire to intervene. His conscience was in sleep mode.

Curt pulled back from Emily's dripping twat. Without missing a beat, he replaced his tongue with two fingers.

"Mmmmm...that is the sweetest cunt I've tasted in a long time."

Emily bit her lip and shut her eyes tightly as Curt continued rapidly working his fingers in and out of her. "You've had enough foreplay, girl... I think its time to move things to the next level."

"Ooooooooohhh!" Emily squealed as Curt's fingers hit her joy spot.

"That's just a little preview of what's to come," Curt said as he withdrew his fingers and stood up.

There was confusion in Emily's eyes. This stranger had come very close to fingering her into ecstasy and then stopped. She lowered her legs and looked at Curt quizzically.

Curt smirked and snapped the waistband of his boxers. "Get on over here girl - time for you to unwrap your present!"

Emily knew exactly what he wanted her to do. She slithered off the couch and crawled to him. Curt ran a hand through her tangled mess of light-brown hair as she tugged down his boxers.

Roger almost gasped when he saw what Curt was packing. His cock was porn-star massive - nine rock-hard inches and damn-nearly as wide as a Red Bull can. His own five-incher looked like a toothpick in comparison.

Emily looked like she didn't know what to make of it either. Her eyes were wide with wonder as she surveyed the unwieldy instrument.

"Don't be scared - it won't bite!" Curt joked.

Emily cautiously trailed a finger down the length of it before taking it in her hand.

"Its so...so...huge!" She said through nervous giggles.

Curt grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to her feet. "I prefer to think of it as just the right size to get the job done!" Emily let out a short, sharp shriek as Curt delivered a firm hard slap to her ass.

"Now why don't you get on your hands and knees over there in front of your business manager. I'd like to be close enough so he can monitor your performance."

Emily avoided making eye contact with Roger as she teetered across the rooms on her heels. She kept her eyes to the carpet as she got down on all fours.

Roger sensed the stranger was just as thrilled about the way the evening was unfolding as he was. Curt was clearly a man who got off on fucking other men's wives in front of them.

Emily's gaze remained on the floor as Curt settled in behind her. She let out an anxious gasp as he worked the head of his massive cock into her.

"Don't wimp out me girl - there's still a lot more left to go," he whispered as he grabbed hold of her waist.

"Aahhhhhhh!" Emily wriggled as Curt's cock slowly slid into her.

"Come on whore - conduct yourself like a professional!" Curt sneered as he began thrusting.

Emily's front half went limp and she buried her face in the carpet. Curt picked up the pace.

"Ah yeah! You're startin' to dig it out aren't you?" Curt tightened his grip on her waist. Emily squealed.

Soon enough she would adapt to the pace. Her voice deepened and in a throaty growl she repeated a profane mantra.


Roger marveled at the transformation. He couldn't believe the coarse, wanton fuck-toy drooling into the carpet in front him of him was his preacher's daughter, soccer-mom wife. Tomorrow morning there would certainly be guilt and regret but the only thing he felt at that moment was pure, unadulterated lust.

Curt's face twisted with passion, hammered away at the bucking, twitching Emily.


Emily grunted in rhythm to the pounding.


Curt grabbed a fistful of hair as he rode her home.


Emily twitched and spasmed as she climaxed - her moans of ecstasy bounced off the walls.

Exhausted, her knees gave out and she collapsed, belly-down on the carpet as Curt emptied the last of his load into her.

The only one in the room who didn't get off was Roger. His throbbing erection remained in his pants as he gazed down at Emily hyperventilating at his feet. Cum pooled in the small of her back and dribbled down into her ass-crack.

"Damn - that was one helluva fuck session," Curt announced proudly as he stood up. "I think I may have to splash some cold water on my face - regain my strength!"

Emily slowly stirred to life. She avoided making eye contact with Roger as she struggled to her feet. She teetered on her heels for a moment before starting toward the empty bed.

Curt turned and raised his hand. "Oh no - baby! There's no rest for the wicked. I think that fella on the couch over there deserves some relief."

Emily stopped dead in her tracks.

"I paid for that pussy so that my playground - how about you give him a nice handy?" Curt grinned as he stepped into the restroom and shut the door behind him.

Emily turned and stared blankly at Roger. It's as if he was nothing more than an afterthought.

"Well...I guess the customer is always right, " she said without emotion as she staggered over to the couch.

Roger took inventory of his wife as she plopped down beside him. Her naked body was slick with sweat; there were large red welts on her waist where Curt had handled her. Her hair was in disarray and her mascara smeared. She was the very definition of a hot mess but she couldn't possibly have been more desirable to him.

"Hmmm, it looks like you really enjoyed the floor show," she remarked casually as she reached into his pants.

Roger said nothing as she pulled out his cock and slowly stroked.

"So, you got your little fantasy - you got to watch me get fucked raw by a complete stranger - was it everything you thought it would be?" Emily whispered.

"Yes," Roger replied. "Everything and more!"

"I'll bet it was - you really dug seeing that stud hammer away!" Emily looked into his eyes and stroked faster. "Well, it was fun for me too! I love the feel of a big ol' dick up inside me!"

"And you handled him quite well - you make such a great whore!"

Emily grinned like a madwoman. "Maybe you should pimp me out more often?"

That was all Roger needed to hear - his pent up prick went off like a rocket.

Spent and exhausted, Roger leaned back on the couch and closed his eyes. A few moments later, he opened them again, only to see Emily on her knees attempting to swallow Curt's half-hard cock.

"Hey buddy," Curt bellowed. It may take a while before she sucks me hard again so you just might wanna catch some z's."

Roger dozed off to the sound of Emily hacking and coughing as she throated Curt's huge anaconda.

Roger didn't know how long he was out but he awoke to the sound of animalistic grunts and the rhythmic slapping of flesh on flesh. He looked across the room to see Curt's ass bobbing up and down as he fucked Emily missionary style on the bed.

Roger's prick was raw but he couldn't help but reach down and get in at least one more jack-session. This time, all three of them would climax simultaneously. He blew his load as Emily's cries of "OHMYGOD-OHMYGOD-OHMYGOD" filled the room.

Shortly after it was over, Emily rolled off the bed and patted off to the bathroom. Roger promptly tidied himself up as best he could. Once he'd composed himself, he approached Curt who was sitting on the edge of the bed, getting back into his clothes.

"Well...I'd like to thank you and the missus for a wonderful evening," Curt cracked as he buttoned up his shirt.

"Likewise," Roger replied. "I appreciate that you didn't let on to Emily that you were onto us."

"Not a problem, friend."

"I suppose we should give you your watch back?"

Curt threw his head back and laughed like he'd just heard the funniest thing in the world.

"What so damn funny?" An annoyed Roger asked.

"Oh man, I suppose I should've told you but that ain't a real Rolex! - It's a fake!"

Roger was baffled.

Curt shook his head in disbelief. "I was in New York last summer and bought it off a guy in Times Square for twenty-five bucks. He had a whole backpack full of 'em!"

Roger was pissed. As much as he wanted to wipe the smug little grin off that lying weasel's face, the best course of action would be to just let it go.

" Adios Rico!" Curt was still chuckling as he went through the door.

Now what, Roger thought. Actions have consequences.

He'd just spent an evening living out a fantasy that he thought would never come true, yet all he felt was dread. An awkward confrontation with Emily was imminent and he had no clue what he was going to say. How would they move forward? Had he pissed away the love and trust of a decent woman for one wild night of debauched thrills?

His head was pounding. He popped three aspirin into his mouth and chased them with a long pull of Scotch. Depressed and guilt-ridden he sat on the edge of the bed and listened to the sound of the shower on the other side of the bathroom door.

Nearly an hour had passed before he heard the water turn off. It was as if his wife was trying to wash away the events of the previous evening with hot water and soap. A few minutes later, he heard the bathroom door open.

Roger's heart was in his throat as he heard Emily approach. He felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see Emily, clad in a hotel bathrobe, her hair still damp from the shower. She didn't look angry or ashamed; to his surprise, her face was tranquil.

"We better talk about this now." She sat beside him on the bed and took his hand in hers.

"Of course," Roger replied. "I want to clear the air."

Emily paused a few seconds before speaking. When she began, she spoke slowly and calmly, as if she'd put a lot of thought into her words.

"Last night we both did some things that were very much out of character. When I think back on what happened, I can barely believe it. But it did happen - you passively watched another man treat me like a common whore. I'm not angry with you because as much as I hate to say it - I enjoyed it too."

Emily cleared her throat, took a deep breath and continued.

"In a few hours we'll be back home with our kids, back to our old lives - our real lives. I not saying we should try and forget the events of this weekend, but we shouldn't let it define us. We've been together for seventeen years and we shouldn't let one night of poor judgment destroy what we've built."

Roger was breathing a little easier. Maybe this marriage isn't over after all.

"You're absolutely right, Emily. I love you and I couldn't live with myself if I ever lost you."

She smiled and kissed him softly on the lips.

"Good, now let's go home!"


In the weeks that followed, Roger and Emily returned to their old selves. They rarely spoke about that fateful night and when they did they would refer to it euphemistically as the incident.

Their sex life also reverted back to the old routine. Roger didn't even mind; he'd sown his wild oats and was quite content when Emily decided to throw him an occasional, no-frills, missionary-style fuck in the privacy of their bedroom.

All was right with the world again.

But then one Tuesday evening something out of the ordinary happened.

Emily's car was in the shop, so Roger let her have his for the day on the condition that she pick him up after work. When he met her in the lobby of his building, he saw her chatting with a young security guard. He didn't think anything of it until Emily mentioned something during the ride home. Roger was behind the wheel and had just pulled onto the freeway.

"So who was that young security guard? Is he new?"

"Him? His name is Carlos, I think. Yeah, he just started a few weeks ago. Why do you ask?"

"Well...I'm pretty sure he wanted to fuck me."

In an instant, Roger was back in the same twisted frame of mind he was in during the night of the incident. Without saying a word, he swerved two lines and sped down the nearest exit.

"This doesn't look like the way home," Emily joked as Roger steered the car into an empty lot behind a strip mall.

"You're a bright woman," Roger said as he parked the car behind a dumpster. "And I think you're smart enough to know what to do with a stiff cock!"

"Oh I do - but it'll cost you," she teased.

"Really - how much?" Roger reached into his jacket for his wallet.

Emily snatched the wallet from his hands. "Let's see - it looks like you've got just enough for a blowjob!" She cackled as she pulled out every bill and tossed the wallet aside.

Roger fumbled with his pants as Emily removed her seatbelt and lowered her head onto his lap.

As she hungrily bobbed and slurped, Roger was in a complete state of bliss.

"Ahhh yeah - that's right- suck it hard - earn every penny!"

He loved his wife, but it was really nice to have the little whore back again for a visit.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
KSBerryKSBerryover 9 years ago
Emily The Whore

Like the vast majority of women, Emily wanted that big cock, and whether she was pretending to be a hooker or not, she would've gone for it. My wife would have done the same thing.

oldguyfloldguyflover 9 years ago
Don't overthink this

If you don't like the game don't play. Been here and done this and it's a trip beyond compare. Good and realistic story.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 9 years ago

A loving couple. Bullshit.

negative rating

ken philipsken philipsover 9 years ago
Can the Trolls just PISS OFF so the rest of us can enjoy our author's stories!!!

Our authors put a lot of effort into their stories (I know I do). This site is losing it because of all the nasty, unnecessary, pathetic comments from neo-Nazi trolls like Mustang above. PLEASE if you are not into a particular genre, just PISS off & leave us alone!!! Yeah, score it a 1 if you have to, but please can we just cut the nastiness?? If you can't say something positive or constructive, say nothing. It is killing this wonderful site. I gave the story a 5. It is a great fantasy & I hope we read more from this author about their adventures. Together 17 years & it seems to me this (fictional I presume) couple are doing some good, fun things to keep the excitement up. It is THEIR shared business. Having been married nearly 25 years to my wonderful, gorgeous HOT (now blonde) wife, I know that communication, consideration and understanding for each other is everything. Do that, & it all works! Ken

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