Emma gets ready for her date

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This is another conversion of my old GWA script.
7.1k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 12/02/2023
Created 12/14/2022
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Emma relaxed into the steam-filled bathroom, her tired body craving the soothing touch of the water. She always loved taking showers. It felt good to finally wash off all the grime and sweat that had accumulated over the day.

As she hummed to herself, the warm water cascaded down Emma's body, and her mind began to wander, escaping the confines of her daily worries. Lost in the serenity of the moment, Emma absentmindedly ran her hands through her damp hair, feeling the silky strands slip between her fingers. She was far too immersed in her shower to notice as the bathroom door opened.

It wasn't until she heard the thud of the door closing again that Emma was actually aware of the intrusion into her space. Her roommate, Michael, had casually strolled in and made no effort to be quiet. He leaned back against the bathroom counter and watched her shower.

Most women would find such a blatant invasion of privacy to be inappropriate at best but Emma wasn't most women. She smiled back at the man, unashamed of her nudity as she rinsed off her hair.

"Hey Roomie," Emma said as she continued to wash herself. Her hands moved down her body, tracing the contours of her curves with a gentle touch. "What's up? Did you need something?"

Michael's gaze lingered on her breasts as she soaped and rinsed them. There was a certain appreciation in his gaze, a mix of admiration and desire that lingered. As his stare descended further, he took in the gentle curve of her waist, the man all but licked his lips as he watched the water fall off her hips.

"I'm almost done in the shower," Emma responded, speeding up her rinse-off and turning the faucet off. She took the time to squeeze out the water from her hair and do her best to hand dry as much as she could before stepping out of the show. "You can use it now if you want. There's still some hot water left."

She was still soaking wet as she exited the stall, not paying much mind to the fact that she was naked in front of her roommate. His eyes were glued to her chest and yet Emma made no attempt to cover herself up. She waited patiently for Michael to respond. He shook his head softly, not daring to break his view of her.

"I'm just bored." He said with an impish grin. "Wondering what was taking you so long."

"Oh, don't need it?" Emma chuckled. "Sorry, can't help you there. I've gotta be out in an hour or so. Got a 'hot date' tonight."

She giggled as she moved towards the towel rack. Michael was standing between her and the towel and made no attempt to move out of the way for her.

"Uh, can you pass me a towel?" Emma asked, pointing to one she had ready for her. "I'm dripping all over the floor."

Michael reached back and drew the towel from the rack, handing it to her with a small sigh of disappointment. Emma took it and immediately started drying herself down.

"You have a date tonight?" Michael asked with a raised eyebrow. This was the first he had heard of this plan.

"Yeah!" Emma said, with all the enthusiasm of a child on Christmas Day. She wrapped the towel around herself tightly, but in the style that Michael enjoyed that left her boobs on display. Her hair was still fairly damp as she moved towards the bathroom mirror. Hip-bumping Michael out of the way a little. "My boyfriend booked us tickets to the theatre. We're gonna get all dressed up in formal wear. Gonna look like a prim and proper lady.

She giggled again, adding an air of nobility to the way she said 'prim and proper'. If her enthusiasm wasn't obvious enough, the way she continued to hum told Michael just how excited Emma was for her date.

"You? A prim and proper lady?" Michael smirked. Emma either ignored or was oblivious to his sarcasm.

"It's exciting," Emma continued, reaching into the bathroom drawer to take out some supplies. "I hardly ever have a good excuse to wear my fancy dresses. Speaking of which..." She rolled her head back towards Michael in an exaggerated manner and gave her best puppy-dog eyes. "If you're so bored, wanna help me get ready?"

"Help you?" Michael asked. His eyes flickered from Emma's chest to the small back of cosmetic supplies that were unfolding around the bathroom sink.

"Yeah, of course, you can help," Emma nodded with a big grin. "We can do my hair and makeup. Pick out the 'perfect' outfit. Come on, it'll be fun. We can start right here."

"Hair..." Emma explained, shaking her head out. "Now, I usually just leave it down, it goes past my shoulders so I have a lot to work with." She hand brushed it down behind her back and frowned at her reflection. "We could try curling it at the end, but I don't know... What do you think?"

She looked at Michael expectantly, the man was out of his element. He had never spent any significant amount of time thinking about his hair, let alone anyone else's. Michael had basically lost interest in anything Emma had to say after she mentioned going out on a date, but it looked like she was expecting some kind of answer.

"I do like a good ponytail?" Michael thought aloud. "You know, 'cause it feels good to grab onto?"

Michael mimed his hand grabbing a handful of hair and tugging on it. Emma didn't even bat an eye to his suggestion, taking it at face value and thinking about it.

"Hmm..." She said while rubbing her chin. "I do notice you pull my hair back a lot when we're at home." Emma thought back to all the various times during the day when Michael would casually stroll up and fuck her from behind. Most of those sessions involved some level of hair-pulling. "Well, we could try it." Emma agreed. "First things first, blow me."

Michael raised another eyebrow to that. Usually, it was Emma who was the one doing the blowing. It was a tradition in this household to suck at least one load out of the man every day. It was one of the unwritten rules that Michael had come up with when they started living together.

"I meant, hand me the hair dryer," Emma laughed, pointing to the device that was hanging on the wall. "Here, use a towel to also dry my hair. Just use one over-" Michael grabbed the dryer in one hand and used his other to forcefully yank the towel Emma had wrapped around her. "Or mine will do too..." She added, wiggling out of her towel. "This will only take a sec."

She relaxed into the towel as he gently brushed her hair aside. Michael brought up the dryer and brought Emma's hair back to a fair less damp state.

"Now what?" Michael asked, putting down the hair dryer. He threw the towel out of Emma's reach, leaving her stark naked again.

"Now, we brush it," Emma said, reaching for a comb and handing it to Michael. "Get it nice and straight. Brush all those knots out."

"Like this?" Michael asked. Running the comb through her hair and letting it flow down her back. The man could've been a little gentler with her hair but he wasn't rough enough to complain about.

"Then we get a hair tie... and..." Emma said as she reached for a simple black hair tie. She tied it up herself, letting Michael relax for this last part. He immediately moved his hand to her breast the second he was able, not that Emma minded in the slightest.

"Yeah... I like it," Michael said, looking at Emma's reflection as he casually sneezed her tit. Emma nodded in agreement, the style looked quite nice on her. "I wanna test it out though," Michael added.

"What?" Emma hummed, not sure what there was to test about her hair. "What do you?-"

Michael pushed on Emma's back, leaning her forward over the bathroom sink. With his other hand, he moved to unbuckle his belt and pull down his pants. Within seconds, Emma could feel the familiar warmth of Michael's cock rubbing into her butt.

He wasted no time inserting himself inside her. Emma gasped, her body tensing for a moment before enjoying the pleasure that coursed through her. Michael's hand rested firmly on her hip, his touch possessive and commanding, while his other hand gripped around her newly formed ponytail.

Her fingers instinctively clutched the edges of the bathroom sink as Michael's hand greedily dug into the flesh of her waist. With each thrust, Michael asserted his dominance, his primal urges taking control. Emma's moans mingled with the sound of their bodies colliding, filling the bathroom with lustful sounds.

The sensation of his hard cock sliding into Emma's body caused her breath to hitch. Emma couldn't stop moaning and groaning under his hands. Her hips bucked against him in encouragement. She needed more, wanted more. She didn't want this gentle pace, she wanted Michael to fuck her hard.

"How's that?" Emma moaned as she looked back at Michael through the mirror. "Got a nice handful there?"

Michael grunted back in response. His hips kept moving without stopping to give her time to reply. Instead, he pulled down on her ponytail to voice his approval.

"Don't tug on it too much," Emma groaned, leaning her head back and she tried to steady herself. "I'd prefer if my head didn't move too much for this next part. Make-up..."

Emma moaned as she laid out a selection from her bathroom kit. Michael didn't let up for a single moment. Thrusting away with all he had, his hand holding her tight to his cock.

"I don't expect you to know too much about this," Emma said as she reached out to grab something. "So I'll just do all the foundation myself. I'll let you know when you can help again..."

As Michael continued to fuck Emma, she skillfully balanced herself, trying to apply foundation to her face amidst the pleasurable chaos. With each thrust, Emma's hand moved with precision, carefully blending the foundation onto her skin.

"Alright, This is a little hard..." Emma admitted as she smeared a little too much foundation on her cheek.

"Who ya calling little?" Michael chuckled as he spanked her ass playfully.

"No, not you," Emma whined as she rolled her eyes. "This, I can't do this properly while I keep jumping around. Just hold still for a minute, will ya."

Michael sighed as he reluctantly slowed his hip thrusting. Eventually, he stopped completely. His arms rested on either side of her hips as he waited for Emma to finish applying make-up to her face.

"There... So much easier..." Emma sighed. Michael grumbled something under his breath as he slid out of the girl. He waited as patiently as he could while Emma got herself ready. "And the last finishing touches, cherry red lipstick."

She pulled out a small container of lipstick and painted her lips a dark red. Emma puckered her lips and kissed the air to finish before admiring herself in the mirror.

"It's my boyfriend's favourite colour," She explained, looking over her face and hair. "Damn, I look good. Really makes my eyes pop. Don't you think?"

She looked back over to Michael whose eyes were firmly locked on her ass that was still bare to the world.

"Don't know," He shrugged, finally looking back up at her face. "Maybe at a different angle?"

"What would be a better angle?" Emma asked, tilting her head curiously.

"Maybe, down here, on your knees?" Michael suggested.

"Like this?" Emma asked, doing as Michael suggested. She knelt down directly in front of him, her face mere inches away from his already erect cock that was coated in her juices. "So, do my eyes look pretty n-"

Michael reached around and grabbed the back of Emma's head, pushing her down onto his cock. Emma's mouth welcomed the full length of him, she had long since gotten used to this little game of theirs. Anytime Emma's mouth was at cock level, she could expect Michael to try and ram it down her throat.

Michael's grip tightened on Emma's head, pushing her down onto his throbbing cock. Emma's eyes widened as she struggled to accommodate the sudden intrusion. Her lips stretched around his girth, her tongue instinctively swirling around his length. The taste of her own arousal mixed with the saltiness of Michael's pre-cum, filled her mouth as she fought against her gag reflex.

Emma revelled in the raw power Michael exerted over her, his dominance fuelling her submissive desires. As Michael continued to thrust into her mouth, his grip on her head never faltered. Emma's eyes watered as she tried to keep up, her breaths coming in shallow gasps.

Finally, Michael's thrusts became erratic, his moans growing louder and more urgent. Emma's eyes widened in anticipation as she felt his release approaching. She braced herself, determined to satisfy him completely. And then, with a final, forceful thrust, he exploded into her mouth.

Emma swallowed instinctively, the salty bitterness of his release filling her senses. As Michael's grip on her head loosened, she pulled away, a mix of emotions washing over her. Pleasure and pride at having pleasured him. As she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, Emma glanced up at Michael, his face flushed with satisfaction.

With an audible gulp, Emma swallowed down everything Michael had given to her. Only then did she take the time to cough and gasp for air. She felt like she had just run a marathon, having to rely on the bathroom counter for support as she pulled herself back up again.

"I'll... take that... as a yes..." She coughed out, smiling back at the man who had just violently fucked her face. After clearing her throat again, Emma took another look back at herself in the mirror. "Gosh." She sighed, staring back at her new look. "It's a little messy now."

Half her lipstick had rubbed off and stained Michael's cock a deep red. Drool and semen ran down her lips, with a particularly noticeable spot where the man's balls had been slapping her in on the chin. Her mascara was now mixed in with some faint tears that streaked down her cheek and her hair had been roughly handled to the point that it had some odd bits sticking up from it.

"Oh well," Emma shrugged, dismissing her new look as a commonplace of living with her friend. "I don't have enough time to fix it up. On to the fun part." She moved to leave the bathroom, motioning for Michael to follow along with her. "Outfits!"


"Take a seat on the bed," Emma offered as she marched into her bedroom. "Don't worry, this won't be 'too torturous' for you. I've already narrowed it down to three choices of dress."

Three dresses were sitting at the end of her bed. Michael sat down near the head of the bed and inspected all three outfits she had planned out. He reached out to feel the fabric of one of them before Emma pulled up the first dress and held it against her body.

"We have the first dress, the Cocktail Dress," Emma said proudly. Michael 'Oohed' with an exaggeration as she showed off the fancy dress. "Last worn at my company's Christmas party. I got 'a lot' of compliments with it, so I know it's good."

"Very nice, very nice," Michael said as he nodded his head. He sat back further on Emma's bed, making himself comfortable in the pile of pillows the girl liked to keep. "Why don't you try it on?"

"Alright," Emma agreed as she got ready to step into the dress.

Michael watched her struggle for a bit while he quietly pulled down his pants. Taking his dick into his hand, he started stroking himself slowly. His breathing grew heavy as he watched Emma get dressed.

"Um... Really?" Emma asked disappointingly. She wasn't annoyed with the fact that he was nonchalantly stroking himself, more so that he wasn't paying attention to her. "Focus up for a second, you can jerk off once I leave. I want your opinion on these."

She shook the dress that she was wearing to get Michael's attention. The man shrugged with his free hand, smiling back at her.

"Hey, I am focusing," He chuckled. His hand continued to stroke up and down on his dick. "This is how I show my opinion."

Emma hummed to herself as she thought. "I guess you make a point. It'll at least give me an idea of which one you like best."

"Exactly," Michael agreed. "So keep going, do a twirl or something. I've only got a semi at this point."

Emma shook her head, ignoring Michael's crass joke. "Okay, as I was saying, the Cocktail Dress." She twirled like she was asked, showing off all angles. "Still looks good on me, right? A nice blend of formal and casual."

Michael frowned at the dress in question. "I don't know," He sighed. "This isn't really doing anything for me. Plus I don't like the colour?"

"Yeah, the pink is a bit gaudy, ain't it," Emma agreed. The dress was a little too much. "It's more high school prom queen than a formal party if I'm being honest." She shook her head and unzipped the back of her dress. "Okay, next one!"

Michael's hands picked up in speed as Emma stripped back down. The sight of her naked body, smooth and glistening was far more enticing to him than the silly cocktail dress she had just tried on. His gaze traced her figure, from the curve of her breasts to the gentle slope of her waist, down to the perfectly sculpted hips.

"What about this?" Emma asked as she slid into the second dress. This one was a lot more visually interesting than the cocktail dress. "More of a mini dress," Emma explained. "It really hugs to me tightly, I like the low back to it And definitely shows off my legs."

The mini dress lived up to its name. The fabric only covered from her cleavage to a few inches down her thigh. Even the slightest lift of her legs exposed what was underneath. Not that she had any underwear to show off, going commando as she was.

"I really like the black," Michael commented, not actually looking at the dress. His eyes were glued to her legs and the occasional flash of ass when she moved.

"I do too," Emma thought aloud to herself. "Though it's easy to make a mess on them. Kinda like white shirts." Michael sped up his stroking speed, his hard dick throbbing in response. "Though it might show off a little too much skin for the type of event we're going to." She frowned as she finally noticed how short the dress actually was on her, she tried adjusting it down but that barely covered her ass.

"I'd hate to embarrass my boyfriend by under-dressing, y'know." Emma giggled as she fought with the dress's length. Every movement she made caused the dress to slowly rise until the undercurve of her ass was visible again, causing her to readjust again. Michael had no complaints about that however, he happily jerked his cock as she fidgeted with the dress. "Though it looks like you enjoy it," Emma added with an eye roll.

"I think this one is the winner," Michael declared, no longer trying to edge himself. Emma looked at the third dress that still hadn't been worn yet, her eyes pleaded with the man that she wanted to at least try on the final dress. Michael rolled his eyes in response. "Alright, fine. We'll see. But I still vote for the mini."

"Alright, Gimmie a sec," Emma said excitedly, shuffling out of her mini dress to pick up the third one. "Gosh, all this dressing and stripping and dressing again," She chuckled. "Takes a lot out of me, y'know. Alright, dress number three. I just know 'this' is the right one."

She struck a pose to show off. Michael could admit that this latest choice was probably the more sensible option if a woman was looking to dress up and go to the theatre.

"The Maxi Dress," Emma explained, gesturing to the outfit she currently wore. "Long flowing dress, cute flora shapes, stylish V-neck that doesn't show too much. What do you think? This is the one, right?"

"Very fancy," Michael agreed. He was getting close to the edge with his pumping, his legs starting to shake and jump in response. "Certainly matches the prim and proper aesthetic."

"And look!" Emma added before she elegantly spun around in place. "Look how flowy it is when I twirl." She laughed like a child as she made the dress move.

"Hmm?" Michael said dismissively. "I still preferred the other one. Showed off more of your ass."

Emma sighed with a smile. "Of course, the boys would prefer the dress that shows off more skin. But this is a formal event, I have to bring a little class to it all." She playfully chastised him. "Besides, your hand is still moving up and down, so this dress must still look good on me."