Encounters Pt. 01


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"You taste exquisite," Elric said, breathing on Amanda's clit before going back to exploring her pussy with his lips and tongue. Loving how the pink darkened as blood rushed into the folds of her pussy, loving most, however, the succulent taste of her.

Amanda screamed, grabbing Elric's hair and holding him in place as his mouth clamped down on her clit.

Sucking hard while flicking his tongue rapidly back and forth, Elric winced as Amanda's grip tightened in his hair. Accepting the pain as she screamed out her pleasure, Elric continued the assaulting her clit. Extending her pleasure until he was sure she was about to become too sensitive before backing off and once more licking the folds of Amanda's outer labia.

"You've been practising," Amanda said when she finally recovered.

Chuckling warmly, Elric pushed himself up. Lying atop her, Elric gave Amanda a slow, languorous kiss.

Amanda loved the feel of Elric's lips, loved the feeling of his weight atop her, loved that he knew instinctively how to keep her on edge about him.

"Come on," Elric said, smiling as he looked into her eyes. "We should clean up before we get back to your parents."

"Don't you . . ." Amanda began, seeing Elric's hardon.

"As much as I would love that," Elric sighed, pointing. "Your parents won't be pleased with me if we are late for dinner."

Chapter 7

Karen smiled when she saw Amanda walking from the woods with the tall, pale boy at her side. Surprisingly, the boy seemed completely at his ease.

"How can he spend so much time outdoors and still be so pale?" Adam asked, coming to see why his wife was staring. "You want him first?"

Karen's smile widened and grew more feral as Adam chuckled.

"Mom," Amanda smiled, "Dad, this is Elric Moonwhisper."

"Seriously?" Karen asked. "Moonwhisper?"

"I apologize," Elric smiled. "I wasn't aware that I was allowed to choose my family name. Or, that not choosing would offend you so much."

"She gets first shot at you, Elric," Adam chuckled "Might want to be careful what you say?"

"You tried to put your hands on me," Elric nodded somberly. "After Amanda wanted to argue in front of wolves. I took her out of the area and brought her to you.

"I took care of both situations," Elric continued, shrugging. "If you want to hit me for stopping the foolishness of you both, just say so."

"Do you know what we do, Elric?" Karen asked. "Why we're here?"

"You're troubleshooters," Elric smiled. "However, no matter the fact that the title sounds boring or like a technical or administrative job, we all know that the smell of leather and gun oil is distinctive."

Elric laughed to see the three faces staring at him in shock.

"You didn't know?" Elric asked, amused.

"You," Karen said after a moment. "Are a very dangerous boy."

"Probably," Elric shrugged. "I ended your daughter's and your husband's foolishness. Are you going to hit me for that?"

"No," Adam said chuckling. "We're grateful for that. We want to hit you for your attitude."

Elric nodded. "You thought your daughter would find a sheep," Elric shrugged. "Someone easily led. No, I think she deserves someone who appreciates the strength in her rather than someone she can control."

"What about sparring?" Karen asked with a smile. "Can we spar while my husband and daughter cook for us?"

"Only when you two put your guns away," Elric shrugged, smiled.

Laughing, Karen held out a hand to her husband. With a shrug, Adam removed his sidearm from the Urban Holster that hid his Glock 34 Gen4 with the GTL 52 attached light. Karen pulled it's twin from her own holster.

"You don't carry?" Elric asked Amanda.

"Not yet," Amanda smiled. "I was getting ready to take the test when we moved."

Elric nodded. "If you like," Elric said as Karen took the firearms into the house. "I can take you out on an elk hunt."

"You hunt?" Adam asked, surprised. "With you helping the wolf, I thought you'd be a tree hugger."

"I am," Elric said with a smile. "Which means I know the importance of forestry and wildlife management. I don't just go kill a bunch of animals."

"Ignore him," Karen laughed. "He wants to go on a bear hunt in the spring."

"Unlikely," Elric shrugged. "They have a lottery for those slots. You need to have everything paid for ahead of time and there are always more applications than hunters."

"They sell you a license to hunt," Adam nodded. "But, don't give you permission to hunt."

Elric nodded with a smile before pulling Amanda into his arms.

Amanda gasped as Elric began to kiss her. Moaned as Elric took control of the kiss even as she melted into him.

Elric grunted as a small fist connected just below his ribs.

Amanda groaned as the kiss stopped entirely too soon.

"You can kiss her later," Karen said, smiling as she took a stance. "For now, I own your ass."

Adam laughed as he pulled Amanda free.

The laughter was short-lived as Elric began to dance with his wife. Karen threw blow after blow at the boy, punch or kick, and Elric melted out of the way. Though he never took a swing, Elric moved smoothly enough to avoid every attack. Dodging to either side, falling back, or leaping past a punch or kick.

Annoyed that he wouldn't fight, Karen took a defensive stance and waited for Elric to move.

Smiling, Elric obliged by stepping forward and putting his fists up.

Karen struck, disappointed that Elric swung his hips and took the blow on his arm, and gasped when he touched her collarbone as she drew her arm back. Spinning, Karen struck with a side kick to back Elric away and give her time to throw a circle kick.

Elric slipped forward and used his body weight, bumping into Karen. Laughing, Elric caught an arm and leg to keep Karen from falling.

"Okay," Karen chuckled as Elric planted a foot by her plant foot. "You can date our daughter."

"Thank you," Elric smiled as he released her.

"My turn," Adam smiled.

Elric moved as Adam flowed on the attack. Quicker than thought, Adam sent one attack after another forcing Elric into a circle.

"You're pretty quick," Adam noted as Elric barely avoided a blow that would have broken his nose.

Elric didn't say anything as Adam continued his assault.

Adam stopped as Elric squared himself and smiled. Three feints were easily blocked and pushed away, the last as Adam launched a snap kick at the boy's face.

Elric bent backwards, his own leg shooting up to catch Adam on his hamstring.

Smiling as he straightened, Elric held out a hand to Adam.

"Where'd you learn to fight?" Adam laughed as he allowed Adam to help him to his feet.

"Gran studies yoga," Elric chuckled. "Between that and physiology class, I know the way the human body works."

Adam stopped, frozen as he looked into Elric's eyes. Tall as he was, Elric was still a boy and Adam sensed no deception about him. He truly had learned to fight by watching and learning how the human body worked.

"Amazing," Karen laughed. "And you want my daughter to learn to hunt and shoot."

"I want your daughter to learn everything she wants," Elric chuckled. "I want to share my joy in the things I love. I want to share her joy in the things she loves."

"I want that too," Amanda said as she slipped beneath Elric's arm. "I want that more than you can imagine."

"You plan on marrying her," Adam said, surprised at his daughter's tone.

"Of course," Elric nodded. "I don't waste time on games. Easier to just tell the truth. I don't need some vacuous girl who thinks sex is a weapon to get what she wants.

"Better to have a strong woman," Elric continued, squeezing Amanda tight to his side. "A woman I can rely on, confident in her own strength and worth. Such a pairing only makes the couple stronger, makes the family stronger."

"What about when some jock tries to steal her away?" Karen asked.

"He will be sadly disappointed," Amanda chuckled.

"He is fine if he listens to her," Elric shrugged. "If he pushes where he is not wanted, pushes past good manners, I will push back. Most of them know to avoid me."

"About that," Karen smiled. "We spoke with Marcie. She said you fought five football players for her."

"No," Elric shook his head. "One of them hurt her. He chose to be with another girl while dating Marcie. I made sure he was around when I walked up and asked if she was done dating little boys and if she was ready for a real man.

"They thought they were going to put me in my place," Elric shrugged. "I wasn't there for that. I was there for retribution. I was there to help a friend. They pissed me off by hurting my friend and I broke them for it."

"Broke them?" Adam asked.

"Yes," Elric said evenly. "Five boys went to the hospital that day. Plus, since they attacked me, I made sure that they were charged with assault."

"You engineered the fight," Amanda said, understanding. "Knowing that you could have been hurt and then charged them for fighting with you."

Elric's grin was feral as he gave her a nod.

"Marcie did allow me to take her to the prom," Elric smiled. "Those five boys didn't make it and their dates were wallflowers who never came near us. None of the jocks have messed with me since."

"Why?" Adam asked.

"A quarterback, a halfback, and three linemen," Elric shrugged. "If you saw someone take down five men their size, would you go looking for a fight with him?"

"Not likely," Karen laughed. "Anything else we should know about you before dinner?"

"I like my steak medium rare," Elric smiled. "And, I can eat a lot."

"Fair enough," Adam chuckled. "She helps me with the grill. You get to help Karen with the salad and other veggies."

Smiling, Elric kissed Amanda on top of the head before squeezing her ass.

Amanda gasped and chuckled as Elric began to walk after her mother. Following, Amanda swung and connected solidly on Elric's ass, laughing.

Elric laughed as well, surprising Amanda as she stuck her tongue out at him before she went to help her father.

"He doesn't have any right to be that hard," Amanda said, showing Adam her very red hand.

Chapter 8

Amanda sat watching, frustrated, as Elric showed her how to recognize paths and tracks of various animals. Though he had given her pleasure with his fingers and tongue many times, he wouldn't sleep with her.

"Let's run," Elric said suddenly.


"Let's run," Elric smiled. "You've been so busy trying to force down your frustration that you haven't realized what day this is. You need to burn off some of that energy so that we can have a good time tonight."

Before she could question him further, Elric ran. Amanda gasped and followed him into the forest. She had been getting steadily stronger and knew her stamina had been improving since Elric began to take her into the woods to learn. Today, however, every move sent electricity down through her nervous system. Her nipples seemed to be scratched in the most interesting ways as she followed. The seam of her jeans was brushing into the hood of her clit giving tantalizing pressure.

Surprisingly, the light seemed to change as she was running and Amanda began to look around more carefully.

'Night?' Amanda thought. 'How long have we been running?'

As she looked around, Amanda almost ran into Elric before noticing that he had stopped in their glade. Seeing him, glowing in moonlight, Amanda's heart rushed into her throat as she stared.

Elric kissed her, a bare brushing of his lips on hers. Looking into her eyes, Elric unbuttoned the one button keeping her polo from displaying her charms. Another kiss, his hands were pulling her shirt over her head. Another kiss and her bra fell free. Another kiss and her shorts came undone. Another kiss and he unlaced her shoes. Another kiss and he pulled down shorts and panties. Another kiss and he went back down to remove shoes, socks, and pull everything off.

Elric stared as Amanda blushed under his gaze. Stripping quickly, Elric lifted her and carried Amanda into the pond. Amanda sighed as the water cooled her. Lifting her hand, she was surprised that the moon turned her silver as the water dripped off.

Elric reached into a container Amanda hadn't noticed and pulled out something. Rubbing it through her wet hair, Elric bathed her, the mild scent of the yucca root wafting through the air.

Amanda gasped at the sensuous nature with which Elric bathed her. Calm, sure hands easing her stress and the toil of her body even as Elric luxuriated in the feel of her.

After the bath, Elric lifted Amanda and took her to the bed of moss. Kissing more passionately, Elric let his needs be known by how he pleasured her body.

Amanda groaned as Elric touched every sensitive spot on her. Her neck, the tender spot by her collarbone, elbow, knees, instep, all seemed to inflame her passion.

Reaching up, Amanda grabbed Elric's ears to pull him to her.

Elric held firm against her. Grabbing his cock, Elric began to brush it along the folds of her outer labia, applying pressure every time he hit her clit.

"Do you want this?" Elric asked as her hips thrust up at him. "Would you be my mate?"

Chapter 9

June smiled as she saw the blonde woman at her door.

"Hello," Rebecca said as she looked at the red-haired woman across from her. "You are the one who thinks they have found a nexus?"

"Yes," June nodded. "And, no, I haven't tried to use it."

Rebecca nodded, understanding. "What are your gifts?"

"Healing," June said, surprised. "I haven't spoken with the Council in some time, but, I had left a report."

"Show me your nexus," Rebecca shrugged, her mother hadn't said anything about a report on this woman. "I have family in the area I'd like to visit."

Grabbing the keys to her Mini, June drove to the Old Forestry Road before getting out and heading into the woods. Though it had been many years since she had been in the woods, old habits resurfaced quickly and June stepped out her path without faltering.

Rebecca gasped as she saw silver moonlight flashing in the glade ahead of her, it was beautiful. Her family would love this place just for the esthetic value. As she and the healer stepped into the glade, their eyes were drawn to motion.

Amanda screamed out her orgasm as she felt pulse after pulse of Elric's seed hitting her cervix, screamed again as she felt his pleasure, his love, and his desire.

June dropped to her knees as her orgasm ripped through her. Felt the love and joy in belonging.

Rebecca wept as she felt the love rushing through her. Felt, for the first time in many years, an orgasm brought on by another. Felt, for the first time in many years, like she truly found her place.

Elric roared as he felt the others join inside him. Turning, he looked at the two women before turning back and kissing Amanda deeply.

"What was that?" Amanda asked as Elric began to roll off her.

"We have guests," Elric sighed. "Intruders who decided to come at the worst possible moment."

"What?" Amanda asked, stretching over Elric's chest to see.

"Give them a moment to compose themselves," Elric smiled. "They will come to me soon."

Amanda gasped as the two women stood. The wet spot on their pants was distracting and she seemed to be able to smell them from across the glade.

"Aunt Rebecca?" Amanda gasped. "What are you doing here?"

Fury seemed to fill the air as Elric looked at Rebecca and all three women flinched.

Amanda's gasp helped clear his head and Elric turned to her gratefully.

"You asked about my father once," Elric said sadly. "Apparently, it was your Aunt Rebecca who killed him."

Amanda was about to tell him that her Aunt wouldn't do such a thing when a piteous cry stopped her.

"Elric?" June asked.

"Why are you here, June?" Elric asked. "You know these woods are mine. Why did you bring her here?"

"This is a nexus," June explained. "A very old nexus. I needed to report it to the council."

"And they sent their killer," Elric nodded. "And you interrupted our mating, became a part of our mating."

"What?" June asked, shocked even as Amanda echoed her question.

"The nexus is his," Rebecca said through her tears. "His uncle killed my husband. My husband was on their lands and attacked him. We were going to go raze the ground where they lived before the council intervened.

"His father volunteered as sacrifice," Rebecca said. "He walked out alone and accepted our punishment. Better one death than a war that could have decimated both communities."

"Yes," Elric nodded. "That is the story I heard. I was given your scent and image. Now, you are my mate because you interfere once again."

June and Rebecca were both about to deny the possibility as Amanda sat, dumbfounded.

"Thank you for the gift of your magic," Elric continued. "Our children will be very strong."

Rebecca gasped.

"What's going on?" Amanda asked in a small voice.

Moving quickly, Elric took Amanda into his arms.

"I am sorry," Elric said gently. "I thought you knew of us. I thought you were part of them. Still, I loved you and chose you. I thought you knew what I was. "I see in your Aunt's mind and in yours that you do not know me."

Giving Amanda a hug and a kiss filled with all his passion, Elric gave her a sad smile and stepped back.

Amanda gasped as moonlight glimmered about Elric. Amanda ran as he shifted into a large grey wolf.

A howl of heart-wrenching sadness filled the night air and Amanda fell to the ground weeping before rising on unsteady feet to run home.

Elric ran into the woods, his mind numb with the possibility that he had destroyed his mate.

Rebecca went to the spring. She was about to change the flow of the nexus when she was forced to stop. Her Alpha had made his first command known.

Weeping, Rebecca followed after her niece as June went back to her car to drive home.

Chapter 10

Rebecca hated having to follow after her niece. Hated that Elric had forced her to leave the nexus in his control. Though the boy was obviously talented, a nexus should have been the property of the council.

A vicious snarl tore through Rebecca's mind and she dropped to her knees, submitting to the will of her mate and alpha.

As she tore her mind away from her traitorous thoughts, Rebecca rose once more to follow her niece.

As expected, the door was locked and Amanda didn't come out to open the door at her knock. Using her own power, Rebecca used a minor spell to open the door and turn off the alarm. Locking it behind her, Rebecca went in search of her niece. The sound of tears drew her, as did the feeling of dread.

"Why did you run?" Rebecca asked as she sat on the bed beside Amanda. "Why hide yourself under the covers. He's in our heads, you can feel him. You know he loves you."

"He's a wolf," Amanda sobbed. "How can he be a wolf?"

"He's a Were," Rebecca sighed. "He has some wolfish traits, but, they are honorable in their way."

"You knew?" Amanda asked, shocked. "You know about werewolves?"

"And magic," Rebecca nodded, holding her hand up and bringing forth a flame to dance along her fingers. "Our family is very old, Amanda. With your father's abilities being dormant, we thought we had time before we tested you. Apparently, he sensed your power and thought you knew what he was."

"How is that possible?" Amanda said, her eyes watching the flame. "How can he be possible?"

Dismissing the flames, Rebecca shook her head.

"What's important," Rebecca said, taking Amanda's hand. "What we need to focus on is our mate. You hurt him by running in fear. He blames himself for the agony you feel. June and I will help you with your studies.

"However," Rebecca said, squeezing tight. "You must call him back. He is on the brink now. We do not want him to go rogue."


"A rogue wolf," Rebecca sighed. "He has no pack, no love. He begins to kill and likes it. Elric thinks he destroyed you because you did not know what he was. If you cannot claim him as your mate, he will die."