Enslaving Chloe Ch. 12

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How will Chloe respond to my request?
6.4k words

Part 12 of the 21 part series

Updated 10/23/2022
Created 05/29/2010
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Edited by Rosmarina (whose advice and assistance are much appreciated)

Please do not reproduce this story without permission.

== Chapter 12 ==

When I woke in the morning Chloe still had her arms around me. It seemed that we were both so emotionally and physically drained that we had slept the whole night through without moving around at all and we were still in the same position in which we went to sleep. I didn't want to disturb my friend, so I lay still, enjoying the softness and warmth of her naked body against mine. I tried to remember all the things we had talked about last night. As I thought it over I had more and more confidence that my friend was willing to seriously consider joining me in slavery under my Master's control.

I felt so much love for her.

While I lay there my mind was just drifting and after some time I recalled how it had been for me after I first met Master in person. That first meeting had been a wonderful experience, and by the end of that first few days we'd spent together I knew that I wanted to be with him permanently as soon as that could be arranged.

At subsequent meetings, and in our ongoing correspondence and phone conversations, we discussed every aspect of what we both needed and expected. For example, I've used the word *slave* here but of course I don't mean slave in the sense of someone who is forced to be in a situation where they are brutally exploited against their will. Nothing was done to me against my will. Sir knew very well what I wanted and also what still scared me. He knew all about my desires, fears, fantasies, experiences, disappointments, dreams, fetishes, phobias, and all the rest. It's absolutely essential that a dominant know his submissive deeply and intimately if he's going to make all decisions for her.

I knew Master would only make decisions that were in my own best interests, even if I did not agree. The reason I use the term *slave* is that I had voluntarily given Master the authority to do whatever he wanted to me or with me. We discussed at length if there should be any limits on his authority but I insisted that I wanted there to be none. I had no fear he would misuse his power to hurt me or injure me or otherwise do me any real harm. I was prepared to accept some pain, suffering and discomfort if he wished, but Master knew I was not really a pain slut and that my desires were much more in the direction of servitude, degradation and humiliation. In other words it's very much the psychological stuff that gets me hot, not being beaten or tortured.

In order to submit completely to my Master, as I agreed to do, I had to have total and absolute confidence in him and I do and always will have that. He has earned it, and has never done anything to make me doubt his total commitment to looking after me and training me to be exactly as both he and I desired. I could not accept a life of slavery unless I had a very deep trust in my Owner that was absolutely unshakable. I knew that this was one important issue over which Chloe still struggled.

The many discussions I had with Master concluded with the decision that I would accept a place in his life as defined by our mutual agreement. On that basis my place would be as his slave. And that meant I would belong to him literally, I would accept whatever decisions he made for me regardless, and I would obey him absolutely. I could discuss anything with Master (with his agreement) and I retained my own life to the extent that I was (initially) still able to work, still meet my friends for coffee, still read what I wished, and in many other ways my life was not that different to anyone else. The main difference was that I always considered myself to be under my Master's control. I could do things I knew he was happy for me to do without prior arrangement, but at any time and for any reason he could instruct me to do otherwise and I would accept that he had the right to do so.

The things I was allowed to do without discussion were mostly very mundane things like going to work, having some time to myself to read, access the internet or telephone, and so on. But all of these activities were conducted within a set routine. For example, in the early days, when I was still working, Master knew when I had to leave for work and he knew when I was expected home. When I walked in the door after work each day at the same time I knew I was to strip naked immediately and to crawl to his feet and report to him. I was not allowed to vary this routine without permission.

If I wanted to do anything out of my usual routine I had to ask him in advance. Also no matter what I was doing I would always put Master's needs and desires first. If I was reading or spending time on anything else for my own pleasure and Master wanted my attention I would immediately drop what I was doing and attend to him. If I wanted to meet a friend for coffee after work I had to arrange that before hand with Master, and if he told me that he wanted me to come straight home instead my plans just had to be changed. I enjoyed having a routine and I never felt that what he asked of me was unreasonable, so if my plans had to be changed to accommodate him I knew where my priorities lay. I was owned and I did as I was told.

I could talk to Master about my feelings and desires at the appropriate time as we had a routine time each day when I could do so, but if after I'd talked to him and he did not agree I would obey him regardless. Ultimately he had the final say regardless of whether I was happy with his decision or not. I was to act according to his instructions without question once he had made a final decision.

I trusted that his decision was best even if I could not understand why at the time. At first I did sometimes wonder why Master would not agree to some request or other and occasionally I felt it was unfair of him not to do so, but I always came to see that he had a reason for his decision and usually it was for the best. So after awhile I learned to accept that Master's decisions were as good as and often better than my own, and I was happy and secure in my servitude. This was exactly the kind of life I had always wanted as long as I could remember. I had not forgotten how hard a struggle I'd had to find someone with the integrity, intelligence and determination to take control of me. I never ever took Master's presence in my life for granted as so often happens in *normal* relationships.

When I say that I had always dreamed of a life of slavery that might sound strange to you, but for as long as I can remember I had always yearned to be under the control of a strong but safe pair of hands even as a little girl. I did not know the term slavery when I was too young to understand such things, but I know had fantasies about being restrained, dominated and controlled by someone who had absolute power over me. I think that the word slavery captures the essence of what was in my dreams once the element of forced exploitation is removed. It also had nothing to do with sex as when I first began to have these thoughts I didn't really understand what sex was at all.

My dreams of being controlled and having to serve some powerful figure have always seemed to be an integral part of my personality, but I can't really say where such ideas came from. I was certainly too young when I first had such thoughts to have been influenced by books or movies or any other outside source. At that age my only reading was picture books and I don't think I'd ever seen a movie where the heroine was tied up or anything like that. I really doubt that I would have understood such images or concepts even if I had. My dreams of submission (as I much later found out it was called) were something that has always been within me.

It took me many years before I could begin to really come to terms with my desires or even partly understood how they might become a reality. I think it's just an innate part of who I am.

My friend Chloe told me that she too had always had such desires. Like most teenage girls we used to spend hours talking about our dreams and fantasies. The big difference for us was that unlike most girls our age who dreamed of meeting a handsome doctor who would sweep them off their feet, Chloe and I always wanted to be under the control of a powerful man who would treat us in just the way we needed. The harsher and more extreme the control that was imposed on us the more exciting we found the idea to be, so it was not something that was done to us entirely against our will. We actually yearned to find ourselves in such a situation and would get aroused at the very idea.

We were acutely aware that our dreams were not conventional ones like those other girls we knew had in their heads, and this was a major factor in us becoming best friends and why we were so close. No one else we knew would have understood the desires we already realised were generally regarded as bizarre at the very least and as depraved at worst. So I had long known that my friend and I shared dreams and desires that we could only fully discuss with each other.

Once I'd found that person I had always dreamed of in the form of my Master, it was not the way these things are presented in BDSM novels (like "Story of O" and such) where my life was one long period of sexual abuse. I was not put in a dungeon and made to serve an unending succession of men I did not even know. It was nothing like that. Well, maybe there were occasional times which were a little like that! But Master didn't have a dungeon or a remote and forbidding chateau. My dreams were never full of such romantic nonsense anyway. I was quite realistic in how I thought I wanted to live even if some of the details were rather unconventional to say the least.

Overall I would say that currently my life is not that strange if you ignore the obvious signs of my slavery. There are always the unavoidable routine tasks which have to be done in any household such as shopping, cooking, cleaning and so on... but even these very ordinary tasks were for me infused with an erotic tinge. For example, at home I was not usually permitted to wear any clothing. Just a slave collar. So even cleaning the house was a more interesting experience as a consequence. When outside the house I dressed fairly normally except I was not allowed to wear underwear (except panties when I had my period). I didn't usually wear a collar in public either but I had a range of other collars that were not recognisable as such to most people. I always wore something around my neck but so do many women whether it's a silk choker, or a necklace or some other kind of jewellery. As long as I wore something to remind me of my status as Master's possession it did not matter to him exactly what it was or if it was recognisable as a collar to others.

By the time I finally was able to live permanently with Master I had been given permission to address him that way instead of the term Sir I had used at first. I did so even when others were present as it was important to me as a symbol of the special nature of our relationship. Similarly, I remained naked at home even in the presence of others unless instructed by Master to wear something. We rarely had visits from people who did not understand my position, so this was not generally an issue.

The major development for me during the several years I have been with Master has been the gradual deepening and strengthening of my servitude. At first it was all new to me and there were still a lot of things I found difficult or scary. One reason I was kept naked most of the time while at home was to reinforce my awareness of my position and to develop an acceptance of my place. I was quite comfortable naked around Master, but at first if someone else visited I would want to run away to another part of the house and hide.

When I acted like that Master's response was to make me expose myself even more. I would have to kneel naked by his chair while he was talking with one of his associates. Sometimes at a dinner party I would have to eat out of a bowl at his feet, while Master and his guests ate their meal at the table above me. I actually quite liked this because occasionally Master hand fed me a choice morsel from his plate and allowed me to lick his fingers clean. I don't think there is a more erotic way to eat.

Apart from my collar I was naked at any such gatherings. I might also end up as the after dinner entertainment. Many times I had to lay on my back and masturbate to multiple orgasms for the amusement of Master's guests. They would try to predict how long it would take me to cum. When they left at the end of the evening I would be at my Master's feet while he stood at the door seeing them out. Some people would bend down and pat me on the head as if I was just a pet.

Such were the routines of my slave existence.

Mostly I was kept to provide pleasure, care and amusement for my Master. We had many rituals for specific situations or certain times of the day. For example, when Master announced it was time for sleep I would kneel by the side of his bed. I waited, kneeling, until Master gave me permission to join him in bed. Of course I was always available for his sexual use at any time. I woke him each morning by licking his cock to erection and then sucking him until he ejaculated in my mouth. I always swallowed unless instructed otherwise. "Thank you, Master, for owning me," were aways my first words of the day.

I found my slave life to be very happy and contented, but gradually I wanted more. It was not that I lacked for anything, or felt my dreams had not been realised. I was actually over the moon that I was so fortunate to have Master to control me and protect me. Still, I didn't want my life to become too routine and predictable. Even though Master often made unexpected announcements and decisions which took me by surprise, I was more or less aware of what to expect. Most people would think of my life as exotic but there is a certain predictability in any situation after some time -- even in the life of a slave.

After I had been in Master's service for several years I began talking with him about how I might deepen and intensify my slavery. I asked him if there were any ways I could demonstrate my commitment to being his to an even greater degree than was already the case. He understood my feelings so it was always a very positive discussion. Master told me that he was very happy with the way I had so far conducted myself as his slave and that he did not want to push me further than I was ready to go. There were, however, some things he wanted that I had so far been unable to do for him.

I was already pierced (both nipples and my clit hood) and I had two small tattoos (very tasteful and much loved by me). One read "Property of XXX" [with Master's initials] and the other said "Slave Cunt". They were placed so they were not visible if I wore clothing. But Master and I had been discussing whether I should also carry his brand. It was not only my reluctance (due to the extreme pain I would necessarily have to suffer) but Master was also concerned about the health issues involved. He did not want to permanently damage his property.

Another issue that I had been thinking about a lot was whoring myself.

No, I don't mean that I was considering becoming a prostitute. That career path had no attraction for me whatsoever.

It was an idea that had been in my mind since I was a teenager. Chloe and I had talked about it at length at various times and ever since I could remember it had always been one of my strongest fantasies to be *forced* to whore myself. I even told Master about this fantasy very soon after we first met on-line, and we had discussed it (and all my many other fantasies) on and off over the years.

But recently I had been thinking about whoring myself more and more. It's important that in my fantasy whoring myself is not a choice that I have made. The power of the fantasy is very much to do with being *made* to do so against my will. It's a powerful fantasy for me, but in reality I am scared of being made to experience what I so much want. It may seem that I'm just a confused and contradictory little slut, but it's really much deeper than that.

I already *service* Master's friends and acquaintances whenever he requires me to, and I don't have any problem with that. In fact I'm proud to serve him obediently in this as in any other way he wishes. I will do as he orders without hesitation and that is what as a slave I am for. Usually when I serve someone sexually at Master's command I have no prior warning of what is going to happen. It's a pleasure for me to do whatever he demands of me and I pride myself on showing the other person involved what a submissive slave girl I am for my Owner. Often I have to avoid looking too pleased about what I have just been told to do so the recipient can really enjoy seeing a slave girl obey her Master on command even when it involves sucking his cock or whatever. I want the pleasure to be all theirs (or at least for it to appear to be that way).

But being *made* to whore myself is something different. In my mind I am aware in advance of what will happen and I have to prepare myself for it. I am present but not involved when the price for my services is being discussed and there is a lot of talk about what I will be required to do. I am not allowed to have any say in all this, and it excites me that I am just a commodity which is being sold and once an agreement has been reached I will be handed over and obliged to do whatever Master has been paid for without any consultation with me. I do not wish to be given any opportunity to discuss what I will or won't do as I very much want to experience a deep sense of humiliation as I am pimped by my beloved Master.

Of course I would gladly do anything he asked of me no matter how disgusting, but what excites me most is that I am not going to be serving him or even serving a friend of his (which makes me proud). Instead I am being sold to a stranger. I am just a cunt, and I can be bought and sold. All my holes are for sale, and I have no say in what way I am to prostitute myself. It is arranged in such a way that I am made to feel that my preferences just don't matter. I will be given to the purchaser and used, and it has nothing to do with what I want or even what I think my Master wants. If the price is right I am available and Master will make an agreement for my services after which I will do as I am told.

There's a lot more to my fantasy of course... There are endless variations. But one constant is that in my mind I am always naked and chained. I kneel at Master's feet while he discusses my sale with a stranger. The stranger wants to use me in ways that go beyond pure sex. I am required to humiliate myself in various ways as well as offer my body. Master objects knowing I will find such a thing difficult, but the stranger offers a higher price and a deal is made. Money changes hands and I crawl behind the stranger to the room where I will be used... I feel very scared -- and so aroused!

I have always wanted my fantasy to become a reality, and at the same time I have always been quite terrified that one day Master will decide to fulfill this particular desire for me. Naturally I will do it for him if he requires it. There is no question about that at all. Master knows I want him to do this to me, and I am sure that eventually it will happen.

One of the strongest attractions of this fantasy is that it symbolises a time when I will have to conquer my fears about doing something I want very much to experience but which I would almost certainly deny myself unless ordered to do so by my Master. Even as a slave with no rights I know that Master will protect me and see that I come to no harm, physically or psychologically. This is because no matter what happens Master is always in control, and while he certainly wants and intends to push me ever deeper into my submission, he would never push me so hard that I felt traumatised or abused. In this instance it is not entirely in his hands as I am being sold to another... so I want that and I fear that at the same time.