Enslaving Chloe Ch. 10

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I recall the first time I prepared another girl for Master.
6.5k words

Part 10 of the 21 part series

Updated 10/23/2022
Created 05/29/2010
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Edited by Rosmarina (whose advice and assistance are much appreciated)

Please do not reproduce this story without permission.

== Chapter 10 ==

Although I was very tired, I did not want to go off to bed immediately. I needed time to unwind a little first. I sat there thinking over all I had discussed on the phone with Master and my mind began to drift back to memories of times when I'd experienced the most deliciously conflicting emotions. My memories of the many times Master had put me through situations which I very much wanted to experience but that were at the same time very challenging were something that always caused me enormous excitement and intense arousal.

Master had taught me that a D/s relationship often includes elements that are the reverse of how a conventional *straight* relationship functions. Of course many things are the same since love, trust and openness are essential in any relationship. But he also liked to impose on me the reverse of what someone might expect between intimate partners in order to constantly remind me that our relationship was different. Master wanted me to always be aware that while in our relationship I felt appreciated and protected I was definitely not equal.

I was frequently spanked, beaten or in other ways made to suffer but these were reminders to me of my place not abuse. Master taught me that such treatment was not intended as punishment, but rather to show that I was loved. If I was humiliated or otherwise *forced* to degrade myself it was done to allow me to express a side of myself that I enjoyed (even if I was often too shy to admit it). If I was made to watch Master while he was served by another girl it was because I enjoyed being a voyeur and I really got off on the emotional masochism this involved. These are just examples of things I learned to accept as part of our relationship but which might seem strange or even abusive to the *average* person.

None of these activities ever upset me or damaged me in any way as Master was very careful to control any situation so that there was no risk of that. Although I certainly found that some of these experiences required a willingness to accept emotions I initially found difficult, I loved that my horizons were constantly being extended. Afterwards Master would always *debrief* me so that if I had any issues I could talk them through with him. But we both knew that the intention was to gradually increase my tolerance for whatever he wished to subject me to, and that in so doing I was gaining a great deal as a woman as well as becoming a better slave. After all, this need for ever-deepening submission was what I'd told him I wanted when I first gave myself to him.

As I reflected, the memory of the first time I'd been *forced* to watch Master with another girl came to mind. I had begun to yearn for such an experience as I felt that being put in such a position would give me a very intense emotional experience and make me more acutely aware of my slavery. It was something we began discussing not long after I came to live with Master, and this was entirely at my own suggestion.

Master allowed me to use a spare computer that he'd set up in a small room next to his office and I was able to go on-line whenever I had time to spare. Although I was strictly forbidden from talking with other men, I was permitted to exchange emails with submissive women in an informal way as long as I kept him informed of what I was doing. I often discussed the conversations I had with him, and if anything especially interesting came up I usually emailed him a copy of the log containing full details of what had been said, so nothing was ever hidden from him.

I know that on-line relationships of even the most innocent kind can cause problems, but Master encouraged me to seek out like minded submissive women to talk with as he was aware that as a slave I did not have the same kind of informal support networks of friends and work colleagues as most *free* women enjoy.

Initially I never had any intention of doing more than sharing my experiences living a D/s lifestyle with women who were in a similar situation to mine, but as there were very few such women on-line I also began talking to submissive women and girls who were still exploring their interest in such a lifestyle. Even at my own early stage of slavery I was far more experienced than many people I had contact with, and naturally they asked me all kinds of questions.

Most of the girls I talked to were very impressed that I was already living a lifestyle they could only dream about and occasionally they asked if Master would be willing to train them. When I queried him about such a possibility he just laughed and said I already took up enough of his time and he was too busy to train anyone else. Of course Master was happy to spend as much time as he could training me, but it was not his idea to include another woman in our relationship at such an early stage. I know Master is not the type to play around as he prefers experiences that are deeper and more long-term. He doesn't have much patience with people who are always on the lookout for a bit of *fun* and he thinks that way of thinking is superficial at best.

When I had to tell one of the girls who'd asked if I could arrange training for her that Master was too busy to do so they were always disappointed. Some practically begged for even the most limited opportunity and gradually the thought formed in my mind of a way in which I could simultaneously help them, give Master some pleasure without taking up a lot of his valuable time, and provide myself with an experience that I was sure I would enjoy and which would also allow me learn a lot about myself.

I've always had voyeuristic tendencies. I *like to watch* and I get really turned on being a bystander when some sexual activity is taking place. When we were younger Chloe would often "play" with her girlfriends and make me serve as her maid. Sometimes they would play at kissing each other, and this often led to more overt sexual behaviour, semi-nudity and sometimes quite depraved scenes...

I was allowed to be there and watch but not permitted any direct involvement. I assume Chloe thought that this was a good way of humiliating me, but in reality I very much enjoying seeing them lift their skirts and masturbate together while I had to continue bringing drinks and act as if I was not seeing anything unusual. I liked being ordered about by them while I was naked except for a frilly cap and a little apron that barely covered my pussy while they were more conventionally dressed even while they indulged in all kinds of depraved activities. I found all this a delicious form of torment.

I'd not had the opportunity to do anything like that since I'd been with Master except on a few occasions when Chloe had visited us. At those times she had not been sexually involved with Master and I was the one who had been made to display myself, so that was different. I began to wonder about setting up something where I could watch Master with a girl I'd chosen for him. Before saying anything to anyone I was in contact with on-line I knew that I needed to talk with Master about what I'd been thinking.

During one of our regular conversations I took the opportunity to ask Master to allow me to invite one of the girls I knew over. I asked to be allowed to prepare her for him so that he could give her a very limited experience of submission that would not involve any time-consuming ongoing commitment by him. Master looked rather skeptical but didn't say anything right away, so I added that after a brief "training session" he could put her into bondage and fuck her while I watched, before sending her on her way.

At this further suggestion Master's eyes lit up and a wicked grin spread across his face. I could see that the pieces had fallen into place in his perverted mind. He saw how he could have some young girl to play with without having to become too involved, and simultaneously he could allow me to delve into a side of myself that he knew existed but had not yet found a way to explore very much. I'm sure it was the latter aspect that intrigued him most. Master was not like a lot of men who are always on the lookout for opportunities, but he was really quite fascinated to see how I would respond if he tested my desire for emotional masochism in such a way.

Master knew that most of the submissive girls I talked to online were in their early 20's and a few were even younger at about 18 or 19. Like any man he was attracted to their beautiful young bodies, but he'd told me many times that from previous experience he didn't want to get too involved with girls so young because mentally they were still very immature and unformed and didn't really know what they wanted. He told me he'd had previous experience with girls that age and they were simply not able to give him the kind of deep commitment he required. I think Master's fingers had been burned before so he was smart enough not to go there again. But if he could have access to beautiful young creatures in a situation where they could have the kind of short-term experiences they seemed to like (which Master called "thrill seeking") without any commitment on his part, and at the same time give me an experience that would allow him to explore a different aspect of my training he was certainly interested.

The fact that I would arrange everything for him and put myself in a situation where I had to watch him and willingly suffer in that way for him was certainly intriguing. Even so I could tell he was still rather doubtful about getting involved in what I was suggesting. It was the opportunity to put his slave through intense emotional experiences where the psychological aspects of slavery could be explored in a way that was simply not possible during the normal Master/slave dynamic that really attracted him.

The more I talked about all this with him the more interested Master became. Eventually he agreed to allow me to proceed as long as every aspect of what happened was scripted by him. I could invite any girl I knew to visit on the understanding that it was strictly a one-off experience and that no ongoing commitment was to be expected. I was to handle all the arrangements so that he would not have to bother with all the preliminary discussions and other details. I knew what he wanted so I could make sure everything that needed to be understood was clarified in advance. I would also "prepare" the girl as I had suggested, so his involvement would only start once she was ready and waiting for him. And I would make sure she clearly understood that absolute obedience was required and that she would simply take the experience for what it was. Master didn't want any complications.

I assured him that all would be done according to his instructions.

The first girl I decided to invite was a pretty young thing in her early 20's named Dianne. She had long black hair and dark eyes and I knew Master was fond of both. I made everything clear to her as Master had ordered, and we discussed at length all the issues involved. I talked everything through with Dianne until I was satisfied that she fully understood the situation; I knew from my own early experiences how important it was for everything to be clarified in advance so there were no false expectations.

I told Dianne that I was only going to be involved at the very start and Master would be in charge once he took control of her. I also suggested to Dianne that it would be best if I "prepared" her when she first arrived and I explained that this meant I would make sure she was naked, collared, and sexually aroused to the point where I was satisfied she was ready for Master. I also made it clear that on this occasion her submission to Master would be mainly sexual and she must be prepared to be used in any way he wished.

Dianne was enthusiastic about absolutely everything!

I think she was so excited about her first real-life experience of submission that she didn't really care exactly what happened. She told me she was especially looking forward to being "prepared" by me and that she had never been with a girl before. Finally all the arrangements were in place and I consulted Master about when would be a convenient time for him.

On the agreed date Dianne arrived as arranged early one evening. When I answered the door I was naked except for my collar. She looked a little surprised but I don't think she was really shocked. Once she was inside I immediately undressed her as we had agreed in advance. I was pleased to see that she'd followed my instructions and worn nothing underneath her dress. Now she was naked I could see that she was even prettier than she looked in the photo she'd sent me. I turned her around and looked at her slim body and saw she had small but perfectly formed breasts and a neat slightly trimmed pussy of black hair. Master would like that! In fact, I liked that... a lot.

She looked at me nervously but I could already see some fire in her dark eyes and I really wanted to stoke the flames. Taking Dianne's hand I led her up the passage to the living area. I'd previously told her we'd be alone for at least the first hour or two but I could tell that she was a little nervous anyway. She told me that submitting to a Master was something she'd been dreaming about for years and this was all very exciting for her!

I could hear the girlish enthusiasm in her voice and she shivered slightly when I took her in my arms and kissed her. It was just a little kiss as I knew she was nervous about being with me. It was a strange experience to have this girl so willing to do whatever I told her to as I'm usually the one on the receiving end of any instructions that are being given out. I was enjoying giving some orders for a change even though I'm sure I don't have a dominant bone in my body. What mattered to me was that I was getting this pretty girl ready for my Master.

I'd been lost in thought for a few seconds when I noticed Dianne was looking at me a little uncertainly so I pulled myself together and got out a collar I'd already put aside for her. It was not a lovely leather collar like mine which was designed to be worn permanently. The collar I held out to Dianne was a cheapie I'd bought from the local pet shop a few days ago. It was bright red and had metal spikes poking out of it. I was rather pleased with how tacky it looked and the way it would stand out against her beautiful olive skin.

I told Dianne that I was going to put a temporary collar on her to symbolise that while she was wearing it she was Master's owned little bitch. Dianne looked at me wide-eyed as I buckled the gaudy thing around her neck. She seemed to be transfixed by the fact that she now wore a man's collar, even if it was the cheapest and nastiest collar I'd ever seen and that it was a slavegirl who had actually put it there.

To break the spell I kissed her again. This time I followed the first soft kiss with a longer more passionate one. I was really starting to feel quite excited myself and without thinking I pushed my tongue into her mouth. Dianne responded enthusiastically. Although she'd told me she'd never been with another girl it seemed she knew a lot about how to kiss a girl and we spent a long time tongue kissing each other. Soon I was also pulling on her nipples and allowing my hands to roam all over her slim young body.

I really liked the way she shuddered when I started to stroke her pussy and gradually I moved on to fingering her cunt and lightly probed her arsehole. The more aroused I became the more intensely I ravaged her body and she responded just as fiercely. Soon we were making love and she was looking up at me as she lay there with her legs spread wide and my fingers thrust up into her as I made her lick my cunt. I could feel spasm after spasm run through her body. I was beginning to understand what Master must have felt the first time he had me naked at his feet...

My head was spinning and I had to make a conscious effort to keep control of what I was doing.

It was much harder to be in control of another person than I'd thought.

We made love to each other for so long that I completely forgot who was teaching who. Dianne was a beautiful, passionate girl and it was very easy to lose track of why she was laying naked in my arms wearing nothing but a cheap red dog collar. It was she who reminded me.

"When will Master be here?" she asked me after some time. I had almost forgotten the reason she had come, but Dianne had somehow remembered that she had a purpose. She was here to be dominated. And I was not doing that at all. I just wanted to feel her soft skin against mine and her sweet kisses on my lips and her tongue in my cunt. Master had allowed me to have her and I'd really enjoyed making love with her, but now I needed to concentrate on the task of getting her ready for him.

I explained to Dianne that Master hadn't given me an exact time when he would be here and that he'd just told me to get her ready to be fucked. "I'm ready," she said and we both laughed.

It suddenly occurred to me that I did need to discuss with her what she was about to experience, so I spent the next hour or so talking with Dianne. Of course we were both still naked and I gave her a few kisses now and then but I did try to concentrate on preparing the little bitch for what would happen when Master finally arrived.

Actually I didn't really know what would happen... not exactly. I was sure Master would expect us to be waiting for him in an appropriate way and to demonstrate our respect. After that I was sure he would tell us what he wanted.

I tried to tell Diane what was involved in submission in general terms. I said that when Master arrived we should both be on our knees at his feet. We would lick his boots to show our submission. We would await his instructions.

Then I realised that this was for Dianne. I should not be using "we" as I would not be involved.

So I apologised and said that Master would take her in hand and I would just watch. She looked puzzled, so I said, "I like to watch."

Dianne smiled. "So do I," she replied.

As it was already getting late I was certain it wouldn't be much longer before Master arrived. Sure enough I soon heard a noise at the door. I could tell that Master was deliberately being noisier than usual so I would know to be ready for him when he came up the hallway into the room where we were.

Quickly I got Dianne in position. The first thing I wanted Master to see when he came into the room was two naked little sluts on their knees with their heads down waiting to greet him. I was sure the sight would make him feel that my suggestion he give Dianne a one-off basic training session was a good idea after all!

I don't know what Dianne was thinking but I was very conscious of both of us kneeling there naked as I listened to Master's footsteps coming up the hallway towards us. After what seemed like a long wait but was probably only a few seconds two boots appeared within my very limited view. We both simultaneously began licking a boot. Just as well there aren't three of us, I thought!

Eventually Master reached down and pulled Dianne off his boot by her hair. He told her to *stay* and came over to me. The next thing I knew I was being slapped and told to be a "good bitch" and my wrists were tied very firmly behind my back. I was rarely tied up as although Master admired Japanese rope bondage he always said it was so time consuming to do properly, and there were better things to do with a naked girl. But obviously bondage had it's uses and I soon felt very aware that I could no longer touch myself. Instead Master placed me in a position where I could see what was going on but was powerless to do anything except kneel there and watch. He instructed me to keep my knees spread, to be still and not to speak.