En Dag Tilbage


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"Yes." I replied and pulled his hand closer. With that, he passionately kissed me, and began to plant soft kisses on my breasts. "Ooh yessss." I moaned, his tongue made small circles around my nipples and flicked each one gently, softly, sensually. I was in heaven, I had never had sex before or even masturbated, I tried once when I was younger but it hurt too much and didn't feel very good so I quit. The emotions and pleasure that Ben was able to give me just by doing a simple thing like licking my breasts made me want him even more. I held his head to my chest, heaving slightly with each lick and suck he gave me.

I could feel his fingers starting to open my pussy, rubbing it up and down, making little circles around my clit, driving me more and more insane with lust every time. I thought I was going to die, I let go of his head and panted, thrusted against his fingers, trying to make them go as far as they could. "Oh my God!" I moaned, the electricity was back stronger than ever going through my body as he stroked me harder and harder, "Oh, I'm going to cummmmm!" My orgasm exploded through me like a rocket, soaking my butt and his hand, and the bed below. Ben didn't stop though and prolonged it as long as he could, giving me the orgasm of a lifetime. My legs shook and quivered, my body convulsed and tensed tight, I could've sworn my bed felt like it was in an earthquake as my thighs lunged up and down.

When he withdrew his hand from my hot soaked pussy; I could see him weakly through my still closed eyes, licking his fingers he had just used on me, tasting me, relishing the taste. "Oh my God...how...how did you know...how...to do..."

Ben smiled and before I could finish panting my question, replied, "I had cable when I was in the hospital and watched it almost all day...they had some good shows on how to please a woman on the women's channel late at night." I was amazed that Ben had learned so much on how to please me like that from just a television show. I was eager to show him I knew how to please a man, just as good as he had pleased me. I sat up, grabbed his belt and pulled it off, throwing it into the corner of my room. I sensually, and slowly opened his pants with my fingers, he seemed to be enjoying it greatly. I pulled his pants down and could feel his hard dick through his boxers, pulsing with need, something for me to take care of.

I ran my hands around the outside of the thin cloth, bringing moans of pleasure from him. I found the waistband and pulled them down, his dick springing up to meet my amazed expression, it was six inches long, but as far as I was concerned it was the biggest I had ever seen. I hovered my open mouth over it, letting a few loose drops of saliva drip onto the head, and then lowered my face down, letting it slide through and to the back of my throat. "Uhhhhh!" He said as soon as my head went back up, letting it glide through my wet opening. "Oh yesss!" He said as I softly slurped and went back down, I increased my pace between sucks, I would slow down, sensuously, tormenting, and then start back up again, going faster and faster, swirling my tongue and lips around the length of his hard dick. When I could hear his moans get louder and closer together, I sucked as hard as I could, letting the saliva from my mouth fly out all around the both of us, onto his legs, balls, and anything else that was in the way.

The sticky salty liquid surprised me a little and I stopped to get it all in my mouth, a friend had once told me to leave it in my mouth and let the guy see it before I swallowed it. The thought of swallowing it was disgusting to me back then, but it didn't taste as bad as I expected, in fact, it was nice. I loved the sticky feeling of it, letting it coat my tongue and mouth, then running towards the front. "Oh...you don't have to swallow it if you don't want to." Ben said as soon as I got his attention, letting him see the cum in my mouth, being swished around, letting half of it ooze out the side of my mouth and onto my breasts, letting it flow down to my stomach, letting it pool in my pussy hair. Then I made a little place for the cum, threw my head back, and let it roll down my throat. "Ooohhh." Ben said as soon as he saw my neck go up and down, letting it cover my tonsils and then going to my stomach. When I was finished, I licked my lips clean, making sure I had gotten it all.

"How was that?" I asked him in almost a whisper. He stooped down and pulled me to my feet, kissed me deeply, smiled and then led me over to my bed, which I collapsed onto, exhausted. Ben's face was the same, exhausted, not caring about anything but his sister right now. He kissed me sweetly on the cheek, and lay back, both of us falling asleep next to each other, still naked.


When I awoke in the morning, the night before was still strong and vibrant in my mind, even though I had a few twinges of guilt, I was proud of what I had done for Ben last night. I felt so wonderful after giving and receiving pleasure; the intensity that existed was almost inconceivable to me, everything was blissful, everything was in a new light, no more staying in my room all day away from Ben and for the first time in a long time, I took a deep refreshing breath of the morning air, and exhaled. I smiled and sighed with a sense of relief. Ben had cured me of my depression and fears of him, I no longer feared him, or worried about hurting him in some way, he was strong, yes, but still sick, but somehow I knew I couldn't hurt him by just touch alone.

Ben was already gone and must've went back to his bedroom sometime during the night because his clothes were gone, but my clothes were in a neat pile close to my bed, I wondered how I had gotten underneath my covers, but realized Ben must've covered me before he left. It had been one of the greatest nights of my life, I had slept so soundly that nothing would've waken me, not even if there was a fire, or a dog barking outside my window, just like every night before.

I dressed in nice clothes, a pair of cargo pants, and a short revealing top that showed off my cleavage. I usually just wore a loose shirt and jeans, something easy, but not sexy. This morning was different, sexy was everything, the feel of the fabric excited me, like I was a different person. I made breakfast for and I, my parents had already gone to work, and they trusted me to watch after Ben and left the usual numbers for various emergencies, even his food allergies that he hadn't had in years. There was also a note on the back that I hadn't seen until I had finished, Ben was feeling bad again, it was just one of those days that he felt awful, not able to eat very much, and it must've been terrible to be going through what he was right now. I ate my breakfast, put the rest in the refrigerator, and poured Ben some orange juice and made him some toast, then set off to his room with a small serving tray. I was almost there until I remembered the finishing touch, I ran outside and found the most beautiful flower I could in our yard and put it in a dark green elegant vase next to Ben's food.

I knew it would bring a smile to his face seeing me again and it did, when I opened the door the antiseptic smell was back again. "Heeeeyyyy!" I said as I set the tray next to his bed on his night table and sat down next to him.

He sat up, smiled and wiped his eyes, "What's this?" He asked as he stretched weakly.

"Oh, just a little thank you for last night." I smiled back at him and smelled the wildflower I had just picked for him. He didn't respond right away but took the flower from the vase and set it behind my ear, my hair holding it in place.

"Ah, much better." He replied and took a sip of the orange juice in front of him. I couldn't help but smile; Ben made me feel so special, like I was one in a million, or possibly one in a billion. "Hmmm, you look even sexier than last night." He looked me up and down and I got off the side of the bed and turned around, letting him see all of me, he let out a little gasp and when I turned to look at him from over my shoulder he grinned. I walked back over to his bed and flopped down next to him again.

Before we could start talking again, I heard someone knock on the door loudly. I told him I would be back in just a moment, kissed him on the cheek, and hurried to get the door. When I opened it, there was middle-aged woman in a pair of slacks and a pink shirt that read, "Make a wish foundation." I felt my stomach drop, if Ben saw her it would make him feel horrible, we had had people like this around him when he was sick the first time. They came by and asked him if he wanted to make a wish, he didn't want anything, and he was happy with what he had then, so he probably wouldn't want one now.

"Hello, young woman, I'm from the make a wish foundation, and I would like to speak with Ben." I looked at her coldly; they were like seeing death for a cancer patient, reminding them that they were going to die soon. "Ah, I wish I had your courage to wear revealing clothes like that but...things have changed a bit." The woman looked down at her breasts, covered by the pink fabric, then back at me and smiled. I didn't reply to her comment, it was none of her business the way I dressed anyway.

"He's not feeling well right now, and he's tired." I replied with my arms folded in front of my chest.

"Oh...may I speak with your parents?" She just wouldn't give up; luckily, our parents were gone so I wouldn't have to do much to get her to go.

"They aren't here." I said turning to go back into the house. The woman shook her head, pulled a card out from her pocket and put it in our mailbox next to her car. When she left, the sound of her motor starting was a relief and I heard the crunch of gravel under her wheels as they rolled away. I closed the door, and this time, I was sure to lock it. People like that had no right to ask a dying person for one last wish, everything they did was a curse, like selling your soul to the devil himself. You would be happy for only a short time and then everything would be back to normal, the happiness would seem so far away and you would be depressed, knowing it would all end soon. I was sure that if you were about to die you would want to be happy, still, I felt a little compelled to mention it to Ben.

I went back to his room and cuddled up next to him. "Who was at the door?" He asked as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"No one...can I ask you a question?" I turned and looked up at him, his carefree expression encouraged me to keep going.

"Sure, anything." He answered as he smiled.

"Well...do...if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you want to go?" I didn't tell him that the woman from the make a wish foundation had stopped by, but he knew it himself without me even mentioning it.

"It was the make a wish foundation again, wasn't it?" It felt horrible to lie to Ben, but he didn't seem to be concerned about it. "They always come...maybe this time I should go somewhere...mom and dad haven't had a vacation in a long time."

"Where?" I asked as I tried to sound regretful about my little lie, which seemed so insignificant in Ben's aspect.

"Oh, I have no idea, where would you want to go?" He asked me and I didn't know, if I had to pick one place it would have to be somewhere everyone would enjoy, somewhere we could be alone, and somewhere we would always remember.

"Uh...how about every athlete's dream when they win a major game?" I knew Ben could piece everything together.

"Ah, Disney world...well, Disney world it is." He said as he kissed the top of my head. I cuddled closer and rested my face on his chest, it was like he knew everything I was thinking, I had never been so close to someone like this in my life, the emotions inside of me at that moment were spinning around, swirling in my head and soul, giving me a warm feeling.

We cuddled the afternoon away, kissed once in a while, and just talking about everyday things. School was one of them; he wanted to know everything had happened since he had left, I told him about who was going out with who, who had been in a fight, and the work that our teachers had left for us to do. After I said that about the work, I remembered my final tomorrow, it was much too late to study, so I just shrugged it off, I was certain that I could remember about white blood cells and mitochondria.


Ben was feeling better the next day and I felt unhappy about leaving him home alone, but the kiss he gave me in his room before I left was enough to last me the entire day. My mother stayed home that day and the next day, my father would stay home. I still rode the school bus because my parents had used all the savings on Ben and hospital visits. I hated sitting next to young obnoxious children, shouting, throwing things into my hair and always jumping around. This morning was different due to a flu outbreak, not many children were on the bus, and it was actually quiet for a day. Not having the loud children on the bus, I was able to enjoy the ride, watching the trees go by, feeling the hot summer sun on my face, and the sweet morning breezes go though my hair. It's funny how you notice more when you aren't distracted, the beauty of nature and the world; it's all taken for granted for so long until one day you notice it. I began to know what it was like to see things through Ben's eyes.

When I got to school, I found my circle of friends, all talking about the prom. "I can't believe he said it! Then Michael got into a fight with him...over her!" When I walked up they looked at me strangely.

"What?" I said as I tried to look normal.

"What's with the smile?" My best friend Kaliegh asked.

I hadn't really noticed until she asked, the smile tugging at the corners of my mouth, it was hard to hide, it looked like something big had happened. "What happened? You didn't get lucky did you?"

"In a way." I replied.

"Oh, who was the lucky guy?"

"How did you get lucky, you weren't even at prom...were you?" Megan asked suspiciously.

I shook my head; "Ben is what happened."

"Your brother?" Kaliegh asked.

"Well...there are a lot of other guys named Ben, right?" I answered quickly. I was pained for denying my brother, but admitting it right now, it just wasn't the right time. "It was Ben Affleck."

"Ooh, I hear he is going with Jennifer Lopez now...they're calling them, Jen and Bennifer."

"Bennifer? What the hell kind of name is that?" Megan demanded.

"I don't know, it's just what they are calling them." Kaliegh replied, toying with the key chain on the side of her purse.

"It's a stupid name." Megan said as she wandered away, I wandered away also, leaving Kaliegh with a blank look on her face, it wasn't all bad though, Kaliegh could play with her key chain all day if she had to, besides, it was time for class.

The rest of the day was punctuated by thoughts of Ben, how was he doing? What was he doing? What should I do when I get home? I tried to shake the thoughts from my head to concentrate on my biology test, the only class I needed to really graduate. When I saw the first question, I knew the answer, pancreas, then sometime between the ninth and tenth answer Ben was back in my mind, it went on, and on, and on, all day long. Larynx, Ben, small intestine, Ben, liver, Ben, colon, Ben, lungs, Ben. I was about halfway through and almost raised my hand when I didn't see the 'n' on the answer sheet, I had bubbled in the 'b' and the 'e' right next to each other, my mind subconsciously thinking of Ben.

I finally finished and doubted that I had passed, I was exhausted and just wanted to go home, luckily it was a half day too, the bus ride was peaceful again because I slept most of the way home.


"All I need is for you to sign here...and here." The woman from the make a wish foundation was back again, I threw my backpack on the floor by the door, only to see everyone sitting around the table, discussing where they, (it should've been Ben, but he waited for them to ask him,) wanted to go. "Now, where would you like to go?" The woman gave a weird smile to Ben, like she was an evil villain, the lipstick on her lips was also on her teeth, staining them a light but indistinguishable shade of pink. I walked over and sat next to Ben, who seemed to be calmed by my presence, since the make a wish foundation staff made him so uncomfortable.

"Well...w—I decided on Disney world." Ben had stopped himself just in time from saying 'we.' Both of us wanted to keep our union secret, lest we be separated by our concerned parents.

"Oh, excellent, excellent." I could hear the boredom in the voice of the woman, she had thought he would pick something more extravagant like some far away exotic country, she must've heard Disney world about a million times in her career. That made me think, if she was positively bored with where Ben had chosen to go, how many dying people must have asked for the same thing? Maybe it should've been somewhere else. "Well, we will call you for your reservations, everything will be taken care of, a rental car, airfare, hotel, passes to Disney world...with special privileges of course, food, all of it." She gathered the freshly signed papers in front of her and set them back into a brown briefcase on the floor next to her.


"It was like making a deal with the devil." Ben replied quietly as we watched television that night, our parents didn't question me being with Ben, so I was relatively safe unless they walked in while we were doing something. My legs were draped across his lap and my head resting on a pillow right next to him. I was surprised that he thought the same thing that I had about the woman, she truly was evil, possible the devil in disguise...only with bad lipstick stained teeth. "That's why I never did it before."

I ran my hands over his chest and looked at him. "Don't worry, we'll be together...just think of what we can do." I said, trying to cheer him up.

"Yeah, I guess...by the way, what are we going to do?" He asked curiously with a hint of naughtiness in his voice.

"Oh, I don't want to spoil the surprise." I replied with a grin.

"Ooh, I can't wait." He groaned. I was slightly worried, I hadn't come up with anything special to do while we were on our vacation, it had to be extraordinary, out of this world, something both of us would never forget. Sexy clothes was one of my plans, but they could only go so far, I would have to do something I had never done before, something new for both of us, then it hit me, I would lose my virginity to him. I was ready, I trusted Ben so much and felt secure, but this was a big thing for me, I didn't want to think of him dying, the one who took my one and only virginity, there was no going back once it was done. I decided to think about it when it came, and went back to enjoying my time with Ben.


As the date of the trip came closer, I got the notification that I had passed biology, the one course I had worried about. Ben was overjoyed as much as me, maybe even more, we went out to celebrate that night, eating ourselves senseless and playing with each other underneath the table. My parents must've gotten suspicious when we couldn't even hold our silverware without dropping it every couple of minutes, both of us taking turns sneaking down and rubbing against the other while they ate.

When we got home, my parents went to bed and I went to Ben's room to watch a late night movie. I don't remember what it was about, only Ben's lips caressing mine, his remarkable smell, and hair brushing against my body, tickling every nerve in my body. I had to leave quickly though, because dawn was approaching fast and one of my parents would be out to check on Ben soon.