Emma's Prom Night Plan Goes Awry...

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She wanted to lose her virginity, not her clothes...
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With the post-prom party she and her boyfriend were at beginning to wind down, Emma caught Jason's attention from across the room. Her smile was met by his raised eyebrows silently asking if it was time to leave. It was. Emma had been looking forward to her senior prom since school had started back in August. She had begun dating Jason just before her senior year at Winchester High and his freshman year at UNC had begun, and her vision of what going to the prom with him would be like had turned out to be fairly close to the actual event. He went all out with an elaborate prom-prosal, actually bought his tux and the rest of his outfit, and had generally made the night live up to her expectations.

Even with a picture-perfect prom and a relaxed party with friends already accomplished, there was still much more Emma was looking forward to doing before the night was finished. Back when she started her Freshman year, she decided to remain a virgin until she was in college; she never had a serious boyfriend before Jason, so it hadn't been too hard to stick to her plan. To avoid being tempted into letting some minor fooling around lead her into serious temptation, she never once let herself be coaxed out of her bra, and anywhere below her waist was strictly out of bounds.

The lack of the sort of relationship drama many of her friends went through gave her more time to focus on her studies, and the strategy had paid off, literally, as she was accepted at every university she applied to and had received and accepted a very substantial scholarship offer from Duke. After she turned 18 in February, and especially with her path to college set by mid-April, she told herself that she was as good as in college, and began to look forward to giving up her virginity; prom night, with she and Jason dressed to the nines and her hair and makeup looking more sophisticated than usual seemed like the perfect time.

Without coming right out and saying so, Emma had given Jason some pretty strong hints that her normal limits would be gone after the prom and after-party were over, telling him, "I'm not sure where you'd like to go after we're done hanging out with our friends, just make it someplace nice. And private, that would be good." With that on his mind as the party wound down, it was no surprise Jason was eager to slip away with her and move on to the next part of their evening. Looking across the room at his girlfriend, he couldn't help thinking how lucky he was. She was smart, funny, kind, cute, and effortlessly sexy.

Emma usually dressed in a fairly conservative mode, but in keeping with her plans for the night, her dress made it clear she could definitely do sexy if she wanted to, with a plunging neckline and a slit showing much more leg than she'd ever done at school. The shimmering gold fabric went well with her long brown hair and green eyes. He couldn't help chuckling at a few comments from some of the guys in her class, who apparently hadn't noticed before now what a babe she was. With most of the couples at the party already gone, Emma said her goodbyes to a few of her friends still hanging out.

Emma and Jason left the party and walked down the long driveway to the car he'd borrowed from his aunt's boyfriend, a vintage convertible perfect for the warm May night. As he opened her door she asked, "So what have you got planned next?"

"It's a surprise. I can tell you this much -- where we're going meets your requirements of being a nice place, and private." She decided not to press for more details, but was relieved when they passed by the only hotel in town without stopping. Judging by several cars she recognized in its parking lot, the local Hilton Garden Inn was a popular destination with her classmates. With that option having been rejected, her curiosity grew, but she trusted Jason to have come up with something special. When he turned off the main drag into a residential neighborhood, she wondered what her boyfriend was up to; when he parked in front of a large brick colonial house with no lights on she gave in and asked what was going on.

"Come with me and you'll see in a minute," Jason said. He led her along a path cutting across the large front lawn, leading straight to the front door. He flipped open the cover on a lockbox hanging on the doorknob and, using his phone as a flashlight, keyed in a four-digit password, opening a compartment holding a single key. He took the key out and held it up triumphantly, saying, "And we're in!"

"We're breaking in to some family's house? This is crazy!" Emma whispered, even though the nearest neighboring house was well out of earshot.

"Not exactly," he replied, "You know my Mom is a realtor, right?" She nodded. "Well," he explained, "The lockbox is for any realtor to use when they need to show the house to a possible buyer. I looked through her listings and found this place, which besides being a great house has the advantage of being vacant; the owners have already moved into another house way over in Waterloo."

"I don't know, this sounds thoroughly illegal," she said.

"Maybe, technically," he replied, "but as long as we don't make a mess, break stuff or set the place on fire it shouldn't be a problem."

"Security system?" she asked.

"I checked my Mom's notes, the owners shut it down, and I made a visit a few nights ago just to be sure."

"Okay, but I swear, if I get arrested you'll be in so much trouble!" Emma replied, her smile showing she'd begun to get comfortable with the setup.

Jason opened the door and walked in, holding her hand as he led her on a short tour. "Right this way, Miss. Note the hardwood floors in all rooms. There are large built-in china cabinets in the dining room. The living room features a gas fireplace operated with a remote."

"And not much else!" Emma laughed, looking around the empty living room, "They must have taken all their furniture to their new house."

"True, but they left the refrigerator here," he said, smiling, "which was nice of them." He opened the refrigerator, which was empty except for a bottle of champagne, two flutes, and a bowl of strawberries. He handed Emma the bowl and took the bottle and glasses out.

"Where are we taking these?" Emma asked.

"Upstairs, they did leave some furniture behind up there."

"Upstairs," she thought, "probably nothing but bedrooms up there. Okay." The butterflies she had begun feeling when Jason opened the front door became more insistent.

Jason led the way up the stairs and along a hall, passing one totally empty bedroom, one with only a few free weights and a well worn couch inside, and a bathroom before finally arriving at their destination. The bedroom at the end of the hall looked to be fully furnished; he set the glasses down on a dresser and began working the bottle's cork out. Emma had a strawberry, then fed one to him once the cork was safely out. He poured them each a full glass of champagne, then sat on a large cushy chair in a corner across from the bed. Emma sat on his lap and they began alternating sips of bubbly and kisses. Once their glasses were empty they concentrated fully on making out, their hands beginning to explore over, around, and through their formal wear.

Emma led the way, unbuttoning Jason's shirt, then pulling it free from his pants and sliding it off. Taking the hint, he reached around her and unzipped her dress's zipper, from just below her shoulder blades all the way down to a spot just above the upper slope of her ass. Along the way he didn't notice any sign of a bra; knowing it wouldn't take much more to make her naked down to her waist, he hooked a finger under the fabric on each of her shoulders but paused, asking, "Is this okay?" Her deep, passionate kiss was reply enough; he tugged the dress off her shoulders and down her upper arms. She pulled her arms free and he let the fabric in each hand drop onto her lap, revealing her full, firm breasts and taut belly. He bent down to take her right nipple in his mouth, teasing it with his tongue before sucking it deeply for a minute, then moving on to give her left nipple the same treatment.

Emma was too distracted by now to reciprocate, but her soft moaning told Jason she was enjoying his attention. Eventually, she whispered, "In case you haven't guessed, I'm yours tonight, all the way." If Jason had any doubts left, she did away with them, stepping off his lap and unzipping the zipper the last few inches, letting the dress slide off her entirely. Still facing away from him, she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and slid them down, slowly revealing her ass, then released them, letting them join her dress down around her ankles. She stepped out of the pile of fabric at her feet and turned to face him, a couple of sheer black thigh high stockings away from being completely nude. "Nearly naked isn't enough tonight," she thought, and lifted her right foot up onto Jason's knee. He didn't hesitate, sliding both hands up her leg, then back down, taking her stocking off as he went. She presented her left leg, and less than a minute later stood before Jason with nothing at all between him and every inch of her body.

Jason moved from the chair to the bed, pulling Emma gently towards him as he lay back on top of the bedspread. She went along, but stopped short of joining him on the bed. He propped himself up on his elbows and asked, "Too fast, or is something wrong?"

"No, no, everything's...amazing, but I have an idea about how to proceed. Where more than how, really," she said, continuing in a whisper, "If it isn't too much trouble, I'd like to do it by the light of the fireplace!"

Jason smiled and replied, "I've used the same kind of fireplace at my Grandmother's house, so I think we can do that. Let's take our refreshments downstairs and see if we can get it lit!"

Emma gave Jason a long kiss as he got up from the bed; they brought the champagne, glasses, and strawberries downstairs. Before leaving the bedroom Emma grabbed her mini-purse as well. Though she didn't need her ID, house keys, or the small wad of cash in the purse where they were headed, she wanted to have the condoms she had tucked inside handy if Jason hadn't thought to bring any. As he thought, the fireplace worked just like the one he had used at his Grandmother's house; he had it up and running before Emma had finished pouring them both a second glass of champagne.

Jason sat on the carpet in front of the fireplace, Emma joined him, sitting by his side. They resumed alternating kisses and sips of champagne; with Emma naked now, the intervals between sips became longer and more heated. After a few minutes, Emma set her glass down; Jason was happy to follow her lead. With both hands now free, their foreplay became much more intense. She unhooked and unzipped his pants and slipped her right hand down the front of his boxers. Getting his boxers off was difficult with the erection she had been encouraging blocking their removal. She held his cock tight to his belly with one hand and used her other hand to work his pants and boxers down and away from his ass.

With his pants now halfway down his thighs, she gently pushed him down on his back and pulled them all the way off, taking his boxers with them. Gently stroking his cock while straddling his legs, she unwrapped a condom and rolled it down his shaft, then whispered, "I want you inside me. Now. Let's fuck!" Jason had no objections whatsoever; he felt like he would explode if he didn't bury his dick in her pussy soon. Emma slid forward and reached down to guide his cock into her pussy, settling in position with the tip of his cock just barely pressing into her lips. She felt a surge of warmth and silently savored her last seconds as a virgin.

That was when she heard it; a few seconds later Jason did too. Both froze in place, straining to be sure of what they were hearing. Definitely a motor vehicle of some sort, way closer than the road! They both realized that there was only one explanation for the sound, which continued to grow louder. Someone was driving up the driveway! Terror almost completely replaced arousal as the dominant feeling in the room. Emma stood up and looked out the nearest window; it had no view of the driveway, but she could see reflections and shadows changing by the second. Jason hoped that it was just someone using the driveway to turn around, but couldn't explain why anyone would need to come so far up the driveway to do that.

Emma was thinking of nothing now but escape, but didn't know the house well enough to be sure which way to go. Jason got to his feet and sprang into action. He got his pants back on and fastened, stuffing his boxers into a pocket.

The sound of a garage door opener raising a door jolted Emma into action; she quickly tried to remove all traces of their presence, grabbing the bowl of strawberries, her purse, and the empty condom package. Jason shut down the fireplace and gathered up the champagne and glasses. Not wanting to spill champagne anywhere, he swallowed the last few ounces in the glasses. Seeing Emma heading towards the stairs to the 2nd floor, he whispered as loudly as he dared, "NO, if we go upstairs we'll be trapped, there's no way out from up there except second-floor windows!"

"Jason, all my clothes are up there!" she hissed, "What else can we do?"

"The cellar has a door to the outside, with some steps under a metal cover, we can get out that way, if we're quiet we could get away unnoticed," he replied, "Whatever we do, we need to do it NOW, whoever just drove into the garage is bound to come in any minute."

"Be real! I can't leave here naked!"

"I could go out and get you something to wear at the Walmart over in Winchester. I'd be back in way less than an hour."

Emma reluctantly nodded her head in agreement. Jason led her to the cellar door; they crept down the stairs using his phone to light the way. No sooner had they made it down to the cellar floor than they heard people above them speaking, too muffled to make out what they were saying, but clear enough to be sure it was a man and a woman talking. A few minutes later the voices grew fainter, with footsteps on the stair to the second floor eventually covering them up entirely.

Emma held on to Jason's hand as he walked around the cellar searching for the door leading outside. He used his phone to light their way, not turning any lights on for fear the couple upstairs might look outside, see light streaming out the windows and come down to the cellar to investigate. After a few minutes of cautious exploration, they found the door; luckily the lock was operable from the cellar without a key. Jason opened the door and lifted one side of the metal shed cover.

He paused before heading up the stairs; turning to face Emma he whispered, "I'll be back as soon as I can be. Make sure your phone is on and the ringer is off. I'll text you as soon as I get back and meet you right here with clothes for you."

"Please hurry," she said, silently thinking, "Where the hell else would I be?" before kissing him goodbye. She went up two steps, enough to watch Jason walk away, then lowered the metal cover. She thought it was completely closed before she let go of it, but the door dropped down an inch or two to its resting position, clanging loudly against its frame. She turned back inside the cellar, closed and locked the door, and began listening for any sound from above in reaction to the sound of the door.

"I'm being paranoid," she told herself, "It sounded loud to me, standing right under it, but the people upstairs probably didn't notice it at all." As much as she wanted to believe it, she couldn't help worrying about the owners coming down and finding her with nothing but her tiny purse for cover. She felt her heart pounding as she imagined herself being discovered. The muffled but unmistakable sound of footsteps coming from the stairs above, five minutes after she came back inside the cellar, sent her pulse racing even higher.

Emma's first instinct was to open the door, lift the cover and get the hell out of the house before whoever was coming down to the first floor made it all the way down the cellar steps. She had her hand on the doorknob before she realized that if she followed through with her current idea she'd be naked, outdoors, in an unfamiliar neighborhood, most likely with police looking for her. Looking around frantically, she saw one possible bit of shelter. She was startled by the sound of the door at the top of the stairs opening, but far more shocked when lights all over the cellar came on a few seconds later. She had been in darkness or very dim light since well before she had parted ways with her clothes, and with the harsh cellar lights on, she felt far more exposed than ever; catching a glimpse of herself in a large mirror leaning against a wall didn't help at all.

Emma wasn't sure how many steps the stair down to the cellar had, but was sure that by the time she had reached her shelter, whoever was coming down would at most have only a few steps left to descend. She crouched behind the furnace, trying to contort her body to fit completely behind it. She shivered as she heard a man walk by within 10 feet of where she was hiding. He checked the handful of small windows, then tried the door. He opened the door and stepped outside. She heard a rattling sound, then heard him close the door and head back to the stair. She was startled one more time when he began talking, saying, "You can relax. The door was still locked and the cover was closed. I padlocked the cover just to be sure nobody could open it. Coming back up now"

Emma exhaled when the lights went out and she heard the door at the top of the stair being closed; she felt like she'd been holding her breath forever. Her breathing returned to something like normal, but she definitely didn't relax. With the metal cover padlocked, Jason couldn't get back in that way, and more importantly, she couldn't get out. She got her phone out and sent Jason a text, explaining the latest problem.

A few minutes later her heart sank as she saw his reply. Trying to get back to her as quickly as possible, he went home to get her something to wear instead of the store, and his parents wouldn't let him go back out this late. He promised to come as soon as they left for work, around 6:30 AM. He told her he'd stake out the house and text her as soon as the people left.

"WHAT IF THEY DON'T LEAVE!!!" she replied.

"There's no food in the house, they're likely to go out to breakfast," he answered, adding, "Once I see them leave, I 'll text you and you can come up from the cellar, I'll bring the clothes in and we can get you out."

She looked at the time, only 2:30. She was already tired but didn't dare let herself sleep, even if there had been anything available to sleep on. She paced around the cellar for a while, then sat on the bottom step and tried to think of the quickest way out of the mess she was in.

"Go quietly upstairs and sneak out the front door, hide out in some bushes until Jason can get here?" she thought, "But the sun will be up before he gets here, I can't be sneaking around like this in broad daylight!"

"Same plan, but try to walk home while it's still dark and quiet?" she wondered, quickly rejecting the idea of trying to walk more than 4 miles to make it home while stark naked.

"Same plan, but call an Uber once I'm outside?" she thought, rejecting the idea when she remembered that some friends of her Dad worked as Uber drivers. She wondered if she could have made herself take that option if she could be sure of being anonymous!

"Do my best Ninja imitation, sneak upstairs to retrieve my dress, that would be enough to walk home in!" she thought. It was risky, but had the distinct advantage of not calling for her to be naked out in the world at all, or naked in the cellar indefinitely.