End of Days

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Has the world come to an end?
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There is a seriousness to the beginning of this story, but the erotic part will eventually get there. Enjoy.

End of Days

The Beginning (Prologue)

The nuclear holocaust that was to destroy the world was surprisingly unsuccessful. Historians will look back and wonder about the reasons, but some of those causes can be surmised or at least guessed at. One theory is that there was a secret organization within the governments of the three major nuclear powers that sabotaged not only the nuclear arsenals but also much of the infrastructure to wage the war. World War Three.

China received most of the damage. Within a year eighty percent of the population died from various causes. Rioting, nuclear fallout, disease, and hunger were the main culprits. Mongolia, for unknown reasons, had and has a regional nuclear winter that lasts to this day. Nothing grows there, fallout and extreme cold weather make it impossible for any to survive there, or even for any to visit. A strange inversion layer unexplainable by meteorologists, hangs over a place once called Country of the Blue Sky. A warhead must have landed there, but no one is clear where, or where it came from.

Perhaps a half dozen nuclear weapons landed in the Land of the Red Dragon from Russia. Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou were gone in the blink of an eye. The fallout spread north and east killing millions within weeks. Why more weapons did not fly and find their marks is still mostly unknown. Some believe the massive electromagnetic pulse(s) that covered the world, were not just from the air, but from this secret group using ground-type weapons. How many were fired from the United States is still unknown. As far as the world knows, only two nuclear weapons were successfully fired. One destroyed Moscow, the other the Baltic ports and fleet. If any were fired at China from the United States, they did not hit their targets.

Five hit the United States. The first weapon to hit Washington DC was from a rogue state. Which state is still unknown. If it was known at one time by any, it is lost to history. This is the bomb that started it all. Russia then fired four warheads. New York and Philadelphia were destroyed, and the entire eastern seaboard is uninhabitable to this day. Two were fired at the Midwest. One destroyed NORAD, and the other was meant for Omaha, most believe but fell short in the mountains in mostly uninhabited territory in the northern Rockies. No weapons hit either California or Texas. A surprise to most as at least the port of Houston and the US fleet in San Diego were obvious targets.

EMP did the most damage. Ninety-five percent of vehicles in California and Texas were instantly inoperable. Both of these now countries immediately went back to the horse and buggy days. California's Governor immediately declared a state of emergency and closed all of its borders. Two years later a referendum declared the Republic of California into existence. Now completely self-sufficient, RoC is probably the most powerful nation still remaining in the world.

Hours after the war began, Governor Stanton of Texas died of a sudden heart attack. Lt Governor Chalmers, an avid secessionist immediately declared Texas as a free and separate nation. The Texas Republic is not as stable or self-sustaining as RoC, but the country does still survive.

In the weeks following the war, the Cartels of South and Central America stepped in to fill the power void. They moved into Arizona and quickly took Phoenix which became the capital of the Libertad Espana. Initially, this new nation attempted to attack California from the Arizona border and through Mexico, but the two sides after weeks of fighting made a peace which holds to this day. RoC and LE have a very tentative peace with RoC.

Once known as South America, the continent is now one Nation. Independiente America is strong, stable, and completely at peace after the events of World War Three. A surprise to many that they have been able to become strong and prosperous. It should be known that the people of IA have no trust or love for the former United States. There are no diplomatic relations between any of the States, RoC, or TR. One day perhaps.

Canada somehow survived almost completely unscathed. Western Europe mostly, though fallout in certain nations killed millions. England is the last bastion of true democracy. The country is untouched by the effects of the war. The tunnels to the continent from England are all blocked. One day they might open, but England has no trust for Western Europe.

New Delhi India

"Captain, how many hours have we?"

"It does not matter, Sgt Hawkins... Wait, do me a favor and have everyone gather in the basement. It's time for some straight talk." Captain Brenda Ross held herself together as best she could. The latest estimates had the fallout hitting them from between thirty-six and forty-eight hours. Leaving the main hall of the embassy, she headed to the basement where all the secret operations took place.

It was all she could do to hold back the tears. But, Brenda is a professional soldier and knows she has a job to do. Underneath the embassy was one of the most sophisticated secret operations on the entire planet. Captain Ross was cut off from most of the world, but their site was so hardened that they still had power. For how long, she did not know. But, she had her assignment.

"Is everyone here?"

The Colonel had not made it from his home to the embassy. Her guess with the chaos outside, he never would. It did not matter at any rate, for she had her orders. She looked around the room and saw that the place was as packed as it had ever been. There must be about one hundred and fifty people packed into a space meant for a third of that. Only a contingent of twenty guards was left around the embassy to guard the building.

After a look around the room she began. "I am not going to sugarcoat it, folks. We have our orders. Destroy every computer, every hard drive, and all written documents. We need to do this as quickly as possible as our time is limited."

A voice in the back of the room by the large screen that was currently empty, unable to connect to the outside world cried out, "How limited? I mean..., I have a family."

A stern look crossed the Captain's face. She looked over at her security detail. Each carrying a side arm and an M-16, the twenty Marines moved into position around the room. "No, you don't. None of us does. Just accept that they are dead, or will be." A bunch of outbursts and cries of anguish filled the room. Chaos threatened to erupt, but Sgt. Hawkins fired his rifle into the air and there was sudden silence. "I know many of you are civilians, not trained for this. But..., it does not matter. We have to finish the job at hand. Any who get in the way, or can't do as instructed, will be escorted to the back room. If anyone becomes unruly or violent, they will be shot. This is not an idle threat. It is a promise. It's truth time, folks. None of us are going to live. We have a job to do and that is that."

Doing the job is either the only thing one can do, or the person freezes up and is unable to cope. Over the next day and a half, most of the individuals managed to remain professional and get things done. With much cajoling, threatening, and some coercion, the job managed to be finished and many of the personnel could be seen sleeping all around the chamber, exhaustion and fear permeating the room. Just as they were finishing the tasks at hand, the power went out. The generators kicked in and Captain Ross knew they had maybe eighteen hours of power. Not that it mattered as soon they would all be dead. The fall-out would be getting very close at this point.

"Okay, folks. I am not going to tell any of you what to do. Somehow, for some reason, the gates to the embassy have not been overrun. I would suggest you stay here because the streets of the city are in utter chaos. But, any that wish to leave now, to go to their families, may do so. But, the fallout will be here soon." Holding back tears, her voice quivering, she finished her statement, "May God be with us all."

Brenda, Captain Ross, then sat in one of the chairs at a computer station and began to silently cry. Her only thought was, has the world gone? Did humanity finally destroy itself? Some began to climb the five stories up the emergency stairs to exit. The elevators would not work with only the generators for power, so those who left had to take those stairs. But most just sat or lay down, accepting the inevitable. It was Second Lt Brown who sat next to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Are you leaving Captain?"

"There is nowhere for me to go. I have no family. I have my sidearm and when the time comes..."

"I have none either, ma'am. May I be so forward as to ask you something?"

"The world is over Lieutenant. Ask away."

The Second Lieutenant looked around at the people still in the room and then whispered into Brenda's ear, "Well..., I guess we only have a few hours to live. Would you care to go to the storage closet with me? I have the key."

She smiled at the young Lieutenant and replied, "Why not? Let's do it."

Next Steps

She was leaning over a crate, moaning as this young man pumped his cock in and out of her from behind. Her skirt was on the floor, her legs spread wide, and she enjoyed the cock going in and out of her.

She had lied, she does have a husband, but he is in another land, miles away, and most likely dead. This kid can fuck, she thought to herself. He fucks really well. She thought of Kyle. She remembered a day, a night, they had spent at a hotel. The Champagne, the celebration of her promotion to Captain. The memory of their lovemaking. Yes, this kid can fuck.

Suddenly there was a pounding at the door. A muffled voice announced, "Captain..., are you in there? Captain?"

"Shit...," Brenda said quickly pushing the young Lieutenant back and out of her. "Fuck, get dressed. God Damn."

The muffled voice again which she now recognized as Sergeant Hawkins. "Uhm, boss... There is a Colonel out here to see you."

Finally, they managed to get dressed and stepped out of the closet. Brenda was using her hands to attempt and fix her hair as they exited the small space. Before the pair stood a Colonel in full regalia. One she had never met before. Extremely embarrassed she said, "You are dismissed, Lieutenant." She then saluted the Colonel who took her arm and pulled her aside.

"It's okay, Captain. You don't have to explain. But, I have some good news for you. How many are still in the embassy?"

"I..., I don't know." Waving at the Second Lieutenant she said, "I need a head count right now. How many people are still here."

The Colonel interjected, calling out. "I am Colonel Ross, no relation, I need to know that count and no one else is to leave the compound." Looking at his watch he then continued, "You have ten minutes. No more, make it quick Lieutenant." Lieutenant Brown grabbed a couple of enlisted men and headed upstairs to get things going.

A few minutes later, quicker than either the Colonel or the Captain had expected, Lieutenant brown reappeared. "By my count, one hundred and seventeen personnel including the Ambassador and his family, sir."

"There are three trucks for the military personnel, and four buses for the civilians outside to take everyone to the airport." Colonel Ross again looked at his watch. "If the weather reports are correct we have just over an hour before death comes to New Delhi, perhaps a few minutes more at the airport. Usually, I would say the drive would be about fifteen to thirty minutes, but who knows right now. There are two C130s on the tarmac, which should be enough to carry those we have here, plus those coming from the expat housing in the south. We are going to be cutting it close. I had them escorted, but I am not sure they are going to make it."

Brenda then asked, "Can we speak in private for a moment Colonel Ross?" In the interim Brenda had combed her hair and straightened out her uniform. Once aside she asked, "I know you are going to say it's classified, but do you have any idea where we are going? I mean, and why?"

The Colonel looked down and then replied, "Okay. This is between you and me. I need someone I can trust so I will tell you. This all depends on a lot of things outside our control. Ultimately we are to land somewhere in the US. Even I don't know where. The Joint Chiefs have stated that we are on a special mission. But, I lost communication with them about two hours ago. So, we fly to Ramstein, hope we get reconnected with someone, then we will see."

"This entire thing sounds truly iffy to me, sir."

"It is, but our other choice was to wait here to die."

"Good point, sir."


With three combat vehicles in the lead to the airport, things went surprisingly smoothly. The city was burning, but most of the people had gone indoors. Brenda guessed that word had spread that a cloud of death was headed toward the City of Rallies. Brenda felt for the population, but at the moment all she could do was think of the people around her, the Ambassador, her military charges, and the civilians in tow.

Lt Brown appeared leaning over her seat from the aisle. "Ma'am, the Colonel wanted me to tell you to get the civilians on the first plane as quickly and orderly as possible. He is going with them. The rest of us will get on the second plane, God willing."

"Okay, Lieutenant Brown. About what happened, well..."

Cutting her off, with a straight face he replied, "I have no idea what you are talking about ma'am. Let's just hope we get to live to see another day." Brenda nodded her head yes to him and went back to her ruminations as Lt Brown went back to his seat on the truck.

The first plane took off without a hitch. Brenda and the remainder of those at the airport began to board the plane. Just as this happened the guard about fifty yards from the plane radioed in frantically, fear obvious in the tenor of his voice, "Captain, there must be five hundred civilians, some with weapons heading towards us. What..., what are the rules of engagement."

"Calm down. Fire that fifty cal at one of those trucks nearby. Shred it, maybe then they will get the hint." Suddenly, just as she finished speaking, there was heavy gunfire and an explosion she could not quite see along one of the terminals. Again the radio, "Some are still coming, Captain."

She looked over at Lt Brown and told him, "Tell them to do what has to be done."

"We are going to leave them behind, ma'am?" Again tears rolled down her face. She did not reply as he forwarded the message. "Get our personnel on the plane. Let's get the fuck out of here." Automatic fire filled the early evening just as a blaring alarm sounded. "Fuck, quick, or none of this matters." Brenda knew that was the radiation alarm and they had perhaps fifteen minutes to get into the air.

Switching channels, she climbed the ladder to the plane. "Pilot, are you there?"

"Yes ma'am."

"When you take off you have to immediately bank to the north and then head west. You understand why, correct?"

"Yes ma'am. Hang onto your seats, it's going to be hairy I have to miss a bunch of buildings. Wish me and all of us luck. God be with us."


The plane landed and Brenda awoke from her nap. She instructed everyone to stay on board and then headed down the ladder to the tarmac. She was greeted by a General, a two-star, which surprised her. Saluting him she began, "The other plane.?"

He looked down at his boots and then replied, "Didn't make it."

"Shit..., they left before us."

"We suspect a mechanical malfunction. They radioed they were in trouble and attempted to land east of here but the plane fell out of the sky like a rock. I am sorry Captain."

"God damnit! As if there was not enough death." Shaking her head she continued. "So, what are our orders?" As she said this two provisioning trucks rolled up and soldiers began to load supplies onto the plane. Only seventy-one personnel, including the crew. It left room for supplies, but it meant that over a hundred others had died on the first plane. Including the Colonel.

"I guess this mission is yours. A plane out of London will fuel you over the Pacific, but you have less than a half hour to get out of here to meet that plane." Suddenly a man, perhaps in his forties, ran up to where they were speaking. He stopped beside the general. Turning to him the general said, "This is Steven Belker. His rank and position is classified. Just know that from here on he is in charge of this mission. You answer to him. Understood?" She nodded in the affirmative. "Good, now get on the plane and I wish you all luck."

"What about you, sir? What about all the people here?"

"Not your concern. I wish you luck, captain. You too Mr Belker."

The plane landed in Fort Liberty. Alarms and chaos greeted them as they disembarked from the plane. A civilian met them on the tarmac and pointed at a row of buses. "These will take you to your destination. It is classified. Along with your personnel, there will be ninety-three others traveling with you. Time is limited, fallout from DC will be here within a few hours. We only hope you can outrun it to where you are going. Now, everyone, quickly get on board the buses. There is no time to transfer the supplies. We had hoped there would be, but it is just not going to happen."


Brenda lay back in her own bed for the first time this busy day. She had been to bed with three men already, and she had her regular work to do. Though no longer in charge of anything, she had been trained and assisted in the constant calibration of the cooling system. It had become her primary responsibility, but since the earthquake, she was also required to have sex with at least one man every other day. She often had them come to her room, three or four a day, so that she had time for her primary job. Also so that she had some time to herself.

What a joke, she thought to herself. What a huge design flaw in the complex. How long could they even survive with so many things going wrong since God, or whatever one believed, had decided to cause the place to shake and their underground world to be literally cut in half? Even communication between the two sides was unavailable, though they had been working on it for weeks.

The entire shelter was run on a hydroelectric underground waterfall. Had the earthquake happened during normal working hours, things might have been a bit different. But, it happened during sleeping hours. The design of the place was such that, except for the few couples, women's and men's sleeping quarters were on opposite sides of the complex. Men to the east, women to the west. Because of this, only four women were on the east side when the underground earthquake shattered their feelings of invulnerability.

With sixty-one men and four women on this side of the complex, their leader had decided that the only way to keep the peace was to have those four women have sex with all the men. At least those men who wanted to. To service the men, as it were. Not that Brenda hated sex. At thirty-three years old she was still in the prime of her sexual life. Of the four women, she was probably the one who tolerated it best, but still, she wondered if it was worth it. Were they going to be able to survive in the long term anyway? But then again, she did enjoy the sex.

There was a buzz at her door. Brenda walked across the room to the intercom in just her underwear and bra. She pushed the button and said, "Just a second, I need to get some clothes on."