Emma and Jason Ch. 04 - Night Life

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Time alone at an alpine resort leads to sensuous love.
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 01/17/2023
Created 12/17/2017
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A short, stand-alone story following earlier ones in the series.


Dearest Jason,

So fun to get your last note! I would love to do that canoe trip with you sometime - sometime very soon!

I woke up this morning and couldn't remember where I was.

Yes, I knew I was on a book tour and in a hotel, but I literally could not think which city I was in! Looking out the window told me exactly and precisely nothing and the ever-so-helpful visitor info on the bedside table only gave the name of the hotel chain. I had to turn on the television and look at the local weather to find out. What are we coming to when every city is so interchangeably bland? Despite the excellent publicity and sales, this is no way to live, honey. If I have to sit in one more book store foyer and listen to one more pompous professor with soup on his tie compare me to some ponderous Russian novelist, I'll go postal. I want to come home!

OK, enough whining, I promise. Forgive my frustration, baby.

On a happier note, I had a dream myself last night, one which reminded me of why I miss my man so much.

We were in a top-drawer ski resort somewhere. I couldn't recognize any of the sights, but just knew that it was someplace exclusive and famous, the sort of place the glitterati try to be seen in. And, while I couldn't tell you names to save my life, I just knew that we had been brushing elbows with them ever since we got there.

We'd been on the slopes all day, with lunch a fondue at a small chalet near the top of the mountain - very swanky. I got the impression that, for once, I'd managed to keep up with you. We were both tired, but it was really good tired, a happy tired.

My über-romantic lover - that's you, hon - had an über-romantic surprise waiting for me when we got back to the suite after our last run. Waiting for us were two smiling young women in short resort-monogrammed silk housecoats. The two looked like twins - in their late 20s or early 30s, slim yet with what seemed to be good figures under the loose garments. Both wore fairly short blonde hair. They were both very pretty, but I was delighted when you scarcely noticed them and kept your attention on me.

It seemed so natural, so innocent when they stepped up to us and helped us peel out of our ski togs. They then dropped their own robes. Underneath they were as bare as they had just made us, yet there was no overtone of sexuality. Sensuality in spades, to be sure, but no overt sexuality. Can you explain that to me sometime, Jason?

Carefully folding our clothes, the girls took us by the hand and led us into a seemingly-endless bathroom. For the next 15 minutes or so, the two gently washed you and me under the warm water of a huge walk-in shower. We couldn't do a thing; it was them washing and us being washed. The two of them even cooperated on my hair while you watched, smiling.

In the dream, it seemed perfectly natural but now I'm surprised that I didn't feel embarrassed at being bare in front of strangers. Again much to my bitchy delight, you didn't show the typical male response I might have expected, given the presence of two such delectable tarts in their birthdays suits rubbing your bod with their soft hands. Your eyes were only on me - and I loved you for it. From time to time, you'd lean in and give me a soft kiss under the running water.

OK, I admit it, Jason, I really enjoyed the two of them being there. I don't think I'm ready to take a stroll down Bi Avenue just yet (sorry, 'cause I know my boy's favorite fantasy) but the four of us playing September Morn in the shower was really fun. I probably would've ripped both their throats out had they been anything but totally professional towards you, but, still...

It was really sexy, Jason, but not about sex. Does that make any sense? Just having two beautiful people devoting themselves to our (OK, my) happiness was amazing. I'm still amazed, hon. Such a subconscious I have! Is this new fantasy for me? Who knew?

When we emerged from the shower, they dried us off with huge heated towels as soft as rabbit fur. As an additional 'dream-bonus' my hair was already dry and styled. How cool is that? (You can have beer in your dreams, Jason; I get freed from my hair-dryer.)

The two of them then led us into the living room of the suite, where two portable massage tables had somehow appeared. As we walked down the hallway, I found myself strangely fascinated by the derrière on the one leading you by the hand. I'd never before really understood why you appreciate a well-turned bum so much, Jason. Maybe I do now. All I can say is that she - both of them - were delicious.

The two proved to be as gifted masseuses as they had been pleasing shower attendants. Kinks, tension and knots after a day skiing just dissolved beneath their expert fingers.

And elbows. And knees - for these gals were not conventional in their techniques. It seemed they used every part of their bodies to rub and sooth our bodies. For instance, I'd never had my Achilles tendons massaged with a pair of boobs before. I 'm not sure why it was so effective, but it seemed perfect at the time. Whatever, Jason - it was surreal.

No complaints on technique, hon. I'm no expert on massages, Jason, just a girl who was melting into a puddle of Relaxed. They were very good at what they were doing; I wound up very happy, very mellow.

After an endless time, the two helped us to sit up and draped warmed floor-length housecoats over our shoulders before helping us stand. They then folded their tables, bowed almost formally to us at the door and left. It wasn't until they'd left that I realized that they hadn't said a word the entire time.

"Wow!" I said softly, looking at you. "That was spectacular."

"You're welcome," you smiled. "Nothing but the best for my girl. But, a question for you, Em. We can eat here in the suite or go downstairs to the dining room. Casual here or formal dress there. Which would you like?"

I thought on that. I knew without looking that I had some smoking dresses hanging up in the closet and you're always an amazing sight in a tuxedo, but despite the massage, I was tired and still a bit sore.

"Casual tonight, formal another time?" I asked, looking up at you.

You smiled and nodded, gave me a soft, loving hug. Your hands ran down my back, caressed my bum lightly. I felt so loved, Jason. I can still feel that, even now that I am fully awake.

You broke the hug and went over to a side table, lifted the phone and spoke a couple of words.

It seemed to be almost instantly that there was a knock at the door. When you opened it, a team of white-uniformed bellboys entered, pushing an already-set table for two, carts with covered dishes and even a stand with a bottle of champagne on ice. The team quickly set up our meal. The one with the champagne poured a small sip for your approval, then filled our glasses. Two others helped us with our chairs. Another lit candles, not only on the table, but all over the suite.

The busboys lined up by the door of the suite as they finished their individual tasks, eventually leaving only the one member, an older man who waited by the table, obviously for your approval. When you nodded, he smiled, escorted the team out of the suite and left himself, closing the door behind him.

I have to admit, Jason, the presentation was amazing. A real linen tablecloth - linen, not some synthetic blend - with crystal flutes, silver cutlery and china so fine I could almost see through it. One lovely rose bud lay by itself on the centre of the table between us - such a loving touch, dear.

I peeked under the silver plate covers on the trolley next to the table. The scent was divine.

I'd like to tell you what we ate, Jason, but I cannot remember. Maybe it was lobster, maybe just really good cheeseburgers. In the dream it was all delicious and I remember wanting to get recipes but now I just cannot remember. A delightful meal, anyway.

I do remember trying hard to get the last few drops or morsels out of the bottom of a parfait glass, looking up and seeing your smiling face as you watched me.


"Just you," you smiled. "I like looking at you."

I blushed a little - still shy at my age, I guess. Then I couldn't help it - it had been a long day and I yawned a little. My blush deepened. "Sorry."

Now why I had to apologize for being tired after skiing all day is beyond me, but we both know Emma, yes?

You just laughed, came to my side and held out your hand, leading me to the bedroom. In it was the biggest bed I'd ever seen - and it was round! I thought things like that existed only in men's magazines and cheesy romance novels, but there it was.

And the bedroom was odd - well, it made sense in my dream, hon - but still weird. It was like it was in a glass dome or something. The word 'windows' didn't apply - there were no windows. It was snowing outside and I could see each snowflake as it drifted down towards the room, and then just... stopped being. There was no buildup of snow; rather, it was like being outside in the storm. But warm. 'Bareskin warm', I remember thinking. And, for some reason, either I knew that nobody could see in or that I was proud of what they were going to see. (Your girl is getting 'waay too lonely, Jason! I need you.)

Despite the snow, we could see a town or city in the distance, its lights and cars on the roads. On the other sides were the mountains. It should have been dark and... Oh, heck, Jason, it was

dark, but it was still easy to see. There were even a few torch skiers on one run.

It was magical. I leaned back into you and felt your arms go around my waist. So wonderful to feel so loved! When your hands moved to the belt of my robe and pulled it loose, I tried to find yours, but found we were both already bare.

Your fingers ran up and down my sides and over my belly, softly, gently, but in a way I knew would soon be demanding, forceful in your loving, special way. Then your hands flowed like warm water over my boobs and I almost melted. Your thumbs and fingers played with my nipples and I felt them harden, felt muscles clench in my stomach and legs.

I knew I couldn't reach you, although I felt you starting to harden between us, so I just relaxed and enjoyed my second massage of the evening. And you took your time, Jason! It seemed like you were fondling me forever. I felt my ladybits swell, become wet; I was desperately torn between needing your hands to move to them and needing you to keep playing with my boobs.

In the end, you did both. One hand continued to play with the Girls while the other moved slowly down my stomach and traced its way between my legs. Your finger slid along my dripping lips, traced its way over my opening and then, ever so gently, started to circle my bud.

Jason, you had me so horny by then that I could barely stand. My leaning into you turned into a slump. I might have fallen had your strong arms not caught me. Holding me under shoulders and knees, you carried me to the bed and put me down square in the middle of it.

Looking up, I could see snowflakes surrounding us, saluting us. Then you knelt beside me and I felt your moustache against my stomach. Oh my love, how I needed you then! Totally relaxed yet totally energized, so needing...

When your tongue first touched my mons, I knew I couldn't wait any longer. I half-rolled until I could see your penis, grabbed it and shifted sideways until its tip was over my face. I could smell shower gel, but also could smell my sweet love boy. I miss that smell, Jason.

I tried to help you catch up, Jason, I really did! I licked its head, fondled your balls and started pumping on your shaft. I could feel your response, dear, but you were miles ahead of me and my movements soon became less and less coordinated as your tongue, lips and fingers spread me, teased me, stroked me - it was only a few minutes before my world exploded in fireworks, sirens, volcanoes - you name it, hon, I saw it and heard it. It was amazing. It started in the centre and rocketed out in every direction. I think my earlobes had an orgasm, Jason. It had colours to it.

You weren't done, of course. I could have slept a million years after that, but you stacked a couple of king-size pillows beside me and started to roll me over onto them. Little mini-cums still ricocheting through me, I gave a small mew of protest, but there was a smile on my lips.

Ignoring my whimper, you picked me up like a toddler with a tabby cat, draping me over the pillows on my stomach so that my bum rested in the air. I was too worn to say anything more, but felt you move around to behind me, spread my legs and begin to guide yourself into me.

I might have made a small - very small - objection, but it would have been mere pro forma, hon. You were not to be denied and I had not the slightest desire to deny my man.

When you found your target and slid in, it was the precisely right angle, too. I could feel the rim of your crown distending my walls as it moved in and out of me. Each stroke nudged by my G-spot with a soft caress and I felt an even bigger thrill building.

Turning my head, I could watch the scenery outside and realized to my surprise that the bed must have been turning, for the view was slowly changing before me. I filed it away to think about later as I certainly had other, far more amazing, things to think about.

The sheets were - of course - silk, and I could feel my nipples rub against it with just the right degree of movement. It was like another pair of your fingertips on them.

Your loving tongue slid over my shoulders, neck and ears from time to time. I remember wishing desperately wishing that I could turn far enough to kiss you but wasn't willing to compromise the delight you were giving me.

You took your time, Jason, and I loved you for it. Our lovemaking went on for, oh god, I don't know - it seemed like hours. Time really didn't have much reality, my dear man, not when I was in your arms.

I had a series of orgasms, Jason. Not as big as that first one, but rounder, sweeter, fuller. They seemed to blend into each other in a rolling river of loving ecstasy. And then I felt your body grow rigid and you began to pulse deep within me, filling me with your love.

I would've been happy for you to lie there on top of me for hours, dear man, but the balance wasn't right and we slowly slid off the pillows, winding up in spoon style with your arms around me. I pushed the pillows out of the way so I could watch outside. I wiggled my bum against your stomach and felt you twitch inside me in response.

We lay there for a long time, Jason. The only way to measure time was by the imperceptible turning of the bed and the candles gradually burning down. I think we may have dozed. I must have, for when I awoke, you were covering me with the lightest, warmest duvet I'd ever seen. You leaned down, kissed me softly and wordlessly fed me chocolate-dipped strawberries, interspersed with sips of more champagne.

We slept in each other's arms, Jason. When I awoke hours later, the torch skiers had stopped and the snow had as well, leaving but a night sky filled with more stars than I could believe. There were Northern Lights, too, and their flickering light illuminated the sweet sleeping face of my man beside me.

Your cock had softened and lay across one thigh. I just knew it needed loving attention, so - doing my absolutely best not to wake you - I took it in my mouth. I could taste our dried, mingled fluids on you, dear man; they were as warming to my heart as mulled wine on a winter's night.

As I gently licked and sucked on you, Jason, you gradually grew harder. As you did, I stepped up the pressure and speed. When you were at last fully erect and I was pumping your shaft lightly but quickly, your hand touched the back of my head and I knew you had awakened.

You didn't say a word, darling man, just rolled over to me and kissed me, as only my Jason knows how. I felt your lips and my heart melted. When I felt your hand on my breast, my pussy melted.

Foreplay was hardly needed to get me ready, not this time. I pushed you back and impaled myself on your hardness, squatting over you on my toes, fingertips on your chest. You slid inside me so quickly, so pleasingly.

It didn't take either of us very long. Under the light of the stars, you grunted and tried to hold my hips still, gasping in your love. I was too close to stop, my love, and with two more bounces I erupted myself in a frenzy of joy rivaling the Lights above us.

I think we made love again later that night, Jason. I'm pretty sure we did. I know I wanted to. But I cannot for the life of me remember it this morning.

And then I woke up.

I so miss my man - I will be home as soon as I can, my love, I promise! Keep our bed warm for me.


Your ever-loving Emma.

P.S. - Let's see if we can find a round bed sometime, OK?

P.P.S. - I might even be open to a pair of shower attendants...


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