Emma and Jeff


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"I don't want you to go either. What if we invited them here instead?"

She sat up. "They don't have the money, Jeff. I told you before; they're broke. The tuition here emptied their bank account. It's a big stretch for them just to fly me home for the summer."

"You have the money."

"Aren't you listening to me? I literally just told you..."

"Emma, you have the money, you and me. You said yourself we're a couple, right? That means my bank account is your bank account, Sweetheart."

"No way. I won't ask you to do that."

"You're not asking. I'm telling. We can do this. Call them and set it up."

Her hug squeezed the breath out of me.

It was all arranged. Nora and Greg were on their way to spend a few weeks with us. Emma convinced them she had to stay in town to carry on with her studies during the break. Nora was disappointed that she wouldn't have her daughter home for the summer, but the lure of an extended vacation at my place helped to smooth things over. As the time approached, we got serious about planning for the visit.

"You know, it's going to be awfully lonely to not have you in our bed for all that time."

Her face split into a wide grin. "Our bed? Did you just call it our bed?" She wrapped her arms around me tightly. "I love the sound of that. Our bed."

"That's what it is, isn't it?"

"Yeah, but we've never called it that before, have we?" She rested her head against my chest. "It probably seems silly but 'our bed' has a kind of magical sound to it. Our bed... our bed... "

I chuckled. "If you say so, but it's just the facts, Ma'am."

She laughed. "You're such a goof sometimes." She was quiet for a moment, tapping her chin. "You know, I suppose we could leave things as they are. That would be one way of telling them about us."

"Umm, yeah, let's maybe stick a pin in that one, hmm?" I took her in my arms. "It's not going to be easy. I miss you already."

She hugged me tightly. "So why not, then? We can be careful, keep the doors closed at night. I can't think of a reason why Mum or Dad would ever need to come upstairs, especially at night. It could work, couldn't it? Honestly, I don't think I can last three weeks."

I shook my head. "This is such a bad idea. Let's get them settled in for a bit and see how things go. Okay? We can decide then."

We got busy rearranging things to make sure that all traces of our relationship were tucked out of sight. Although the guest bedroom was on the main floor, with its own ensuite, Emma moved some of her things back into her old room for the sake of appearances. There was no reason for Greg or Nora to come upstairs, but we wanted to be prepared, just in case.

One afternoon, I was working in the kitchen while Emma made another sweep through the house. She came in with her hands behind her back.

"Pick a hand," she said.

I turned around. "Sorry?"

"Pick a hand."

I raised an eyebrow. "Ah, okay? Left. I choose left."

"Wrong." She held out her right hand and opened it to reveal a condom wrapper.

"Holy shit, where was that?"

"Exactly. I was sweeping the floor of the den one last time. It was under the sofa."

"That's it, we gotta make an appointment and get you on the pill, hmm?"

"Yeah, I've been wondering when we were going to do something about all these wrappers I keep finding. I think we've made love in every possible place in this house, several times over. We'd be SOL if Mum found one between the sofa cushions. You know, if she catches any scent of something going on between us, she'll be all over it."

"Why do I suddenly feel like this was a bad idea?"

She kissed me lightly and stroked my cheek. "We'll be fine."

We were at the airport a couple of days later, waiting for Greg and Nora's plane to arrive. We sat together in the arrivals lounge, feeling nervous, trying our best to keep our hands to ourselves. When their flight number appeared on the carousel board, we looked at each other. Emma squeezed my arm.

"We'll be okay. We can do this."

I nodded. "I sure hope so."

The luggage carousel started to revolve. Emma squealed and ran to Greg and Nora when they appeared in the hall. It felt good to see the contrast between their last time together and this. Nora hugged her tightly, obviously moved by the difference as well. Greg huddled together with them. They were a family again.

Nora came to me and kissed my cheek. Her eyes glistened. "I don't know how we will ever repay you. My heart is absolutely bursting. We have our daughter back, and so much of this is your doing. Thank you. With all my heart, thank you."

Greg came up and gave me a bear hug. "What she said, Jeff."

I put my arms around their shoulders while Emma looked on. "Way too much credit, guys. I had very little to do with it." I looked into Emma's eyes and smiled. "You have a very special daughter, you two."

We gathered their luggage and loaded the car. There was plenty of chatter on the way home, catching up on the most recent news. Nora kept reaching forward and patting Emma's shoulder as though she wanted to be sure her daughter was actually there, sitting in the front seat. It was clear that this visit was going to be all about Nora and her daughter; Greg and I were welcome to tag along if we wanted.

We pulled up in front of the house, brought their luggage into the guest room and left them on their own to settle in and have a rest. Emma and I cuddled in the den, feeling like this could be our last chance for a while.

"Mama bear isn't going to let you out of her sight, is she?"

"Yeah, I haven't seen her this clingy before. I have a feeling some alone time with you might be a challenge. I suppose it's only natural; it's been half a year since we last saw each other."

I kissed her softly. "I sure hope our plans for nighttime work out. I'm going to miss you terribly."

She straddled my lap and kissed me deeply, pressing her body against me. "Let's take whatever chances we can, Love. I'm glad Mum and Dad are here, but you come first."

We both heard the guest room door open. Emma practically flew to her feet, eyes wide. A few moments later, Nora was at the door.

"Oh, there you are." She gave Emma a curious look when she noticed her red cheeks. "Are you feeling okay, Honey? You look flushed. Let me feel your forehead."

"I'm okay, Mum, don't fuss." She chuckled. "Maybe I'm having a hot flash."

Nora laughed. "That's my territory. You have a few years to go." She came and pressed her hand to Emma's forehead. "Well, you seem fine. Don't you dare get sick on me. I plan to make the most of the next three weeks with you."

"Honestly, you don't have to worry, I'm fine. Maybe I'm just excited to have you here." She gave her mother a hug. "Let's go for a swim."

"Shouldn't we ask Jeff first? We're guests here, after all."

"Oh, yes, of course. Sorry." Emma looked at me, her cheeks flushing again. "Would that be okay, Je... Uncle Jeff?"

"Nora, just so you know, I've insisted that Emma treat this as her own home. There's no need to ask."

"That's very generous but I don't want to overstep."

"You're not, believe me. If she says it's okay, you can be sure it's okay."

Nora was silent for a moment and gave the two of us a look. "No wonder you didn't come home, Emma."

"What do you mean by that?" she frowned.

"Oh, it's just me being jealous, that's all. I mean, who wouldn't want to be the Lady of the Manor here?"


Nora waved her hand. "Oh, pay no attention to me. Yes, let's get our suits on. Jeff, will you join us?"

"Sure. I'll put a lunch together and meet you out there."

I was well on the way to making it a two-martini lunch as I lounged beside the pool. Greg joined me while Nora relaxed in the spa. Emma sat beside her on the edge, dangling her legs in the water and chattering away happily. I was having a hard time keeping my eyes off her. Her figure was undeniably spectacular, and the bathing suit she wore only served to emphasize it. I tried to distract myself by talking with Greg, but my thoughts constantly returned to Emma. At one point, she caught me looking, flashed a broad smile and winked. Fortunately, Greg's back was to her, but Nora saw me smile back and looked up at Emma. Maybe it was just me being overly nervous, but I began to wonder if Nora already sensed something was up.

It must have been the second martini talking when I told Greg we should join the women. That was the last thing I should have done if we were already under suspicion. Emma got in beside her mother, and they made room for us as we climbed into the swirling hot water. Without thinking, I sat next to Emma, then immediately pulled away and offered my place to Greg.

"No, no, it's fine, Jeff. Stay put. I'm more than happy to sit beside my beautiful wife." He laughed and winked at Emma and me. "We can make it a double date."

Nora glared at him. "Greg, don't be ridiculous."

"Mum, Dad's just being a goof. Why are you so serious?" Emma asked.

"You're right. I'm sorry," Nora said. She closed her eyes and sunk to her chin in the water, letting it bubble up around her. "I must be over-tired. It was a long flight."

"It's okay, Nora," I said. "We'll have a nice dinner later, and by tomorrow morning you'll feel a lot better."

"Just ignore me, everyone. I'm being an old cow." She looked at Emma. "I've missed you, Honey. I guess it's catching up with me. I promise I'll behave."

"Mum, it's okay. I've missed you too." She snuggled up and lay her head on Nora's shoulder. "But you can't have me all to yourself for three whole weeks. Okay?"

Nora chuckled. "We'll see about that."

The rest of the afternoon passed without any further alarms. A few hours of water and sun had us all feeling pretty hungry. I got up and headed for the door.

"I think I'll go change and start getting dinner ready."

Emma jumped up and followed me. "I'll give you a hand, hmm?"

I turned back and looked at her. She flashed a broad grin and winked.

"Sure, that'd be great. Thanks." I looked at Nora. "May I borrow her for a little while?" I teased.

She gave an exaggerated sigh. "Oh, I suppose, but I want her back, mind you."

We were barely out of sight when Emma spun me around and kissed me hard.

I hugged her, my eye on the door. "I miss you too, Sweetheart."

"I saw you staring at me out there. People might think you've never seen a woman in a bathing suit before."

"Yeah, well, I plan to do a lot more of it when your parents are gone. It's not fair. That suit is begging me to come and take it off you." I bent down and kissed the swell of her breasts above the neckline. "By the way, are you getting any signals from your mum? Maybe I'm imagining it, but I can't help feeling she senses something's up with us."

She nodded. "I've noticed it too. Maybe it's like she said, she feels jealous about me being here instead of home."

"I hope that's it. I mean, they've been here for less than a day. I can't last three weeks walking on eggshells."

"Me neither, Love. We absolutely have to spend our nights together."

"My god, that's going to be so risky."

"Maybe so, but it's happening. I refuse to be without you for three weeks."

As I followed her upstairs to get changed, I pinched her beautifully formed bottom. She yelped and turned, laughing softly.

"Hey, you'd better be careful. Keep that up and I'll be all over you."

I slipped my hand between her thighs and rubbed her crotch. "Is that a threat or a promise?"

"Oh, baby, let me tell you - either way, it's inevitable."

When we reached the top of the stairs, she turned to me and peeled the top of her suit down, then pulled me down to her bare breasts. I took a nipple between my lips and ran my tongue across it, feeling it harden. She slid her hand under my swimsuit and stroked me, making me hard almost instantly. The next thing I knew, her swimsuit was around her ankles, and she was bent over, leaning on the railing, pushing back against me as I took her from behind. I held her breasts and thrust while she ground her ass against my hips.

"I can't believe how quickly you get wet."

"Oh god, yes. This feels so good," she whispered.

I straightened up and held her hips. Sex at such a risky moment brought my climax on quickly. She was bent low, pushing against me, moaning quietly. My cock hit her womb with each thrust. I was breathing hard.

"I'm getting close," I whispered.

She spun around, dropped to her knees, and took me into her mouth. She sucked hard and fast, then looked up at me, her small hand wrapped around the shaft, stroking.

"Cum, baby. Cum for me," she whispered.

My cock throbbed as she took me back into her mouth, sucking and swirling her tongue. She held my hips as I climaxed and sent a surge of cum into her mouth. She sat back on her heels, let it spill into her hand, then smeared it across her breasts. She stood up and whispered in my ear.

"I want you to think about what's on my chest while we're having dinner tonight."

"I didn't know you could be so cruel."

"It's not cruel, Love. It's a reminder of what's waiting for you tonight."

"Oh my god, I love you."

"And I love you." She looked over the railing. "We'd better hurry before Mum wonders what's taking us so long."

We were back in the kitchen, prepping dinner. I wanted it to be special, a sort of celebration of the much better circumstances than the last time we were together. Emma was making the dressing for a Caesar salad while I prepped beef tenderloin for the barbeque. Nora came in and watched.

"Can I help?" she asked.

"Thanks, Nora. I think everything's in hand. How about some wine?" I handed her a glass as she sat down to watch us work.

"Emma, you've even learned to cook since you've been here?"

She looked up. "Actually, I have. I asked Jeff, um, Uncle Jeff to show me some basics so I can help out around the house." She chuckled. "Believe it or not, I even do some of the housekeeping and groceries."

"I gather you two are on first-name terms now?"

I turned to Nora. "We are. It didn't make sense for her to call me 'uncle.' There's no need for it."

"If you say so. I can't help but notice how close you two are."

There was an edge to Emma's tone. "What of it, Mum? We've been living together for almost half a year."

"Yes, you certainly do seem to be living together."

"Mum! Are you going to be like this the whole time?"

I turned to her. "Nora, what's bothering you so much? I thought you'd be pleased for Emma. She's come a long way from when you brought her here in January."

Nora buried her face in her hands. "You're right, again." She looked up at us. "It seems all I do is apologize. I'm sorry. I just can't help being jealous. I guess I'm not quite ready for an empty nest, Emma. I thought you'd be coming home."

Emma came and sat beside her. "It's okay, Mum. I get it." She put her arm around her and kissed her cheek. "But I need you to be proud of me, Mum, and thankful for Jeff. We've all been through a lot this last year."

"Yes, I know you're right, Honey. It's just so fast. Things are happening so fast." Nora looked up at me. "I truly am thankful, Jeff. I can't tell you how much I appreciate all you've done by taking Emma in. It's made a world of difference."

She sat quietly and sipped her wine while Emma and I got on with making dinner. I must admit that it was a bit of a mind-bender to stand there in front of my sister while her daughter had my cum smeared across her breasts. It was the most erotic and confusing thing I'd ever faced. On top of that, it was clear my sister suspected something serious was going on. I so much wanted to get it over with, to tell Nora about Emma and me, then deal with whatever response came. It couldn't go on indefinitely, not like this.

The tension eased over dinner and Nora seemed more herself. The four of us were at the table and once again we had split into pairs -- Greg and Nora on one side, Emma and I on the other. Emma was taking full advantage of it, rubbing her leg against mine the whole time. When the main course was done, she helped me clear the dishes and for a moment we were alone in the kitchen.

"You are driving me absolutely insane out there," I whispered.

She giggled. "I know. And I'm loving it."

I gave her bum a gentle swat. "You are being so naughty."

"Mhmm, and you're loving it, aren't you?"


We headed back to the dining room with coffee and dessert, then spent the rest of the evening chatting, listening to Emma describe her experiences at the new college, and discussing what to do over the coming weeks. It was close to midnight before we all decided to call it a night. Emma, Greg and Nora headed for their bedrooms while I stayed behind in the kitchen to tidy up a bit before turning in. The guestroom door was closed and the lights were off when I passed by on my way upstairs. When I reached the landing, I saw the door to our bedroom was closed. I looked down the stairwell one last time, then stepped inside and shut the door quietly. The lamp on the nightstand was on. Emma lay on the bed, completely naked. I stripped down and joined her, cuddling her closely.

"It's about time you got up here."

"I wanted to make sure they were done for the night before I came up."

She reached down and began to stroke me. "Speaking of cumming... "

I turned the light off and held her close, kissing her deeply. She trailed her tongue along my chest as she slid down my body, then took my cock into her mouth. I stroked her hair as she bobbed up and down, sucking and licking.

"Hey, turn around."

She looked up at me in the dim light from the street. "Hmm? What do you mean?"

"Turn around and lay on top of me, get my head between your legs."

"Ooo, I love the sound of that." She repositioned herself and squeezed my head between her thighs. I danced my tongue along her pussy lips. She shivered. "Oh, hell, yes," she whispered. "Why haven't we done this before?"

I pulled on her hips, pressed my mouth against her pussy, and swirled my tongue inside her. She took me into her mouth again. I felt her tongue dance around the head and shaft as she bobbed her head. This was the first time we'd tried sixty-nine, and I had to agree - we should have done this sooner. Her juices were soon flowing freely, her pussy hot and slick. My cock twitched and throbbed in her mouth. Our movements quickened, became more urgent. I licked and sucked her hard clit, fingering her as I did. Her body flinched. Her thighs tightened around my head. She raised her head and groaned.

"Oh, Jeff, I'm gonna cum so hard," she gasped. She slid her lips down my cock again, then let out a muffled squeal as her body went rigid. A moment later, she gushed onto my face, and I felt the warm stream run down my neck. My own climax followed. I lifted my hips off the bed, thrusting. She sucked deeply as I released a stream of cum into her mouth...

Our bodies were hot against each other as our orgasms subsided. She rolled off me and lay on her back, panting. My heart was pounding.

"Oh my god, that was amazing," she whispered. She knelt beside me and used the corner of the bedsheet to dry my chin and neck. "Sorry, Love. I didn't know that was going to happen." She laughed quietly. "Although, you have only yourself to blame. We have to do that again, and soon."

I pulled the covers up around us as she snuggled into me.

I woke the next morning to Emma whispering in my ear. "I'll head downstairs. You stay and sleep in a little." I caught her arm and pulled her down on top of me, kissing her deeply.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?"

She laughed softly, pecking my nose. "Oh, once or twice, I think." She pulled her bathrobe from the closet and headed for the door as she put her arms through the sleeves. It was still hanging loose around her shoulders when she opened the bedroom door. I sat bolt upright on full alert when I heard her gasp.