Enchanted Ch. 02

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John finally gets to meet his Mistress.
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Part 2 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 10/31/2020
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The continuing adventures of John the Savant. AKA John the Enchanter. AKA John the I don't know what I am now (maybe just John). It's time for him to get some questions answered... such as who is this buxom and sarcastic halfling that seems to think he owes her something and who was the amazing woman that seems to have gotten him into this mess in the first place.

The first thing John noticed outside the tavern was that he had no idea where he was. He turned around slowly, taking in the sites, and shook his head. The signpost of the tavern read, "Broken Mare."

"Where in the name of the Allfather am I?" John asked. Buildings rose around him, but none more than two stories. There were no towers and the only church he could recognize the spire of was dedicated to Harvest, the Saint of Farmers.

"Widow's Edge," the halfling said.

"Wid— where is that? I should be... I should be... why can't I remember where I live?"

The halfling smiled. "Come along, John, and I'll explain everything."

John fell in step with her but didn't hesitate to ask, "You'll explain everything? Who are you, exactly?"

She spun around so she was walking backwards and in front of him. She bowed low, her breasts swelling and somehow managing to not burst free of her vest. "I am Zynga, your familiar."

"Familiar?" John asked. "I've never had a familiar. In fact, I don't think it's possible for halflings to be familiars. That's the realm of cats and owls and ravens and such."

She winked at him, "There's a lot more to me than you might think."

"I should hope— oh my, you're... um... you might want to fix your vest."

She looked down and grinned. Her breast had indeed slipped in its casing. The ruddy flesh that capped her flesh was well displayed and the nub of her nipple was teasing the edge of the leather fabric. "Oops," she said and reached up to tug at her vest with one hand and take her large breast in the other and display it fully to John before tucking it back in.

"Yes, oops," John breathed. "And you're my familiar?"

"Seems so," she said. "I wasn't thrilled either, but I can work with it. We'll have fun, I think. Or at least I will."


"You had fun this morning, didn't you?"

John's eyes widened. "How did you know?"

"Familiar!" she teased. "Dig around a little, we're linked, you and I. Learn to put up some walls to, I can sense everything in your right now. Thank sin I can't read your pathetic mortal thoughts too."

John clamped his lips together to keep from gawking and shook his head. Zynga was walking ahead again and leading him past the church of Saint Harvest. He looked at it and, the closer he came to it, the more he felt the urge to hurry past.

"Yeah, that's a side effect. You get used to it," Zynga called over her shoulder.

"Side effect of what?"

Zynga whistled. "She really did a number on you, didn't she?"

"Who is she?"

She smiled and winked at him before turning and leading him to a large building. A sign outside of it read, "Widow's Edge Harbor Access." Beneath the headline were listed various shipping and charter companies that worked within. Zynga strode through the open door like she owned the place. John rushed to follow and, in spite of her short legs, he felt himself taxed to keep up with her.

His "apprentice" ignored the offices of the companies set up in the hall and walked past them to a large set of stairs that went down. Lanterns in the walls showed the stairs descending into the earth before coming to a landing and leading to a tunnel that had been carved out of the ground.

Zynga moved at a pace the prevented John from asking any questions. Both her pace and the other people walking with or against them in the wide tunnel kept him silent. They descended several more sets of stairs and avoided tunnels that branched off until, after eight flights of stairs, she took him into one of the side passages.

Zynga paused at a door that blocked the passage. She spoke a few words, muttering them softly so John couldn't make them out, and then pushed the door open and strode through. He felt the traces of magic as he passed through the doorway and then stopped in the dark room. She shut the door behind them, plunging them into darkness.

"Conjure a light," Zynga said.

John snorted and summoned up the words to a spell that would serve the task. Nothing happened. The words weren't there for him to speak. His eyes narrowed, unseen in the dark, and he growled.

"Can't do it?"

"What happened to me?" he demanded. "I am a powerful wizard! I should be able to light up a room with no more effort than the snap of my fingers."

A flash of reddish light behind him caused him to spin around. He blinked and gasped at what he saw. Zynga was gone. In her place was an equally diminutive figure, but one covered in red skin and a black vest half the size of Zynga's and a pleated black skirt that wasn't long enough to reach the bottom of her generous bottom. It was plain to see she wore a scantily cut loincloth beneath the skirt, and boots that looked quite severe and reached up past her knees. Her figure was nearly identical. One arm was raised above her head, her hand wreathed in fire that lit the storage room up. It also cast a hellish light on the small bat-like wings on her back.

"You're an imp!"

She bent forward in a bow and this time both breasts jiggled enough to slip out of her vest. She rolled her eyes and lowered her hand to push and pull everything back into place. The flames went with her but did not harm her.

"I'm your imp," she said once she was situated. "Which does not include conjugal visits, mind you."

"Conjugal... what?"

"Well, considering what you've got going on now, I didn't want you getting any ideas. She was my Mistress first and still is, even if she's bound me to you."

John shook the confusion out of his head and demanded, "What in the name of the Seven Spheres of Tysos are you talking about?"

"That's a lot of balls. Seven's an odd number, but imagine the—"

"Stop!" John growled. "Answer my question. There's a reason I never dabbled in demonology, you infernal types are impossible to converse with!"

Zynga grinned. "No, not impossible. We just don't much care to be confined. Kind of like my tits, don't you think?"

John rolled his eyes. "This is impossible. I'll figure things out on my own."

"Oh relax, I'm just teasing you," she said. "You'd think you'd like being teased after everything."

John took a deep breath and let it out. "Maybe I would. Maybe you're right. Except I don't remember what, 'everything,' is."

"Okay, let me correct you first," Zynga said and hopped up on a barrel. Her legs were split wide open, displaying the black cloth stretched tight across her crotch. So tight it outlined the contours of her anatomy with the flickering flames enveloping her hand. "Eyes are up here, buddy."

"I know," he growled.

"I know you know," she said. "But it still made you blush.

"Right, so anyhow," she continued. "I don't know you before yesterday, and I don't know what made you do it or why, but you definitely dabbled in demonology. You summoned my Mistress. Not sure what the contract was or if you royally fucked it up, but now she's your Mistress too."

"My Mistress? But... wait, the lady?"

Zynga cackled. "She's no lady. She's a succubus."

"A succubus?" John repeated. "Why would I summon a succubus? Even at my age I can manage to find a woman to bed... I seldom bother though. Although after this morning, perhaps I should do it more often."

"Oh, you'll be doing it plenty," Zynga teased. "And I already told you, I don't know why you summoned her. I don't know what the deal was. What I know is that you're hers now and in return, she grants you a touch of power you can use, as long as you keep feeding her."

"Feed her?" John gasped. "I know better than to lay with a succubus! Any demon, for that matter. Only death and damnation lie that way."

Zynga howled with laughter until she noticed John's narrowed eyes glaring at her. Then she laughed harder.

"Are you quite finished?" he asked when she finally began to calm down.

"Oh no," she promised. "I'll be sharing that one, you can be sure! Master, you fucked my Mistress at least once for every level of the hells and more than a few of the realms in the abyss. She told me she'd never been reamed so good and let the man live afterwards."

John shook his head slowly until he couldn't dredge up a single justifiable reason to refute what she'd said. When he finished fighting himself he lifted his eyes from the floor to Zynga and asked, "Reamed?"

Zynga grinned. "My words, not hers."

John grunted.

"Right, so feeding her. Obvi she's not here with us, so you can't fill her up the old fashioned way," Zynga said while making a motion of inserting her flaming finger into the circle made by her thumb and finger on her other hand. "So instead you get to fuck others. Like this morning. Did you see how tired you left her?"

John did a double take. "What? What did I do?"

"You boned a serving girl— I hope she was pretty. Every time she got off you took a little bit her life force. It fills you up and, whether you like it or not, some of it goes to Mistress too. She expects to be kept fed regularly, you know."

"I'm not— I can't—" he protested.

You'll find you don't mind so much," Zynga said.

"But... I'm not going to kill innocent women!"

"You prefer men?"

"What? No!"

Zynga laughed and laughed. "Sorry, I know. Couldn't resist. You won't kill them. Well, probably. If they've got a weak heart, maybe. You can give some killer O's with that spear of yours."

John looked at his spear, confused.

"Not that spear. I meant the one between your legs! You can't tell me you didn't notice. You're packing some serious meat, my friend," she said with an appreciative glance at his waist. "Now then, about killing. Unless you find a way to keep them coming back for more, like, back to back and day after day, they'll probably pass out before you can drain them dry."

"Drain them... sweet mother of the stars."

"Oh stop that, it's not like you're drinking their blood or anything. Just a little bit of life force. A week or so of rest and they're right as balls on a bull."

"You're a vulgar thing, you know that?"

Zynga grinned. "Yes, I am."

"In all my years I've never..."

She scoffed. "All your years? You're what, twenty four?"

John stiffened. "What did you say?"

"I asked how old you are. My guess is twenty four."

John snorted. "Now who's confused. I've lived ninety two years and been a wizard for over eighty of them. Well, an apprentice at first, of course, but—"

Zynga laughed. "You're a boy, not an wrinkled old man! Come on! Hello, I'm a demon that has been around for centuries. Do you really think you could trick me that easily?"

John shook his head. "No, I am! I have estates and I'm the archmage that serves as advisor to... to..."

Zynga tilted her head, causing one pointed ear to be the highest point of her head. "Yes? Who?"

"I can't remember," John admitted. He swore and shook his head. "I can't remember any details of my life. My spells. My servants. My city... it's gone."

"Maybe you lived here?"

John scowled this time. "Hardly! This is a hovel compared to the great city I lived in! We had towers and palaces. Great churches and libraries. This... this place is nothing."

"Well, it's home now," Zynga said. "For a week at least, that's how long Mistress secured your room."

"Mistress," John muttered. "What is Mistresses name?"

Zynga winked at him. "I don't think you're ready for that yet."

"What?" John fumed. He clenched his spear in his hand. "Why wouldn't I be?"

Zynga looked at his spear. "That first. Your spear. Not the one between your legs. Mistress knows that mortals are stupid. It's part of what makes them so much fun, sure, but it also means that sometimes you might have to use that spear instead of the fun one."

"What are you talking about?" he demanded.

"The spear. Kill someone with it and it'll do the same thing as if you stuck your cock in them... Oh! That reminds me, unless you like giving the ladies multiples, you really shouldn't bust your nut inside them."

John held up a hand. "I... can't deal with this. First, what do you mean about the spear?"

Zynga shrugged. "You stab, they die. Life force gets absorbed by the spear and into you... then into Mistress. It's really not that complicated."

He stared at her for a long moment digesting the 'simple' concept. "All right, now the other?"

"Yeah, that one's more fun. When your volcano is hot enough to erupt, don't do it inside of them if you can help it."

John muttered another curse before asking, "Is there a fear of impregnating them with some sort of demon spawn?"

"What? No... no, there won't be any little Johns running around any time soon," Zynga said. "But that's why there are more Succubi than Incubi. When a mortal climaxes they expose the magic that is their soul. So when you do it, you'll be giving away your power. When they do it, they give it to you."

John nodded slowly as her candid explanation fit his observations from the morning. "That makes sense. Magna was exhausted after her first...release. She and...well, arrived together the second time. She wasn't nearly as tired then, but she still needed a nap."

"Atta-boy," Zynga praised him.

John rolled his eyes. She laughed.

"But why... um... the caution about inside?"

"Oh, duh, if you paint them white on the outside, they only thing they'll absorb is moisturizer for their skin."

John sighed and said, "I see."

"Like I said, there's power— magic— in all of this and especially in your seed. On their skin or in their belly and they'll still get a boost, but not as much as if you try to leave them dripping the rest of the day."

"Wait, you said in their belly, but not dripping? I do—"

The imp rolled her eyes. "Really? Are you that naïve? I meant if they swallow your special sauce!"

"Swal— what?"

"Oh don't act so uppity. It's hot and you know it," Zynga chided him. "Anyhow, that would give them a nice pick me up and keep them safe, but you'd barely lose any of your mojo."


"Yeah, you know, magic."

"Of course," he drawled.

"Now you're getting it!" Zynga praised.

"I think you're having fun with me," he declared. "Women don't like... that."

"Swallowing a man's seed? Drinking from his fountain of life? Draining—"

"Yes! That! They don't like it. Never have."

Zynga chuckled and shook her head. "You haven't met the right girls, Master. And when it comes to you, all bets are off."

"How can you say that? I'm not—"

"How did you get the wench at the tavern this morning?"

John's mouth opened and then shut. He grunted and nodded. "I did use magic, but I wasn't sure what I was doing."

"You seduced her with it. It was probably blunt and ugly, but it worked. Everybody had a happy ending, right?"

He winced.

"Right, you did. So trust me, you can make it happen if you want to. That's another thing that Mistress did for you, in fact."

"Did for me?"

Zynga licked her lips and said, "She made you extra tasty. All over, really, but especially down there."

He shook his head. "This is unreal. Yesterday I was... damn."

"Right, you don't know. I'll tell you. Yesterday you were balls deep in Mistress. She rode you hard and put you away wet. You're her first, you know."

"Her first what, lover?"

Zynga howled with laughter again. When she recovered the tears on her cheeks evaporated in a wisp of steam. "Hardly! Her first warlock."


"Yes. And, now that you mentioned it, you might be on to something."

"Of course... but humor me, what am I on to?"

"You being somebody special before. Mistress was just a succubus before. Oh sure, she was smart and made the right power plays, but she was still trapped in the abyss and no more powerful than any of her sisters."

"Undone by a common succubus," John moaned.

"No, that's just it," Zynga explained. "She's not common, never was. But she wasn't powerful, just cunning and beautiful. Now though... phew, she's got power to match the rest of her. When she called me last night I was sure I was being summoned by a demon lord, not B— not her."

John caught her slip. So his Mistress's name started with a B. Did he know of any demons with a name like that? He searched his memory and let out a frustrated sigh. He couldn't remember any details about demons. Vague powers and types, but no specific ones and certainly no names.

"Then I show up," Zynga continued without noticing John's inner turmoil," and there she is. Terrible and wicked and oh-my-fires sexy! I tell you, it was everything I could do to not throw myself at her and drink from the source, if you know what I mean. Naturally I'd be rubbing myself against her leg like a bitch in heat trying to dry hump her."

John held his hand up again and shook his head. "Too much."

"Oh get over yourself," Zynga said. "You're bound to a succubus. You depend on her for your life and your power now. You're going to need to get used to getting your cock dirty."

John groaned.

"Hey! Speaking of power, have you figured that out yet?"

"Power... you mean magic?"


"I can feel it. It felt... hungry. It's sated now, but I fear it will grow that way again," he said. "As for using it. I used it on the— on Magda— earlier. I'm not sure how to shape it and create spells though, but charming her seemed easy enough."

Zynga nodded. "Yes. You'll have to work at that on your own. Figure out what you can do and how to do it. You can commune with Mistress too and she might be willing to help you sort it out... for a price."

"Of course," John muttered.

"Expect charm and seduction magic to come the easiest, considering the source."

"Naturally," John said. "So, now that I know what I know, I assume I need Mistress's name in order to commune with her?"

Zynga grinned. "Yeah you do."

"I see. And will you give it to me?"

"Sure, but you're going to need to take your robe off first."


"Just... trust me on this."

"Trust an imp?"

Zynga laughed. "Good point. But remember, I'm your familiar. Hurting you hurts me. And vice-versa, don't forget that."

John frowned. "That is how familiar's work, isn't it? Fine, though I never wanted to hurt you."

"Good answer! Now the robe..."

John sighed and leaned his staff against the wall. He pulled his robe up and over his head and placed it on a crate. "Sandals too?"

"Naw, those should be good."

John grunted. "Okay. Let me have it."

Zynga grinned. "Our Mistress's name is... Beytrixxa."

The name slipped through his ears like a warm breeze on a cool day. It tickled something inside of him and sucked the air from his chest. His pulse throbbed in his ears and in his groin. He stiffened and swelled, rising to stand tall and then higher, pointing above Zynga's head.

With her name came her image, this time her face wasn't obscured by hair or shadow. She had eyes so blue they were like ice frozen from the deepest lakes. Her skin so smooth it seemed impossible to be tanned as dark as it was. Her cheekbones were high and pronounced, but not sharp. Her nose set perfectly upon her face, neither too big nor too small. Her hair, lustrous and bouncing, framed her face and fell about her shoulders. It wasn't long enough to hide her breasts though, those were proud and magnificent upon her chest. And the tasty buds that capped them - like ripe cherries ready to be tasted.

Unlike before, this time the image moved. She turned her head and her gaze met his. There was nothing else but her. No storage room. No crates or barrels. No conniving and scantily clad imp. Only Beytrixxa.

"Beytrixxa," John breathed out her name.