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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and he beheld.
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All comments and feedback are gratefully received as I'm hoping the feedback will encourage improvements in my work. This is a work of fiction from the deep dank recesses of my mind and any resemblance to real people is purely accidental.

This (100th) story depicts interracial love, if this not to your liking, please visit some of my other submissions, otherwise I hope you enjoy.


"Hello, how nice to see you here" said the familiar female voice behind him that made Matt swivel on his heels in an instant.

"Leah" he proclaimed loudly and flung his arms around her added "It's good to see you too, I've really missed you."

"Aah, have you really?" the older woman cooed as she pulled away slightly and gently drew her hand down his right cheek, "You're such a sweetie, for what it's worth I've really missed you too."

The woman was some ten years older than him, stood three inches shorter than his 5 11 and was a bouncing ball of joy. Her skin was the same silky tones of milk chocolate, her eyes sparkled like precious jewels and she had a smile that would melt the biggest iceberg. Leah had been his father's girlfriend for about 9 months and things had gone as far as her moving into the house Matt shared with his father, Martin. Despite her being a good fifteen years younger than his father it seemed to Matt that she and his father were well suited -- that was until his father had done the inevitable and slept with one of Leah's friends -- upsetting what was a previously happy arrangement.

Matt despaired of his father sometimes, they got on, he had after all stayed with him when his mother's career had taken her to the other side of the world. His parents were already split -- again because of his father's inability to keep his trousers done up -- but Matt had been reluctant to move abroad at a crucial year for his studies. He still saw his mother a couple of times a year, either him going there or she coming back to see relatives left behind but on the whole Matt did not regret his decision to finish his education back here.

He never needed a replacement mother figure but the time that Leah had spent with them had been a series of giggles and laughter, certainly his father's choice of girlfriend either side of Leah had resembled dish water they were so dull. Matt used to feel guilty as Leah impressive boobs inspired quite a few sessions with his right hand when alone in his room. He doubted she knew what affect her glorious round mounds had on him and probably every straight red blooded male that crossed her path. He had no doubt his father had a good old time playing with them, especially as his mother was akin to a bean pole like and flat chested.

Now they were stood with their arms wrapped around each other, neither seemingly wanted to let go. "I ought to ask how your dad is?" Leah asked although Matt could sense it was more out of propriety than a true wish for details.

Matt pulled a non-committal expression saying "He's okay. We don't spend an awful lot of time in each other's company at the moment. He's off chasing tail and I'm busy living my own life. Enough about him, tell me how you are getting on, that will be of far more interest for me."

"Ahhh, I'm doing well. Work keeps me busier than ever which is just as well as I haven't managed to find the 'One' yet, how about you, surely some lucky girl has snapped you up. I had high hopes your Dad might have been but then we all know how that panned out" was Leah's reply.

She could tell from his expression that what had happened didn't sit well with him, confirmed when he said "Yes, I hope he apologised profusely for doing that. For what it's worth I told him he was a dick for doing that losing someone like you. You were good together and he screwed things up because of his own selfishness. Rest assured not all men are like him but then as I'm still single, I wonder if his approach has something going for it."

She beamed one of those smiles at him as she caressed his cheek "No I can't see you ever doing anything like that across a girl but don't be in a rush, you never know when some girl gets lucky and crosses your path. Thank your mother for me next time you speak; she raised you with some solid values at an early age. You'll make someone a lovely partner."

"Lets go move over to a table, I'd much rather listen to you than this music" Matt suggested.

"Better yet, why don't we go next door and we can relax better" Leah countered. Matt turned, hook his arm to the side indicating she was to lace her arm through it and they made their way out of the bar to a quieter venue nearby. As they took their seats at a spare table Leah apologised "Sorry for dragging you away, I suspect you were going to get luckier in the last bar, this seems a touch too quiet."

Matt waved his hand dismissively "Nah, I managed to leave with the prettiest girl in the place anyway."

Leah crumbled into a fit of laughter and eventually replied "Oh you're good, that silver tongue will get you everywhere." The sight of her chest jiggling around as she became animated was mesmerising for Matt.

He continued the light tone as he asked, "Have some past girlfriends been spilling the beans about my magical tongue?"

Leah raised her eyebrows in a silent exclamation "Why should they? Is there some secret I'm not aware of?" she asked continuing the mischievous tone.

Matt made a play of inspecting his fingernails and nonchalantly replied "I have never had any complaints. Lots of moaning but no complaints."

Leah looked shocked at the way the conversation had turned flirtatious. She began to say "You should teach your father..." but then suddenly stopped, covering her mouth with her hand. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that" she apologised.

Matt shrugged as he replied "It's no secret that you and Dad had a sexual relationship. What can I say, thankfully I'm from a different mould and had some useful tutelage in the early exploration days that taught me to respect my partners more than Dad does."

Leah nodded thoughtfully as she absorbed his words "I'm pleased to hear it. You have a wise head on young shoulders. So, tell me what type of woman do you normally go for?"

Matt weighed up his answer before replying "I don't have a type as such but maybe someone a few years older than me, more worldly wise, you know? Physical attraction is only one element though, a fun character that I can get along with, a beautiful smile is essential." He then stopped suddenly and looked at her pointedly.

Leah adopted a conspiratorial expression as she replied, "Some very distinct detail there. You could well have just described me." Matt gave an impish smile as his reply but kept quiet, "What about skin colour?" she asked further.

Matt shrugged and replied "Skin colour is irrelevant, it's an outside wrapping, although you can't ignore the obvious bigotry in other people - that's so twentieth century in my opinion. I'd much rather focus on the person inside. How about you, how would you describe your ideal date?"

Leah never looked more beautiful than when she mischievously smirked back at Matt and after a short pause replied, "For starters, he has to be good looking, taller than me perhaps but above all genuine. Someone who knows how to treat a lady like a lady, do you get what I mean?"

Matt sensed a challenge and so replied "Absolutely, I'm pleased to hear you are more geared towards the inner person than the outer wrapping. But what about age in relation to you?"

That was the crucial point when Leah suspected he was trying to pick her up, "Well I normally go for men older than me" she replied, not realising that she had deliberately stepped into his trap.

"And how is that whole 'older man thing' going for you?" his expression a sheen of triumph.

Leah had just taken a sip of her drink and nearly did a spit ball, thankfully she swallowed just in time. Her grin was broad as she replied, "Not too well if I'm brutally honest, do you think it advisable I switch to looking for younger men by any chance?" Matt said nothing but his expression showed his delight that the penny had finally dropped with her "So you like older women and think I should go for younger men. Is this how you pick up women? You are trying to pick me up, aren't you?"

Matt immediately replied, "Oh no this isn't a pickup." Leah's heart actually sank a little at that, she hadn't appreciated how much she had been enjoying the chase. "A pickup implies a flighty almost temporary relationship. I mean this most sincerely when I say that you mean far more to me than some one night stand. Until I saw that smile once more, I hadn't appreciated just how much I had missed your company. This here, right now, the two of us just sat talking, is perhaps the best possible evening that I've had in a very long time."

Leah sat back in her seat, a look of astonishment on her face, "Wow" was her initial reply and then went quiet "I hadn't expected that. If this isn't a pickup, what is it?" once again, she was surprised by yhe thought that he hadn't been chatting her up.

Matt cleared his throat and began "Well. You said you prefer your men to be genuine so I will state my position as succinctly as I can. I miss our interactions, I miss your company, I miss your smile, your laugh, your cooking. Basically, I miss you more than mere words could ever express."

Leah cut across him saying "It sounds like you need a mother."

Matt flashed back immediately "The things I would like to do with you I would never do with my mother. The outer packaging is exceptionally nice, very sexy in fact, but while you lived with us, I was able to see the inner Leah and I liked it - a lot. So much so that tonight has shown me just how much I miss you."

Leah still didn't want to get her hopes up unnecessarily and so replied "Not a mother then, a companion perhaps?"

Matt started with "May I refer you to my previous answer about what I'd like to do with you" and then decided to spell things out more literary "Look, potentially we might never cross paths again and so rather than beat about the bush I'll spell it out. I find you amazingly attractive, I really miss being around you and if I can persuade you of my integrity, I promise that I'm not after a quick fling just to get my leg over. Instead, I want to find the one, the one I can worship, the one I can devote myself to" and then he delivered the killer blow "The one that will come before all others. There I've said it."

Leah was still wearing the shocked expression and it was sometime before she replied. So long in fact that Matt had started to think he had overplayed his hand but just at the right time she replied, "Wow I wasn't expecting any of that." This was the point she leaned forward -- and it had to be said, positioned her impressive cleavage superbly - and reached across the table to comfort his clinched hand that sat on the table "I too have missed your company. It's only just now that I've realised how much I preferred our interactions to those with your father. We seemed to laugh at the same things, like the same things I just hadn't thought about taking it any further."

Matt felt he had to ask, "And now I've bared my soul to you and promised to always put you first."

Leah shrugged and replied, "I've never had anyone declare such a thing in the past."

"And now they have. How do you feel now?" he asked.

Leah's face broke out into one of her killer smiles again as she replied, "I have to confess I like it."

"And having someone say they are devoted to you above all others and can't comprehend going back to the miserable life that it was without you?" Matt prompted further.

Leah could only see the handsome young man sat in front of her; the other people in the bar were just blurs on her peripheral vision. "Another first, no-one has ever said those things to me but..." there was a long pause, too long for Matt's liking. "... but I like it. Of all the dates I've been on -- ever -- I have to confess I've never shared the same rapport that I seem to have with you. For what it is worth, I too have missed your company, I too didn't realise it until this evening."

This was all good to hear and Matt's heart was racing like never before "I've called you both attractive and sexy -- which is actually tame compared to what I'm really thinking -- how do you feel that a man so much younger than you has said those things and do you find me 'good looking' was I think how your phrased it?"

Leah's smile was still very much in evidence "I have been called that before but somehow hearing them tonight seems a lot more genuine because I know you and know this is you speaking from the heart. Yes I think you are very handsome, more so than your father..."she paused again before finishing "... and I'd certainly like to explore what you are truly thinking." Here expression now could best be described as sultry, "When you described your ideal date and I fit the bill I began to hope this is the sort of direction the conversation would take." What Leah failed to tell him is that her pussy had been leaking into her panties for the last few minutes after he hinted what he would like to do with her and she had been mashing her thighs together to get some form of relief.

Matt gave a little fist pump "You have no idea how pleased I am to hear you say those words. Did you want to stay here and we can catch up more or bug out and find somewhere more private?"

"Well, propriety says we should stay here a bit longer... " she began to say.

Matt was impatient now "But?"

Another drop dead gorgeous smile from Leah as she chuckled and replied, "But I think I'd prefer somewhere a bit more private." At this point her smile became lopsided as Matt jumped to his feet and offered her his hand. Leah took the hand and as they made their way through the jumble of tables towards the front door, she consciously kept her hand in his and that's how they made their way down the street. Matt couldn't help but miss that Leah had purposely pulled him in the opposite direction to his house. Five minutes later they stopped outside a nice old house with wide steps leading to a front door. The collection of post boxes to the right of the door demonstrating that this was a block of flats. Matt took the steps two at a time to keep up with Leah's smaller stride that scampered up the steps.

They went up one flight of stairs and Leah flourished a set of keys before letting them in. Leah had stepped inside ahead of Matt and was about to offer to get him a drink when he stepped up behind and wrapped her in his arms. She initially tilted her head to speak but then he leant down and started to gently kiss along her exposed neck. As much as Leah enjoyed this, she wriggled loose but while keeping his arms wrapped around her, turned to face him and lifted her arms until she could lace her fingers together. She craned her neck upwards as Matt leant back down and they shared their very first intense kiss.

The two stayed with their lips locked together for some time. Leah especially didn't want to break the moment; this was the sort of magic she had been searching for so long and it was right under her nose all this time. When they eventually separated, they slowly pulled back without breaking contact. Leah simply looked up at him with a broad smile that Matt felt needed replicating although he did ask "This isn't going to feel weird for you, is it?"

Leah's smile never wavered "No. I'd say it feels rather nice" and then leant back into the kiss promptly reciprocated by Matt. Holding each other so closely, the one thing that Leah couldn't ignore was the lump in the front of Matt's trousers as it pressed against her -- a substantial lump if she wasn't mistaken. She particularly liked the way his hands, which were spread wide, stayed in the centre of her back holding her closely to him. Past dates had been in similar circumstance but some held her so rigidly it felt uncomfortable, others wandered around and she felt like she was fighting an Octopus but Matt was both confident in it's hold and focused in his attention -- her.

It was Leah who made the next move. They had been kissing for some time and she moved her hand to brush down his side and once she reached his hip, moved the hand between them to finish over the substantial lump. It was now she changed her opinion of it -- it was a very substantial lump. If her eyes were open, they would have rolled in the back of her head as she groaned in the kiss, as it was Matt's groan at the sudden contact drowned her sound out.

Once again, they stayed like that and fearing that he was going to be too much of a gentleman, Leah removed her hand from the lump to take his arm that side and bring his hand up to her nearest breast. She was prepared to steer him further but Matt took the required action by cupping her breast in his hand - it seemed that both were proportioned perfectly for each other. His affirmative action freed her hand up to return to its previous position and she groaned once more as she repeated squeezed him along his length. Matt instinctively rubbed his thumb over her boob and Leah's nipples popped out in reaction as he continued to tease her breast further, making her panties a damp mess by this point.

Leah had reached saturation point and slipped out of his arms as she sunk down to her knees before him. This heralded the next step for them and Matt knew he was in love as she looked up at him and smiled while reaching up to undo his trousers. They were unceremoniously pushed down to his ankles and as they cleared his crotch, his dick sprang free before him. Leah gasped and exclaimed "My god that looks impressive" as she leant forward and captured him between her lips. His length was impressive and rivelled the longest of her past lovers but it was actually his girth that was making both her mouth water and pussy to juice up further. She would need to make this short as she needed to feel this monster inside her.

Within seconds of taking him in her mouth Matt was stood there with his head thrown back, his hand cradling the back of her head and him letting out a long slow groan of appreciation for what she was doing to him. This was far and away the best blowjob he had ever experienced and it was with more than a little disappointment that he looked down as she disengaged her mouth. He was suddenly propelled backwards by her shove until he came to rest on the padded sofa behind him. There was a frantic whirl of limbs as Leah first of all discarded her dress followed by her panties and her bra. Matt's disappointment was short-lived as she immediately straddled his hips and hovered her crotch just above the head of his coock.

While still hovering over him she looked directly at him, it was almost as if she were staring directly into his soul. He nodded to her once and she started her descent down his length. She hadn't even gone past halfway point before she started to moan loudly while shaking her head vigorously. Sex hadn't been top of her requirements list even though most relationships at least reached that point eventually but the shock waves he was creating within her with just the first half of his dick outweighed any past experience. Leah found it easier to take a couple of inches inside her at a time, each time she raised herself until just the head of his cock remained inside her to then sink down his length and try and cram just a little more each time.

Matt had never had the pleasure of a black lover before but Leah looked stunningly beautiful, exotic and amazingly desirable in equal measure. He struggled to divert his gaze from the joined crotches. The more she sank down his length, the more enticing the view when she pulled up and his dick glistened with the sheen of fluids she was coating him with. The folds of her pussy similarly glistened a dark pink but it was the lips of her labia that fascinated him, their sheer size nothing like any of his past explorations. His gaze wandered up to her beautiful breasts; like the rest of her they were a delicious milk chocolate colour but the large areola surrounding her nipples were a deeper black that were crying out for him to attack with his mouth.