Enchanted Ch. 01

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John wakes up to a new life... and a new Mistress.
4.2k words

Part 1 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 10/31/2020
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This is the story of John. Once known as John the Savant or John the Enchanter. Now he's just John, and oh how the mighty have fallen. This is not the beginning of his tale, but rather the beginning of his second life.

John woke up, a blessing in and of itself. A blessing, or a curse. His back was pricked in half a dozen spots, urging him to move to avoid the torture. Moving revealed a far worse malady. He ached everywhere. Even down— wait a minute. John was engorged. His cock ached in a different way than the rest of his body. He hadn't woken up like this in years... decades, even!

John managed a groan and rolled over. The course stalks of hay in the cheap pallet cracked and rustled under him. He expected to find the edge of his bed. No, not his bed, his bed was filled with feathers and the finest of silk sheets. This... this was somebody else's bed. A peasant's bed.

Instead John found the floor. He was lying on a course sheet stuffed with hay. It might as well have been a barn.

"Gods and demons," he muttered as he forced his aching muscles to work. He blinked and looked around, expecting to see the shapes of the room he was in, if not the details. His eyes had been failing him for years, but he'd enchanted an eye piece to make up for that. If only he could find it...

"This isn't my room," he said and then rolled his eyes. "No, of course not. That's not my bed. Stay with it, old boy," he chided himself.

He tilted his head. "Old..." he mused. He was old, but he'd been working on that. He was a wizard. Not, not just a wizard, an arch-mage! An enchanter so learned people came from miles to beg him for his counsel or, for a dear price, some magical bauble he had created.

He shook his head and asked himself, "Right, so I'm a wizard... why does that matter again? What was I saying? And by the fey, why do I hurt so much?"

John blinked and straightened his back. He felt a strain and a pop in his spine, but that relieved some of the ache instead of adding to it. His back wasn't what held his attention though, it was the room. The room was clear. Oh, it was dirty to be sure, but he could see the small table with two rickety chairs and the shelf on the wall. He could see the door and the latch, as well as the simple lock that even a child could pick. They weren't fuzzy or blocked by the strange spots that floated in his eyes.

Come to think of it, there were no spots in his eyes!

John straightened a little more and felt some of the tension in his lower back abate. He looked down at himself and frowned. He was naked. Naked and still hard enough to bash the door down with a few well placed hip thrusts. He smiled at the thought. Back in his day he might have even tried. Ah, the foolishness of youth.

Another look to the shelf and he saw what he'd missed before. A simple black robe, not one of his fancy ones that he'd enchanted. He wondered and tried to recall the words to one of his simplest spells. His lips parted but nothing came out. The words weren't there. He couldn't remember them.

"What's happening?" he croaked. "Am I mad? Have I finally lost my wits?"

There was more than a robe there. A staff leaned against the wall beside it. No— not a staff, a spear! "What in the abyss," he mumbled as he stepped over and reached for the spear. John jerked his hand back at the last moment. He, of all people, knew better than to touch something so obviously arcane. The shaft of the spear was black. Pitch black, almost as though it was made of charred wood that had been soaked in tar. It was smooth though, with no sign of any burns or marks upon it.

The blade though, that was something else. A small bulb was at the base of it and out of it eight inches of narrow crossed blades extended. It was a weapon meant for piercing, not slashing - although he'd not want to be on the receiving end of a cut from such a thing all the same. The metal of the blades was dark as well, though the edges had a reddish tint to them that a simple glance confirmed was not rust.

John studied the blades closer. He knew something about smithing, after all, and there were no seams. They were not two blades locked together, this was a single four edged blade. No simple weaponsmith could craft such a thing, not even a dwarf could manage this. No, this was a creation of magic.

He reached out and touched the shaft. No sooner than once his fingers wrapped around it a thunderclap struck his ears and should have made him stagger. He stood firm though, his eyes losing focus as images assaulted his mind. They came too fast for him to recognize them. A dusky hued goddess one in one breath. A glowing crystal on a pedestal the next. A bed - his bed, perhaps? The woman above him, her swollen breasts high and proud on her magnificent chest. Her boots — boots? Yes, they were hers. Black and made of some leather unlike any he'd seen before. The sharp heel alone was enough to strike fear in a man, but they were in front of him, offered to him. Did he—

The spear released him from the fugue. John staggered now, taking two steps to catch himself before he fell and risked breaking a hip or worse. He straightened himself and looked at the spear. It nagged at him, seeming familiar, but he wasn't sure why. He needed to study it. Focus on it. Attune himself to it. There were answers there and he needed to get them.

A knock at his door scattered his thoughts. He went to it and drew back the bolt and opened the door. A young woman with curly brown hair stood at the ready, a clean chamber pot in hand.

"Oh! Pardon, good sir... I didn't mean to... I can come back."

"No, no, it's fine," John mumbled and backed away.

She nodded and stepped in, her cheeks flaring red and her eyes darting to his waist and then away. She kept glancing back, only to make her blush deeper.

"I'm a fool," John groaned when he glanced down and saw what had the woman so flustered. "I'm sorry, I just got up and."

"I see that," she said and then clapped her hand to her mouth. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean—"

John chuckled. "No, I deserved that. Let me just get dressed quickly."

"I can come back," she offered again.

He was already reaching for his robe. "No need, this will only take a moment," John said while leaning his spear against the wall. As he pulled the robe off the shelf a dagger and a pouch came with it and clattered the floor. Under the robe but still on the shelf were a pair of sandals. He cursed and pulled the robe over his head before squatting down and collecting the rest of his things.

The dagger was a fine weapon, that much was obvious even with it still its sheath. He found a pocket in his robe and tucked it in, laces and all. The pouch had the muffled clink of coins in it. Not as many as he would have preferred, but some was better than none. That went in another pocket.

Finished collecting himself, he reached out and grabbed the spear— his spear— again. "See, nice and proper again," he said.

Her eyes darted down to where his robe poked out. She looked back up at him and smiled. "That's quite the spear you've got. Are you a warrior?"

John missed his opportunity and looked at the spear. It was a fine weapon, he had no doubt. "A warrior? No. Far from it. I'm John. John the Savant, truth be told, though I do seem to struggle remembering how I ended up here."

"John the Savant?" she asked. "I'm sorry, it doesn't come to mind."

John raised an eyebrow. "Really? John the Enchanter? No... pity. Well it's no matter. I think I'm done here, I should make my way back to my estate and... what is it?"

She stifled a giggle and said, "I don't think you want to be walking out like that, milord."

John's brow furrowed and then he glanced down again. He sighed. "Damn thing won't go down, it seems. I haven't woken up like this in quite a while. I'm not sure if I should be embarrassed or proud of myself."

She giggled again and set the fresh pot down next to the old one. She frowned and glanced at him. "You didn't use the pot last night?"

John looked at it and shrugged. "I guess not."

"And you don't remember coming here?"

It did seem odd. Then again, everything was odd about today. He adjusted his grip on his spear. There was something there, inside of him. A hunger, really, but not for food. It had an energy all its own and it was his to use. His to shape. He smiled at her as the magic took shape and slid between them. "It's coming back to me," he lied. "I don't remember seeing you last night though."

"I work mornings mostly," she said.

"Pity, I'd have paid more attention to a pretty girl like you."

Her lips parted in an almost silent gasp as the magic tickled her. It slipped in through her lips and caused her to shiver. He saw her blush grow and redden her chest where her low cut peasant blouse exposed it. "Seems like you're paying attention now," she said with a not-so-shy glance down.

John shut the door behind him and leaned his spear against the wall. "Perhaps I was a bit rushed in getting dressed."

She nibbled her lip before saying, "You asked earlier if you should be embarrassed or proud? I'd be proud, if I were you. That is if you know how to use it."

John chuckled. "Young lady... well, rest assured, I may not have the vigor of youth, but I have the stamina and experience that more than makes up for it."

She stepped closer and batted her long brown eyelashes up at him. "And you don't even look old either."

John raised an eyebrow while she sank to her knees. His robe was pushed up and soon he felt the cool air swirling around him. It was blown away by warm, moist air a moment later. He gathered his robes and pulled them up and over his head again, taking care not to drop his meager belongings this time. The robe ended up on the floor next to the spear by chance— John's eyes were on the smiling green eyes of the woman who was running her lips up and down his length.

"Nice and clean, I'm going to like you," she paused to say before adding her tongue to the mix.

John let out a groan and wondered why it was he so clean. He bathed daily, even at his advanced age, but he'd just spent a night in a filthy straw pallet. He was lucky he wasn't covered in bugs as well.

He glistened in the faint light that came in through the loose shutters over the window. The serving girl parted her lips and sucked him, gliding along his length and feeling his spongy hardness her lips and tongue. She moaned a little a tightened her lips, adding some suction.

John gasped as she took him as far as she could. Her fingers wrapped around his exposed length and stroked it with a sure hand while her head began to bob back and forth. She was delightful and enthusiastic. In time she could do the job but John wanted more. He needed more. The hunger inside of him demanded it. John ran his fingers through her curly hair and urged her to back off of him.

She gave him a final suck and a lick before smiling and rising. "Wh—"

John silenced her with a kiss that stole her breath. He maneuvered her back to the pallet and frowned at the thought of subjecting the poor girl to the scratchy straw. He ended the kiss and left her mouth open and panting. Her eyes were wild but she had enough sense to reach for him.

"None of that," John said while turning her. "Have you ever been on a farm?"

"A farm?" she asked. "I... know, but you want to take me like an animal?"

"I think you'll like it."

She shivered again. "I think I will to," she agreed and unfastened her skirts. She let them fall to the floor and stepped out of them before turning and sinking to her knees. She bent forward and braced herself on her hands.

He chuckled and dropped down behind her. She shivered again as he slid himself along her slit testing to see if she was ready. She was more than ready. Her brown curls were moist with her dew.

"Oh!" she gasped as John slipped his head in. She stiffened and then relaxed as she grew accustomed to him. Or thought she did. John grinned as he pushed and slid a few more inches in. She moaned and threw her head back.

John paused, withdrew a little, and then pressed in deeper. Each delicious inch drew a hiss from her until, at last, he was hilted fully within her.

"Gods," she panted. "You're going to poke my belly if you've got any left!"

"Pity, this is it. Is it enough?"

She looked back over her shoulder and slurped up some drool that was about to escape her lips. She blushed and nodded. "You'll be showing me Leander's light then! Don't be shy about it, I'm no winsome maiden you need to be gentle with."

John grabbed a hip in each hand and earned a coo from her. He grinned and she pushed back as he drew back. His grip tightened, holding her steady, and then he slid back in fast. She grunted and then shuddered.


"Gods! Yes, more. So much more!"

"A gentleman never refuses a lady," John said and began to stroke in and out of her.

"I'm no lady, milord, but as long as you keep fucking me with that giant cock of yours, I'll be whatever you want!"

John swelled at her words. Giant cock indeed! He'd always impressed the ladies, but it was skill and patience as much as size. Now though he wondered. Had she been cursed with small lovers her whole life?

He put the thoughts aside as they rutted. She grunted and cried and urged him on. He delivered, going faster and harder until sweat ran and dripped onto her body. The serving girl who's name he'd never learned shuddered and stiffened around him. He pounded her through it, showing no mercy as she climaxed. It thrilled him to have her peak. He felt refreshed and invigorated by her orgasm, fueling his ego and boosting his stamina.

The servant slumped down on her shoulders, too tired to hold herself up and then finding she liked the angle even more as John drove himself down in to her. She recovered from her climax and began to push back again, against him instead of with him this time. Flash slapped against flesh made all the louder by the sweat that glistened on their skin.

The magic swirled inside of him as his passions rose. He felt the tingling that signaled his end was near and fought to delay it. He wanted her to peak again. She was crying out and urging him on, her grunts and gasps as dirty as the words of a whore from the docks.

He let one hand slid around her hip and traced along her wet flash until he found where they were joined. His fingers traced her nub and she jumped beneath him. She began to pant and keen as he tickled her button and triggered a second release in her that made the first seem like a sneeze in the wind.

She squeezed John tight and none-too-late. He buried himself inside of her and grunted as he clenched and released. The magic inside of him roiled and surged, ebbing and waning like waves crashing on a shore. John was awash in sensation. The power of his seed surging into her and filling her combined with magic unlike any he'd ever experienced before.

John realized it was over when he found both his arms trembling while he supported himself above her. She'd collapsed the pallet and was gasping for breath. They were still joined but he knew that wouldn't last. His arms would give out soon and then where would that leave them?

He pulled free of her, eliciting a groan from the exhausted woman. He had to walk himself back on his arms before he could rise to his feet. As he did so the turbulent magic that had been within him soothed and spread out, filling him with calmness and power.

She rolled over and looked up at him. Her hang stuck to her face and her shirt was damp with sweat. "You've shown me the light, all right!" she praised him between breaths. "My name's Magda. If you're staying here again, ask for me. I'll make sure you get the best service."

"But you don't work nights," John said with a fake pout.

"Just ask for me," she said. "I'm make sure I come."

"So will I," John said with a wink.

She gasped and then giggled.

John looked around and then down. He wasn't hard anymore, but far from flaccid. He was also coated in their spendings. He frowned, there were no rags or even a pitcher of water around. "I need to clean up."

"Allow me, milord," Magda said. She groaned as she twisted around on the pallet and rose up to her knees.

Before John's curiosity could give way to let him speak she parted her lips and sucked him between them. He grunted, the sensations pleasurable but intense. She bathed him lovingly with her tongue and lips, licking and sucking him clean before letting him free and smacking her lips. She ended with a kiss on the tip of his manhood and batted her eyes up at him. "All clean," she said. "Just like you was before. You're a tasty one too, milord. I don't expect I've ever had anyone like you."

John blushed and offered a bow. "My thanks to you, good woman. This was service I never expected, but appreciated."

She sank back down on the pallet and sighed. "You've knackered me out though, milord. If you don't mind..."

John chuckled and pulled his robe back on. "By all means, I'll see myself out."

She offered a limp wave before closing her eyes. He slipped the sandals on and gathered his spear before checking on her a final time. Her chest rose and fell with the cadence of sleep. He nodded and smiled before leaving the room behind.

"You've still got it, old man," John congratulated himself and then looked up and down the hallway. He spotted stairs and made his way toward them. The new day awaited. A vigorous wakeup like that called from some breakfast. No doubt the inn would have something ready. Even the dirtiest of taverns could handle eggs and salted pork!

The common room had a few people sleeping off their drunk in corners still while a barmaid swept the floor. Another man tended the bar and behind it he could hear pots clanking in the kitchen. John grinned and moved to the bar to take a seat. He leaned his spear against the bar beside him.

The barkeep made his way over and studied the spear for a moment before asking, "Have a good night, did you?"

"I have to be honest, I don't really remember," John admitted. "I'm feeling spry this morning though. Good as a man half my age, in fact!"

The barkeep's brow furrowed. "Well, that's good enough then. Pity though, to not remember the lady you came in with... Is she still sleeping?"

John turned and looked at the stairs. A lady joined him last night? The image of the dusky hued temptress with long wavy hair as black as midnight riding atop of him flashed through his mind. He blinked and refocused on the barkeep. "Oh, yes, still asleep," he mumbled.

"You took good care of her then," he said with a grin. "She paid for room and board for a full week. Not many that look for that sort of thing here. What can I get you?"

"Get me? Oh, sorry. It was a tiring night," John joked at his own expense. "Eggs, if you please. Some pork with them. Bacon if you've got it, salted if not."

"Ale, wine, or water?"

John nearly asked for water but he pushed that thought away. He'd lived too damn long to not enjoy himself. Especially after the morning he'd already had! "Ale, if you don't mind."

"You're paid in full, don't much matter if I mind or not."

John chuckled and took the flagon from the man and sipped at it. It was warm and bitter, but it washed away the taste of sleep.

John lowered the cup and tilted his head. He'd kissed the girl— Magda— and she hadn't complained of morning breath. He hadn't felt like he's slept the night away either. His body had been clean and his breath fresh. Yet he'd clearly woken moments before she came in.

A plate with steaming bacon and eggs cooked so their yolks were still soft slid in front of him. He looked away from his spear he'd ended up staring at to the barkeep and nodded.


"If you've some to spare."

The bartender grunted and returned with a small loaf. He set it in front of John and turned back to cleaning his dishes.