Empty Nest

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More free time leads to unexpected pleasure for two couples.
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On the surface the two couples seemed to be too different to have much in common; but, as they say, looks can be deceiving.

Darren and Jane on one hand were the quintessential urban family couple. Expressive, vocal, involved, engaged -- the best way to describe them both was "Larger than Life". They coached, managed and volunteered countless hours over the years with the kids' sports. They were tireless fundraisers for charities and good-causes all over the place. Always busy, always doing, always larger than life.

Rob and Barb, on the other hand were much, much quieter. They kept to themselves, didn't makes waves, were great sports parents but preferred to keep in the background and keep their family matters more private. They were great people, just not "out there" like their good friends.

The only thing that these two couples really had in common was their kids -- the younger ones to be exact. Both couples had older sons that had completely different interests, but the girls, Catherine and Amy, met on the soccer pitch and started a friendship that spilled over to hockey and brought these two very different families together. As the girls grew up the two families had a great, comfortable relationship; never spending too much time together, but meeting up regularly to trade war stories as the girls hockey paths went in different directions. Darren and Jane appreciated the calm counsel and away-from-the-rat-race quiet that an evening with their friends brought while Rob and Barb loved to live vicariously through the couple that always seemed to be doing something.

But..change was in the air. The two boys had been away at school for a couple of years, but Catherine and Amy had just left home to go off to university -- both on hockey scholarships and at two rival schools about two hours apart and about 4 hours from home. While both couples figured that their kids would come home to live for a while after university (don't they all!), the four parents were all, at least temporarily, empty nesters.

It was a beautiful, late summer day and the two couples had finally re-connected after the frenzied period of getting kids off to college and coming to terms with the fact that they had to let go and couldn't be there to help. Once the four of them (the moms especially) had worked through their anxiety and supposed loss of "purpose", they all realized that they could finally become more couple-centred and hedonistic and the possibilities seemed endless. As they sat around in Darren and Jane's kitchen preparing dinner they traded stories about how their lives had changed already.

"I have so much more room in my basement now that all that hockey equipment is gone -- AND it smells wayyy better!" was Jane's observation.

"Yeah, and it seems so weird to not run into the house, stuff a sandwich down my throat and run right back out to a game or practice", said Barb. "How bout you Darren? What's the thing you notice the most?"

"You'll just laugh when I tell you."

"No we won't, I promise! Well, maybe not!"

"Well, I appreciate not having to constantly walk around with a towel on after I shower! Once I dry off, if I want to go to the fridge to get something or read the paper -- whatever, I can do it!" was Darren's response. "Don't get me wrong, I'm no nudist, but it's nice not having to have doors closed, peak around corners when you have to get a towel or put bloody underwear on just to go to bed!"

"I hear you buddy", Rob replied, "It's going to be nice not to have to hear DAAAAD! Gross! All the time"

"You two are pigs; loveable, wonderful pigs, but pigs nonetheless", said Barb, "but I agree, having no kids in the house is taking me a while to process, but I really think I'm going to enjoy it!"

The two couples enjoyed a great meal, catching up as only good friends can, with that pleasant familiarity that makes it seem like they had just seen each other the day before. They talked about how the girls were doing, how the boys were doing and started making plans to travel together when the two girls would face each other for the first time as hockey opponents. After dinner and more wine than any of them would normally drink ("Why the hell not -- after all I don't have to get up to take anyone to the rink tomorrow!') they all repaired to the backyard hot tub after changing into their suits.

It was a perfect night; warm with just a hint of breeze, the air fragrant with the last of the summer roses, a clear, star-filled sky, no bugs to "bug" them and the serenity that comes with knowing that there's nothing pressing that demands your attention.

"Mmmmm, these bubbles always feel sooo good", Barb sighed, "besides seeing you guys, this is always the best part of coming to visit!"

"I know, doesn't it just make the stress float away and put you in such a different frame of mind"? Jane asked.

"I'll bet you two have done a lot more than "relax" in here when it's just the two of you!" challenged Rob.

Laughing, Darren replied, "Well, it's been known to happen, but with all the "enquiring minds" around, not nearly as often as I would have liked! Maybe now that it's just the two of us, my stunning wife will be more...ahh...available!"

"You wish loverboy!" Jane teased and leaned over and gave him a kiss that was more than perfunctory, but less than sexual.

Still, it wasn't far off from sexual and between the new found sense of freedom, the wine and the perfect night, Darren found himself a little less than "relaxed" in one part of his anatomy. He was happy that he was seated in the tub and that the bubbles and his loose suit were there to prevent an embarrassing moment. What he didn't know was that, from the minute they had entered the tub, Jane had sat in her "favourite place" where the jets hit her "just so" even through her modest one piece bathing suit and she was getting pretty darn horny!

Darren chuckled, "Yeah, I do wish! But if you give me many more kisses like that one, the wishing will be over and the doing something about it will start!" He looked over at his very bemused friends and gave them an exaggerated wink.

"Promises, Promises" was Jane's come back and she moved over closer to her husband put her arm around him and gave him another kiss, this one more intimate with just a hint of her tongue.

Neither Rob nor Barb knew exactly what to make of this, so they just sat there with a kind of amused, surprised expression. This wasn't like Jane; while outgoing and expressive, she was also very much a lady and was always very aware of people's perceptions of her and her family. Barb thought that she must be just fooling around and that the wine was going to her head a bit.

For her part, Jane was also wondering what had gotten into her. While never shying away from a ribald joke or the teasing passes some of the hockey dads would throw her way, she was really pretty private when it came to intimacy. This behaviour was very unlike her. She was all about hugs and pecks on the cheek in public, but would never even let Darren grab her ass if someone could see them. She wondered to herself if it was the wine, the company and the bubbles, but came to realize that her newfound sense of freedom was finally expressing itself.

Darren was, quite honestly, shocked by his wife's actions. Here was this wonderful, warm, sexy woman who was very private about their private life getting very "not-private" in front of other people, albeit good friends. He knew better than to push it for fear of her wrath when Rob and Barb left for the evening and was quite content to look forward to a very hot session later that night. However, when Jane quite blatantly reached under the water and started rubbing his now very hard cock, the logic centre in his brain shut down and the logic centre in his OTHER brain took over. After quickly coming to the conclusion that he could defend himself to her later by saying the she started it, Darren leaned over, grabbed his wife's head and turned it to face him and roughly kissed her and forced his tongue into his mouth. He was half-expecting Jane to bite down on his tongue and push him away but was pleasantly surprised when she not only returned the kiss with an equal amount of fervour but also swung around and straddled his lap, pinning him to his seat.

Rob and Barb were, to say the least, completely blown away by the scene that was unfolding before them. Neither couple had ever done anything like that in each other's company -- not even close. New Year's Eve parties brought a boozy, affectionate kiss from each other's partners, as did birthday parties and anniversaries. There was rarely even as much as a joking pass made by any of them, such was the amount of respect they had for each other's privacy. There was no drunken skinny-dipping, no male-initiated "let's play strip poker" comments or even any private discussions between the two girls or between the two guys. So, as Darren and Jane continued to venture further and further over "the line", Rob and Barb both realized together that perhaps their friends were looking for some privacy. So, Rob stood up, hoping no-one would notice his stiffening cock, took Barb by the hand and quietly led her to the house where they could dry off and go home and leave their friends to have a fucking good time!

By now, both Darren and Jane were too much under their pheromone-driven spell to care. It only vaguely registered on either of them that the water was being sloshed around in the tub as Rob and Barb exited. Darren was busy squeezing Jane's ass and Jane was equally busy with her hand inside Darren's swim trunks, making her husband growl with desire. Along with their outgoing, gregarious personalities, their "Larger than Life" persona as a couple extended to their physical makeup. Darren was an elite athlete in his youth, playing hockey and football and carrying the broad, barrel chest, wide shoulders and powerful legs that all athletes do. Now, approaching 50, he worked out as often as he could to keep broad and wide from becoming thick and fat. Despite a few pounds around his middle, he was still a powerful, intimidating presence. Jane was no different; after all they met in college, both athletes. Jane's sports were hockey, of course, as well as field lacrosse. She worked out with Darren when she could and it wouldn't be a stretch to think of her as a typical MILF -- big juicy ass, large breasts with just a bit of sag and, like Darren, just a couple of extra inches around her waist. Also like Darren, she was tall and intimidating and perfectly matched the description given to her by Darren's college roommate -- "She's a fucking Amazon!"

Lost in the pleasure, Jane reached down and dragged Darren's swimsuit off. It took every last ounce of discretion for Darren to not rip Jane's suit right from her body, but instead almost frantically helped her get naked. He grabbed her under the arms and lifted her onto the top of the tub and was just about to bury his face in her neatly trimmed snatch when she stopped him.

"Jesus honey, I am so horny right now, but can we go inside, it's just a wee bit cool to really enjoy out here", Jane said.

"Fine by me," Darren replied and lifted his large frame from the tub, helped his wife get out and fairly started dragging her toward the house. "Hey, what happened to Rob and Jane do you think?"

"Oh god, I'd almost forgotten about them; I'm going to have to phone and apologize tomorrow, that must have freaked them right out! They must have gone into the house, dress....."

As Jane entered the house she stopped in mid-sentence because just ahead of them, on their living room floor, was Barb on all fours with her butt in the air, with Rob behind her, with his cock buried in her pussy! When Rob realized they had an audience, he stopped in mid-stroke.

Jane froze, Darren froze, Rob froze, Barb froze; time stood still. The four looked from face to face to face to face. Darren noticed that Barb's face was an odd combination of lust and mortification, but he soon figured out which emotion was the overwhelming one, as she slowly, tentatively started to rock back onto Rob's cock, silently urging him to continue and just as slowly and just as tentatively Rob started sawing back into his wife.

This was pretty much sensory overload for Darren, who was wild with lust even before seeing his best friends "in flagrante dilecto." He tugged on Jane's hand and was quickly dragging her past Rob and Jane to their bedroom when he had a thought. He stopped, put his hands on Jane's shoulders and gently pushed her to the carpet beside Barb. Jane put up a cursory protest but knew that she had long ago crossed any line she formerly had and wantonly spread her legs so her husband could take her.

Darren was not to be denied and he sunk to the floor behind his wife, beside his good friend and lined up his raging cock next to Jane's dripping pussy. After rubbing her pussy lips with his cock he set just the head inside her, grabbed her hips and with a snarl simultaneously gunned his hips forward while viciously pulling Jane's hips backward, completely impaling her.

"Ohhhh, fuuuuuck!" was all Jane could muster as her husband fucked her like a mad demon, their bodies lewdly smacking together on each of Darren's forceful thrusts.

Two feet over, things were going just fucking great as well! After getting over the initial shock of getting caught, Barb gave into the pleasure and figured "in for a penny, in for a pound." In the state she was in, she wasn't about to stop and wanted, no, needed Rob's cock inside her. The one tiny piece of modestly she allowed herself was to turn her face away from the scene playing out to her right and just let herself enjoy the pleasure of Rob's beautiful cock. Her moans and cries filled the room as her husband just plain fucked her!

It had certainly been a night of firsts. In all of Darren's varsity athletics days he had never had sex with others in the room; since he and Jane had been married, the closest thing he got to what was happening was the occasional porn movie when he had the house to himself. It couldn't possibly get any better than this..then it hit him.

He slowed his mad thrusting into Jane slightly so he could silently get Rob's attention. He looked his friend in the eye, pointed at himself and then pointed at Barb; then, he pointed at Rob and pointed down to Jane; smiled devilishly and nodded. Rob's eyes bulged and a thousand thoughts bolted through his head at once. He couldn't believe that Barb was letting him do this in front of their friends and couldn't imagine her not freaking out at the thought of swapping partners. Still, he was a regular guy and couldn't deny that the thought of watching his wife with another man, while he fucked that other man's wife was something that had never crossed his mind. He just never thought it would be Darren and Jane and never thought it would really happen. He had to admit though that he had often fantasized about fucking Jane and this would be, he was quite sure, his only chance.

All the while, Jane's evolved brain and primitive brain were waging a battle of wills. She had NEVER done anything like this, had honestly never even given it a thought, but the sheer pleasure of having Darren fucking her, no POUNDING her, while their friends were doing the same thing right beside them had her base human instinct winning out. She was so consumed in lust she was barely coherent, only able to emit grunts and gasps each time Darren drove his cock home into her dripping snatch, her tits swinging wildly as they fucked. However, she did notice right away when Darren pulled his cock from her, thinking that he was probably pulling out so he didn't cum too quickly. She closed her eyes and took a breath, eagerly anticipating the re-entry of the cock that was giving her such bliss.

What re-entered her however, was something entirely different. Her eyes popped open widely and she quickly turned back to see what Darren had thrust into her, thinking that it must be a fucking baseball bat! She was shocked therefore to see the smiling face of her dear friend Rob who was attached to a cock that was noticeably bigger than even her husband's oversized fuckstick! This, she would have never guessed in a hundred years would be true. Rob, their wonderful friend, but their slight, slim, quiet, almost nerdy friend was also their HUNG friend. Now she was way too far gone to care and just gave into the pleasure and having this big, fat cock inside her.

Barb thought the same thing as Jane when her husband pulled out of her. "No wonder he's close," she thought, "this is about as hot of a scene as you could imagine." But when Darren's slightly smaller, but still beautiful cock entered her, just as Rob slid into Jane, she freaked. It was one thing to fuck in front of your friends, it was completely another to fuck your friends. Immediately she started protesting, "No, no, this isn't right," and tried to move away from Darren.

It was really no contest.

It was a combination of a few factors that got Barb past her fears. First, her tiny, 5'4" slender frame was no match for the comparatively hulking Darren. Second, Darren's lust had taken him to a whole difference place and he wasn't going to be denied. Third, she looked over briefly at Jane and saw a look of pure bliss on her face and fourth, Darren had the most wonderful set of low-hanging balls that were banging into her clit on each thrust and those, combined with the fact that he was fucking her harder than her husband had ever dreamed of, put her over the edge and made her a slave to the pleasure.

"Ohhhh fuck, ohhhh fuck," was all Barb could muster as Darren mercilessly pounded into her. Like before, she feebly attempted some modicum of modesty by turning her face, which was flat to the floor, away from the scene that was being played out beside her.

Darren would have none that. This was primal, this was instinctive and nothing to be denied. Barb would not be allowed to separate herself from what she was doing so Darren completely impaled himself inside her reached around her hips and easily picked her up and manoeuvred them so they were more facing the other two and went back to fucking his friend. Then, to heighten the experience, he got up from his knees, squatted over Barb, reached down and turned her head to directly face his wife and her husband. As he re-inserted his turgid cock into this new pussy, he leaned forward and put his huge hand on Barb's head, preventing her from looking away.

"Now, watch your husband fucking my wife as I fuck you!" he hissed as he went back to pounding into Barb.

In contrast to Darren's animalistic rutting with Barb, Rob was much less forceful with Jane -- but it didn't matter. Despite Darren's more-than-average cock, Rob was hitting places inside Jane that had never been hit before, and her pussy seemed stretched beyond anything she could have imagined possible. Every one of Rob's senses was in overdrive. The visual feast before his eyes was overwhelming: his wife being brutally fucked by his friend with him looking down on that big, juicy ass that he had long admired. The sounds of their fucking was like any porn movie you could rent: assorted "Oh my gods," gasps, moans, groans and the wonderful slapping of thighs meeting thighs and tits wildly slapping together. The room was starting to fill with that intoxicating, pheromone-addled aroma of SEX. Pussy juice and sweat were mixing to make even the best bouquet of roses seem rancid by comparison. And touch....well...fuck yeah, he was touching her! In all the best places. His cock was loving this strange pussy. So tight, yet sooo happily receiving him. His hands were all over Jane's back and ass. She was his height, probably even outweighed him or close to it, yet, somehow, she was so feminine, so desirable. To finish off his sensory journey, he looked down and saw a fine sheen of sweat forming on Jane's back and leaned down and ran his tongue along her spine, sweeping up the sweet nectar and sending shivers through his lover.