Emma Ch. 03


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"This is a script," I said.

Emma leaned out of the bathroom and saw me looking at the script before replying, with a tiny hint of anxiety in her voice,

"Yeah. My agent gave it to me."

"Did he send it by post?" I asked.

"No. I went and picked it up at his office in LA," she replied. My expression must not have looked good because Emma instantly asked, "Is that a problem?"

"No, I'm just a bit confused. I thought you only went to see Wendy in LA. And last I checked she was your publicist," I said, before adding, "Also, I thought you weren't taking on any projects. Isn't that the whole point of this vacation?"

"Yeah, but my agent said the script was really good. I figured at the very least I could get some reading material."

"So you're not taking the part?"

"I haven't even read it yet."

"But if it's very good, would you take it?"

Emma stepped out of the bathroom and stood leaning against the wall. Her silence said it all. Perhaps it wouldn't happen immediately, but I knew then that my days of globetrotting with Emma Watson were numbered. She avoided my gaze as my mind wandered. If she goes back to her life, where does that leave me? Do I go back to Australia or do I follow her? A dozen different scenarios ran through my head; some of them included Emma, some didn't. Emma, as if sensing my concerns, said:

"Look, we both knew this wouldn't last. I wanted to run away for awhile, clear my head and have some fun, but I never intended to spend the rest of my life this way. I just got a little burnt out from the lifestyle but it doesn't mean I wanted to leave it forever. I still love what I do."

I was quiet. None of this was news to me, but it hurt nonetheless. For the first time since I'd met her, I couldn't look at Emma's face. Instead, I averted my eyes and said,

"I know, I just hoped we'd get more time together. I mean, I know it's been about 4 months, but it hasn't felt like it."

"Barely felt like 4 days," she said fondly before adding nervously, "You could come with me."

"And do what? Stay at home all day in London while you go off and shoot your films."

"Would that be so bad? Many people do it."

"I just don't want to be a layabout at 24 years old."

"I'm not asking you to be a layabout."

"But that's what I'd be if I was anywhere but Australia. And besides, I do love my life there. I needed a break from my boring, meandering life just as much as you needed a break from yours. But there were still a lot of good things I left behind. I have friends and family I haven't seen in months and I miss them."

"No more than I miss mine."

There was silence between us. We had gotten comfortable with silence during our time together. We had become that close and developed that intimate a relationship. But this was difference. Tension pervaded the air.

"This thing of ours; it's over isn't it?" I asked eventually with an air of resignation.

"Nate, I haven't even read this damn script much less taken the job. I'm still yours," she said unconvincingly.

"Why this script though? I know your agent said it was good, but hasn't he been saying that about every script?" I asked, more out of curiosity than anything else, as I began to flick through it.

Emma took a deep breath before replying, "This one is different. Spielberg is going to direct it."

I laughed in spite of the situation and said, "Oh fuck, you are so taking this role. I know how much you want to work with him."

"I don't know what I'm going to do," she replied reservedly. "Worst part is, it's such short notice. The film starts shooting soon."

I narrowed my eyes and asked, "How soon?"

"A little over two weeks," she said rather quietly.

"Fuck!" I said louder than I expected.

"The actress they originally cast in the role dropped out at the last minute. I just have to read for Spielberg and if he likes me, the job is mine."

"How could he not like you?" I muttered before asking, "Okay, maybe we're just blowing this out of proportion. How long would you be away if you did this?"

Emma thought about it for a moment before replying, "About five weeks."

"See, that's not too bad. You do this film and we pick up where we left off," I said optimistically.

"That's not the point Nate," Emma said quietly. "We can't keep doing this. I love you, but having sex, travelling the world and spending tens of thousands of pounds isn't exactly a good long term plan."

"So what do we do?"

Emma shrugged and walked over to the bed and sat down next to me. I only just realised then that she was still wearing only her bra and panties. While still very much affected by the champagne and without a great desire to continue talking about such grim topics, I leaned over and kissed her on the lips. It started out simply; just a small peck on the lips. But Emma continued to lean in and soon we were locked in a passionate kiss. A whole array of senses overwhelmed me from the taste of her lips, to the smell of her intoxicating perfume and even underlying sweat on her skin. Soon I felt her warm skin on the tips of my fingers followed by the touch of her bra. Fumbling blindly behind her, I felt her bra come loose and with a quick shrug of her shoulders, the straps fell to one side and I pulled the bra from her and threw it away.

As I looked at her naked breasts, I recalled the excitement from the time I had first seen her naked so long ago. I remember touching her body and repeating her name again and again in my head, as if to convince myself it was happening for real. Because even though I could feel her, touch her, smell her; being with Emma Watson had seemed like a scenario reserved only for my wildest fantasies. As I looked at her now, as I kissed her neck and cupped her firm, ample breasts; I was struck only by a feeling of familiarity. We'd had sex so many times in so many different places in so many different positions that I had forgotten about how absurd this situation was. For the first time in a long time, I sat there and reminded myself of who this woman was. She was Emma Watson, movie star, icon, millionaire and my girlfriend. I didn't deserve her. But the last thing I wanted was to lose her.

Without thinking, I lifted her body onto the middle of the bed and climbed on top of her. I think we both just wanted to delay our conversation. Our relationship had begun with sex; perhaps it was fitting that it would end with it as well. There was a different mood this time, as if we both knew that our time together was now limited. Emma lifted her legs up and slid off her panties as I took off my own clothes. I planted a long row of kisses from her lips, to her neck, down to her breasts, past her belly and squarely on her vagina. Emma watched me the whole time, with one hand on my head and another behind her own. As I moved back up, I placed a hand over her left breast and felt her heartbeat pulse beneath my hand. I looked up and down her body with lust and longing.

I moved on top of her and soon felt her fingers wrap around my fully erect penis. It hovered there, mere inches above the opening of her vagina. For a change, Emma watched me all the way as she slowly guided me it to tight opening and all but begged me to push it inside of her. With one hand still on her breast and another holding her thigh, I entered her with one long fluid movement. Warmth engulfed my body as I remained imbedded inside of her for several long seconds. Our eyes were locked and as I pulled out of her before pushing back in, I watched her mouth open silently and her eyes cry out in pleasure. I began to settle into a slow rhythm and moved in and out of her at will. Emma kept her legs spread wide as she could and pulled me in close. I was determined to maintain a slow and steady pace as Emma began to moan quietly. I was soon moving in and out of her with ease as her vagina became soaking wet.

I held my body against hers, savouring the warmth from her skin and the feeling of her breasts pushed up against my chest. We continued to quietly fuck with only the sounds of my scrotum slapping against her vagina and her quiet moans filling the room. With my hand still on her chest, I could feel her heartbeat growing quicker and quicker. I continued to go slowly but slowly began to thrust inside of her with increasing force. At the height of each thrust, I held myself deep inside of before pulling out slowly. Emma began to softly cry out in pleasure right into my ear as she always did, breathing her hot breath into my ear. Soon she was begging me to go harder and faster.

"Harder! Faster! Make me cum Nate!" she pleaded.

I didn't disappoint and decided it was time for both of us to get out release. I braced myself against her body and began to vigorously assault her tight wet opening. Those first few thrusts caught her by surprise as she cried out loudly and gripped my body tightly against her own. She squirmed beneath my body as I felt myself build towards an orgasm. For a moment, I felt myself slip out of her. I looked down for a moment to see her vagina; soaking wet and twitching ever so slightly as she all but begged me to enter her again. I guided the tip of my penis into her tight little hole once more and almost at once, we both wrapped our arms around each other and prepared ourselves. With every long, hard thrust, I could feel myself ready to burst until finally, I felt myself squirting my semen deep inside of her. I grunted loudly and was ready to collapse on top of her. Unfortunately, she wasn't done yet.

Not wanting to disappoint the lady, I forced myself to continue to thrust in and out of her. I could feel her insides soaked with our respective juices and with every thrust, I could hear a soft squelching sound as it began to ooze out of her. I knew I couldn't last much longer as all my energy began to leave me at once. But as I placed my hands on her buttocks and pulled them apart and forced myself as deep inside of her as possible, I suddenly felt her body tense up as every muscle began to stiffen. I knew instantly what this meant, having witnessed it countless times before. First came the tensing up, then came the nails across my back, then the long cry of pleasure directly into my ear and then her legs wrapping tightly around my waist before finally a fresh wave of moisture came pouring out, mingling with my own semen before it gushed out of her. A cry of pure ecstasy continued to fill my ears until she was all spent. I was about to roll off of her body, but she immediately held me in place and gasped between deep breaths,

"No...don't move...just stay there...just stay there."

I did as I was told and just laid on top of her, her heart racing beneath me, her hot breath against in my ear and our collective juices oozing out of her. How many more times would we get to do this, I thought to myself. Could I possibly live without her after all we've been through? My penis remained relatively stiff inside of her for some time as we just lay there together; naked, sweating and our groins covered in cum. Emma remained still beneath me as I began to lazily kiss her on the lips. She responded weakly but still made the effort to slip her tongue into my mouth. We remained like this for sometime until I felt my penis finally become flaccid before finally rolling off her body. I moved my hand between her legs and touched her vagina with the tips of my fingers. She was still dripping wet. I became aware that she was looking at me. I returned her gaze and placed my hand on her face, just above her neck. Emma kissed it and didn't seem to care remotely that I had inadvertently smeared some of our juices onto her cheek. We both knew that our distraction was over.

We lay together for sometime, just staring into each others eyes. Sex had always played such a crucial part of our relationship, but we knew it wasn't enough this time. We had to discuss the elephant in the room. We needed to continue our talk.

"I was always afraid the long distance would be what killed our relationship," I muttered.

Emma looked at me longingly before saying, "Even if I do take the job, it's not going to end immediately you know. We still have two weeks together."

"Two final weeks of travelling, shopping and fucking?"

"Maybe just the last one."

I chuckled and nodded in agreement before saying something neither of us really wanted to hear. "I think we both know you're going to take this job. You don't want to give up and opportunity to work with Steven Spielberg."

Emma didn't even try to deny it. Even if she did, I'd see right through her. We'd been together long enough for me to know these things about her. Despite all her misgivings and complaints about the celebrity life, she did love making movies. And Spielberg was one of those directors who she had always wanted to work with. Once I realised Emma wasn't going to say anything, I said,

"Okay, so you take this job, we spend our last two weeks together and then you go shoot your movie for five weeks and I go home to Australia visit family and friends. That much is obvious. But what happens after?"

"Well, since neither of us want to try long distance; one of us would have to move across the world to be with the other. Or if we can't do that, we have to break up."

I thought about this for a moment. Somehow, I didn't think Emma would move to Australia to live with me anytime soon. But would I move to England? I couldn't work as a lawyer anymore. At least not without some lengthy extra education which I wasn't too keen on. Or perhaps I could pursue a hobby in my free time. I always did like to write. The idea sounded absurd; me sitting in a house in London writing a crappy novel while waiting for my famous girlfriend to come home from whatever exciting place her career had taken her. But then again, the moment you count Emma Watson as your girlfriend is the moment where nothing ever really sounds absurd anymore. Was I really ready to put Emma before everything else in my life?

"What do you want?" I asked.

Emma avoided my gaze. "I want you by my side. We can't keep doing what we've been doing these past few months, as lovely as it's been, but I still want you in my life. But I know that's could be asking a lot, and I don't want to make the decision for you," she said, clearly choosing her words carefully.

"I don't know what I'm going to do. 24 years old isn't exactly the ideal age in which to shirk all responsibilities, quit your job and start living off your girlfriend's money. But then again, if I went back to my life, I'd miss you too much. I'd probably end up calling you within a couple of days."

"When I finish the movie and you aren't there waiting for me, I'd probably call you first. I want to be able to pick up the phone and call you and know you're only a few minutes away instead of on the other side of the world," she said before frustratedly adding, "God, this would be so much easier if you just lived in Europe! Hell, even the States would be better. It's still long distance but at least it's manageable. But Australia! That's a 21 hour flight from London. You couldn't pick a worst place in which to have a long distance boyfriend."

I sighed and said, "Is it possible we're just making this out to be more complicated than it really is?"

"I don't know, maybe," she shrugged. "But the fact is, we both love the comfort of home just as much as each other."

She was frustrated, she was stressed and she was sad. I turned to Emma and touched her face again. With a finger on her chin, I tilted her head so I could look deep into her dark brown eyes as I said,

"So what do we do Miss Watson? What do we do?"

Our eyes were still locked as I asked the question. I had no answer. Neither did she. I love her and she loved me. Was it enough?



It is sometime in October, I'm not sure of the exact date. In my gut, I know I should be thousands of miles away in another country on another continent. Instead I'm right here standing by the window overlooking downtown as the sun sets below the skyscrapers. Had I made the right choice? It's a question I'd been asking myself many times since Emma finished shooting her movie. The eternal battle of heart versus head. In the end, I made my choice and it was the right one.

Suddenly my phone begins to vibrate on the desk. I slowly move towards it. I have about 90 contacts on my phone, but I only want one of them to be calling me. I pick it up and looked at the caller ID:








As I've stated previously, "Emma" was originally planned to be a standalone story and as such, I had no intention to write a sequel much less two. However, I changed my mind in large part as a result of all the wonderful words and the requests I've received. Also, given that all of my stories so far, including the non-celebrity ones, concerned the beginning of relationships, I felt it only right that I write a story about what happens next. And as you can see, what happened next is that Emma and Nate date for awhile before they, well, decide for yourselves.

I may return to these characters one day, but for now, I'm all out of ideas. Hope you've enjoyed the stories. And as before, comments and votes are appreciated.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wonderful characterization!!! I was glued to my computer screen!! Well done!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Absolutely brilliant . . . can't believe the whole series is a fictional story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Great story

Caught myself skipping the sex parts. Great story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Loved it!

This was such a fantastic read and so much better for the character devolpment. Id love to see what happens next for Nate and emma because we all know they won't end it that easily.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
First off: 5 stars

Second: excellent job building a relationship and a couple of real people to learn about, more importantly, to care about.

Take your time and don't worry about Ch 4 until Nate and Emma's plans, challenges and triumphs are clearly defined - or at least outlined ;)


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