English Rose Ch. 05


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"Thank you Jared," Douglas said, dismissing his man.

Across town, Marcus sprawled lazily along the couch in his library, drink in hand waiting for Sabrina. Given their destination, he thought it best she utilized one of the many rooms in his townhouse and his more jaded maid to dress.

Two nights ago Sabrina had surprised him with a request.

"Marcus?" Sabrina said as they rode home.

"Hmmm?" Marcus was drunker then usual. He felt one of his moods coming on and had hoped to cut it off with a large amount of liquor.

Sabrina had noticed his excessive drinking on more then one occasion and had learned to let it go. During those times she tried to curtail his wilder impulses and get him home in one piece, leaving him to sleep off the worse of it. She was, however, hoping that he might be more agreeable to her request in his current state. "I want you to take me to one of your gentleman's clubs."

"White's doesn't allow women," he said, "not even a future duchess." The nights had grown cold and they rode wrapped in a blanket, the warmth mixing with the booze leaving him lethargic.

"Not White's," Sabrina said. "Purgatory."

Marcus' eyes flew open and snapped to her face. Seeing that she was serious he said emphatically, "No, absolutely not."

"Why not?" Sabrina asked. "You've taken me just about everywhere else."

Marcus frowned, considering. "How the hell did you hear about Purgatory anyways?"

Sabrina gave him a look that effectively told him to stop being an ass. It was a look she had used more the once.

"Westmoreland," he said. "That man really should learn to keep his mouth shut."

"Not just Philip," Sabrina said. "I've heard it mentioned a number of times recently."

"But I would wager never in one of your ballroom's," he said.

"No," Sabrina said with a laugh, "never there." She had learned that Marcus eschewed the ton refusing to have anything to do with it. The one exception had been Lady Mill's summer house party and even that was only once a year.

Marcus weighed the possibilities, considered Sabrina and the location she was asking to go. "I'll take you on one condition," Marcus said, watching her. "You come home with me at the end of the evening."

Sabrina felt her stomach tighten. Despite having shared a number of intimate moments, Sabrina had yet to take Marcus into her bed and for all his talk he'd been unwilling to push. She understood that they were at a point where either the affair progressed or it ended. Feeling a sense of inevitability, Sabrina nodded.

Marcus watched the play of emotions as Sabrina considered his conditions. He still sensed her uncertainty but dismissed it selfishly; he'd been waiting months for this moment. "Very well," Marcus said. "The day after tomorrow I'll send a carriage for you. Don't bother dressing, I'll have something waiting for you at my place and a maid to help you dress."

"Why?" Sabrina asked, unsurprised by Marcus' cryptic orders. It wasn't the first time he'd directed her on getting ready for an unfamiliar event. However, this was the first time he'd gone so far as to see to her clothes and a maid.

"Because," Marcus said, noting that they had arrived at her townhouse. "I know what I'm doing and Purgatory is unlike anything you've experienced thus far."

"How so?" Sabrina said, allowing the footman to help her down.

"Sabrina, most of the demimonde refuses to enter Purgatory," he said, handing her down to the waiting footman and remaining in the carriage. He knew better then to ask to come up.

"Oh," was all she said. "Will I see you tomorrow?"

"No," Marcus said; already he knew that the booze wasn't helping. He was in for a long night and tomorrow wouldn't be any better. If he was going to escort her into Purgatory then he needed some time to pull himself together. "Take tomorrow to reconsider, if I don't hear from you then I'll send a carriage for you as we discussed."

Sabrina knew his moods. "Marcus," she said gently, "are you sure you don't want my company?"

Marcus laughed, dark and without humor. "No, I'll be fine."

Sabrina nodded; she knew that when next she saw him Marcus' mood would be lighter, at least temporarily. She just hated knowing that he went through the melancholy alone. "Alright, but you'll send for me if you need anything?"

"Of course," Marcus said though they both knew that he would not.

Two nights later Marcus sent his carriage as promised. "Good evening," he said as she walked into his study.

Sabrina crossed over to Marcus. Noting his pale color, she reached up and cupped his face in her hands. Running her thumbs across the lingering circles beneath his eyes she asked, "That bad?"

"I'm fine," Marcus said, taking one of her hands and pressing a kiss to her palm. "I promise."

Sabrina nodded, knowing that he didn't like it when she fussed. "Is that for me?" she asked, indicating the large white box on the couch.

"It is," Marcus said with a wicked smile. "I hope you like it." Walking over he opened the box and pulled out the dress, a cascade of silk falling from his hands.

The dress...if one could call that a dress...was simple. Made of black silk it lacked any color or lace. There was no trim, no buttons or edging to take away from the stark lines. There was also no way she could wear a corset or any other undergarments without ruining the lay of the lines. Sabrina felt her throat tighten at the same time her excitement kicked up a notch. "Marcus, it's beautiful."

He was pleased with her response to the dress. With no time to order something made, Marcus had sent a request to the demimonde's most notorious dressmaker and had her send something over. He had wondered briefly if Sabrina would be offended at the dress; it was clearly a dress intended for a courtesan and not for a lady. Setting it aside, he pulled Sabrina into his arms and started down into her face. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Of course!" she said. "Stop worrying."

Marcus searched her face for a moment and noted a lightness that hadn't been there before - as if she'd come to a decision and was able to rest easy. Satisfied, he handed her the dress and escorted her to the door. Outside, a maid stood waiting. "Maggie, please help the lady dress."

"Aye, my lord." Maggie said leading Sabrina upstairs and into one of the guest rooms.

An hour later they slipped out of Marcus' townhouse and into the night. Maggie had helped her into the dress, the sight of herself leaving Sabrina breathless. The silk clung to every curve of her breasts, hips and thighs before sliding to circle her ankles. A sharp V cut at the neck dipped between the swell of her breasts while the short sleeves left her arms bare. Marcus had advised against jewelry, other then her pendant, and told her to let her hair down. A simple pair of slippers and a black cloak completed the outfit.

Even Marcus had been unprepared for the effect of Sabrina in that dress, her hair down about her waist. He very nearly tossed her over his shoulder and carried her back upstairs. Only the thought of what awaited them at Purgatory convinced him to follow through with their plans for the evening.

Marcus insisted that they leave by way of the coachman's alley behind the townhouse. He also made sure that the hood of her cloak was pulled forward and the material wrapped around her tight. From afar it would be hard to make out the identity of his companion.

Sabrina let him lead her down the alley, around the corner and up two streets before stopping to call for a hackney. She had no delusions and was well aware of the reason behind all his care. If ever word was to get out among the ton that she had attended a gentleman's club there would be no repairing her reputation and her station as a future duchess would mean squat.

Marcus quickly helped Sabrina into the carriage before quietly giving the driver the name of their destination. It was only once they were on their way that he was able to sit back and relax.

"I'm sorry, Marcus." Sabrina's voice came quietly from the seat beside him. "I didn't stop to think how much of a responsibility I was putting on you. If you'd rather we can return home and have a quiet evening just the two of us."

Marcus looked down to where she sat beside him. Even with the dim light in the carriage he could tell from her face that her offer was sincere. He knew that there would be no tears or bitterness if he changed his mind and took her home. Unlike many of his past companions, Sabrina didn't stoop to theatrics. "No," he said with a smile. "It's too late for that, I've spent the better part of today thinking about all of the things I'm going to enjoy showing you tonight."

Sabrina laughed lightly and with pleasure. "Excellent."

The rest of the drive was quiet. Sabrina watched as the fashionable part of London slipped away. They passed several of their peers' homes; some dark, their occupants already out for the evening, while others were near to bursting with light and activity.

It was a short ride. Marcus stepped down and paid the driver, a generous tip ensuring that the man kept quiet about this particular fare. Reaching back into the carriage he offered Sabrina his hand. "Are you ready?"

Sabrina looked up and smiled. "Yes."

Stepping down onto the sidewalk Sabrina caught her first sight of Purgatory. There was nothing to indicate that this was anything other then a nondescript business. The building in front of her was perhaps the largest on the block, made of brick and standing four stories tall. There were no signs indicating its origins, no loud lords lingering along the sidewalk and no sounds from within reached the street.

Looking up and down the block Sabrina noted that they were in a quiet section of town on the bordered between the residential and business district.

Marcus gave her a moment to look around before offering his arm. "Come, we should get inside." Together they started up the stairs, sailing through the front door as it opened to admit them.

"Good evening, Sir." Winston gave Marcus a slight bow.

"Good evening, Winston." Marcus slipped out of his overcoat before helping Sabrina with her cloak. "Winston, this is my guest for the evening."

Winston bowed to Sabrina. "Ma'am."

Sabrina caught his eye and noted not a glimmer of recognition. Either he truly did not know who she was or he was superbly trained not to show it. "Good evening." Turning back to Marcus, she followed him down a narrow hallway and into a small, quietly lit sitting room; but for one man it was deserted.

Marcus drew her close and whispered into her ear. "There are a few things you should know. Beyond this room is the dungeon, for use by all members and their guests. There are also smaller, specialty rooms for those with particular...tastes...and rooms upstairs for private couples and smaller groups.

"Within the dungeon anything goes though it is customary not to interrupt another's scene without express invitation. If someone offers something you're not interested in a polite 'no thank you' is all that is required. However, that pendant marks you as mine so you shouldn't have to worry. If you see something you like - tell me.

"There are no names at Purgatory; everyone goes by either 'Sir' or 'Ma'am' or some other generic form of address. The staff can be identified by the collars they wear and are off limits unless otherwise negotiated with the Host or Hostess. The Host and Hostess manage the club; they are here to see that all requests are accommodated as much as possible as well as to ensure everyone's safety.

"There are guards posted throughout the establishment in case of trouble. Do not speak to them. You are to remain with me at all times, is that understood?"

Sabrina nodded her head, a spark of apprehension blooming in her chest. Marcus gave her hand a squeeze, "Are you ready?"

Sabrina looked past Marcus to the door behind him. Muffled noises had begun to emerge -- all of them unfamiliar - but despite her apprehension something in the air seemed to pull at her. Looking back up at Marcus, she noted his reassuring gaze and nodded. "I'm ready."

Marcus smiled. "Good," he said and together they stepped into Purgatory.

Sabrina felt her eyes go wide and her breath catch at her first sight of Purgatory. Unlike a London ballroom, the dungeon wasn't crowded but it was busy. Spread out before her men and women moved in a sea of flesh, sweat glistening in the light of carefully placed candles and oil lamps. Clever use of furniture - none of it like anything Sabrina had seen before - created separate spaces while maintaining an overall open feel.

"Oh my," she whispered breathlessly.

Marcus stared down at Sabrina, feeling the first dark tendril of desire at seeing her flushed face. In the back of his mind he knew that she was better then this, that Purgatory was no place for a woman like Sabrina. Yet, there existed within him a darkness that wanted to see her here, that needed her to watch as he gave over to that darkness.

"This is just the beginning," Marcus promised.

Sabrina looked up into eyes gone dark with desire. For the first time since their relationship began Sabrina sensed that she was seeing the real Marcus. This was the man that had made a reputation as a rake and a rogue. Something inside warned her that tonight he might not be so easily controlled. Speaking to his unasked question she said, "Show me the rest."

Douglas felt his heart hammer hard in his chest as Sabrina stepped into the dungeon. He'd arrived about an hour ago and took up his place across for the entrance. From there he could watch the comings and goings without being seen. The look on his face enough to ensure that staff and members alike gave him a wide berth.

Douglas soaked up the sight of Sabrina like a man lost in the desert. It was the first time he'd seen his wife since she'd left him and she was more beautiful then he remembered. Her features appeared sharper, her jaw stronger and her eyes set with determination. But outlining it all was a sense of peace he didn't remember seeing before.

He'd been surprised and then furious at learning of their destination. He was well aware of the fact that Edington was a frequent visitor to Purgatory, the establishment matching the man's melonchaly moods perfectly. But there was no excuse for bringing Sabrina to such a place.

Douglas had joined the club while still in his youth and hadn't been back in years. Like most men, he was a member of several clubs though in truth attended only a few on a regular basis. Purgatory catered to a very special clientele and while there were pleasures to be had Douglas found that he preferred to engage in this sort of thing in private.

As he watched, Marcus started escorting Sabrina around the room. Slipping out of the shadows, Douglas followed at a discrete distance. He wondered briefly at Edington's plans for the evening and whether or not he'd be able to stand by and watch.

Sabrina let Marcus lead her about the room, occasionally stopping to get a better look at some of the available activities. "Tell me if you see anything you like," Marcus had whispered in her ear.

In truth Sabrina wasn't sure what to make of it all. Certainly there were things that intrigued her - the flogger for one and who knew a riding crop wasn't only for horses? - but no matter how adventurous she might be Sabrina didn't see herself engaging in any of these things, not in public anyways.

"Good evening." Sabrina turned at the greeting and watched as a beautiful young woman approached her and Marcus. "I trust you are enjoying yourself?" she asked.

Marcus wrapped his arm around Sabrina's waist and pulled her close. "Love, this is our Hostess for the evening, Lady Jade."

Sabrina blinked in surprise. Lady Jade wasn't what she had been expecting. She was young and beautiful with blond hair, crystal blue eyes and babydoll lips. She looked like she belonged in a London ballroom - not running one of the most notorious clubs in the city.

Lady Jade smiled and Sabrina realized she'd been staring. "I beg your pardon," she said.

"No worries," Lady Jade said. "I get that a lot with new members and guests." Turning to Marcus she said, "It's nice to see you again, my lord. Now I see what has been keeping you away."

"Indeed," Marcus said noncommittally. "Thank you for granting my request for a guest this evening."

"How could I now?" she asked rhetorically. "Now, if you'll follow me I have your room ready."

"Room?" Marcus asked surprised.

"Ah, that would be my doing," Sabrina said. Marcus turned to her, brow raised in question. "After you agreed to escort me I sent a note requesting a few...special accommodations for this evening."

"How did you know such thing could be done?" he asked. Once again Sabrina gave him that look, the one that suggested he stop being so thick. "I'm going to kill him," he growled.

Lady Jade laughed. "After you see what the lady has in store for you I hope you will thank whoever it is."

Marcus didn't bother arguing and after a moment's hesitation gave a brief nod. Offering Sabrina his arm, the two of them followed Lady Jade from the dungeon.

Douglas watched as Edington escorted Sabrina from the room. It was all he could do to keep from stepping forward and whisking his wife away. There was only one reason to speak with the Hostess and that was to acquire a private room. Grabbing a passing servant, Douglas pulled her close. "See the couple over there?" At the young woman's nod, Douglas continued, "I want to know where they're going."

"Sir, I don't know..." she started.

"Find out and then take me there," Douglas ordered.

"Sir," she said, "I'm sure you're aware of the club's policy..."

Douglas leaned down and pinned her with his eyes, "You know who I am."

The young woman nodded.

"And you know who that woman is, yes?" Douglas asked.

"Yes, Sir."

"Then you understand why I'm asking." Douglas said. "Whatever the cost of the information, double it."

The young woman considered refusing but one look at the man's face told her that if she didn't discreetly take him where he wanted to go he'd likely turn over every room until he found what he was looking for. "Follow me," she said.

Amused and curious, Marcus followed Sabrina and the Hostess upstairs. He'd been surprised when Lady Jade first approached. As Hostess she was well known to the members though she rarely interacted with any of them directly. Her job was to ensure that everyone received what they needed and that the club remained discreet. It was said that she had started her career out as a serving girl before becoming one of the club's most sought after Mistresses and eventually Hostess. It was also said that she no longer saw clients, if she took someone to her bed it was at her pleasure.

Lady Jade indicated a room on the right, addressing her comment to Sabrina she said, "You'll find that all of your arrangements have been ordered as requested. Enjoy."

"Thank you," Sabrina said. She waited until Lady Jade disappeared down the hall before turning and opening the door.

Marcus followed Sabrina inside stopping in surprise at the sight of the young woman kneeling in the center of the room. "What's this?" he asked.

"My gift to you," Sabrina said from behind him.

Turning, Marcus found her leaning back against the closed door. "What did I do to deserve this," he asked.

Sabrina reached out and drew him to her, resting her hands against his chest she said, "Marcus, my time with you has been wonderful. You've given me something that I didn't know I needed. But," she said, looking up into his face, "I fear that I've gone as far in this affair as I can."

Marcus searched her face for understanding. "This is goodbye then?"