End of an Affair


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When I pulled up in front of the house, all of the pep talks I could have given myself would have not possibly prepared me for the turmoil that was surging through my heart. As I walked up the front sidewalk to the door, my heart started to race, and I could feel my legs getting weak. I took a deep breath as I put the key in the lock and opened the door.

My mind immediately flashed back to that fateful day. I replayed the events as if my memory was a digital recorder. I was waiting for Byron as he walked up the steps, and once inside, he gave me a passionate kiss. It was a routine we had practiced many times. Usually he would give me oral to start, but for some reason that day I was so excited to see him that I quickly dropped to my knees and unzipped his pants, reaching in to expose his cock.

My mouth was on him before Byron had a chance to take a breath. He was remarkably similar in size and shape to my husband, so it had never been a problem taking him all the way in my mouth. After our very first time together, we had given each other oral often, and I came to learn it was a great way to "destroy" the evidence - that is, not having to worry about cleaning anything up if I swallowed his load.

Byron was obviously enjoying my skills - something he never failed to show me. Our sex wasn't spectacular, but it never seemed to get routine. Perhaps it was the cheating factor that kept us on edge. It also didn't hurt that we had fucked and sucked in many different houses for sale, so the change in location also helped to keep it exciting and fresh.

We knew coming in that we wouldn't have much time, so I didn't drag the blowjob out. Instead, I worked him as quickly as I could, bobbing rapidly while using my tongue to provide extra sensation on his skin. He tapped me on the shoulder to let me know he was cumming, and when he did, I was able to keep it all in my mouth while still licking and sucking on his now pulsing cock. I made sure to suck everything out of the tip before taking my mouth off of it and showing him what he had done before swallowing it all at once.

I stood up and kissed him as he guided me backwards to the island in the middle of the open kitchen. He lifted me up and set me on top, where I spread my legs and exposed my panties to him under my blue wool skirt. I lifted my ass as he bunched my skirt up beneath me and grabbed my panties, yanking them off with one quick motion. He attacked my neatly trimmed pussy - already open and engorged with anticipation - as his mouth found my clit and settled over it. I grabbed the back of his head and spread my legs even wider, giving his tongue a chance to get as close to the action as possible. Over the 10 months of our affair, Byron had learned what I liked, and in no time my breathing become ragged as I closed my eyes and leaned my head back, moaning as he licked and sucked my clit.

I pulled Byron's head in closer with both hands, and he brought his right hand up and inserted two fingers deep into my steamy pussy. As he finger-fucked me in and out, his tongue became a licking machine - exactly as I like it - and soon my legs began to quiver as an orgasm zinged throughout my body. I tried not to scream out, since I knew the neighboring houses were fairly close together, but I couldn't help it. Byron was a master at oral, and I loved every opportunity for him to show me his skills.

Byron helped me set up on the edge of the kitchen island and wrapped his arms around me as we kissed again, this time tasting my own juice on his mouth and lips. I craved those intimate moments after we had brought each other to orgasm. We had given ourselves to each other again, and as we held each other while our heart rates dropped back to normal, the hug completed the connection we felt each and every time.

He helped me off the island, and we both saw that my skirt had some pretty serious wrinkles. I unzipped it and took it off quickly, sliding it over the sharp edge of the countertop to try to get as many of the wrinkles out as possible. Byron just watched and smiled, and I couldn't imagine what he was thinking, until I realized that I was naked below the waist, while his cock was still sticking out of his zipper.

Byron looked at his watch and did some mental calculation, and I knew what he was thinking. He must have decided we had time for another round, because he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to the master bedroom. He guided me to my hands and knees on the bed while he quickly removed his pants and underwear. I was on the edge of the bed, and he stood behind me and jammed his cock into my soaked pussy in one thrust. I moaned again as he began to piston in and out of my still tingling pussy. We had just been intimate with each other; now we were simply fucking.

We had always been careful not to leave any marks on our bodies that our spouses might question, but I knew Byron well enough that he had a kinky side, and as he fucked me from behind, he couldn't help himself and began to spank me, spurring me on. The stings of his open palm were quickly absorbed as pleasure, and I encouraged him to spank me harder. The thought of this man taking charge and fucking me when we really didn't have time took over, and as he continued to rain spankings on my ass, I encouraged him to fuck me harder. He grabbed both of my hips and pulled me stronger into his groin, and as I yielded to him, my second orgasm overtook me and I began to shriek, the familiar quiver back in my legs as I lost the ability to control my body. Byron held me up for his last few thrusts before he came for the second time as well, shooting another load inside of me, this one in my thoroughly fucked pussy.

My arms and legs could no longer hold me up, and I rolled over on my back and collapsed. I had to be careful not to leak any of Byron's second load out onto the duvet, so I held my ass up with my hands until I felt the strength to be able to stand again. Byron looked at his watch and uttered, "Oh shit, I need to hurry." He reached for his underwear, but before he could get them on, I bent down and took him in my mouth again, cleaning both of our juices off. He watched me and said, "If I had time, I believe you could get a third orgasm out of me!"

I would have loved that challenge, but I knew there would be other days (I didn't know then, but as I thought about it now, I realized I could not have been more wrong). As he kicked his legs into his pants and hurriedly put his shoes on, I just stood there and watched with a wide smile on my face. It had been an amazing session. The last time I saw him, he blew me a kiss as he disappeared through the bedroom door. I listened for the front door to shut, and then his car door as well, and finally the sound of his car driving away, and as it turned out, out of my life forever.

Now as I thought of that session, I had a sudden surge of awareness come over me. For the first time, I realized my grief wasn't over the loss of sex with Byron. He had the same equipment as Rich, and he really used it the same way. Granted my sex frequency with Rich had slowed way down over the years, but we still fucked - in fact there was one time during this affair that I had both men on the same day, which I realized may not have been the smartest thing to do, but then having an affair probably wasn't smart anyway.

What I realized was that I missed the intimacy, the hugging and kissing, the sharing we did through the thousands of emails we had sent to each other through our secret accounts over the 10 months. Byron and I never said that we loved each other. We both knew that it started out as illicit sex between two people who happened to meet as one bought a house from the other. But with that sex, a connection was beginning to form, one which I had not anticipated, and as I thought about it now, one that could have been called love.

I realized that connection only grew over the past 10 months. Not that Rich and I ever really argued, but with Byron, there wasn't the worry of the house, or my sons and their problems that came from being out on their own. We didn't ever have to discuss our financial situation, wondering if we had enough in retirement, and even thinking about when that was going to be. Byron and I didn't have to worry about any of those things that sometimes make life difficult, so it was much easier for our connection to grow.

I hung my head when I realized that connecting with Byron meant I didn't try to improve the connection Rich and I once had - and still had, although it was in a much different state than it used to be. I never had any intention of leaving Rich while Byron and I were together, and I knew he wasn't going to leave his wife Gloria either. I doubt either of us really expected the connection that developed, but since I couldn't ask him now, I could only speculate on his feelings about it.

I checked my phone, and saw that the Stoddards would be here in about 10 minutes. I headed to the restroom to check my face, and noticed that it wasn't as red and splotchy as it had been when I'd cried other times. Maybe I hadn't cried as I thought of Byron and me together that last time. Maybe I needed this exercise to put our relationship into perspective. The revelation that it was the connection we had that I appreciated so much and not the sex was still heavy on my mind.

Then I thought back to earlier this morning, when Rich and I had been in the kitchen together, and the little playful things we did that surprised me. Could I get that connection back with Rich? Would he work with me and listen as I told him how much I missed it and needed it? Maybe he had missed it too, but like me didn't think it was worth working for, since we had slipped into a comfortable but extremely lonely existence.

The big question came next - should I ever confess my affair to Rich? If we were able to get our spark back - even just partially, which would be better than nothing - would any progress be possible if he knew what I had done and he decided to divorce his cheating wife? He would never understand what I gained from it - in fact if we did improve our own relationship, it would be as a direct result of my 10 months with Byron. I knew that would never justify the affair, but it did get me to see how much I needed that closeness, and I hoped Rich and I could get back to that.

On the other hand, I had hid that 10 months from Rich rather easily, something I wasn't particularly proud of, but it was the truth. Now that there was no more affair, I figured it was time for my guilt to begin to plague me, and I wondered if that would be my punishment to myself, and if so, how long would it last? I figured it would never go away.

I walked back into the main living area in time to see the Stoddards strolling up the front sidewalk. I took a deep breath and then exhaled. I knew I had many questions to answer, but I was glad that when I opened the door and greeted Justin and Amber, at least it was with a genuine smile.


Epilogue -

I was waiting at the front door in a new lingerie set when Rich came home from his business trip. At first the look of confusion on his face didn't give me much hope, but in fairness it had been a VERY long time since I had greeted him this way. I gave him a kiss and told him how much I missed him, and wanted to show him right then! Even though I knew he was probably tired from his trip, he let me lead him to the bedroom, where we began healing the issues that shrouded our lives.

After that, we talked about our relationship. We both acknowledged that it wasn't very healthy and had become a situation of two lonely people not being able to share their feelings with each other. We continued talking as we went out to eat. I was glad to hear Rich tell me how much he enjoyed having me downstairs with him on Tuesday morning as he left for this trip. He was afraid to tell me that because he didn't think I wanted to get up that early just to see him off. There were numerous little things like that we had been afraid to share with each other. We decided that communication needed to improve if we were going to pull ourselves out of our mess.

I'm pleased to say that things are better, and while I'm hoping we continue growing closer together again, knowing we have made progress is wonderful. We go out a couple of nights a week now, sometimes just to eat and enjoy being with each other, other times for more activities such as dancing, which as it turns out is something Rich had wanted to do all along but never brought it up. I even started going to the gym with him three days a week before work. Little things like that are helping us in a big way to feel closer to each other.

I still haven't told him about my affair, and I'm pretty sure I will take that secret with me to my grave. As I suspected, my guilt grows every day, especially as my relationship with Rich strengthens. The affair did cause me to see what was truly missing in my marriage and led me to take steps to re-start the intimacy that was lacking. But having an affair was not the way to do that. So I will punish myself for my selfish affair, and continue to take steps to ensure it will never happen again.

One more thing - the Stoddards bought the house, and they are thrilled to finally have the home where they can begin to add to their family. I hope when they reach their empty nest years, the fires of romance continue to burn between them, so they don't make the same mistake I did.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Classic tale of years of getting to comfortable with routine that the relationship becomes an unconscious habit leading to a complete disconnect

At some point one, or both, stopped really communicating their thoughts, needs and feelings. Nearly a tragedy. The wife here has major blame here in that she suffered in silence thereby creating, and exacerbating pain over the loss of intimacy.

The husband is equally guilty of falling into a lifeless but where he practically forgot he had a wife.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

A story about a lying, cheating wife, who made her husband into a cuck, and never saw a problem for 10 months. What a loser of a story about a loser of a wife. one star

orneryonezorneryonez4 months ago

A build up to a let down... as flat as a tack!!!

orion2bear2orion2bear24 months ago

Cheating never helps a marriage no matter what bullshit the cheater comes up with to justify it

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Ick. No one really enjoys a story where an evil (or at least a selfish, bad) person "wins". Sadly this is all too realistic. While married men are 50% more likely to cheat (29% of at least one extramarital affair by their 50s vs 19% for married women), married women have much longer affairs on average (6 months vs 2 months). As such it is rather common that cheating wives form an emotional, even romantic attachment to their cheating partner. Not surprising when of such length. Also given that the most common reason for a married women to step out of her marriage is because she feels neglected, unwanted, or not paid attention; meaning they seek emotional attachment just not sex when the cheat, and the affair goes on for many months. There is no doubt the affair would have continued if Byron had not died. So she her grief in silence, and went back to her husband after her post affair self rationalizations. Of course her marriage to Rich will never be the same. Even if Rich never learns the truth, she has emotionally hamstrung her marriage. During her 10.month affair, she let the fires of her marriage turn to embers that were barely lit and nearly extinguished. And that is solely on her. While Rich may feel things are better, her guilt will forever undercut their marriage, sapping it of strength, so it will never return to what is wrong as years ago, though to outward appearances, it may seem to be better taken at face value. But it will be forever wounded, and her own guilt will shade the marriage going forth even if she remains faithful going forward. All too realistic but also sad. Her selfishness in seeking emotional and physical comfort elsewhere for so long has irrevocably changed their marriage and the husband is clueless. Too bad, so sad. Don't cheat. To the MC: was it worth it? Answer: while part of her is riddled with guilt (means she is human), she still looks back fondly on her time with Byron and has rationalized that it helped her marriage with Rich. That is self deception of the highest order. But many people who cheat fall for that moral quagmire. Reprehensible but realistic.

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