Endings Ch. 04


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There was no chance, even before I saw the look in his eyes that told of his love and desire, and the fact that he was just as desperate for this as I was.

"I promise."

With that confirmation I was blanketed with his body, sending even more shivers through me. He felt so good, even when just lying there. I wrapped my arms around him to keep my muscled blanket on top of me, wanting that simple connection almost as much as I wanted more. My brain was too scrambled by his closeness to work out what more I could get, so I settled for lifting my head up to reclaim his lips.

Another deep kiss followed, but he started to move too, grinding parts of us together that were in need of some release right now. I didn't care if the first time we came together was like this, I whimpered my need and started to move my hips to meet him, taking hold of what I could to pull him down and tighter to me. After a month of nothing, this was intense enough.

Paul felt so perfect on top of me, his hands on my sides then my face, kissing me passionately while we moved together towards some completion of our passion. I had no idea how long I could hold out against the onslaught of sensations running through my body, sure that I hadn't got off so quickly with so little stimulation since I was a teenager and positive it was only because it was Paul.

Little moans spilled from my mouth into his, and he was replying in his own way, softly groaning at each slide and grind of our hard cocks. Our movements were getting smoother in one way as I felt the precum and sweat pooling on my stomachs, but jerky too as we both neared the end. A few snaps of Paul's hips, hard grinds against my erection, undid me and my cock jerked as I shot my load between us, only just noticing when he stiffened and stopped moving and cried out as his seed joined mine.

There was a peaceful moment, well apart from the two of us gasping for breath, and then he started to slide off me and I wasn't going to allow that. Even though I wouldn't have expected to be able to move it was almost a reflex action to tighten my arms and wind my legs around him as well so he had no choice but to stay exactly where he was. I heard a soft chuckle from him, and he placed a quick kiss on my lips.

"We'll get stuck together baby."

"I don't care, you're not moving," I growled back.

He started to laugh properly then, and I enjoyed the sparkle in his eyes as well as the feel of his laughter running through me.

"Okay. I do like it here, but I'm not sure we can stay like this forever. They'd get the shock of their lives at work!"

"Who said I was letting you go to work?"

He grinned, but just kissed me in reply. I wasn't entirely kidding either, if there was a way for the two of us to stay in bed for the rest of the week I would happily do just that.

"How about we stay like this for a little while, and then we go for a shower, during which I promise we will stay in very, very, close contact?"

His little wriggles to emphasise 'very' had me liking that idea a great deal, and even caused a twitch in my groin that I could have sworn would need at least a few more minutes to have any life in it.

"That sounds good, but only if I can wash you. I've barely had chance to touch you yet."

"I feel the same way, but we have plenty of time babe. I'd quite like to rub that body of yours all over, but I'm guessing there are some parts I'm going to pay more attention to."

That cheeky grin came again, but I didn't mind. It meant he was thinking of doing at least some of the things I would love him to, and what I wanted to do to him as well. I was enjoying the cuddling too much to want to move just yet though, it was something I had really missed.

"Give me five, okay? This is just too nice."

He kissed me, softly, just keeping our connection by nibbling on my lips. It was a sweet move and had my heart beating faster for different reasons to usual, it showed he cared. He let me have my few minutes as well, cocking his head at me when he finally drew back from the kiss in an obvious question. I unwound my legs and let him get up, although I couldn't stop the moan of disappointment I let out when I was finally free. I could happily be pinned down by him for a long time.

He smiled at me and held out his hand to get me to join him. I pretty much bounced off the bed and pressed as close as I could as he led the way to his bathroom. I didn't take my hands off him as he turned on the shower, just stroking softly over his back and the curve of his buttocks which were highlighted beautifully in the light as he leaned into the cubicle. He turned and smiled again before he stepped in.

"There's not much room, sorry," he told me, not really looking too upset about it. I knew I wasn't.

"I guess we'll just have to make the best of it," I replied, sighing dramatically as though there was going to be a problem, but the pleasure on my face when I pressed in beside him rather ruined my moment of acting.

"Come here. I'll try and make the discomfort up to you."

If I hadn't known for sure, I could have sworn that man had more than two hands, they seemed to be everywhere on me. At first they were stroking, then working me over with shower gel, and then there were little squeezes and as our fronts pressed together he ran fingers between my cheeks and across my entrance. I clutched him harder as the shockwaves went through me.

"Perhaps we'll leave that for later, there's no room for you to collapse in here," he whispered into my ear.

I pushed him back, not that he could go far, and started to soap his front, tracing his muscles and pinching his nipples as I worked very slowly down his body. His cock was upright again, pointing at me, but I wasn't going to make it that easy for him. It was his turn to moan and grab hold of me when I went for his balls though, rolling them around in my hand.

His expression, eyes darkened with need, prompted me to stroke up his dick, twisting my hand a little to increase the sensation, and I would have gone on but for his hand coming down to grab my wrist and stop me.

"Please don't. I don't want to come in here."

His voice was strained and I couldn't believe he was quite that close, but perhaps my teasing had more of an effect than I thought. His teasing of me certainly did more to me than I would expect. I smiled at him, pleased that I could do it, but removed my hand to make him an offer I really hoped he wouldn't refuse.

"How about we give up on this shower and go get dirty again? I want to come with you inside me."

"Hell yes!"

By mutual agreement we did stay apart to dry ourselves off and as we headed back to bed, but it was hardly less intimate as we couldn't keep our eyes off each other. Every little movement he made seemed to direct my gaze to another part of his gorgeous body, and I could almost feel the heat from his looks at me.

I couldn't seem to speak right then, but he knew what I wanted, and when I lay down on his bed and spread my legs in invitation I saw his eyes darken even further with desire. Part of me wanted to be face to face for this, but I didn't know if I could trust either him or myself with that intimacy just yet. In the back of my mind I knew that was a bad sign, but I also was sure given time I would get over the last of my issues. Tonight was proving that I could.

When he settled down beside me I tensed despite myself, but his hands were on me soothing my nerves a moment later. When he spoke his voice was a low whisper, sending shivers through me.

"We don't have to do this tonight."

"No, I want you," I murmured back.

I did, despite my sudden rush of nerves, and his hands on me and then his lips touching the skin of my neck and shoulders made me forget them, the fires building again. He kissed down my spine, little licks as well, and I squirmed under him, praying he would do what I wanted, that he would somehow know what I liked.

He did. Or at the very least he wanted that too. I moaned and fisted the sheets as his lips and tongue teased me in the most intimate way, the perfect simulation of what was to come. Each little slide of his tongue against or inside my opening had me desperate for more of him and reminded me of how good this was. I was jelly by the time he flipped me over and only stirred when two slick fingers entered me.

Actually, stirred wasn't the right description, I shot half upright, my eyes went wide, and I let out some strange noise I didn't recognise.

"Shit. Sorry baby, are you okay?"

If it weren't for me now being sat on his hand with his wrist clasped between my thighs I guess he would have removed his fingers, but he couldn't go anywhere and he was looking really upset at hurting me. I was too busy getting my breath back to reply for a moment, and then I managed to squeeze some words out between my panting, as I lay back and tried to relax.

"It's okay, just a shock. I'm not hurt, it's just been a while and I wasn't ready."

"Are you sure about this. We can stop, I don't want to hurt you."

God no, I didn't want him to stop, especially not now I'd recovered enough to realise how good even a little bit of him inside me felt. I wriggled on his fingers experimentally, and confirmed that my body was more than willing to take this and wanted more.

"Don't you dare stop Paul, I need you."

It was all he needed, his fingers started to move, and I lay back and enjoyed it, feeling him probe inside me and make everything feel so good. I moaned his name as he hit my button, making me want to come right then but it was too soon.

"Not yet," I moaned. "Paul, do it."

I could see him fumbling for a condom, his body shaking with his own desire to do this, and it seemed to take an age for him to be ready. When I felt his cock against me I shuddered, but tried to relax, knowing this was going to be mindblowing.

"Paul," I murmured, trying to get him to move.

As he started to enter me I tried hard not to stiffen and put him off, but it did hurt a little. I didn't want him to stop, I needed this too much, but he seemed to stop where he was and I knew he was barely inside me.


My plaintive cry caused him to move, lay himself out on top of me again, but this time as he did it he was filling me as well as covering me so all I could feel was his body inside and out. I opened my eyes to see his face right above mine, his eyes locked on my face looking at me with such love I had to close mine again. I just couldn't cope with seeing that right now, I needed to keep a bit of distance from the emotion of the moment.

He didn't let me though, even with my eyes tight shut I felt his lips on mine and I couldn't help but open my mouth to let him inside. His kisses were soft and light, in between pants of breath as he slowly moved his hips and slid in my channel and it was intense having his body against me and his cock and his tongue inside me. I knew how different being with Paul was and it scared me a little, but right now I couldn't do anything other than surrender to the other feelings he was creating.

Each movement tormented me in the best possible way. I rolled my hips, rising to meet his thrusts, making him angle to hit me just right and soaring to the heavens as he fucked me harder and harder, seeking his own release. My cock was being rubbed between our stomachs, giving me even more stimulation, and as close as I had already been it was too much. I tried to hold back and keep this going but I was fighting a losing battle and the next time he hit my spot I came hard, lights flashing behind my eyes.

I was only dimly aware of the fact that he hadn't stopped, but there was nothing I could do to help him, I was done. He only thrust a couple more times before he too came and I could feel the jerks of his cock inside me. My groan at that was drowned out by his cry of completion before he collapsed on top of me.

This was nice, that he didn't move even after I knew he could have. Although he was getting softer he stayed inside me, and he didn't fight my arms wrapping around him. He even started to nuzzle at my neck as his panting slowed and I mumbled and shivered at the tiny touches. We were sweaty and covered in my cum again, but neither of us were in any hurry to get away.

There was just that little doubt in the back of my mind about all of this, not really about what I felt for Paul but whether it could last. It seemed like there was too much emotion involved in this, and I was waiting for whatever would go wrong. I shook my head to clear the unwelcome thought and just relish where I was right now.

I only complained when Paul eventually got off me, but it was only to go as far as the bathroom and fetch a flannel. I smiled at him as he gently cleaned me off, and when he came back and got into the bed he pulled me up against him and into his arms, giving me little kisses. Neither of us spoke, I didn't want to ruin the moment of peace between us or confess how I was feeling right now even if I had been entirely sure.

I was warm and comfortable, totally sated and being in his arms was wonderful. This was different in so many ways and I just needed to stop that little bit of fear from driving me away. This wasn't the same as previous relationships, but that was the whole reason I was scared, I had far more invested in this than I ever had before, in the real relationships I had before Cam, but only with him and Paul had I had feelings like this. At least this time they were returned.

* * * * * *

I woke feeling amazing, still cuddled up to Paul in the morning light, still warm and cozy and most definitely not wanting to get up and go to work, especially not when I felt his morning erection against my back. It might be worth being late in to get some more of that, except I would be cross-examined by Sam and I wasn't sure I was ready for her nosing, especially as I was bound to go red if she mentioned anything about sex.

Paul looked so cute like this, although me shifting in his arms woke him up. His sleepy grin renewed my desire to jump him but he wouldn't let me because the alarm went off.

"Later baby. We have to go earn some money, but when we get home..."

He left his words hanging, but I knew just what he meant and I wasn't sure I was going to make it through the day with last night on my mind, or the promise of more.

And boy, was there more. We easily adapted to the change in our routine, spending all but our hours at work together, and even then we saw each other at lunch. Every night we fell asleep together either at his or at mine, usually after making love in one way or another, and I really could call it that. I'd never experienced anything like this, the need and want to be with someone not just sexually but in every way because I felt incomplete when he wasn't there. I really did love him.

The strange thing was, all my doubts and fears faded so fast I barely remembered why I ever though this wouldn't work. I was totally over Cam, all that sadness and loneliness was a distant memory, and what the sex had been like when he was around was even more distant because I'd experienced so much better with Paul, and I knew it was better because there was so much emotion involved.

My life was almost perfect, and if it weren't for that almost I would have been able to believe in my future. The stupid part was, despite all the stuff I had worried about, Cam was still a spectre hanging over our relationship, he just wasn't mine.

I had to avoid any mention of his name, because just at that Paul's face would darken. He was so happy and so loving the rest of the time, but I could put him in a bad mood with just that one word. I started off trying to reassure him of what he meant and that anything that went before was nothing by comparison, but when that didn't work I just stopped talking and did my best to avoid the subject. I hated it, but if that was what I had to do to keep Paul in my life I would do it, for now.

* * * * * *

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Ex0ticPrincessEx0ticPrincessabout 13 years ago

Omg I wanted him with Cam.

But then along came Paul.

Omg I dunno what to think D:

Kazehana552Kazehana552over 13 years ago

Paul is jealous!!! lol

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Max the Analyst...

Fanmarvetabulous work. I've really enjoyed it, especially the first couple of paragraphs. Max is just too funny and he doesnt even know it. Gosh, I love that guy! Love yourself Max, you deserve only the best. Don't sell yourself short! Poor baby - I see some trying times ahead! Thanx for another fantastic read. Always a pleasure... Cat

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
How do you do it?

Again, another continuing love story filled with great characters, angst, passion, wants, needs, plot........ Thank you for sharing your stories with us. I can hardly wait for more.

daeviddaevidover 14 years ago
And again...

you leave me wanting more and more from this story. keep up the awesome work.

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