Enslaving Chloe Ch. 02

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Puss discovers she is both submissive and bisexual.
4.2k words

Part 2 of the 21 part series

Updated 10/23/2022
Created 05/29/2010
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Edited by Rosmarina (whose advice and assistance are much appreciated)

Please do not reproduce this story without permission.

== Chapter 2 ==

At the same time as my friend Chloe began to become more closed off to me due to various circumstances, I too was moving away from her in other directions of my own.

Never as creative as she, although I shared similar tastes and interests, I ended up working as an arts bureaucrat at the state government level. My world was all about processing funding grants, drafting arts policies, and attending meetings and conferences. Although we worked in related fields it was difficult to find time to spend time together.

Like Chloe I also had my share of relationship disasters. My first boyfriend was the brother of a schoolmate. I used to see him at her house, and gradually we started going out. Like most boys his age he was totally self-absorbed and knew nothing about how a girl truly wanted to be treated, especially a submissive girl like me. But I was already 18 and thought at that age I had to have a boyfriend. He was the most obvious candidate.

After a while he began to initiate sex. By initiate sex, I mean that he would fumble with my bra or want me to stroke his cock. Eventually we did develop a sexual relationship -- after a fashion. It was not as I'd imagined, but he seemed to like it. Actually, what I discovered was that conventional sex did nothing for me at all. It was not the gentle, erotic sex of my girlish imagination, and it was not exciting or stimulating as I'd always thought sex with a man would be. So I endured it to keep my boyfriend happy, as I suppose many women have done.

Afer we had been together for some time and I had begun to think that he might understand me at least a little, there was an occasion on which I decided to try to get my boyfriend to act as my lovers always did in my dreams. In my imagination my lover would simply *take* me when he wanted me and would demonstrate his power over me by treating me roughly. I don't mean that I wanted someone brutal, but what excited me was having my lover show me that I was totally his, perhaps by slapping me or gently choking me, while he thrust into my quivering body. I imagined my legs to be spread out obscenely and I wanted to feel totally vulnerable to whatever he wanted to do with me. Just thinking about such a scene always made me wet. On this night, with my boyfriend on top of me, silently grinding away, I lay there feeling nothing much at all. I must have been drifting off into my own fantasy world in an attempt to escape the tedious reality of my situation. Rather tentatively, I reached up and stroked his face. He looked down at me, grinning in his boyish way. "Please hit me," I asked.

His reaction was one of absolute shock and revulsion. He froze and looked at me in horror, as if suddenly discovering he was having sex with a monster. I suppose in his mind that's exactly what I was. He pulled out, got off me, and screamed at me that I was *sick*... I was stunned. I felt utterly humiliated; not the arousing humiliation that the dominant lovers of my dreams imposed on me as I both cringed and shuddered in arousal but a deeply-felt pain of judgement and rejection from words and actions intended to hurt me. I began to weep but he just walked off, hurriedly dressing himself as he went, and left me there without another word.

I never saw him again.

That was the beginning and end of my interest in boys my own age. After that I didn't see anyone for quite a while, but after I'd recovered my self esteem a little, I began to go to bars and cafes with some friends. I preferred to be with a group and in an environment where I could remain relatively anonymous. I was not really looking to meet anyone but one night I met Tony.

The only reason I noticed him was that unlike most of the men in those places he didn't try to hit on me. He was actually rather shy. It was I who asked to sit at his table and opened the conversation by making a few comments about the venue. Gradually we began to talk and while he was no great intellectual, Tony had a lot of experience in areas like managing bands and promoting music events which impressed me at the time. He was in his early 40's and although he did not have the look of a tough guy from the way he spoke he seemed to be involved in an underworld milieu, which I found quite fascinating. While we chatted on and off he made no attempt to try and impress me or to pick me up, and it was only when I was leaving that he asked about seeing me again. I gave him my phone number not really expecting him to call.

About a week later he rang and asked me out. I didn't really see him as boyfriend material, but I thought it might be nice to have a more mature man to take me around occasionally and I was interested to see something of his world. It was a world of late night bars and alternative music gigs about which I knew little. The occasional evening (and early morning) spent in his company gradually developed into something more regular, and without even realising what had happened at first we began seeing each other. It was certainly not a conventional relationship, but I think that was part of the attraction for me. Rather than taking me to dinner or out clubbing, Tony brought me along while he conducted his business dealings in various low-life joints. It was never very clear exactly what kind of business was involved. Something not strictly legal, I gathered. Although he tried to act like a gangster, he was not really the mean or brutal type. But he really got off on having a pretty young thing like me hanging off his arm, and in particular he loved it if I wore my school uniform. I was still in school and in those days it was fashionable to wear the skirt as short as possible. No doubt it looked cool among the people he dealt with for a middle aged man to have a hot young schoolgirl hanging on his arm during his devious dealings. I appreciated that he never allowed anyone to bother me in any way, although I got the impression some of his associates were tempted to ask if I was *available* for more than being ogled.

The first time we had sex was almost accidental. I'd had a bit much to drink and was not in any condition to go home. Tony suggested that I rest at his place for a while an he'd drive me home later. I know that sounds like he was just trying to get me into bed, but he was really rather protective towards me and had never tried to push me into anything. In any case I was in no fit state to care as soon after we got to his house I felt violently ill and needed to throw up. My dress ended up a mess, and Tony said I should take it off and he would put it into the wash for me. While he was doing that I literally crawled into his bed just wearing my bra and panties.

It sounds kind of romantic, but I was feeling as sick as a dog. Tony was a real gentlemen and after checking on me he left me alone to sleep. It was already early in the morning and he must have been tired, but he didn't use that as an excuse to crawl in next to me. I awoke an hour or two later feeling a lot better as vomiting must have purged the toxins from my body. I still felt confused and at first I wondered where I was. Just then Tony came in to see how I was and to bring me some water. I really appreciated his thoughtfulness and after telling him that I was feeling better I said "Why don't you lie down for a while. You must be tired." It was his bed, after all.

Soon we were cuddling and kissing. I'd never really done that with Tony before. Since I was wearing only a bra and panties our tentative cuddles soon developed into something more. I must have still been affected by alcohol although I was no longer drunk. "Love me, Tony" I told him even though I was not sure what that meant. He slowly unhooked my bra as we kissed and he moved down to suck on my nipples. Waves of ecstacy flowed through my body and I reached down and took off my panties. I was naked and very excited and I'm sure Tony knew that I wanted him. Especially since I was moaning "Fuck me, fuck me" over and over.

Instead of just fucking me Tony asked if I'd mind being tied up. I'd never done anything like that before but I was intrigued and readily agreed. Since he didn't have any ropes and had to use the cord from his dressing gown, I think it was really just some kind of kinky game he thought might appeal to a young inexperienced girl like me. As a matter of fact it did! I discovered that I loved being tied up during sex. It was a revelation. I didn't even know the word bondage back then, but what amazed me was that for the first time during sex with a man I had an orgasm! From then on I insisted on being bound as part of our sex play. It's the one thing I learned from Tony that has stayed with me ever since.

Our relationship briefly flowered into something quite intense, but it all came to a tragic end when my mother eventually found out what kind of man her young schoolgirl daughter was dating. She immediately forbade me from seeing Tony again. Although I was still at school, I was already 18 and considered myself quite grown up. Despite my very limited experience I felt myself to be a mature woman and being with Tony had only strengthened this view. I was used to hanging out in places most girls my age didn't even know existed much less ever got to see, and I didn't need to listen to some out of touch older person like my mother. I flatly refused to stop seeing Tony.

Mother realised that the only way she was going to make an impression on the inflated sense I had of my place in the world would be by more drastic action. I was grounded and, although I didn't know at first, she arranged to take me away with her to stay with relatives in another state. When I found out what she had planned I assumed it would only be for a few days. I affected to appear unconcerned, ever self aware of my newfound *maturity* and wanting to seem unfazed by Mother's frantic attempts to end my relationship with Tony. She kept me away for over a month, far longer than I had expected. Despite my increasingly irate protests I was not allowed out of her sight and I was not able to contact Tony at all. I became quite frantic and protested long and loud, but all to no avail. When we eventually returned home, I was allowed one final, closely-supervised chance to talk to Tony during which I had to tell him I was not allowed to see him any more. There was certainly no opportunity for any bondage sex, and we were both in tears. I had never seen a grown man cry before.

I was devastated and felt that my whole life had been ruined by my crazy mother. I did manage to sneak in a few quick phone calls to Tony, but I was ever under the watchful eye of my mother. So despite sobbing vows of undying love to each other, I was unable to see him again. I had to account for all my movements in great detail, and my mother would insist on coming with me as much as possible. She very definitely did not want her young daughter turning out to be a gangster's moll, or even to have a relationship with an older man. Eventually I began to get over it. I really had no choice and slowly I gave up my hopes of every being with Tony.

I spent the next year or so without a sexual relationship. It was at this time that I became friends with Chloe and I began to confide everything to her. Not only did I tell her that I had previously been in a relationship with an older man, but also about the bondage, how I had responded to that, and everything else. Chloe also shared with me her own desires and fantasies, and for the first time I realised that I was not the only person in the world who felt as I did. This meant that we bonded much more strongly than girlfriends usually do, and we were totally open with each other. It felt like she was my other half. The half that was more assertive, more daring and more sophisticated than I usually felt. She knew all about my dreams and inclinations so Chloe was very protective of me and immediately became my guardian in a sense that my mother would have envied. Naturally she also took the opportunity to fill the void that splitting with Tony had left in my life. We very quickly became inseparable and soon I had submitted to her in almost every way. I allowed her to order me around and I willingly served her in any way she demanded. I imposed no limits on my servitude, so my friend Chloe effectively became my dominant, although I didn't know about such relationships at that time.

My bondage experiments with Tony had been a thrill for me, unlike anything I had ever experienced. But Tony didn't seem to know much and apart from discovering that I liked to be tied up during sex our relationship was really quite innocent. The bondage had piqued my curiosity about unconventional sex but what I'd been able to discover from books in the library and other sources was very limited. Mostly my ideas were based on pure fantasy and I spent hours thinking about how someone would come and take me, tie me up and make me theirs. I'd had such ideas since I was very young and the attraction to being treated like that, although very strong, was little more than girlish dreams that had incorporated a sexual element only after I'd discovered sexual feelings.

I had shared all these thoughts and dreams with Chloe and when we discovered that we had similar desires it just naturally developed that we took on roles that allowed us to explore our submissive natures in terms that were modified by our slightly different personalities. At first her domination of me was expressed by the way she treated me like a servant. It was not always obvious to others that I was Chloe's devoted personal assistant as a lot of girls had relationships like that, but at times she enjoyed humiliating me by making me grovel or accept cruel treatment at her hands in a very public way. I never complained and I allowed her to do as she wished. I even followed her instructions when we were with a group of our friends. They laughed at me for my slavish devotion to Chloe, but I didn't care. Eventually our already closely bonded relationship developed a sexual element. I still remember how it happened.

One day I was at Chloe's house, which was often the case as we'd go there after school to hang out. Chloe's parents were not around as they both worked long hours and that gave us total freedom to act as we wished. Usually this meant that my dear friend would have me serving her in various ways, such as making her drinks and sandwiches. On this occasion she was elsewhere in the house for some reason, and I was sitting on her bed, gazing sightlessly out the window and vaguely day-dreaming about being tied up and fucked. It's not unusual for a girl the age I was then to lose herself in erotic day-dreams. Most people looking at a young girl in a short skirt as she's window shopping would imagine the only thing on her mind is the latest fashion. In reality, most girls my age were thinking about sex in one form or another most of the time. After all, it's a newly discovered pleasure we've only just begun to explore. Although teenage girls' erotic fantasies are often wrapped up with all kinds of romantic nonsense, and even dressing to look *hot* plays a part, it's still about sex.

Some girls probably had a more prosaic kind of sex in mind than I did. My thoughts were of strict bondage, blindfolds, and being verbally humiliated by having to beg for what I most wanted... sex! I thought of myself as a very hardcore little bitch and secretly felt superior to other girls my age who day dreamed of things like soft kisses. Of course, I dreamed about kisses too, but in my case I was kissing my Master's feet, then finding myself hauled up by my hair to meet his steely gaze... Then I was told what a dirty little slut I was, and how I badly needed to be put in my place... and then...

Chloe came up to me and slapped me in the face hard.

I was stunned by the force of her slap and until I realised that she must have come into the room without me being aware I actually thought that my daydreams had become real. Before I could come completely to my senses, Chloe pulled me off the bed and pushed me down onto my knees. Still wondering what was happening I gazed up at her. "I know what you're thinking, you little whore!" she told me.

I was sure this was true - my best friend knew exactly what kind of fantasies I usually had in my head - but I didn't say anything. Chloe often amused herself abusing and humiliating me when the mood took her. She knew I didn't mind. In fact mostly I enjoyed it. Even when it was not exactly what I wanted at that moment I just let her do as she wished. Usually I ended up enjoying it, even if I hadn't at the start.

"Head down and arse in the air," were her instructions. I obeyed. Chloe walked around me, looking down at me. Maybe she could smell my hot pussy, or maybe it was instinct, or maybe I just got lucky. Whatever it was, the next thing I knew, my friend pushed my legs apart with her foot and flipped my skirt up over my back. I was not wearing any panties and my secret was out. My dripping wet cunt was plain to see. There was no doubt about my state of mind. She put her hand between my legs and thrust a finger into my pussy. It slid into me smoothly. "So I was right," she said, "you are just a slutty little whore, who needs to be put in her place."

How did she know to say those words? I shuddered and Chloe noticed. She came around and sat on the bed in front of me. I stared at the carpet as I couldn't look her in the face. Another slap got my attention. As I looked up in shock, a finger was pushed into my mouth. I could taste my own juices on it, so I knew it was the one she had just pushed into my wet cunt. I sucked hungrily on it, liking the taste of my own juices. I often licked them off my fingers after pleasuring myself, which I'd been doing quite a lot recently.

Seeing my obvious enjoyment of what she was putting me through, Chloe grabbed a handful of my hair with one hand and hitched her dress up to her waist with the other. I noticed that she was not wearing any panties either. She pulled me slowly towards her saying, "Such a wet little whore needs to be put to work. And I know exactly what kind of work you're going to do!"

I had never licked a girl's cunt before. I had seen my friend's pussy many times when we were playing dress-ups or changing clothes but never this close. And it was getting closer. Chloe spread her legs wider and pulled me between them by my hair. I could smell her musk quite strongly. She must have been excited too. She pulled my hair until my mouth was within easy reach of her cunt but she stopped just before my mouth made contact. She was not forcing me to lick her (although that would have been ok with me). I realised that she wanted me to do it of my own volition.

To encourage me Chloe began to talk to me in the dirty, nasty way she knew I liked. I had confessed to her during our many girl talk sessions that being verbally abused turned me on so she was well aware of how to get me going. "Is the little whore thinking how slutty it will be for her to lick her best friend's cunt?" she inquired. There was a lot more of the same. Eventually Chloe told me, "I've always known you wanted to be my little fucktoy and that licking cunt is all you're good for." She kept up a relentless monologue along similar lines. "I'm very happy that a slut like you has finally realised how much you want to have my cunt juice all over your slut face, and how you will later thank me for allowing a whore like you the priviledge."

By now I was in a kind of daze and I'm sure that Chloe's comments were having the desired effect. Somehow it just seemed the most natural thing in the world to stick out my tongue and take a lick at my friend's cunt. After the first lick, I began to lap more strongly. Soon I was in a kind of frenzy, as if my friend's cunt was the source of the sweetest tasting honey and I could not get enough. Chloe's grip gradually loosened in my hair, but I no longer needed to be pulled between her legs. I would have fought to stay there if she had tried to push me away!