Enjoy Yourselves Pt. 08

Story Info
Alex and Amanda suck off a sleeping Eddy.
5.5k words

Part 8 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/29/2021
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hello! thank you for reading. feel free to skip down to the dotted line, this has nothing to do with the story, just a little something i wanted to say beforehand.

first things first, a public service announcement:

I do not believe that incest is a morally right thing to do. I have not nor will ever have any desire to engage in any kind of sexual activity with any of my immediate family members, and I am appalled that anyone finds their parents or siblings a suitable sexual partner. Or their underage children. Pedophilia is disgusting mental disorder and if that's what you look for in incest porn, get out. Everyone in my pornagraphic works is and will be 18 and above, thank you very much.

fuck, ok it's been a while. quite a bit longer than i would have hoped, but you all know how life is, getting in the way of things. stuff happened and the months just slipped away. i'm sorry. for those of you who have stuck around, thank you.

half of this section was written a few months ago and the rest was written recently. i don't know if anyone will be able to tell or if my writing style has really changed at all, but i suppose you'll be the judge of that.

i suppose i don't really know if anyone is reading these.

please enjoy, and leave a comment! i would love to hear some constructive criticism and improve my work.


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Amanda woke up with a start. She looked wildly around the room. Empty. Thank god. She lifted up the cum stained sheets. There was no way she could explain to her husband why she'd spilled porridge all over herself during the night and hadn't cleaned it up.

Good lord. She'd passed right out after Eddy tucked her in bed. Last night had taken a lot out of her. Her pussy twitched, sending a shiver up her spine. Fuck, her legs were still numb.

She sat up and pressed her hand against her temple. What had she done? At this rate she was going to get pregnant. The urge to let Eddy cum inside her... she'd almost given in to it last night. Lord knows Eddy wouldn't have stopped. All she had to do was let him.

What had she been thinking? She couldn't even be fucking her son, much less considering having a baby with him.

Amanda shook her head and looked back down at the sheets. They needed to be cleaned. She stripped the blankets off the bed and gathered them in her arms. A fat glob of cum fell onto her fingers. Without thinking, she licked it up.

"Mmmmm," she groaned. It tasted so good her toes curled. The thought crossed her mind that Eddy's cum should have dried overnight. A normal man's would have. But Eddy wasn't normal. Fuck, a normal man shouldn't have cum four cups in one orgasm. Amanda concluded that it was too thick to evaporate fully.

Another thought crossed Amanda's mind. Her husband's cum was so thin and sour smelling, he wouldn't have known what this substance was if he drank it. A smile tugged at her lips as she imagined him taking a sip out of a cum spiked coffee and his expression souring.

Amanda scooped up some more cum and slurped it up. She wanted more, but that meant coaxing it out its original source. And that was no longer an option. Amanda had shown that she couldn't control herself. And neither could Eddy for that matter. Give either of them an inch and they would take a mile. (or at least a foot deep into her pussy! hey-o!)

She gathered the bedding in her arms and brought it downstairs. On her way down the steps, she ran into her husband, who looked tired and weary.

Immediately, Amanda's stomach lurched at the sight of him. But she reassured herself that she was doing nothing out of the ordinary. Just taking the bedding down for a wash. Nothing out of the ordinary indeed. Except for the heavy smell of cum in the air. And on her breath.

"Where were you last night?" she said haughtily. It was best to go on the offense. To have him answer so many of her questions he forgot to ask his.

"Bar," he mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"Where did you sleep?" Her tone became concerned. He didn't collapse in a pile of trash again did he? She took an experimentary whiff. He didn't smell like it.

"In my car." He shuffled past her. "I'm just stopping by to grab some papers from my office."

Amanda sniffed again, this time in disgust. His office? His man-cave more like. The one place in the house Amanda wasn't allowed to clean. Unfortunately, her husband didn't clean it until Amanda could smell it through the door. She turned and headed down to the washroom. It hadn't really been a close call, he was too tired to even notice the smell. But Amanda's heart pounded in her ears. The smell of Eddy's cum invaded her nostrils. How could her husband not smell it? It was so pungent.

As Amanda tossed her sheets in the washer and turned the knob, she thought about Eddy's cock. Not sexually. She wasn't thinking about how long and hard it was. Or how it always managed to pound against her g-spot in the best way, then stuff itself into her womb. Amadna's pussy fluttered, the ghostly memory of the many orgasms from last night shaking her core. Her legs were still wobbly.

She sat down on a footstool. Okay. Maybe she was thinking about that. But that was just part of the problem she had been getting to earlier. Her son had a nice cock. A little bit too nice. Amanda didn't know if she would be able to control herself around the damn thing, so she needed to have a backup plan.


Thirty minutes later, Amanda was shopping at a gas station she'd never been to before. And never again. Except if she had to buy more condoms. No. She wasn't supposed to use them, they were just supposed to be a backup plan in the unlikely situation she... got stuck in the washing machine?

Amanda sighed. No, these were going to be used. If not on her, then some other hapless girl (most likely her own daughter) who was entranced by that big throbbing cock.

She held two brands of condoms in her hands. Both the largest sizes, but one promised ultra-stretchy-anti-pregnancy-protection. The other was ribbed for her pleasure.

It had been years since Amanda fucked someone with a condom on. She always disliked them. She preferred the feeling of flesh on flesh. She wanted to feel every vein pulsing inside her. Pumping hot, viscous cum directly-- No. That was exactly the point of the condom. To not get pregnant.

Amanda realized she'd been standing there for quite some time. She was probably red in the face, staring at XXL condoms. People would probably think she was crazy. Thank God she decided to throw on a bra before going out. Her nipples were as hard as diamonds.

She dumped three boxes of each into her basket, which she had filled with more cum thickening foods, and hurried over to checkout. It seemed a bit counter-intuitive, but Amanda didn't care. The foods were for the taste, and the condoms were for safety. She was feeding her kink and calming herself at the same time.

The cashier grinned at her when she fished the condoms out of the grocery basket. Amanda flushed. She probably saw her staring at the condoms on the camera or something. They were the only two people in the store, so there wasn't much to deviate her attention.

"Damn. I was starting to think I was going to have to take these off the shelf." She said as she checked them out. "Who's the lucky guy?"

"I--" Amanda swallowed. She couldn't tell her. Even if she wanted to. Which she didn't.

But some part of her very much did. She wanted to brag. She wanted to gloat. She wanted to make this woman jealous. She wanted to... what? Bring her home and show him off? No. Heat rose to Amanda's face when she realized what she wanted her son to do to this woman. Amanda could no longer meet her eyes.

"Calm down sweetie!" The cashier laughed. "I'm just teasing. And a bit curious." She hummed to herself as she checked out the rest of Amanda's groceries. "The men in this town aren't exactly satisfying, if you know what I mean."

Yes. Yes, Amanda knew exactly what she meant. Her mind focused on her husband and her expression soured. Eddy was a diamond in the rough. He could definitely get some serious game in this town if he played his cards right.

Amanda's eyes managed to raise to the woman's breasts. They were large, maybe C-cups, but Amanda imagined them swelling larger, her belly bulging out to meet them.

Hot in the face, Amanda diverted her gaze to the cashier's face. She was gorgeous, which didn't really help things. With her heavy mascara, pale skin, cute little nose, and puffy black lips, she was exactly the kind of woman Amanda wanted her son to knock up. She had straight raven hair, which made Amanda think that she might be trying to live through this woman, but she quickly dismissed the thought. They looked nothing alike. Amanda took note of the silver ring on the woman's nose, and when she brushed her hair back, Amanda was shocked by the amount of piercings that wrapped around her ear. She was very goth. Which, until now, Amanda had considered to be thin, creepy vampires. But this woman was so attractive. She knew her style and wore it well.

She looked out of place in her cashier outfit, which was bright green. Amanda read the nametag clipped onto her blouse: Rose. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Amanda found her eyes wandering onto Rose's cleavage. Were those nipple piercings?

The cashier caught her staring, and Amanda dropped her gaze again. Rose didn't say anything, but it was clear that she knew Amanda was horny mess. God, there was a river of juices sliding down her leg...

"You should come back and tell me how it goes," the cashier smiled devilishly. "The only thing I like more than a good fuck is someone telling me about a good fuck." Rose looked Amanda up and down appraisingly. "And sweetie, you've been phucked."

Amanda flushed and looked down. Her own breasts heaved from lack of breath. Maybe she should buy some morning after pills too. Just to be safe.


Alex waited until her father pulled out of the driveway. Her mother had left twenty minutes before, and who knows what for. So technically, she could be back any second. But Alex didn't care about her. Not now she had dirt on her. Amanda was going to let her suck and fuck to her heart's content or else her mother was going to become very famous on PornHub. Honestly, Alex was hoping her mom would force her hand on that, because she would probably get a fuckton of money with that video.

She opened the door to her brother's room and peeked inside. Fuck. She could see the outline of his dick from across the room. How he'd managed to keep that thing a secret for so long was a mystery to Alex. She was in his room every other day. How had she missed a cock that big?

Alex scampered over to the side of Eddy's bed and whipped the blankets off him. She didn't care if he woke up. Fuck, she wanted him to. Preferably when she had at least six inches of him down her throat.

She reached into her brother's pants and fished out his cock. Damn. Not rock hard. Not yet. She grinned. Even while half chubbed, Eddy was easily nine inches long.

Alex opened her mouth wide, ready to stuff him in. Then she paused. This was her first time alone with her brother. Shouldn't it be special? Shouldn't she savor the moment a bit?

Eddy groaned in his sleep. Alex looked at his face. Was he having a bad dream?

"Eddy?" She asked cautiously. What was he dreaming about?

"Alex?" His breathing grew shallow. "I'm sorry, I don't have a towel."

"Oh I don't mind." Pleased to discover the dream was about her, Alex grinned, pushing the blankets down the rest of the way and letting Eddy's junk hang free. She wanted to see if she could get him hard with persuasion alone. "It's not uncomfortable for you is it?"

His brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"Having a dick that big. It's not uncomfortable, right?" Alex felt proud of herself as she watched that monster twitch. "Oh! It moved."

"Y-yeah..." Eddy swallowed. "Alex, I don't know if we should be doing this..."

"Doing what? I'm just asking questions about your massive horse cock." He grew a little bit more. "You haven't answered me by the way..."

"What... What was the question again?"

Alex smirked. Why was he so easily flustered? "Are you uncomfortable?"

"No." He said quickly. "Well, maybe sometimes when my jeans are tight and--"

"So this doesn't feel uncomfortable?" She reached out and started gently caressing his balls. His voice caught in his throat and his cock swelled. Wasn't she supposed to not touch him? Oh well. This was more fun anyway.


"Mmm. Good." She settled in closer to him and started slowly jerking him off. He was rock hard. "Is this uncomfortable?"

"Alex, I really don't know if we should be doing this..."

"Yeah..." She leaned in until she was an inch away from his face. "We shouldn't."

The kiss was even better than Alex remembered. Even while sleeping, he was a phenomenal kisser. She got completely lost in it, shamelessly sucking face with her brother. So lost she forgot for a moment why she was here.

She broke the kiss and whispered, "I hope this isn't uncomfortable either," and slid down his body. Once face to face with his cock, Alex breathed on it gently. Eddy shuddered.

"Mmmm," she groaned as she took him into her mouth. Fuck he was big. Alex felt like she was unhinging her jaw like a snake. How did her mom do it so easily? Hell, how had she done it so easily before?

Thinking back, Alex had been hyped up on adrenaline. She'd been so excited and terrified she just stuffed all twelve inches down and ignored the discomfort.

Now she could feel every inch being painfully forced into her esophagus. It hurt. Her mouth hurt, her throat hurt, her eyes watered from the effort.

She gave up, lifting her head up and gasping for breath. "It's too big," she complained.

"Too big?" Eddy muttered in his sleep, tossing a bit. Maybe it was something he was self conscious of? Well, with a cock this big, how could he not?

"No, no," Alex quickly backtracked. "That's a good thing. I promise."

He seemed to relax a little and so she continued to try and stretch out her inner neck muscles. She tried to take him deeper with every stroke, like her mother had done, but Eddy was too fucking big! She kept bottoming out at about eight or nine inches. Alex hesitated to make her frustration vocal, but she still let out a soft growl.

Eddy hummed contently. How the fuck was he still asleep? Pounding their mother into her mattress last night must have taken a lot out of him. Understandably. Alex was surprised her mother could manage walking to her car, albeit on very unsteady legs.

Her sore throat demanded a break, but Alex was hesitant to give it one. There was something entrancing about watching her brother's thick meat slide into her mouth. Her nose was so close to his abdomen, yet so hopelessly far away. Her skin stretched raw, Alex made herself content with jacking Eddy off.

There was something entrancing about that too. Watching that big dick sway back and forth as her hand slid up and down made Alex wonder if she was hypnotizing herself. Doubtful, and even if she was, Alex didn't really care. She was already crazy for big cocks.

Alex heaved her brother's abnormally large sperm tanks. Fuck they were heavy. Brimming with thick seed.

Her throat was feeling kinda better so she decided to have another go at it. The second Alex crossed the halfway point, Amanda opened the door and crossed her arms.


She couldn't say she was surprised, but Amanda was disappointed. Alex didn't even look concerned, which scared Amanda more than anything. They were getting cocky. And getting cocky meant they were getting sloppy. ...She could have worded that better.

"Get out." Amanda pointed down the stairs.

Alex released Eddy's dick from her mouth long enough to say "No," then slid him back in.

Hot, fiery anger swelled in Amanda's chest. "No?"

Pop! "No." Slurrrrrrp.

"And just what has... evoked such disobedience?" She said as she was practically trembling with rage.

Cock still in her mouth, Alex fished out her phone and texted a video to Amanda's phone. With a shock, Amanda realized it was a video of her and Eddy fornecating on her bed.

"You guys were real loud last night," Alex drawled as she slobbered all over Eddy's cock.

Amanda's eyes blazed. As cocky as she was right now, Alex couldn't help but shirk a little under her gaze. There was nothing like paternal fury.

"You will delete this video."

Alex was scared, but she decided to stay strong. "No." Her mother's eyes hardened into icy picks. "But I won't post it. Not unless you let me finish up here..."

"Do you really think I'd fall for that?" Amanda put her hands on her hips. "You'd post a video of me and your brother on PornHub? Sweetie, we'd get caught and you'd never see that dick again."

Alex was suddenly regretting her previous decision to stay strong. Her mom had an infuriatingly good point. The details of her plan changed rapidly. "I'd edit out your faces."

Her mother rolled her eyes. "And our voices and the room I suppose?"

Alex froze.

"The whole point of getting caught is that someone who already knows us would recognize us. You can't post that video without spilling any dirty little secrets and you're just not willing to do that." Amanda's voice had become sickeningly sweet, but then lowered it an octave with a final order. "Get out."

For a moment, Alex's mind raced for a solution, some leverage, anything. But finding nothing, she huffed and hopped off of Eddy's bed.

"I'm not deleting that video," she said as she strode past her mother.

"Yes you are!" Amanda shouted right before Alex's door slammed shut.


They ate lunch in relative silence. Mother and daughter were at a stand still. Alex wouldn't post the video, but she still wouldn't delete it either. There wasn't really anything Amanda could do to punish her. Ground her? And have her stuck at home with no alternative to her brother? As harsh as she could be sometimes, Amanda wouldn't stoop so low as to lock her daughter in her room.

Spank her? Amanda shuddered at the thought. Alex was old enough that she would probably enjoy the experience.

"But did you actually watch it?" Alex asked between bites. "It's a really hot video."

Strike that. Alex would absolutely enjoy the experience. "No."

Alex shrugged and went back to her meal. Amanda huffed. She went through all this trouble (and kinky frustration) to make a cum thickening, fertilization enhancing meal for her son and he hadn't even woken up for it.

Amanda suddenly remembered how Eddy had brutally fucked her brains out last night and sighed into her coffee. It's probably for the best, she supposed. He's just recovering.

Much like she was recovering. The quickie they'd had in the kitchen paled in comparison to last night. It was so good Amanda figured she should be capitalizing it. Last Night had been a godsend. It was an ocean of orgasms in the sea of negligence her husband had created. She had cum so many times it was a miracle she caught Eddy and stopped herself from getting pregnant. Good lord, a baby would be such a nightmare. Not the actual experience of course, she would love to be knocked up by Eddy. But just the thought of explaining her swollen belly to her husband sent shivers down her back. They hadn't had sex in months, there was no way it was his.

Off in the distance, Alex was talking to her. "I'm gonna go take a shower."